Ivf oct/nov/dec

Mo, I am so sorry!! Sending you huge :hugs: I wish there was something else I could say or write. I'm so sorry just doesn't seem adequate :(
Hi michelle01, i really am praying very hard for my lil one to grow. I never asked about progesterone levels.. now that you explained it to me, i will ask my dr when I see him. Thanks for your words of encouragement! All the best to you and your lil one too! :)
Mobaby - I am sooo sooo sorry :hugs: It really is just so unfair and I hope that the doctor has an explantation as to why this happened.

ali - Got my FX'ed for you ;) And awesome news on the raise and new job title :)

Sweet - I am good, still proceeding with caution cause it is so early! I am still very nervous all the time. How are you?

Hope everyone else is doing good!
Chase- Glad to hear your surro is still trucking along. I think you need to put a ticker on your profile. Just sayin :)

I've thought about it, but I decided to wait for my US on the 28th before doing that. I got thrown from this horse once before, but that was only 6 days after a BFP and with my ex, both times she started spotting 1 day after BFP, so I am feeling pretty good about things. But I just don't want to 'jinx' it somehow, you know? So I decided I would wait for everything to be all right on the scan and then I'd reward myself by adding a ticker - probably the fruit one. For obvious reasons, many of the tickers are a bit 'girlie' but at least that one looks gender neutral. I want one with rockets! I'm going to do baby's nursery with a space theme because the way I think - I'm a guy, so it probably has something to do with the shape of rocket ships :haha:

Assuming all is well on the 28th, I'll probably start a pregnancy diary as well. Call it 'The Single Dude's Guide to Being Pregnant' or something like that. A place for me to ramble on about going through this and uncorking my offbeat sense of humor. Don't know if anyone will read it, but it might give a bit of a different perspective.
Chase- Glad to hear your surro is still trucking along. I think you need to put a ticker on your profile. Just sayin :)

I've thought about it, but I decided to wait for my US on the 28th before doing that. I got thrown from this horse once before, but that was only 6 days after a BFP and with my ex, both times she started spotting 1 day after BFP, so I am feeling pretty good about things. But I just don't want to 'jinx' it somehow, you know? So I decided I would wait for everything to be all right on the scan and then I'd reward myself by adding a ticker - probably the fruit one. For obvious reasons, many of the tickers are a bit 'girlie' but at least that one looks gender neutral. I want one with rockets! I'm going to do baby's nursery with a space theme because the way I think - I'm a guy, so it probably has something to do with the shape of rocket ships :haha:

Assuming all is well on the 28th, I'll probably start a pregnancy diary as well. Call it 'The Single Dude's Guide to Being Pregnant' or something like that. A place for me to ramble on about going through this and uncorking my offbeat sense of humor. Don't know if anyone will read it, but it might give a bit of a different perspective.

I love the title of your future diary! :yipee: I would read it!!!! I don't blame you for wanting to wait until the ultrasound. I pray that everything works in your favor Chase :hugs:
Chase- I would love to read it!! Maybe it could be a blog? Or perhaps you would rather it be private?
Not often you get to read a mans perspective on becoming a parent. Thousands written by women.
Trying everything possible to keep myself busy and focused. Bored of waiting now!!
With my last IVF I knew it hadn't worked on 7dp3dt. My boobs stopped hurting was the only real thing but I just felt I knew. My doc said to me that it could have simply been all the hcg finally leaving my body and waiting for my own pregnancy to take over?? Do you think this could be correct?
I only ask because if it happens again this time I'm wondering if there could still be any hope?
Stupid question really... It's such a stressful process and I promise myself that I won't get into this mind game... Yet here I am again!! Xx
Chase- Glad to hear your surro is still trucking along. I think you need to put a ticker on your profile. Just sayin :)

I've thought about it, but I decided to wait for my US on the 28th before doing that. I got thrown from this horse once before, but that was only 6 days after a BFP and with my ex, both times she started spotting 1 day after BFP, so I am feeling pretty good about things. But I just don't want to 'jinx' it somehow, you know? So I decided I would wait for everything to be all right on the scan and then I'd reward myself by adding a ticker - probably the fruit one. For obvious reasons, many of the tickers are a bit 'girlie' but at least that one looks gender neutral. I want one with rockets! I'm going to do baby's nursery with a space theme because the way I think - I'm a guy, so it probably has something to do with the shape of rocket ships :haha:

Assuming all is well on the 28th, I'll probably start a pregnancy diary as well. Call it 'The Single Dude's Guide to Being Pregnant' or something like that. A place for me to ramble on about going through this and uncorking my offbeat sense of humor. Don't know if anyone will read it, but it might give a bit of a different perspective.

