Ivf oct/nov/dec

Welcome Hope!

Whisper - Thanks for reading ;) I have been through a lot, but so have a lot of women on bnb, so it is nice to be able to come here and have others relate to what you are going through. I just hope that 3rd times a charm and I don't need to go through anymore cycles after it. If its meant to be, it will happen! I am hoping that by doing a new workout routine and eating clean, that will get help me stay less stressed for this cycle. And the acu on top of that! I just really really want this cycle to work.

Wish - After ER I would use a heating pad and relax; they may give you pain pills to help too! After ET, you cannot swim, drink, no exercising and no lifting anything over 15 pounds according to my FS. The one thing I have been doing is drinking one cup of coffee. I find that so hard to give up! They told me I could have one cup, but moderation is the key. When I got pg with my son, I drank coffee my entire pg and everything turned out just fine. But most girls won't drink any caffiene which is great too. Also NO ibuprofen or any over the counter meds without checking with your FS first! Tylenol was the only approved thing I could take if needed.

Thank you for the help Mish. I am having such a bad time with the headache's. Got one right now, so will def. need the tylenol. How many days after ET, can I return to work? Should I take a few days off?

What about sex? I read somewhere, that I should wait 2weeks? Is it true?

Hi Sweetness! Sorry I couldn't answer about the bcp, I used the nuvaring, which is inserted for the time I did my last cycle. This time no bc since I am using lupron and already suffer from migraines. Glad you got your answer though! ;)

Hope - I put my follistum and Ganirelix in the frig, nothing else. The injections are easy; just ice before and after for 30 seconds, that helps. Also with the menopur, once you mix it, let it sit for about 10 minutes; that lessen the burning of injecting it! I hope acupuncture is good.....I figured I would try it this time around since I didn't for my first 2 cycles.

Welcome kchope! :hi: I am so sorry about your MC; I had the same thing happen to me in my first cycle and it was devastating. I am now starting round 3 of IVF with stims happening the first week of November. With MTHFR, my FS prescribed the lovenox and Metanx prescription. The lovenox is a blood thinning injection, which I will do during stims and if this cycle works, I will continue with it during pg. The metanx is a pill that is taken during stims and after as well. Along with both of them, I will take baby asprin too which starts during stimming as well. I did baby asprin my first round and still had a MC; the pg was not viable, they thought they saw a sac, but the next time it had not developed anymore and I had to have a d&c.

wish - I think it depends on your job and what your FS recommends about returning after ET. Since I sit all day, I was able to go back the next day. If you are on your feet or have a job that requires a lot of physical activity, I would ask your FS. Also, you are right, no sex! They don't want you do anything that could contract your uterus during your 2ww.

one & hockey - Hope you are both doing good :)

I think this next cycle is starting to feel real now! I will be getting my meds in less then 2 weeks & today I go to my gyn doc for my annual. I am looking forward to my acu appt next week, but nervous!
Thanks ladies so much for your answers. Now on BCP for 9 more days Oct 16 I have that thing that they look at my usterus(sorry dont know what its called). I ended up having to call in again today cause still sick hope im better by Sat night.

Welcome to the new ladies!
KChope- weird question but are you from Missouri?

Mich- I bet it is getting real! Im so ready to start all my stuff as soon as I can. How long does it take for the meds to come in after they order them?

As for everyone else how are you guys doing
Sweetness - I hope you feel better soon; nothing stinks more then being sick! So you are getting a saline sono where they put dye in your uterus and check things out? When they called me about my meds, they asked when I needed them by, so I told them before the 24th, so they are to be delivered to me on the 23rd.
Can anyone help me with what I should be doing before and after ER and ET?
I know the story about No bathing,swimming, alcohol,caffeine.
What else should I do? Just trying to prepare myself for the process.:hugs::hugs::hugs::baby::baby:

Wish - The only thing I did to prepare for ER was acupuncture. As for ET my RE had me on strict bed rest for 3 days. Only to get up for the bathroom and eat. Of course by day 3 I couldn't take it any longer and did a few minimal things but nothing that I thought would cause me to be concerned. Also, no bath, shower, sex. I also have huge work responsibilities and did not check any work emails - nothing to cause any additional stress on the mind. Good Luck!
Hi Sweetness! Sorry I couldn't answer about the bcp, I used the nuvaring, which is inserted for the time I did my last cycle. This time no bc since I am using lupron and already suffer from migraines. Glad you got your answer though! ;)

Hope - I put my follistum and Ganirelix in the frig, nothing else. The injections are easy; just ice before and after for 30 seconds, that helps. Also with the menopur, once you mix it, let it sit for about 10 minutes; that lessen the burning of injecting it! I hope acupuncture is good.....I figured I would try it this time around since I didn't for my first 2 cycles.

