IVF Oct/Nov/Dec BFP Announcement & 9month term thread!

Cute bump wanna! I never heard of issues with u/s, but like sandoval said, it is a personal choice and you have to feel comfortable with your decision.

want - Keep praying for you and your LO :hugs:
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the ultrasounds with me girls. I really appreciate your thoughts and feed back on the topic. :thumbup: I am going to talk to DH about the study some more today so I can make a decision before the appointment tomorrow.

I did call one of the research people about the study and asked them some questions about the study that I had this morning. In my web research I read that no more than a half an hour is safe for an ultrasound and my first research appointment tomorrow could have an ultrasound that will last 1 1/2 to 2 hours in length depending on where the babies are positioned, because they are so tiny right now and there are 2 babies in there. The research girl did say that as the babies get bigger the appointments get shorter because the babies are easier to find in the uterus. For the study I would need a total of 7 ultrasounds throughout my pregnancy. If possible they will try to combine my regular appointment with the ones I would need to have there for medical need with research appointments, but I am unsure about how often that will be able to be done. :shrug: The research girl did tell me the ultrasound machines are safe, and that they control the amount of heat that comes out of the machine. She said that if the machines weren't safe then the DR's wouldn't want to perform the ultrasounds and the study gets reviewed by a review board for safety as well.

The problem with the web articles about the dangers of the ultrasounds, is that the sources of this information are not reliable or reputable. I agree that the studies that they did do were inconclusive because the proper controls weren't put in place for the study to be reliable. I don't believe everything that I read on the web of course because anyone can publish anything they want on the web. I did read about it on Web MD because I felt they were a repurable site, and they just recommended only doing ultrasounds for medical necessity, and that the FDA said they were safe but there seemed to be a bit of uncertainity in there. They said not to do the commercial ultrasounds for just pictures and non medical reasons though, so there must be some reason for that? Who knows really!! Gosh being pregnant is stressful enough, we have so many things to worry about as it is. :wacko: Of course my OB said the ultrasounds are safe and other girls on the boards DR's said they are safe. I know the other extreme is that some ladies don't have any ultrasounds through their pregnancy at all. I don't think that is a wise decision though either. Well I have alot to think about today I suppose. :wacko:
Well after talking to DH and my sister I am going to pass on the twin growth research study. I just feel like the extra ultrasounds might be harmful to the twins and I wasn't comfortable with having to sit for 1 and a half to two hours under an ultrasound machine. It just seems to be kind of excessive and I think too much of anything could potentially be harmful. If the ultrasound was going to be shorter than I don't think I would of had an issue but after researching everything online, there seems to be alot of gray area about whether or not the ultrasounds are totally safe, so I am going to play it safe and opt out of the study. I read online where it is safe for the ultrasound if it is a half an hour or less. I will just go to my regular scheduled OB ultrasound appointments that the DR feels are medically necessary. I would never forgive myself if something was wrong with the babies and I thought my choices caused it. Plus my sister was freaking out worrying about if it would harm the babies as well and she would of drove me bananas if I moved forward with the study as well.

So my next regular OB appointment will be on Monday 02/11/13 in the morning. Then I will have my regular scheduled Level 2 twin ultrasound on 03/15/13.
Sounds like you've made an informed decision Wanna. You're better not putting yourself under any kind of extra stress or worry when pregnant and it seems as though you would have worried after reading the article. Anyway, not long until you see your gorgeous babies again with your scheduled ultrasound! x
Wanna - Fabulous bump! Mine has actually grown a lot over the past week. I'm thinking I will post a pic soon - maybe tonight. I think I know how you feel about the ultrasound thing. I worry about everything I do and how that will impact the babies. If I did anything to hurt them, it would totally tear me up. So I can totally see why you would want to pull out of the study just in case.

Want - I've been feeling fairly symptom free! Yay! Of course my body is changing, but I think that is cool. I think I've felt some movement in the past couple days. Hoping the movement gets more noticeable over the next couple of weeks.

Sandoval, Happy, Michelle - How are you ladies doing?

