IVF/IUI - Winter 2012 & Beyond! (updates 1st page - 25 BFPs, 7 - twins!)

Angel... um. My hubby would never be able to do it twice in such a short amount of time! I haven't read anyone talk about having OH do it twice on BnB, so if anyone has it's not common. I would think it wouldn't be necessary. :shrug:

Emeraldy... I don't know anything about Ovarian Drilling. I have heard that weightloss has a positive affect on PCOS, but I thought PCOS made it difficult. IUI works for some people, but the success rates aren't as high as they are for something like IVF. Sorry I don't know much in order to help.
I have a stupid question and I've searched and searched and I just dont know if I'm wording it right! Lol!

So maybe y'all can tell me!

When DH gets ready to ejaculate in the cup, can he do it twice to have a bigger specimen? He asked this and I really don't know! I think it maybe time consuming because I have to get it there in 1 hour but he thought he might be able to do it twice, quickly! What do y'all think? I can ask at my doctors appt Tuesday but I'm little worried I may surge before then and notbe able to ask.
I doubt my DH could manage that either. I suspect it wouldn't be a very high count so quickly after the first time too. For it to work he would probably need to do it immediately after for them to process it together and not charge you for two IUIs.


Im Amalina here. I am married for three years and been trying to have a baby. I was advised to seek two options IUI and also OD. I was wondering if anyone can advise if you have gone through ovarian drilling before and how long will it take to get pregnant.

Currently i have ceased eating Povera + Clomid (50mg /100mg / 150mg). My body doesnt seem to have any respond to this medication. I also have smaller egg size. According to the OBGyne, I can also seek IUI but there are risks. May i know if anyone have gone through IUI and how does it work?

Im afraid of the side effects and im feeling very depressed. Is it true that by loosing alot of weight, it can reduce the effects of PCOS? Please help me.
Hi Amalina :wave:

Weight loss is definitely supposed to help with PCOS. I have heard of ovarian drilling but I think it is less widely used since the scarring from the drilling can cause damage and it doesn't always work. I have PCOS and didn't respond to clomid but did to a combination of clomid and femera. I also respond to injectible medications. I would try those first with IUI before going to the drilling.

Have you gone to a fertility specialist (RE) yet? If you are only seeing an OB/G I think you should definitely find an RE soon. They will have lots more knowledge about what your options are and there are lots of medications out there they can try that your OB/G may not be familiar with.

Why does the OB/G think there are risks with IUI? The procedure is no big deal, the main risk is multiples which they can control if you are monitored properly. I would think the surgery would be a greater risk since you are put under.
Sambatiki- Did au naturelle work? :happydance: Did you test or did AF show up? :witch:

SquirrelGirl- Sorry to hear about your burn/itch reaction from Lupron. :awww: I still do the injection on my thighs, let me know how it went on your stomach

Mrs.Bear- What does PIO stand for? :shrug:

Springy- So sorry to hear about AF,:hugs: "Oh - I did find out last night that we don't use the progesterone injections, it's vaginal suppositories and a vaginal cream! Phew!! And the trigger is just like the regula belly shots!"
Does that mean you do not take the lupron injections? That is amazing!

Pink Gerbera- Tell the lady that she was very rude and should not speak that way. :gun: I can’t believe she told you to “RELAX”. She out of all the people should be more understanding

LivForHim- Congratulations!!!!!!!!! :crib:

AngelBaby- I agree with Mrs. Bear with the low quantity on the second semen ejaculation. I think just one deposit would be good :thumbup:

Emeraldy- I do not know much about Ovarian Drilling, and with IUI it might be a better option, unless you go straight to IVF. It all depends on your timeline and financial situation. I think getting in shape is great, as long as you don’t stress yourself out over your weight, just do exercise gradually. :hugs:
Arimas, it's going fine. I seem to get a slightly different reaction every day. I switch every day where I do it. Right thigh, left thigh, right side of stomach, left side of stomach and repeat. The reactions to it haven't been all that bad, just different than what I've ever been used to.

PIO = Progesterone in Oil. It's an intramuscular injection taken after ovulation to help support a pregnancy (usually after IVF).
Arimas, it's going fine. I seem to get a slightly different reaction every day. I switch every day where I do it. Right thigh, left thigh, right side of stomach, left side of stomach and repeat. The reactions to it haven't been all that bad, just different than what I've ever been used to.

PIO = Progesterone in Oil. It's an intramuscular injection taken after ovulation to help support a pregnancy (usually after IVF).

Glad to hear you are doing well :hugs:

Oh i see, yes that needle looks horrible, I am dreading that one but i have heard its not that bad.