Welcome kchope! :hi: I am so sorry about your MC; I had the same thing happen to me in my first cycle and it was devastating. I am now starting round 3 of IVF with stims happening the first week of November. With MTHFR, my FS prescribed the lovenox and Metanx prescription. The lovenox is a blood thinning injection, which I will do during stims and if this cycle works, I will continue with it during pg. The metanx is a pill that is taken during stims and after as well. Along with both of them, I will take baby asprin too which starts during stimming as well. I did baby asprin my first round and still had a MC; the pg was not viable, they thought they saw a sac, but the next time it had not developed anymore and I had to have a d&c.

wish - I think it depends on your job and what your FS recommends about returning after ET. Since I sit all day, I was able to go back the next day. If you are on your feet or have a job that requires a lot of physical activity, I would ask your FS. Also, you are right, no sex! They don't want you do anything that could contract your uterus during your 2ww.

one & hockey - Hope you are both doing good :)

I think this next cycle is starting to feel real now! I will be getting my meds in less then 2 weeks & today I go to my gyn doc for my annual. I am looking forward to my acu appt next week, but nervous!

Thanks Michelle for the info. It makes me a little concerned that my RE only wants to do a baby aspirin "when" I get preggers. I may have to ask about this just to make sure all angles are covered because I don't know if I could go through all this again and have another MC - it is so very devasting for all. I'm so sorry for you loss too. I hope this cycle we all get our holiday wishes!
Thanks ladies so much for your answers. Now on BCP for 9 more days Oct 16 I have that thing that they look at my usterus(sorry dont know what its called). I ended up having to call in again today cause still sick hope im better by Sat night.

Welcome to the new ladies!
KChope- weird question but are you from Missouri?

Mich- I bet it is getting real! Im so ready to start all my stuff as soon as I can. How long does it take for the meds to come in after they order them?

As for everyone else how are you guys doing

Hi Sweetness - No, I'm from Chicago but I did graduate from SIU way back in the day. Hope you feel better!
kchope - my doctor had me do baby aspirin from the Day 2 of my cycle up until I got a bfp, then had me stop. Not sure why.
kchope - I would just ask your RE about it. I see you are in Chicago; where at? I live in Bolingbrook. What FS are you seeing?
hey ladies, hope u are all well :hugs:

im counting down the days until my pre-treatment appointment and get all my meds to get started properly (15 days):haha:
at the minute i am on day 14 of BCP and they seem to be wreaking havoc with my skin i have spots all over my chin, jaw line and down my neck:cry: i've never had spots not even during puberty so this is new to me :blush:

anyway... bring on the meds, il take everything that comes with it if it means a BFP!!:hugs:
tcmc - Hang in there ;) I hated being on bc of any sort, it messed me up so much, not only my skin, but made me gain weight. Just think that when you get your BFP, you won't even remember how bad it was; the end goal is so worth it!!!

Hope everyone else is doing good!!
Hey Ladies

Sweetness - I hope you get better soon.:hugs:

Mish - I will ask my FS about the amount of time I need off work. My job is very physical and very stressful.I hope your gyn appt went well today.:flower:

tcmc - sorry about the breakouts. I am sure they will subside with the other meds or when you stop the BCP.

Hi Hockey :flower:

kchope - Thanks. I really want to take it easy and don't want to do anything that will jeopardize my BFP.:winkwink:

one - How you doing.

I am so excited and so nervous at the moment. I am feeling really scared about this whole procedure. It's so scary, doing so much meds, injections,etc, and no guarantees. Think this is getting to me. I am trying to be positive but alittle nagging mind I have.
I have an appt for scans and blood tests tomorrow at my FS and praying that everything goes well so that I start my stimms tomorrow.

Keep Well.
Sweetness - Are you feeling better?

