Ivf oct/nov/dec

Em - yay for everything being right on track! GL at your next U/S!!

Wanna, yes I loved your embie picks, they looked pretty good! Can't wait to hear how many you got to freeze!

AFM - I feel like a truck ran over me, wishing I could just stay in bed and sleep :sleep: WOW, do the meds really affect me! I will be going to bed at 7 or earlier tonight.. LOL!

Hope everyone else is doing well today!
Lotus - Yay for being able to start!!

Wanna - My OTD is 12/10 and I am not sure about testing early; I did that my previous two cycles and found it to be MORE stressful for me, especially when last cycle was a bfn. I have to do 2 hcg boosters so that can really throw my testing off too.

Ali - Sorry the meds are making you feel so crummy! I hate stimming, but once it is over it was worth it! Hope you get some good rest tonight ;)

Em - That is good you figured out your reason for the headaches! I still have one cup of coffee; my FS said within reason regarding caffeine and I love my coffee! Glad things are on track :)
Hello all - hoping this is a good place to jump in. I'm uncharacteristically needing a little bit of hand-holding, I find. Let me give you my story in brief. I'm a single, straight guy - was married for a dozen years. My ex had fertility issues and also wasn't keen on having kids anyway. After she unexpectedly got pregnant anyway (and miscarried) she changed her mind said she wanted kids and we should try assisted fertility. Two problems - first of all, she made this decision shortly after the miscarriage, and what neither of us knew was that her mind was still affected by the pregnancy hormones. I only saw this in hindsight, but it's clear that when this wore off, she really didn't want kids and only was going through it because she's told me she would and she knew how badly I wanted them. I won't detail the rest other than to say there was one more miscarriage followed by a failed IVF cycle and exploring surrogacy options. There was a lot of mental whiplash in there as well as one month she'd be saying 'Yes, let's do it' and then the next, she'd not want to. Lucky for me (and I do mean lucky) she fell in love with someone else - a woman as it turned out - and wanted out of the marriage. I'm a 'for richer for poorer/in sickness and in health' sort of guy, so I would have never left the marriage, but with her out the door, I was free and didn't have to feel the first bit of guilt over it.
Anyway, that's not all that relevant other than as background - having investigated surrogacy with her (I was the one doing all the research), I realized there was no reason I couldn't do it on my own, though it's not all that common for straight men to do it, apparently. But I didn't want to hop right into a new relationship and even if I did, the last thing you should do in a new relationship is try to have a child together. Plus, I'm in my 40's and any woman my age is either going to have children already, not want them or would have lots of trouble conceiving them. And I assure you, I have no interest in marrying someone half my age.
So I tried surrogacy but had some bad luck. Cycle one ended with a quick miscarriage and cycle two didn't reach the transfer stage because things didn't come together right, so I took some time off, did some traveling and now I'm back trying again with a new clinic.
And today is the transfer, which is why I'm suddenly all freaked out. They were able to retrieve 11 eggs from my donor of which 10 fertilized and all were still viable on day three. The 'slowest' of them was at six cells, most were 7 or 8 and one was actually up to 12. I have not heard from the IVF coordinator and the transfer is supposed to be happening now (I can't be there for logistical reasons). I'm sure I'd have been called if there was a problem and they had to cancel, so no news is good news, but damn, I'm just so nervous. For various reasons I've told nobody in my life I'm doing this right now - I mean, they knew I tried before and will be trying again, but I can't deal with people asking questions. At this stage, I'd rather wait until I have a success story a few months along.
Anyway, I've probably rambled enough - just this moment got an email from my agency saying all looks good - but wanted to talk to someone and so I posted! Best wishes to all in your journeys as well.
Wanna- I am just so in love with your embryo pics!!! :) :)

Lotus- thank you! And glad you were able to carry on with your cycle! I have a long history of cysts and my body is so use to them, I don't even feel them unless there over 5cm. Good luck and I am glad everything is going good for you! We are going to be close in our cycle!

Ali- you are on double the meds I am on :wacko: And if I am already feeling like something is going on, I can't imagine what you are feeling!! :hugs: No PIO shots for me.. I get cooter tabs as far as I know! :haha: Sorry you are feeling tired today, I am right there with you!