AFM - I think DH and I might go crib shopping this week. Looks like there are a lot of good sales going on this time of year. I think DH's dad might buy two cribs for us! I have also been researching twin strollers. Anyone have any ideas on strollers yet? My mind is boggled with the options.
Oh and where is Hold? Haven't seen her for a while. Hope you are doing ok Hold!
Hi Whisper! I am doing good, thanks :) I spent 2 hours last night making tuna pasta salad and italian pasta salad, by the time I was done I was sooo tired! But I have been craving them and figured, why not make them myself. I am not one to cook or bake or anything, but I made them and they are so yummy ;) I have my 12 week scan Friday, so I am looking forward to that!

Crib shopping..have fun ;) And I cannot give you any advice on twin strollers, but I am sure someone can help you there!
Michelle - 12 weeks is tomorrow for you right?! WOW that is a big milestone. GL with your scan Friday. :thumbup: I go to see my OB on Monday - not sure if he is doing a scan or not that day. 20 week scan is on February 21st. :happydance:
Yes I will be 12 weeks tomorrow; so happy to have gotten this far, especially with this being cycle #3. I have been so nervous since my first beta. Good luck Monday and WOW, 20 weeks is right around the corner ;)
Wanna - Fabulous bump! Mine has actually grown a lot over the past week. I'm thinking I will post a pic soon - maybe tonight. I think I know how you feel about the ultrasound thing. I worry about everything I do and how that will impact the babies. If I did anything to hurt them, it would totally tear me up. So I can totally see why you would want to pull out of the study just in case.

Want - I've been feeling fairly symptom free! Yay! Of course my body is changing, but I think that is cool. I think I've felt some movement in the past couple days. Hoping the movement gets more noticeable over the next couple of weeks.

Sandoval, Happy, Michelle - How are you ladies doing?

AFM - I think DH and I might go crib shopping this week. Looks like there are a lot of good sales going on this time of year. I think DH's dad might buy two cribs for us! I have also been researching twin strollers. Anyone have any ideas on strollers yet? My mind is boggled with the options.

Thanks Whisper!! :flower:

I have a baby registry on Walmart.com and I felt they had a really good selection of twin strollers, from well priced to the more high end ones depending on your budget. We are also getting our 2 cribs from walmart.com as well. I also felt like they had a really great variety of cribs and affordable prices all the way to high end as well. I would highly recommend checking them out.

Here is a link to double strollers on their site, hopefully the link will work, if not than just do a search in the baby section for strollers and double strollers is an option that comes up to choose. :thumbup:


I have a twin jogger stroller on my registry along with an every day more practical use stroller on there as well. :thumbup: We are getting convertible cribs, ones that can go from cribs, to children's beds, to day beds of full beds so we can get the most use out of them over the long haul. :thumbup:

We got our dresser which will double as a changing table and a chest of drawers set at Big Lots. They have a good selection of dressers. I didn't want to get a changing table that would become obselete once the babies are out of diapers. A dresser will always be used by the twins for storage even when they get bigger. :thumbup:
@Michelle, I am so glad to hear that you are doing so well!! Happy 12 weeks to you tomorrow hun!! :flower: Good luck with your 12 week scan!!! :winkwink:
Hi girls!!

I hope everyone is doing well and has safe weather! :hugs:

I have barely been able to get on lately due to headaches :( blah! But... I dnt want to jinx myself but my appetite is coming back and I am starting to feel better over all :happydance: So excited about that! I will have to take a picture this weekend and post because I will be 10 weeks! No bump at all yet though.. Still waiting.

I was wondering if anyone was doing the 12 week prenatal screening with u/s and blood work?? I am very torn on doing it.. My worries:

1. Sometimes they cause false positives and all that would do is bring me worry.
2. No matter what the results of baby, I would never terminated the pregnancy.

3. Pro... I would be able to better prepare myself if something is wrong and know what to expect at delivery.
@Hold, I am so sorry about the head aches. I hope you feel better soon!! :hugs::hugs: On a positive note that is great that your appetite is returning back to normal. :thumbup:

My energy level is just now starting to get back to normal over the last week or so. I no longer feel the need to have an afternoon nap mid day!! :thumbup:

