IVF/IUI - Winter 2012 & Beyond! (updates 1st page - 25 BFPs, 7 - twins!)

I was supposed to start IVF (1st cycle ever) this week. However, my doctors office said I had to start my period by today inorder to do IVF in December. NO period yet! I have been cramping on and off for over a week now! This one time it just couldn't come when I wanted it to, could it? Anyways, I feel like I am going to start in the next day or two. I emailed my doctor begging to extend it by a day. If I don't start by 4pm tomorrow I'll accept it and wait until the Jan. to start IVF. But if it did come today or tomorrow, then we would start IVF now! I haven't gotten a response yet! I really wish it would just come now and we coulds start my meds. tomorrow or Wed.! It's very annoying for my body to not cooperate! We have been TTC for 4 years now! I'm so ready to be pregnant!

Thanks for letting me vent! Good luck to you all!

I'm still new to ivf-why will they make you wait a full month if af doesn't come very shortly? This is freaking me out as I'm hoping for a Dec start w. the insemination in very early Jan but af is not cooperating.

STILL waiting for af. 4 dys late and no signs of anything-merci beaucoup, Mr. Clomid. ;) Just because I'm chomping at the bit and trying to plan for "what ifs," I bought plane tickets for our ER and insemination trip. We're still planning on driving but I just wanted to have a Plan B in case the weather's terrible or the RE says it's ok to fly 48hrs after.
constance - hope your timing doesn't get screwed up

arimas - yay for starting stims :yipee: DH said I wasn't crazy hormonal on the injectibles but I do remember being tired like you are. Hope the hormonal rage stays away.

Thanks Mrs Bear :flower:

I went for an ultrasound and blood work in the morning and the nurse just called back and said to increase my dosage of follistim from 225 units to 450 units! I had to call the pharmacy and get a refill since each cartridge is 900 units. On wednesday she will check and let me know if any other changes happen. I hope you are doing well, congrats on getting a schedule!!! It is so exciting when you have dates infront of you. Take care

I do remember being more emotional than normal but if you recognize it then hopefully you can stop either an angry flash or bursting into tears! I also had headaches while on Gonal F but that was it.

Awesome!! Well then maybe we can become Canadian Bump Buddies!! Yay :) I have actually been feeling very positive about it all lately too!!! I hope this lasts haha!!

HOPEFULLY!!!!! Do you know what protocol you're doing?
Follistim is treating me just fine. I don't ever remember side effects from it in my previous cycles other than the ovary soreness. I'd have to look back in my journal to see if there was anything else I complained about. I am on 150 in the mornings and 100 at night. I just started it yesterday, so we'll see how it goes after a few more injections. My ultrasound is on Friday.

I still have a bit of a headache, but I think that's still from the evil Lupron. I'm on 10 units of that in the morning. I do not like Lupron. :nope:

I am getting several bruises, though. I've never really gotten any before. But now I have one on my thigh and three on my stomach. Not exactly pretty! :dohh:

I applaud you for doing two shots in the ab daily, i can barely get through one and DH does mine for me. Yes, evil Lupron can make those headaches awful. The follistim does not make me remember anything at all, I think I have had the same response here three times! :wacko:

I hope we all get our BFP and do not have to go through anymore injections/pills/ultrasound/blood work ( unless we get a BFP :happydance: )

Take care ladies :hugs:
Hello Ladies,

I was reading things about Follistim when I read a review by someone who mentioned the SART website. It is the Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology. This site provides statistics about the clinic you chose.

Here is the link...


Try it out and see what it says about the clinic you are at.
HOPEFULLY!!!!! Do you know what protocol you're doing?

I'll be doing the long protocol... starting suprafect nasal spray on CD 21 of my January cycle (AF due around Jan 14th)

What about you??!
I was supposed to start IVF (1st cycle ever) this week. However, my doctors office said I had to start my period by today inorder to do IVF in December. NO period yet! I have been cramping on and off for over a week now! This one time it just couldn't come when I wanted it to, could it? Anyways, I feel like I am going to start in the next day or two. I emailed my doctor begging to extend it by a day. If I don't start by 4pm tomorrow I'll accept it and wait until the Jan. to start IVF. But if it did come today or tomorrow, then we would start IVF now! I haven't gotten a response yet! I really wish it would just come now and we coulds start my meds. tomorrow or Wed.! It's very annoying for my body to not cooperate! We have been TTC for 4 years now! I'm so ready to be pregnant!