I love the title of your future diary! :yipee: I would read it!!!! I don't blame you for wanting to wait until the ultrasound. I pray that everything works in your favor Chase :hugs:

Sounds like a great plan and I would read it too!

Just got back from my P4 test. The nurse at the FS office told me that it was too early yet for even a blood test, and she was like.. STOP stressing!!!! She said that if I was going to test, to do it on Christmas as that would be 15DPO. Plus the connotation of finding out then would be cool. So we'll see. I just want to KNOW already! :rofl:

I'm going out to dinner tonight to celebrate my raise and promotion, do you think I could have a glass of wine? :shrug: Trying to decide if it would be a good idea or not. I kind of want one, but don't want to cause any harm!
Ali-yay that's exciting.

Mich- I understand. I am nervous allllllllll the time too. Just praying everything cont to g good. Just want to be out of the first trimester.

Chase-yes I completely understand. I waited til my US to put my ticker up. And still feel nervous bout doing it. And i like that theme
Chase- I would love to read it!! Maybe it could be a blog? Or perhaps you would rather it be private?
Not often you get to read a mans perspective on becoming a parent. Thousands written by women.
Trying everything possible to keep myself busy and focused. Bored of waiting now!!
With my last IVF I knew it hadn't worked on 7dp3dt. My boobs stopped hurting was the only real thing but I just felt I knew. My doc said to me that it could have simply been all the hcg finally leaving my body and waiting for my own pregnancy to take over?? Do you think this could be correct?
I only ask because if it happens again this time I'm wondering if there could still be any hope?
Stupid question really... It's such a stressful process and I promise myself that I won't get into this mind game... Yet here I am again!! Xx

Ever - I think every woman is different and every attempt is different. So it is extremely hard to figure out if you are pregnant or not! The progesterone causes you to feel pregnant. It is all so confusing. So I'm going to tell you what my FS nurse just told me! Stay strong, be positive and keep the faith! Visualize it happening and it will happen. Easier said than done, but we need to be strong and make it happen :thumbup:

As for boob pain, I hardly have any, I have a little sensitivity in the nipples and on the sides, but that is it. I do have a lot of cramping and lower back pain that seems to come and go, and vary in its severity. I have moments where I feel totally normal, and then 20 minutes later I'm rubbing my back and bending over from the cramp. :shrug: I have no idea what any of this means, and I think I realized this morning, that I'm not going to know for a few more days, so I just have to deal with it! :haha: Does that make any sense? I pray that we are both carrying little tiny beans that are sticking with all their might! :hug:
Ali, I think it would be fine to have a glass of wine. Most women who get pregnant have no idea at this stage and they still drink and it doesn't cause any issues. I wouldn't tie one on or anything like that :haha: but one glass isn't going to harm your baby! Celebrate, you've earned it. :thumbup:

Edited to add that I am feeling no boob pain! :haha:
Ali- thank you! Perfectly put!! Xx

Thanks! It is hard to reconcile all the feelings we are having at this time, and our hormones are all over the place. I had a bit of an epiphany and decided to heck with it, I'm going to think positively and enjoy my holiday and assume that BOTH of the little beans are nestling in for a long winters nap! :rofl:
So this is the quick short version of what is going on, i had avery frustrating morning on the phone going crazy, to get these results to where I am now has been quite a process for me, like pulling teeth literally, :growlmad: but I will go into detail about that more later because I have to run out the door soon.

So my HCG blood results were nice and high at 22,461, so that is great news and a huge relief to me because that means I am not miscarrying!!!

