IVF October/November ???

Ash, congrats on getting 16 eggs! Fingers crossed for an amazing fertilization report tomorrow :)

Amy, glad AF finally came. So you'll do a FET?

Babylights, we're waiting for an update ;)

AFM, first 5 days of injections went well. No symptoms whatsoever :)
sunny - glad to hear you're moving along without side effects. I used to get HORRIBLE headaches with lupron (they didn't put me on it this time around) but I did get bad headaches with BCP. It will fly by and you'll be having ER before you know it.
Congrats Ash! Hope you feel better soon!

Glad your injections are going well, Sunny!

Two more days until my lining / blood level check and start of PIO. I woke up to a nasty lump and bruise behind me knee this morning that really freaked me out. Went to urgent care and doc said it’s a ganglion cyst. Ugh. Harmless but annoying. The excessive bruising is probably from the baby aspirin. Transfer is a week from tomorrow!
ask - oh no that sounds horrible! Glad it's not dangerous though. It's always exciting when you're getting close to transfer. Best of luck! Keep us updated.
Ask, that's terrible! Do they think that could have resulted from the IVF meds, or is it unrelated (with unfortunate timing)?

Ash, I get the Lupron headaches too. Something to look forward to in a few weeks...

Sunny, I'm glad things are successfully underway for you! And extra glad that you aren't having side effects. Yes, mine will be a FET. We were lucky enough to get a whole gaggle of frozen embryos with my fresh transfer a few years ago, so no more fresh cycles for me!
Hey all sorry for the lack of update, been feeling pretty down about our results since retrieval and can’t seem to shake it. They retrieved 14, 10 mature and 7 have fertilized normally and 2 fertilized with fragmentation. Doesn’t that mean that 9 have fertilized? I’m not sure why she differentiated the two with fragmentation. Trying not to think about it too much

ash congrats on 16.

amy glad your period has started

sunny yay for no side effects
Thanks Amy & Ash. They don’t really know what causes them but I read they are 3x more likely in women so I’m thinking it may be tied to the hormones. I also found lots of posts by pregnant women saying they have them. I’m going to ask my RE about it when I go in on Tuesday.

Babylights - I’m sorry you are feeling down. Hopefully your 7 are excellent quality! I remember the embryologist telling me “24 were mature and 22 fertilized normally with ICSI”. I never asked about the other 2. Fingers crossed for you!
Babylights, having 9 fertilized (7 of which are normal) is great! I know that when you're in the middle of it, it's easier to obsess over the negative than to see the positive, but as an outsider here, I think your results are looking really good. Take care of yourself.
babylights - thanks for the update. As for why the emrbyologist would group them separately, fragmented embryos normally don't grow much past fertilization or day 3, I think that's why she split them up. I agree with amy that 7 is good. I know it's disappointing in the moment (I've been there 5 times before) but it's about quality not quantity. Take care of yourself and let us know how you're feeling in a couple of days <3
Fertilization report - 16R 12M 12 fertilized via picsi but 2 of those are not developing so we currently have 10 growing normally. I&#8217;m happy but super nervous what the next few days is going to bring. Most of my embryos die off after day 3 so the next 5 days are going to be miserable. Except that we&#8217;re moving so I do need to get packing. I&#8217;ll have to wait until I&#8217;m feeling a little better from the retrieval though.
10 is great, Ash! FX that a bunch make it to blasts! Are you doing a fresh transfer? Or doing CCS again? Take it easy with the move!
Ask - I&#8217;m doing ccs testing and depending on the outcome of that may not transfer until June. Either way I have to do 2 months of depot Lupron so the soonest I could transfer would be late February/March.
What is the difference between Lupron and depot Lupron? I&#8217;ve been on a low dose of Lupron daily for the last 24 days. Tomorrow is my last shot then I start PIO. Lining check is tomorrow!

Just noticed you had your DH have a similar age gap as me and my DH. :)
Depot lupron is one shot/month and they use it a lot for women who have endo. I don't have endo but we did a biospy on my uterine lining a while back and I was out of phase negative which means that I don't have a protein called beta-3 integrin that is required for an embryo to implant. We did the test since I had multiple transfers but never became pregnant.

Here are a few links if anyone is interested to know more.

https://ivfbaby.com/images/A New Me...egrin as a Marker for Uterine Receptivity.pdf


Thanks for the explanation, Ash! I&#8217;m glad they figured that out for you! Did you do depot Lupron before your successful transfer with the twins?
Yes we did and I&#8217;m so glad! I also did a ton of supplements and we also added in picsi. Not sure exactly what did it or if it was a combo but we&#8217;re doing the same things as last time.
Thanks so much ash & amy, I appreciate the support so much <3 We didn’t get an update like we were supposed to today so hopefully we’ll hear back tomorrow. It’ll be day 5 for the first five that fertilized so hoping for good news. Both our embies (5aa and 6ab) reached blast on day 5 last cycle so fx!

Keeping everything crossed for your 10 ash!
Ask - how did your lining check go?

Babylights - did you hear about your embryos today?
Just heard back - they just biopsied two blasts, a 4AA and 5AB. Four more are still going, they’re past the maroula stage so hoping so hard they all make it, we’ll get the final count tomorrow.

ash how are you doing in your wait? It’s so brutal, ugh.

ask hope your lining check went well!

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