Sweet- Thanks!! Good luck on your beta results today, hope they have gone up!! :)

Whisper- Thank you! I am praying for a good number of eggies! Fingers crossed!

Em- 5 days after starting stims, as of right now I am scheduled for 6 days then everyday. Makes be less nervous knowing that you were similar to me :hugs: I am thinking about asking to be seen Friday/Sat if I start to feel like a lot is going on in there! So sorry about the headache. Hope you feel better soon!

Want- thank you! Hope you are feeling well!

Hope everyone else has a good Wednesday! It is suppose to be rainy and cold here for the rest of the week.. That means scrapbooking and baking for me :)
Hello all - hoping this is a good place to jump in. I'm uncharacteristically needing a little bit of hand-holding, I find. Let me give you my story in brief. I'm a single, straight guy - was married for a dozen years. My ex had fertility issues and also wasn't keen on having kids anyway. After she unexpectedly got pregnant anyway (and miscarried) she changed her mind said she wanted kids and we should try assisted fertility. Two problems - first of all, she made this decision shortly after the miscarriage, and what neither of us knew was that her mind was still affected by the pregnancy hormones. I only saw this in hindsight, but it's clear that when this wore off, she really didn't want kids and only was going through it because she's told me she would and she knew how badly I wanted them. I won't detail the rest other than to say there was one more miscarriage followed by a failed IVF cycle and exploring surrogacy options. There was a lot of mental whiplash in there as well as one month she'd be saying 'Yes, let's do it' and then the next, she'd not want to. Lucky for me (and I do mean lucky) she fell in love with someone else - a woman as it turned out - and wanted out of the marriage. I'm a 'for richer for poorer/in sickness and in health' sort of guy, so I would have never left the marriage, but with her out the door, I was free and didn't have to feel the first bit of guilt over it.
Anyway, that's not all that relevant other than as background - having investigated surrogacy with her (I was the one doing all the research), I realized there was no reason I couldn't do it on my own, though it's not all that common for straight men to do it, apparently. But I didn't want to hop right into a new relationship and even if I did, the last thing you should do in a new relationship is try to have a child together. Plus, I'm in my 40's and any woman my age is either going to have children already, not want them or would have lots of trouble conceiving them. And I assure you, I have no interest in marrying someone half my age.
So I tried surrogacy but had some bad luck. Cycle one ended with a quick miscarriage and cycle two didn't reach the transfer stage because things didn't come together right, so I took some time off, did some traveling and now I'm back trying again with a new clinic.
And today is the transfer, which is why I'm suddenly all freaked out. They were able to retrieve 11 eggs from my donor of which 10 fertilized and all were still viable on day three. The 'slowest' of them was at six cells, most were 7 or 8 and one was actually up to 12. I have not heard from the IVF coordinator and the transfer is supposed to be happening now (I can't be there for logistical reasons). I'm sure I'd have been called if there was a problem and they had to cancel, so no news is good news, but damn, I'm just so nervous. For various reasons I've told nobody in my life I'm doing this right now - I mean, they knew I tried before and will be trying again, but I can't deal with people asking questions. At this stage, I'd rather wait until I have a success story a few months along.
Anyway, I've probably rambled enough - just this moment got an email from my agency saying all looks good - but wanted to talk to someone and so I posted! Best wishes to all in your journeys as well.

Just wanted to say hello and welcome!!

I am single, doing IVF using a sperm donor and very confident in my decision also. Sorry your journey has been hard so far, hopefully from here on out you will only get good news!
Do you live close to your surrogate? Will you be able to be apart of all the doctors appts and ultrasounds?

I hope everything goes really well for you! Good luck in this amazing journey!! :hugs:
Just wanted to say hello and welcome!!

I am single, doing IVF using a sperm donor and very confident in my decision also. Sorry your journey has been hard so far, hopefully from here on out you will only get good news!
Do you live close to your surrogate? Will you be able to be apart of all the doctors appts and ultrasounds?

