Ivf oct/nov/dec

I'm so sorry, Lucie :hugs: I know what a bummer that is. You have 6 frozen bundled of hope, so when you're ready, you can begin to focus on the next try.

August: it sounds like you still have a shot this cycle. FX'd!

AFM, I had the odd experience of taking an HPT this morning and hoping it would be negative. But there is still a faint line. My beta 3 days ago was 29, so hopefully it will go back to zero soon. I read that you can ovulate as soon as 2 weeks post-D&C. Today is day 11, so I plan to jump DH tonight! We're (hopefully) back in the game :)

:hug: First! Glad you are back to TTCing!
Sorry Lucie :hug:

AFM.. no period but bad AF cramps I'm 99% sure it's a BFN. I have a plan! Has anyone hear of something called uterine scraping? I'm considering it. Not sure if my FS will even do it? :shrug: I'm going to ask.

I have heard of that! I did a lot of research on it because I heard it can help in women with endo. My FS is personally against it. His reasoning was that it can lead to scar tissue build up. What did your lining thickness end up being at transfer? :hug:

I'm not sure what it was at transfer, it was 19mm at trigger! Very thick, maybe too thick?

I was just curious. I am not sure what is too thick. You would think the thicker the better :shrug:
August- still praying for you!! :hugs:

First- yay for being able to TTC again! I wish you all the best :hugs:

Chase- thanks! Good luck for your u/s on Friday!! Can't wait to hear the good news!

Wanna- thank you! good luck at your appt and make sure and update when you get home!

Want- glad you got to enjoy some Christmas desserts! I was so nauseas on Christmas I managed to eat some mashed potatoes and chicken, but that was it! I have been very turned off from sweets, I feel I am in big trouble when the nausea passes!
Just heard from the nurse. They still want me to go in for the beta, and to continue the crinone. I guess it is good because they will also test my progesterone. I have a feeling it's low, which is why AF started on the crinone. It will be useful information for the next cycle I guess.
@ALi, and August, I am so sorry that you girls got BFN's!!! Big hugs to both of you girls!! :hugs::hugs: I am still staying hopeful that you girls will get your BFP's this cycle!! Good luck and baby dust to the both of you!! :dust::dust::dust:

@First, That is wonderful that you are back to TTC again!!! :thumbup: Good luck and baby dust to you for this cycle!! I hope you get a BFP!! :dust::dust::dust:

AFM, I will be sure to update my journal after my appointment and hopefully share my scan picture as well.

I got some good news. I have an interview for a part time administrative temporary job which will run from February through April so I can work and make some extra money. :thumbup: It is perfect for me right now because since I am pregnant I just want to do a part time temp job so I can earn some extra money to help out with saving up for stuff to buy for the twins and other stuff we need. Hopefully I will get the job. Wish me luck. :thumbup:
So I'm pretty much having a full-on emotional break down today!!! :cry: I am super sick and all of the mucus is resulting in a full day of throwing up. On top of all that, I called my mom because I was so miserable and she came over and pretty much made me feel horrible about myself. :cry:

In an attempt to make a long story short, it has been a really tough year. Everyone in both my and DH's family has had babies (like seven different couples) while we have been trying longer than any of them and have had to go through major trials just to get to this point. It has been very painful for me to be around all of the babies. Even now, I am still having a tough time. Emotions during pregnancy after infertility is more complicated than people might think. Anyway, even though I have been vomitting all day, my mom chose today to basically confront and chastize me about why I don't lather attention on my new great-nephew (yes, I'm a great aunt. Another long story). I have really just been trying to find some space in which to start my emotional healing process. We are ever so greatful for our pregnancy and for the two babies that are growing healthy so far. Even so, I still have a lot of fear and anxiety and emotionally, I'm just not "better" yet. I just wish everyone would just leave me alone and let me heal! No one in my entire family understands and now I am worried they have all been gossiping about me. Feeling aweful about myself, sick, and nauseous. Plus, it is DH's birthday and I am in no shape to do anything nice for him. He basically is just listening to me cry. :cry:
So I'm pretty much having a full-on emotional break down today!!! :cry: I am super sick and all of the mucus is resulting in a full day of throwing up. On top of all that, I called my mom because I was so miserable and she came over and pretty much made me feel horrible about myself. :cry:

In an attempt to make a long story short, it has been a really tough year. Everyone in both my and DH's family has had babies (like seven different couples) while we have been trying longer than any of them and have had to go through major trials just to get to this point. It has been very painful for me to be around all of the babies. Even now, I am still having a tough time. Emotions during pregnancy after infertility is more complicated than people might think. Anyway, even though I have been vomitting all day, my mom chose today to basically confront and chastize me about why I don't lather attention on my new great-nephew (yes, I'm a great aunt. Another long story). I have really just been trying to find some space in which to start my emotional healing process. We are ever so greatful for our pregnancy and for the two babies that are growing healthy so far. Even so, I still have a lot of fear and anxiety and emotionally, I'm just not "better" yet. I just wish everyone would just leave me alone and let me heal! No one in my entire family understands and now I am worried they have all been gossiping about me. Feeling aweful about myself, sick, and nauseous. Plus, it is DH's birthday and I am in no shape to do anything nice for him. He basically is just listening to me cry. :cry:

Oh, Whisper! I'm so sorry you are having a bad day! That sounds like something my mom would do (and has done). :dohh: It is perfectly acceptable for you to be selfish right now and focus on YOUR babies and no one else's. Don't let anyone make you feel bad for have a difficult time with your infertility journey. I've watched countless family members and friends have babies (most without trying or even wanting them) since we've been trying and it's REALLY HARD. It's ok to not always be ok with it. It's ok to avoid babies. Family should be understanding, but let's be honest, often times they just don't understand. Try not to worry if they are gossiping about you. That's their issue...you've done nothing wrong. Sending you big big :hugs: today.