Thanks for letting me vent! Good luck to you all!

I'm still new to ivf-why will they make you wait a full month if af doesn't come very shortly? This is freaking me out as I'm hoping for a Dec start w. the insemination in very early Jan but af is not cooperating.

STILL waiting for af. 4 dys late and no signs of anything-merci beaucoup, Mr. Clomid. ;) Just because I'm chomping at the bit and trying to plan for "what ifs," I bought plane tickets for our ER and insemination trip. We're still planning on driving but I just wanted to have a Plan B in case the weather's terrible or the RE says it's ok to fly 48hrs after.

Probably because of the holidays. I saw a sign at my clinic the other day saying if meds hadn't started by a certain day, then all patients were being put on BCP's until January. It's just so the doctor and everyone else can have a break for the holidays.
HOPEFULLY!!!!! Do you know what protocol you're doing?

I'll be doing the long protocol... starting suprafect nasal spray on CD 21 of my January cycle (AF due around Jan 14th)

What about you??!

Exactly the same - suprefact on day 21, not sure if it will be the nasal spray or the injection, if I have my choice I'm asking for the nasal spray!!!! and then Gonal F & Luveris for stimming.

Found a great website last night where you can plug in your menstrual cycle dates and it gives you approximate dates for your treatment cycle using a long protocol! https://ivf.ca/calcu2.htm

After playing on it for awhile my hubby and I figured out when we could / couldn't start based on my current cycle. I think this is the first time in my life I have ever wanted :witch: to show up late without thinking I am pregnant!!! If she shows up late this month we can actually go ahead and do the IVF in January as my retrieval would be when my Doctor is back from vacation.

If we can't start in December then we will start the process with my January cycle and pray that my retrieval and transfer are not on the 9th or 10th of March! We figure as long as the retrieval is the 8th or the 11th then we are good to go to the wedding!!!
Follistim is treating me just fine. I don't ever remember side effects from it in my previous cycles other than the ovary soreness. I'd have to look back in my journal to see if there was anything else I complained about. I am on 150 in the mornings and 100 at night. I just started it yesterday, so we'll see how it goes after a few more injections. My ultrasound is on Friday.

I still have a bit of a headache, but I think that's still from the evil Lupron. I'm on 10 units of that in the morning. I do not like Lupron. :nope:

I am getting several bruises, though. I've never really gotten any before. But now I have one on my thigh and three on my stomach. Not exactly pretty! :dohh:

When is your scan to check follicles? I'm getting excited for you and your Christmas BFP that I feeling is coming!!!!! :xmas3:
I was supposed to start IVF (1st cycle ever) this week. However, my doctors office said I had to start my period by today inorder to do IVF in December. NO period yet! I have been cramping on and off for over a week now! This one time it just couldn't come when I wanted it to, could it? Anyways, I feel like I am going to start in the next day or two. I emailed my doctor begging to extend it by a day. If I don't start by 4pm tomorrow I'll accept it and wait until the Jan. to start IVF. But if it did come today or tomorrow, then we would start IVF now! I haven't gotten a response yet! I really wish it would just come now and we coulds start my meds. tomorrow or Wed.! It's very annoying for my body to not cooperate! We have been TTC for 4 years now! I'm so ready to be pregnant!

Thanks for letting me vent! Good luck to you all!

I'm still new to ivf-why will they make you wait a full month if af doesn't come very shortly? This is freaking me out as I'm hoping for a Dec start w. the insemination in very early Jan but af is not cooperating.

STILL waiting for af. 4 dys late and no signs of anything-merci beaucoup, Mr. Clomid. ;) Just because I'm chomping at the bit and trying to plan for "what ifs," I bought plane tickets for our ER and insemination trip. We're still planning on driving but I just wanted to have a Plan B in case the weather's terrible or the RE says it's ok to fly 48hrs after.

Probably because of the holidays. I saw a sign at my clinic the other day saying if meds hadn't started by a certain day, then all patients were being put on BCP's until January. It's just so the doctor and everyone else can have a break for the holidays.