I hope everything goes really well for you! Good luck in this amazing journey!! :hugs:

I do not live in the same state as my surrogate because where I live, the laws are not very surrogate friendly. Where she is, I can go on the birth certificate as the father and there is no mother listed. I have to take a plane to get to where she is, though it's not a particularly long flight. I am saving my trips to see her for ultrasounds and the like, which is part of why I opted not to be there on transfer day. Whereas she would have let me be in the room for the transfer, it seemed a bit unnecessarily intrusive to me though of course, I intent to be there for the (hopefully) birth.
I did get some mixed news - I had hoped with 10 embryos on day three, to have lots of spares and options, but because I have added a further hurdle for myself (specifically, I want a boy), that was going to limit my choices. As it turned out, only three developed to where the doc was happy with them. The good news was that the best of these was a boy and that it what I just had transferred. There was also a girl and one that the test wasn't clear on. I'm having them frozen for now - the other one can possibly be re-tested if needed. I would have much rather had a whole drawer full of embryos in case things don't work out, but I'm a glass-half-full sort of guy, so I am celebrating the fact that I got at least one boy that the doc said looked about as close to perfect as you can get.
Now I have this nervous wait to see if it took. I never wanted a time machine as badly as I want one right now.
Michelle - my RE says caffeine is ok too in moderation and I don't know why I had the brilliant idea to quit cold turkey :wacko:. I had a half a cup of coffee this morning and headache gone, energy restored. Hope you're doing well today!

Chasethislite - wow, you have had quite a journey! The fact that you had three embryos out of ten make it to blast is right in line with what my RE quoted 30-50% make it to day 5. Fx for you! The waiting is the hardest part of this whole thing.

Hold - I was surprised that the RE didn't want to see me for 5 days because my last cycle I went in on day 4. That's good that you can go in if you feel like things are changing. What are you planning on baking this week?
(Will do personals shortly, I promise.:winkwink:)

I just got a call back from my fertility office and as you girls know I had 9 fertilized embryos. I had 3 transfered on my embryo transfer at a 5 day transfer so that left 6 more embryos. Some of the embryos on Day 5 still needed a day more to grow to be strong enough to freeze. Well out of the 6 that were left 3 survived and were strong enough to be frozen!!!:happydance::happydance: So we have 3 frosties and that means I have enough to do one frozen embryo transfer cycle if my current cycle isn't a success, so that is good news and I won't be quite as upset if this cycle wasn't a success and I didn't have any frosties. I am trying to avoid going through a full IVF cycle again if possible, it costs an arm and a leg but it is also alot on your body as well. I am just hoping and praying that this cycle is a success!!! Wish me luck!! :thumbup:
(Will do personals shortly, I promise.:winkwink:)

I just got a call back from my fertility office and as you girls know I had 9 fertilized embryos. I had 3 transfered on my embryo transfer at a 5 day transfer so that left 6 more embryos. Some of the embryos on Day 5 still needed a day more to grow to be strong enough to freeze. Well out of the 6 that were left 3 survived and were strong enough to be frozen!!!:happydance::happydance: So we have 3 frosties and that means I have enough to do one frozen embryo transfer cycle if my current cycle isn't a success, so that is good news and I won't be quite as upset if this cycle wasn't a success and I didn't have any frosties. I am trying to avoid going through a full IVF cycle again if possible, it costs an arm and a leg but it is also alot on your body as well. I am just hoping and praying that this cycle is a success!!! Wish me luck!! :thumbup:

Yayyy!! :happydance: That is great news!! 3 :cold: is amazing! What a relief and you can use them for siblings later :). Fx for you!!!
Ali- Mo gave me a cool website so it does the math for me now :)

Whisper- that would be awesome but just have a feeling there's gunna be one ( which I'm happy with whatever!!!)

Em-glad your levels came back great! Oh and as far as caffiene I use to drink like 5 cans if pop a day and eat candy whenever. Since I started getting positives I quit cold turkey. Definetly was hard but I think I'm over the withdraws lol

Want- I know I know but I need to see a heartbeat :) and its dec 12 or 14
Wanna- that's exciting news!!!!

Mich- how are you holding up in the wait???