Oh, and I bet it's your DH's best birthday yet...you have two little gifts for him! XO
I hope your cold clears up soon. Can you try Benadryl to help the symptoms?
Oh Lotus!! :hugs: Thank you so much! You have no idea how much I needed that. Sometimes it is just so important to feel that someone out there in the world gets it. And my doc did say I could take some benadryl. I think I'll go and do just that!!
Well ladies, I thought I'd come back and join you all. I've been very MIA because I just haven't wanted to revolve my life around BNB or TTC but today I got my schedule for my next cycle. I start Lupron on January 11th and the estimated ER is February 1st and then egg transfer 3-5 days after. Can't wait to get started!

Congrats to all of the BFP's that I have missed and for those of you who got BFN's, huge :hugs: I've been there and you will get through it!
I have had to deal with bfn's for 5 years but nothing compares to ivf bfn... Nothing! I'm still debating whether to test tomorrow morning or not, we shall see on the bright side the cramps have stopped! Yesterday at 8dp3dt my cramps were the worst! But at least I'm better now and my chest is starting to hurt, my chest is huge and full of bright blue veins... It's crazy!

Whisper~ I'm so sorry your having a rough day! :hugs: I feel you in the aspect thy no one in my family will ever understand what we feel or go through! Today I broke down on my mom while at the store. I basically started cryin saying that maybe I I did things wrong I woul get pregnant because apparently doing everything the right way (in their Christian eyes) never helped me! Then my cousin asked me if I tested via text message and I said that I did and it was negative. She replied "omg :( it's okay" really like what the hell?!?!?! I just about lost it! I threw my phone so far and hard that it almost shattered lol we all have these days, they aren't easy but know that ur not allow :hugs:
Oh Lotus!! :hugs: Thank you so much! You have no idea how much I needed that. Sometimes it is just so important to feel that someone out there in the world gets it. And my doc did say I could take some benadryl. I think I'll go and do just that!!

Whisper: Yes, we all get it. My husband's cousin got pregnant at our wedding. I was like, I'm so happy for you, but I was ovulating on our wedding weekend and nothing! That shoulda been OUR baby (I know that's stupid, but you know what I mean).

I hope you have a happy and healthy 9 months. Then, you can be the annoying one with all the babies :haha:
Whisper and August, I understand. I don't think anyone in my family really 'gets' me on this issue, though they have run the gambit between supportive to indifferent about my efforts. At least as a guy, I'm not expected to coo over everyone's babies but I used to do it anyway though it's gotten a bit painful in recent years. A few years back I was buying Christmas presents for various nieces and nephews in the store and I got uncharacteristically resentful about it and said to the person I was with "I'm sick of buying things for other people's children! I want to buy things for my own children!" Not that I didn't want to get things for my nieces and nephews, but you understand what I mean, I'm sure. I'm the youngest in my family so now my oldest nieces and nephews are approaching childbearing age - I kind of hope they do start popping them out soon so my kid(s) will have family to play with. I've worried about them being the only children at family gatherings.
But, no, people who have not been through this simply don't understand it. When I was trying with my ex, I had specifically asked everyone in the family to not ask about our efforts because it was like poking at a wound but one brother kept doing it anyway. I know he meant well but he just wasn't capable of understanding how his good wishes for us were just a reminder of the struggle. Frustrating - now that I'm single, I have been able to get away from people asking, but when I show up with a little one, that's going to cause a different type of gossip.
I really don't know where to fit God into all of this - faith is so personal for every individual. I do know that I prayed to him many times to have children with my ex. And while those prayers were not answered, I now have prayed to him just as many times thanking him for that - that I do not have children with that woman is one of the greatest blessings of my life. I do not want to suggest that there is always some divine plan that has mapped out every bit of our lives - I don't believe that. But I do think he's looking out for us and sometimes he does answer prayers. So I continue to pray for all of you as well as for myself.
Hope that isn't too long winded - I can get very wordy once I get going...
Hi all-
I got my wonderful BFP this morning!
I used a digital which said 'pregnant' and then a first response which still had a faint second line. I'm worried about that. Why would it still be faint?
I also have no symptoms. I wish I had just used the digital.
Whisper - so sorry that you are having a rough time.
And you are correct in that you aren't suddenly 'healed' when you are pregnant. And those who haven't trod your path will NEVER understand!!
Take care of yourself!
Ever: how many dpt are you?? When is your beta?
Ever~ congrats!!!! :yipee:

As for me~ tested this morning at 7:05am which was only 55minutes ago and :bfp: I started crying! I can't believe my eyes!!!! Beta is tomorrow morning!
Ever and August - so happy for your BFP! And Ever, some tests are just more sensitive than others. A faint line is a positive - you can't be just a 'little' pregnant as the saying goes. :)

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