AF started so i have to call the clinic tomorrow morning and see if that changes anything, when I asked last week she said they expect me to start this week, so lets see what that changes in the dates of ER and ET.

Take care
Hey Girls! I'm Melissa. I will be starting IVF with ICSI in the New Year.
I am 27, DH is 28. have been TTC one year now and found out we have male factor infertility. I had been taking clomid so right now I am getting that out of my system and will start the wonderful DR for IVF after my january AF so looking at an early Marchish retrieval and transfer. I have started a blog and will add the link after I post a little more (won't let me now) and I am so glad to find some people to share this journey with.

Melissa :)
PIO = Progesterone in Oil. It's an intramuscular injection taken after ovulation to help support a pregnancy (usually after IVF).

Oh i see, yes that needle looks horrible, I am dreading that one but i have heard its not that bad.

AF started so i have to call the clinic tomorrow morning and see if that changes anything, when I asked last week she said they expect me to start this week, so lets see what that changes in the dates of ER and ET.

I suspect they will move you up a couple days since they want to start stims before your body starts going on its own. I think that would make you our first official IVF stimmer wouldn't it, since S-G is still on Lupron? Either way it is exciting :happydance:

I am dreading the needles for the PIO too. I had a similar needle for my trigger shots with IUIs and I think I was too hesitant and ended up making it more painful than it needed to be to do the shot. Hoping to make DH do those :winkwink: Worst part for me was the soreness after when I did the trigger so I suspect I will just get used to being sore all the time :wacko:
Hi Berki!

Arimas, I'm expecting AF in the next couple days too. Just took out my Nuvaring this morning. Have my baseline ultrasound scheduled for Wednesday. Hoping I'll start stimming that night, though I have no idea what cycle day they usually start it on...

Will you have a baseline ultrasound or have they already done a scan to ensure you don't have cysts?
Hey Girls! I'm Melissa. I will be starting IVF with ICSI in the New Year.
I am 27, DH is 28. have been TTC one year now and found out we have male factor infertility. I had been taking clomid so right now I am getting that out of my system and will start the wonderful DR for IVF after my january AF so looking at an early Marchish retrieval and transfer. I have started a blog and will add the link after I post a little more (won't let me now) and I am so glad to find some people to share this journey with.

Melissa :)

Welcome Melissa :hi:

Do you already know your protocol? Some people aren't on the long DR protocol so you could end up with ER and ET in Feb depending on what your REs plan is. Glad you got DH checked early rather than trying a few more years. I know a lot of couples in their 20s hesitate to get checked and it is such a waste of time. FX for 2012 :dust:
Do you already know your protocol? Some people aren't on the long DR protocol so you could end up with ER and ET in Feb depending on what your REs plan is. Glad you got DH checked early rather than trying a few more years. I know a lot of couples in their 20s hesitate to get checked and it is such a waste of time. FX for 2012 :dust:[/QUOTE]

Hi again!
I didn't even know their was a difference it wasn't discussed at my info night or my appt with my doc. All I know is that on day 21 I will start taking a nasal spray and then 15 days after that I will start my injections.

A year was long enough for me and my gut told me something was up. MY BIL and SIL had the same problem and were successful on their first IVF with ICSI and just had a little boy last week!
Hi again!
I didn't even know their was a difference it wasn't discussed at my info night or my appt with my doc. All I know is that on day 21 I will start taking a nasal spray and then 15 days after that I will start my injections.

A year was long enough for me and my gut told me something was up. MY BIL and SIL had the same problem and were successful on their first IVF with ICSI and just had a little boy last week!

Sounds like long protocol then. Glad you went with your gut and got checked out then :thumbup: Hoping we can all be first time lucky like your BIL/SIL :dust:
Springy- So sorry to hear about AF,:hugs: "Oh - I did find out last night that we don't use the progesterone injections, it's vaginal suppositories and a vaginal cream! Phew!! And the trigger is just like the regula belly shots!"
Does that mean you do not take the lupron injections? That is amazing

Thanks Arimas - it was a REALLY hard weekend. As much as I was prepared for the BFN and moving to IVF the reality really set in over the weekend and I spent quite a bit of it in tears. All the regular emotions of "why me?, why us?, what did we do to deserve this?" And I am pretty sure that one of my friends is now pregnant and she only got married 3 months ago .... so needless to say that wasn't easy to swallow!!! Must be nice for some people to have NO trouble at all. While I wouldn't wish this journey on anyone sometimes I think everyone should have to go through a little bit of work to get pregnant to have just a small glimpse of what we are all going through. That's my little rant for this Monday morning!!!