Hold- my next beta is fri eeekkkkk wait kills me I wanna ultrasound lol

Chase- welcome to the group!!!
Hello all - hoping this is a good place to jump in. I'm uncharacteristically needing a little bit of hand-holding, I find. Let me give you my story in brief. I'm a single, straight guy - was married for a dozen years. My ex had fertility issues and also wasn't keen on having kids anyway. After she unexpectedly got pregnant anyway (and miscarried) she changed her mind said she wanted kids and we should try assisted fertility. Two problems - first of all, she made this decision shortly after the miscarriage, and what neither of us knew was that her mind was still affected by the pregnancy hormones. I only saw this in hindsight, but it's clear that when this wore off, she really didn't want kids and only was going through it because she's told me she would and she knew how badly I wanted them. I won't detail the rest other than to say there was one more miscarriage followed by a failed IVF cycle and exploring surrogacy options. There was a lot of mental whiplash in there as well as one month she'd be saying 'Yes, let's do it' and then the next, she'd not want to. Lucky for me (and I do mean lucky) she fell in love with someone else - a woman as it turned out - and wanted out of the marriage. I'm a 'for richer for poorer/in sickness and in health' sort of guy, so I would have never left the marriage, but with her out the door, I was free and didn't have to feel the first bit of guilt over it.
Anyway, that's not all that relevant other than as background - having investigated surrogacy with her (I was the one doing all the research), I realized there was no reason I couldn't do it on my own, though it's not all that common for straight men to do it, apparently. But I didn't want to hop right into a new relationship and even if I did, the last thing you should do in a new relationship is try to have a child together. Plus, I'm in my 40's and any woman my age is either going to have children already, not want them or would have lots of trouble conceiving them. And I assure you, I have no interest in marrying someone half my age.
So I tried surrogacy but had some bad luck. Cycle one ended with a quick miscarriage and cycle two didn't reach the transfer stage because things didn't come together right, so I took some time off, did some traveling and now I'm back trying again with a new clinic.
And today is the transfer, which is why I'm suddenly all freaked out. They were able to retrieve 11 eggs from my donor of which 10 fertilized and all were still viable on day three. The 'slowest' of them was at six cells, most were 7 or 8 and one was actually up to 12. I have not heard from the IVF coordinator and the transfer is supposed to be happening now (I can't be there for logistical reasons). I'm sure I'd have been called if there was a problem and they had to cancel, so no news is good news, but damn, I'm just so nervous. For various reasons I've told nobody in my life I'm doing this right now - I mean, they knew I tried before and will be trying again, but I can't deal with people asking questions. At this stage, I'd rather wait until I have a success story a few months along.
Anyway, I've probably rambled enough - just this moment got an email from my agency saying all looks good - but wanted to talk to someone and so I posted! Best wishes to all in your journeys as well.

Chase - your story is almost a mirror of mine! Well the last part anyway. I'm a single just turned 40 yr old woman trying to have her first baby. I am straight too, but just haven't found Mr. Right. The few that I have met along the way, turned into Mr. Wrong. I guess I have just not met the right guy yet! Keep hoping! Well about 9 months ago I decided that I wanted to do this on my own, and realized as you did that meeting the right person and having a baby immediately is just not the proper way to go about doing this. So I said, to heck with tradition! Why can't I have a baby? So fast forward to November and here we are, I'm on day 3 of stims and trying my second IVF (and last). I can't afford to do a 3rd unless I have frosties from this one. I congratulate you on standing up and saying I can do this too! Best of luck with your cycle, it sounds like you have some great results, 1 boy embryo transferred and a few of both gender to freeze. Perfect! :thumbup: Welcome to the group!
Ali- Mo gave me a cool website so it does the math for me now :)

Whisper- that would be awesome but just have a feeling there's gunna be one ( which I'm happy with whatever!!!)

Em-glad your levels came back great! Oh and as far as caffiene I use to drink like 5 cans if pop a day and eat candy whenever. Since I started getting positives I quit cold turkey. Definetly was hard but I think I'm over the withdraws lol

Want- I know I know but I need to see a heartbeat :) and its dec 12 or 14

YAY! I think I saw the post about the doubling time on Countdowntopregnancy's website. Awesome! GL with your BETA on Friday. I get my first look at my follicles on Friday morning.