Wish - This is definitely an emotional journey! But in the end, it is worth it when you get your BFP. My appt went good, thanks. Just one thing less to worry about before starting :) Good luck with your scan, you are getting so close now ;)
Hi everyone!

Wish - I bet you'll do fine with the stims. It's not as scary as it seems. I've gotten pretty good at it now so it doesn't even hurt. I hope everything goes well and you get to start tomorrow.

Sweetness - Hope you are feeling better!

I hope everyone is doing ok. I am still doing my monitoring appointments and everything is looking good. I am responding well to the stimulation and I start the antagonist (Certrotide) tonight. I have another monitoring appointment tomorrow and hopefully they will be able to tell me that everything is on schedule. I am a little stressed because I have had to cancel some of my appointments at work for monitoring (I am a mental health therapist) and I hate to not be there for my clients. Also, it seems like the closer I get to the critical stages of this treatment, the more responsiblities I have popping up in my life! :dohh:
Feeling a little overwhelmed.
I GOT MY SCHEDULE!!:happydance::happydance:

i am starting down regging on the 26th Oct with suprecur nasal sprays then after 2 weeks i will start stimms with gonal-f then on track for an ET of around the 23rd Nov depending on reaction to stimms :happydance::happydance: finally it feels real i could be pregnant by christmas!! they actually have my test date exactly 1 week after my sons birthday :happydance::cloud9:
I GOT MY SCHEDULE!!:happydance::happydance:

i am starting down regging on the 26th Oct with suprecur nasal sprays then after 2 weeks i will start stimms with gonal-f then on track for an ET of around the 23rd Nov depending on reaction to stimms :happydance::happydance: finally it feels real i could be pregnant by christmas!! they actually have my test date exactly 1 week after my sons birthday :happydance::cloud9:

Woot! Good for you! It is so good to finally have an idea of what you will be doing. :happydance: I don't know about you, but I am dreading the idea of having to go through the holidays not pregnant AGAIN! Literally everyone in both of our families who could possibly be pregnant IS. Like approximatly seven different couples. Goo. I love going to family holiday dinners and hearing stuff like, "Shouldn't you guys be settling down and having kids?" ugh. Or, "Isn't it your turn now?" Yeah - if only. Anyway, I am glad you are on track!
i know we are the same we will be celebrating our 3rd wedding anniversary on Jan 8th and would love to be looking forward to having our own little bundle :hugs:
Hey TCMC - my hubby and I will be celebrating our 3rd anniversary on the exact same day! And agree - having a little bundle to look forward to would make the anniversary all the more special.

Woot Woot tcmc! :happydance: That is great; looks like we are will most likely have the ET date :) My estimated ER is 11/18 and transfer 11/23 as well!!! Glad you got your schedule and hopefully all of us will be seeing a BFP for the holidays this year!!!
tcmc - Congrats on getting your schedule! It's all coming together and you'll be at ET before you know it!

Hockey - I know you mentioned that you were unsure the reason for the baby aspirin timeline...is that the normal protocol your RE takes with everyone?

Whisper - Boy can I relate about the holidays...hopefully we'll be looking forward to them this year! Both sides of the family sort of know what's going on and I feel like they treat us so differently. Thankfully nobody asks anymore when little cousins will be coming!

Michelle - OMG! We are neighbors! I don't want to blow my cover too much given any random person may come across this website and post (but really what do I have to worry about since every single person I know already has kids!) That's kinda cool how close we are! Not only that but our ER/ET looks to be around the same time. I should probably take a step back since last attempt had to be canceled and don't want to get too excited before I know what's really in store this time. My RE is at Rush Copley in Aurora - it's very convenient for the early BW and US and do like the staff but I'm starting to 2nd guess things now that I've been on BnB for a little bit. I realized as I've become a lifer at the clinic my RE will only do Surgery on Friday. I find that a bit much to swallow. What happens if people are not ready to trigger etc. Also from what I've read a lot of people have ER when ready and it may happen any day of the week and weekends. This does not happen at my clinic. If I need to see the RE (who is a one-man shop) it takes 2 months to get in for a visit...that's how crazy busy it is. I've got the wheel cranking in my head so now I'm gonna sit back and see what happens with this cycle. I know there is an RE in Naperville but it also sounds like Surgery is only on Friday as well. Is that the norm?? How is your clinic? Anyone feel free to chime in!

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