I decided to opt out of the down syndrome screening, just because with twins the likelihood of something being wrong with both of them is unlikely, and if one had health problems I can't imagine harming a healthy baby because of a possible problem with the other. I did some online research about the scan and I didn't feel it was right for me. It seemed like it could cause unecessary worry and the only way to find out for sure if something is really wrong is through more invasive testing like amniocentisis, which could cause miscarrage. However on the flip side I do think that it could give you piece of mind knowing that the babies look normal and healthy. I also think you have to do what is best for you. I don't think either choice is the wrong choice. I know some ladies are at higher risk for down syndrome children and choose to do it for that reason. They also give the results in statistics, like you have a 1 in 4,000 chance of having a down syndrome child etc. so I didnt feel like the results were very exact. My advice is to do your research and do what you think is best for you. The test is not harmful or anything so there is no risk in doing it in general. Good luck with whatever you decide to do. :thumbup:
Hold, hope your headaches disappear soon. I'm still struggling with headaches every few days, they're horrible. As for the extra testing, we opted out of it. I just felt that the statistics were so vague, so even if I was higher risk there is still a chance my baby would be healthy. Plus, I definitely wouldn't terminate so I figured there's no point in worrying myself throughout the pregnancy. Whatever will be, will be! x
Hold - Sorry about the headaches; I get them too :( I actually woke with one today, pretty bad. As far as the 12 week testing, I am actually doing it since I am 39 and it was highly recommended by my OB. I did it with DS and there were no issues and mainly I want the u/s to see my LO again ;) It is a personal decision and honestly I won't terminate either, but at least if there was anything I would be prepared for it. And don't worry, you will get a bump! With my first I didn't start showing till 4 months and this time I am showing sooner.

I made 12 weeks :) I still have not announced it yet and not sure I am even going too? I am torn, honestly. I want too, but I am still pretty scared since it took us 3 cycles and a lot of heartache to get this far. I definitely won't post anything until after tomorrow's dr appt; just for the reassurance of my u/s. And for those who really know me, know that after I had DS I had my tubes tied. I never announced that I had them untied and most people didn't even know I went through IVF, so if someone asks I just don't feel like getting into all the details.

I attached my 12 week bump pic :)


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@Michelle, Happy 12 weeks hun!! :flower: Your bump is so cute!! :winkwink:
Hold I'm sorry about the headaches I get them too once in a while. I did the NT u/s since I am a high risk pregnancy and we were told the babies were fine. I'll get my actual report next week but I did it to be prepare in case anything came up. I wouldn't do the amnio and I know the test are not 100% guaranteed but I still did it. Happy 10 weeks and don't worry your belly will start showing soon.

Michelle happy 12 weeks! Good luck tomorrow on your scan. We have haven't really said anything to no one but our family but my belly is pretty big so it's hard to deny it. We wanted to wait until our first trimester was over and now I want to wait until my next scan. If someone wants to go into details about how you got pregnant you can change the conversation and let them know how excited you are! I'm sure everything will be good tomorrow!
Reba has been having headaches as well - said she was getting them the same time every day, but hasn't had them the last two days, so hopefully it won't be something that's ongoing for very long.
I finally have an OB/GYN appointment scheduled but it's not until March 1st! Sigh - so long to wait, but more details about it in my diary - I'm cool with it.
Hold - Glad you are doing ok; sorry about the headaches. :( We passed on the prenatal screening stuff. I am a big worrier, so it is probably better for me to just find out later if there is anything genetically wrong. The fixable stuff, like heart defects, we will find out about at our 20 week scan. But it is a very personal choice and also depends on your doctor's recommendations.

Michelle - GL on your scan!

Want - Any news on your baby boy's testing?

Chase - Huge bummer you have to wait so long! I will check out your journal for the details!

AFM - I have an appointment with my OB on Monday, not sure if he'll do a scan or not. I'm hoping that he will and that maybe we'll be able to find out genders. I have been doing pretty good, though have had some wicked back pain the past couple of days. I went to a professional conference yesterday and I don't think that sitting in a hard plastic chair for seven hours really helped. I'm am hoping my back won't hurt at work today! :wacko:
Oh Whisper; the back pain, I cannot imagine and 7 hours...YIPES! I would have been asking for a nicer chair :haha:

Had my 12 week scan/appt today; they took blood, took some measurements and will call in 10 days. She said all my measurements were within normal range, so that made me a feel good. Here is a picture from today :)


  • 12 week scan 02 01 2013.jpg
    12 week scan 02 01 2013.jpg
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