AFM - feeling extremely tired, but my headache is much improved today, its still early yet though.. lol. Hopefully it stays away. My cleaning lady is coming this afternoon, and I know this sounds crazy, but I can't wait until I can crawl into bed with fresh sheets all neatly made by someone other than me! It is like turn down service in a nice hotel (minus the mint)!
Pissed off isn't the word!!!

The lab haven't sent my blood results to my doctors so i'm going to have to wait until tomorrow now. I had them done at 8am, it's now nearly 6pm!

I'm so angry.
Thanks for the welcome, all. Now that everything is done and it's in the hands of God, I'm calm again. I'm not a fatalistic person and nor do I think everything is preordained (though someone was looking out for me - as much as I had prayed to have children with my ex, it likely would have been a disaster in the long run). But there is nothing else I can do now but wait, so I'm as much as peace as one can be. I'm debating if I should ask my surrogate to do home pregnancy tests when it becomes appropriate or if to just wait for the beta. Right now, I am thinking I'll just wait for the beta, but by early next week, I may feel differently. Doing this during the holiday season is actually helping, though that was not deliberate. I'm one of those annoying people who listens to Christmas music non-stop from the day after Thanksgiving on and this helps to sooth my nerves. :)
alicat, I love your doggie - I've got a little beagle myself - only one year old. I can't imagine not having a dog, but oh, how I want to give him a little boy to run and play with!
@Chase, Welcome to the group!! Good luck with everything!! I hope your surrogate gets a BFP!!! :dust::dust:

Chase welcome! Thank you for sharing your story. I wish you the best in your journey and hopefully your baby will be a nice Christmas present.

Wanna, yay for :cold: I'm so glad you were able to have some. I'm sure you are glad you didn't pay for the second round. I wish you the best in the next few weeks and I really hope you get your babies! I will keep you in my prayers.

Sweet, don't worry your numbers are looking great. I can't wait for your u/s so we can find out how many you have in there.

JDH, I'm sorry hun! It's so fustrating to wait for something and then to have to push it out. I hope you get your results early tomorrow.

Hold & Ali, I'm glad your stims are coming along. I really hope you get lots of follies.

I hope everyone else is doing well.
Pissed off isn't the word!!!

The lab haven't sent my blood results to my doctors so i'm going to have to wait until tomorrow now. I had them done at 8am, it's now nearly 6pm!

I'm so angry.

Oh no! So sorry you have to wait for the results. How are you feeling? Any better? Has the bleeding stopped or reduced at all? :hug: I would be angry too! Just try not to get too worked up, just try to relax and talk to your little bean. Tell it to keep sticking!!!
JDH - I am so sorry, what were they thinking!? And why would they hold them so long??

Chase - Welcome! What a journey you have been through. I just had my ET yesterday, so I am there with you on the waiting; it just plain out stinks!! This is my 3rd IVF cycle and hopefully my last. I wish you luck and hope you get your little boy :)
Thanks for the welcome, all. Now that everything is done and it's in the hands of God, I'm calm again. I'm not a fatalistic person and nor do I think everything is preordained (though someone was looking out for me - as much as I had prayed to have children with my ex, it likely would have been a disaster in the long run). But there is nothing else I can do now but wait, so I'm as much as peace as one can be. I'm debating if I should ask my surrogate to do home pregnancy tests when it becomes appropriate or if to just wait for the beta. Right now, I am thinking I'll just wait for the beta, but by early next week, I may feel differently. Doing this during the holiday season is actually helping, though that was not deliberate. I'm one of those annoying people who listens to Christmas music non-stop from the day after Thanksgiving on and this helps to sooth my nerves. :)
alicat, I love your doggie - I've got a little beagle myself - only one year old. I can't imagine not having a dog, but oh, how I want to give him a little boy to run and play with!

I know the feeling! I actually have 2 dachshunds, Zoe - 10 and Zach -1.5, the picture is of Zach the day I rescued him from the shelter. I too can't wait to have little ones to run around with the dogs, and just make a ruckus! I am hoping for twins, a boy and a girl would be amazing! Then my family would be complete (well other than a man, if there is one out there that would want me and my crazy family)! With the way this cycle is shaping up, I should know right around Christmas if I'm pregnant! I really hope it is, because its going to be a rough Christmas if it isn't.

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