I have a vaginal ultrasound at 1:30 today so I have to get ready to go to that shortly and I have to drink and make sure I have a full bladder for that apponitment. I am hoping to see heart beats because that will make me feel alot better!!! I can't wait to see what isgoing on in there!!! Fingers crossed that everything looks good, and I can't wait to see how many babies!!!

I am still having a little dark brown dried chunky blood and there is a tiny bit of brownon my maxi pad, but it is a very small amount. The red blood seems to be coming to a stop. Hopefully it will soon!!

i will update later on tonight. Thanks for all of the well wishes girls. I really appreciate it!!!:hugs::hugs::flower:
Wanna so happy for you :) mobaby I'm so sorry your going through this take care. Thank you everyone for the well wishes the bleeding is now like a period I took a pregnancy test and was negative looks like a chemical pregnancy. I wish I had never tested before my otd and I would have never known I now have to tell everyone that I had a miscarriage as they don't know we went for ivf I feel embarrased dh is gutted and is blaming me for testing early. I'm shocked I thought it would work doctor said we had text book perfect embryo and I'm 24 dh 21 really thought it would work. My doctor says I've to wait two periods now for fet. Ladies in 2ww I would strongly advise not to test earlier than otd please I don't want anyone to feel how I do know I'm starting to think I just imagined the positive tests. Sorry for ranting.
Wanna so happy for you :) mobaby I'm so sorry your going through this take care. Thank you everyone for the well wishes the bleeding is now like a period I took a pregnancy test and was negative looks like a chemical pregnancy. I wish I had never tested before my otd and I would have never known I now have to tell everyone that I had a miscarriage as they don't know we went for ivf I feel embarrased dh is gutted and is blaming me for testing early. I'm shocked I thought it would work doctor said we had text book perfect embryo and I'm 24 dh 21 really thought it would work. My doctor says I've to wait two periods now for fet. Ladies in 2ww I would strongly advise not to test earlier than otd please I don't want anyone to feel how I do know I'm starting to think I just imagined the positive tests. Sorry for ranting.

AWW Girly, so sorry for your loss. :cry: My heart goes out to you and Mo, I wish there were words to express how sad I am for you and Mo. Big :hug:
Wanna so happy for you :) mobaby I'm so sorry your going through this take care. Thank you everyone for the well wishes the bleeding is now like a period I took a pregnancy test and was negative looks like a chemical pregnancy. I wish I had never tested before my otd and I would have never known I now have to tell everyone that I had a miscarriage as they don't know we went for ivf I feel embarrased dh is gutted and is blaming me for testing early. I'm shocked I thought it would work doctor said we had text book perfect embryo and I'm 24 dh 21 really thought it would work. My doctor says I've to wait two periods now for fet. Ladies in 2ww I would strongly advise not to test earlier than otd please I don't want anyone to feel how I do know I'm starting to think I just imagined the positive tests. Sorry for ranting.

I'm so sorry to hear that :( and dh shouldn't be doing any blaming. I pray that your next cycle works. Ugh life is just unfair
Wanna so happy for you :) mobaby I'm so sorry your going through this take care. Thank you everyone for the well wishes the bleeding is now like a period I took a pregnancy test and was negative looks like a chemical pregnancy. I wish I had never tested before my otd and I would have never known I now have to tell everyone that I had a miscarriage as they don't know we went for ivf I feel embarrased dh is gutted and is blaming me for testing early. I'm shocked I thought it would work doctor said we had text book perfect embryo and I'm 24 dh 21 really thought it would work. My doctor says I've to wait two periods now for fet. Ladies in 2ww I would strongly advise not to test earlier than otd please I don't want anyone to feel how I do know I'm starting to think I just imagined the positive tests. Sorry for ranting.

Don't be sorry for ranting, that is what all of this is for. We are all here to support one another :hugs: I'm sorry that the witch got you. I really am :hugs:
Oh girly, I am so sorry and your DH should not be blaming you; this is not your fault! :hugs:

wanna - great to hear; cannot wait for your next update! And how did your DH's interview go yesterday?

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