Arimas, it's going fine. I seem to get a slightly different reaction every day. I switch every day where I do it. Right thigh, left thigh, right side of stomach, left side of stomach and repeat. The reactions to it haven't been all that bad, just different than what I've ever been used to.

PIO = Progesterone in Oil. It's an intramuscular injection taken after ovulation to help support a pregnancy (usually after IVF).

Squirrel - how are you find the lupron? Any major side effects?? HOPING that you get to start your stimming this week!!!!!

Hey Girls! I'm Melissa. I will be starting IVF with ICSI in the New Year.
I am 27, DH is 28. have been TTC one year now and found out we have male factor infertility. I had been taking clomid so right now I am getting that out of my system and will start the wonderful DR for IVF after my january AF so looking at an early Marchish retrieval and transfer. I have started a blog and will add the link after I post a little more (won't let me now) and I am so glad to find some people to share this journey with.

Melissa :)

Hi Melissa - welcome :hi:

I will be doing IVF in the new year too - I'm hoping for a February retrival and transfer so we will be right around one another.

I see you're in Canada, I'm in Toronto, whereabouts are you located?
They called me yesterday and decided they wanted me to come in today due to the follicle 20 on Saturday. Today it's 24 on left and 18 on the right so I will trigger today.
Hi everyone.:hi:
Thanx springy for introducing me to this thread..

AFM: I think will have our IVF on feb..Got my forms in post on friday..As my insurance is not coving IVF so we have decided for sharing my eggs..On fri Got the call frm FS tht they found one donor for us:happydance:..Will have meeting will FS in dec..Then will come to know whn my IVF ll b,which med they ll put me in..Our doc is suggesting ICSI for us..

ME: all test fine
DH: Low sperm count
Went through 2 failed iui.TTC from 2 years..
Hello ladies. I have been on and off B&B. It feels like we are just in a holding pattern. Tomorrow I go in for 'infectious disease testing' whatever that is. Now it feels like we are actuallly getting started. My cycle started this week so we are now just waiting for the next one to start to hop on BCP. Coming soon!!! :)
They called me yesterday and decided they wanted me to come in today due to the follicle 20 on Saturday. Today it's 24 on left and 18 on the right so I will trigger today.
Good luck Angel baby :dust:
Hi everyone.:hi:
Thanx springy for introducing me to this thread..

AFM: I think will have our IVF on feb..Got my forms in post on friday..As my insurance is not coving IVF so we have decided for sharing my eggs..On fri Got the call frm FS tht they found one donor for us:happydance:..Will have meeting will FS in dec..Then will come to know whn my IVF ll b,which med they ll put me in..Our doc is suggesting ICSI for us..
Welcome twinkle - great news that you were able to find your donor so quickly :thumbup: Hope ICSI does the trick for you :dust:

Hello ladies. I have been on and off B&B. It feels like we are just in a holding pattern. Tomorrow I go in for 'infectious disease testing' whatever that is. Now it feels like we are actuallly getting started. My cycle started this week so we are now just waiting for the next one to start to hop on BCP. Coming soon!!! :)

Infectious disease testing is where they test for STDs, Hepatitis, etc - it is standard procedure. You are getting close now!
Thanks Arimas - it was a REALLY hard weekend. As much as I was prepared for the BFN and moving to IVF the reality really set in over the weekend and I spent quite a bit of it in tears. All the regular emotions of "why me?, why us?, what did we do to deserve this?" And I am pretty sure that one of my friends is now pregnant and she only got married 3 months ago .... so needless to say that wasn't easy to swallow!!! Must be nice for some people to have NO trouble at all. While I wouldn't wish this journey on anyone sometimes I think everyone should have to go through a little bit of work to get pregnant to have just a small glimpse of what we are all going through. That's my little rant for this Monday morning!!!

Sorry you had such a hard weekend :hugs: It is so frustrating seeing others get their BFPs so easily - definitely not fair. :nope:

Not much longer til your consult though :xmas12:
Thanks for all the welcomes ladies :flower:.

Well, we had the follow up this morning, and I cried even though I promised myself that I wouldn't :cry:. It's like just when I think I'm alright discussing it, I'm not. My re discussed the issues in the cycle- egg quality, response, etcetera. For the next cycle we will be more aggressive with the Gonal F, and I'm also going to be on synarel to down regulate (did short protocol this time). In the meantime I'll be continuing with metformin to hopefully boost my egg quality, and help prevent OHSS. And, we've also added coq10 to the mix. She wants to cycle me again in January, but I think I may even wait until February according to how I feel.

I hope everyone is doing well, I have to go back and catch up again :blush:. You all move fast!

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