It's so quite on here lately! Everyone is busy with babies and pregnancy I suppose
Well my little girl is just so amazing!! I can't get over how perfect she is
We have still had some difficulty with acid reflux and pain with eating but were managing and finally getting her on a medicine in the PPI category. Dr instructed me to add rice cereal to her bottle of breast milk to thicken it and help keep things down. I LOVE breastfeeding, HATE pumping... So it's been challenging and I have resulted to letting my supply decrease and just giving her frozen milk from my huge stash.... She is chunky and weighs 10lbs at 10 weeks old!
On a positive/shocking note!!!! I have some news
I have had some tests done and ultrasound. It appears pregnancy and healed my body pretty well from the endometriosis! I have been told and cleared.... To try and have another baby if I desire
Call me crazy..... But I would love to give Kayleigh a full blood sibling, something I never thought was possible, and my 10 frozen embryos makes this all very tempting!!!!