My clinic is the same way - they essentially shut down before Xmas until the new year. I think it is pretty common so don't stress about why they won't start you till later.
Hope you got plenty of rest! :sleep:
How is Follistim treating you? I had to take 225 units at night for 3 days, and today they bumped it up to 450 units each night! On Wednesday I will know if any other changes are to be made. And Lupron just 5 units each night.

Let us know how your ultrasound and blood work go!

Take care

Hi Arimas! How are you feeling today?? How did the 450IU go last night???
Springy- I know the feeling DH has a work trip scheduled for a week in FEB (hopefully mid) but I am hoping it isn't the end... he may miss the injections (lucky him) haha..That website is awesome thanks for sharing!!!
:hi: Hi everyone! I've been reading this thread keeping up with everyone, but I don't have much to contribute since much of it is IVF related, and I don't know a whole lot about it.

I went to my doctor for my baseline scan and E2 draw and got the go ahead to start stimming tonight for IUI. :thumbup: Glad to be off BCP and getting the ball rolling. I'll be using 150 iu of Follistim tonight, tomorrow night, and Thursday night, and my next u/s is Friday! :flower:
When is your scan to check follicles? I'm getting excited for you and your Christmas BFP that I feeling is coming!!!!! :xmas3:

Friday!!!! I can't wait to see how it's going. I'm not really feeling anything from the Follistim, so of course I'll feel reassured if there's a bunch of follies growing in there that I just can't feel yet.

I'm amused that I'll sit here wishing I had symptoms, but then once I have them, I'll complain about it!
wanting -- I'm sorry if you feel a bit left out! But if you have any questions at all, just let us know!

Honestly, IVF doesn't seem all that different from IUI. For me, I'm just taking one additional drug (Lupron) to suppress the estrogen. Then for the trigger I'll take both Ovidrel AND HCG.

Then of course rather than doing IUI on the day you ovulate, they do a surgery to retrieve the eggs and a few days later put a couple fertilized eggs back in. Then it's time to wait. :wacko:
I went to my doctor for my baseline scan and E2 draw and got the go ahead to start stimming tonight for IUI. :thumbup: Glad to be off BCP and getting the ball rolling. I'll be using 150 iu of Follistim tonight, tomorrow night, and Thursday night, and my next u/s is Friday! :flower:

Yay for starting stims! It should start going really quickly now. FX for some good follies going by friday :dust:
Thanks girls!

SquirrelGirl- Oh no, I don't feel left out! I just feel like I don't have any advice or anything for the IVF ladies. :hugs:
I knew something was off! I hadn't been seeing this post. I have a tendency to accidently unsubscribe to a thread because of my phone and my careless fingers! lol! :dohh: Hope everyone is well! I am 7dpiui-8dpt and I've been testing my trigger out! I know :wacko:! I think it is definately almost out of my system or less than 20 because I've been testing with 20 hcg test from the dollar store. But take a look! I hope that lines comes back stronger!

I'm behind in reading this thread but I want to thank everyone for your replies re: holiday closures. I just spoke with my clinic and they will be open over the holidays. I'm so thankful bc I teach so I can only get away Dec & summers for ivf.
I knew something was off! I hadn't been seeing this post. I have a tendency to accidently unsubscribe to a thread because of my phone and my careless fingers! lol! :dohh: Hope everyone is well! I am 7dpiui-8dpt and I've been testing my trigger out! I know :wacko:! I think it is definately almost out of my system or less than 20 because I've been testing with 20 hcg test from the dollar store. But take a look! I hope that lines comes back stronger!
I've don't that :dohh: Looks like the trigger is about gone :thumbup: FX it gets darker from here :dust:

I just spoke with my clinic and they will be open over the holidays. I'm so thankful bc I teach so I can only get away Dec & summers for ivf.
Glad your clinic is staying open over the holidays :happydance:
I was surprised to hear so many closed but I guess you only know what you are used to :shrug:
Hi Everyone :wave:

Please can I join you? I have just started my first medicated IUI although we are using Donor Sperm as my DH has azoospermia (zero sperm) and although they tried to surgically retrieve sperm from his testicles it was unsuccessful :nope: Onwards and upwards...

Our first cycle started on 23rd Nov and we are using injectible meds - Buserelin and Puregon. I had a scan on Monday which showed five small follies and have another scan on Friday to check progress.

I have to say that I know very little about IUI as we had been
geared up for IVF and most of the girls I've met on here have done IVF, so grateful for any advice or info from others!

Thanks xxx

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