IVF or FET November/December 2015 - chat thread

Lol Sava PIO is Progesterone in oil shots. They are intramuscular, so an inch and a half long needles that go into your upper butt/hip area. They can be quite painful at times.
Aw, Wish, sorry about the zero kids! You'll just have to make one of your own, for future Halloween shenanigans. Heck, you'd even have an excuse to dress up again! Sorry work is so crazy, but have a wonderful time in Napa! Did the bloods go ok?

Sava: yeah, the PIO shots are really the ones you'll want your DW to give you, if you have to take them! They are really difficult to do yourself, not to mention painful! But once you start them you'll be hoping to still be doing them for another 10 weeks or so, because that will mean all is well. Incidentally, it will keep you from bleeding even if AF wants to arrive, so the only way to know whether or not you've got a BFP is by testing... Hopefully, though, AF will not be wanting to arrive by then--not for another 9 months or so!

DP and I have been in "ready to cycle" mode for almost two years now, and most recently, "ready to go to NY at the drop of a hat", so it's been really hard to plan holidays or even people coming to visit. So a friend is coming to visit on Friday, from Norway, I just booked flights (cancellable) for my mom to come visit (she doesn't even know about the BFP yet, but is arriving the day after the 7-week scan, so if all goes well I'll tell her then), AND DP and I have now booked (but can cancel) a nice looong trip to New Zealand and Australia over the holidays. If the ob/gyn says we're crazy to fly that far, we'll try to find somewhere warm and safe nearby...
Hi ladies, sorry I've been MIA. Flying around the world again! I'm so glad to hear the good news for Amanda and Klik ❤️ I hope your bloods were okay Wish and you get some work done on the plane, I always feel it's a good time to multitask :thumbup:

Boopin: I'm pretty sure you're transfer is soon?

And Sava, I agree it's worth waiting for investigations to be over but totally understand wanting to get on with things, you'll be there before you know it :hugs:

AFM: down regs start on Saturday and scan should be next Friday if AF comes on time. I had a meltdown on Sunday after hearing about two pregnancies of two close friends. I just so want to be going through it with them, and hopefully I will, but it just got me and I had a good cry and felt sorry for myself. Back in positive mode now and ready for this cycle :thumbup:
Hi Aster!! It's so nice hearing from you. I only dream of traveling the world. It sounds adventurous and exciting.

I want you to know that I cry, too. I have my moments (almost daily) where I long to experience pregnancy & childbirth. It has pretty much consumed my thoughts for the past year and a half. I must confess that I follow a few pregnancy vlogs on YouTube and often imagine that someday that'll be me. We can't ever give up on HOPE. I'm happy to hear that your moving forward in your cycle with positivity. That's so important. I wish you all the luck that AF shows on time, so you can progress to the next phase. xx
aster - welcome back! where'd you go this time? I'm glad you're back and ready to go. And you got a good cry out of the way too. I hate when those feeling creep in. I actually get mad that i'm sad. HA!

klik - you babymoon your little heart out! how fun!

hello to all other lovelies!

afm - bloods came back looking good - 126 and needed to be over 100, so we're on our way. Next bloods are next Monday, along with my one ultrasound. Then DH goes in on Tues for his sperm and they thaw the eggs, ICSI and we see how the fertilization goes. Fingers crossed!!
Asterimou: welcome back! Good for you, having that good cry. It is hard to hear about pregnancies of people who are close... but hopefully you'll join them soon in pregnancy, and all it will mean is your baby is the youngest one in the cohort, by a couple months! :dust:

Boopin: I'm sorry things have been so tough... I often think of that little embryo that got all the way to a heartbeat and then you had to say goodbye to... That is so heartbreaking, I really felt it in my bones... I dearly hope your new regimen works for you, though, and your body, which does seem to want to be pregnant (like Amanda's!) can sustain it this time around with the extra help (again, like Amanda's!) Life often doesn't give people what they deserve, but in your case, I really hope it does, and you go through a beautiful pregnancy and give birth to a wonderful baby! :dust:

Wish: lol, I had to look up babymoon and yeah, that's totally what this is! Excellent that your bloods came back good. Gosh, it feels like it's happening so fast! Good luck on the next scan and bloods, and after that, I hope all 6 of those young perky eggs fertilize! :dust:
klik, I thank you for your kind and encouraging words. They mean the world to me, especially right now. You and amanda both have renewed my hope that this sometimes cruel & unfair ivf process can be successful. :hugs: :kiss:

Hi Wish :wave: That's awesome news about your blood work . Sending you & your dh GL at your next appointments!! Fingers & toes crossed for you!! :dust:
Hey Wish, I was just in Europe this time; Germany and Denmark. It's all very autumnal so I was enjoying the lovely colours. Best of luck on Monday, keep us posted xx

Thanks Boopin, it is comforting to know I'm not the only one that breaks down. It's so strange how you can be fine and then something just tips you over the edge and the flood gates open! I'm really behind you on your journey and hope soooo much you get your little one xx

Klik/Amanda: hope pregnancy is treating you well and that we can all turn this into a pregnancy thread soon ;)

Hi Sava and Scoobs, hope you ladies are okay.

I start down reg tmrw. I haven't taken the pill this time so my period could be up to three weeks away. It could also be next week so I'm hoping for that, let's get this show on the road :thumbup:
Boopin: it often is very cruel and very unfair, it's true... I'm rooting for you like crazy, and I hope from this point on, life is kind with you... I hope you find yourself pregnant soon, and get to enjoy it in all it's stages! :hugs:
Oooh, Asterimou, we cross-posted! I SO want this thread to become a pregnancy thread! What a brilliant idea!

Good luck with the down-reg, and I hope AF comes next week so you can start! :dust:
Happy Friday ladies!!! Hope everyone had a nice week :) I'm so behind, but here goes...

wish- Congrats on good BW results and enjoy Napa! My DH and I are huge music lovers and try & get to a concert a couple of times a month. I love your "responsive dear diary" term. So true! My mom is exactly the same way. She does her own research and asks a million questions. I don't mind at all, I just have to keep reminding her to keep her expectations realistic. (She's SO ready for another grandchild lol.) Wow, I can't believe how fast everything is going for you.

klik- Awesome news on your scan! So your next one is next Tuesday right? And that's a big one! I hope they give you pics to share :) I hope you're enjoying being able to make plans again. I totally know what you mean about TTC putting your life on pause. Almost every decision we make now is colored by "but I may be pregnant" or "but we should stay close to home just in case". Also, unrelated- what kind of dog do you have?

Amanda- I'm so glad you're feeling better, and congratulations for getting to over 12 weeks!!! That's such a huge milestone. How did your fetal scan go?

Sava- Good luck with your ultrasound today! I think you made the right call waiting & I hope you get some answers. I hope you're enjoying that lovely newborn baby :)

Aster- Hooray for getting started! I absolutely have my bad days too & feel so wistful every time I see a baby carriage or a pregnant woman. And sometimes I get angry and sometimes I get sad, and more than anything else I get frustrated. We're all so ready to be moms here and I'll never understand why the women who want it most often struggle the hardest. But it'll just make it that much sweeter when it happens! I can't wait until this becomes a pregnancy thread :)

boopin & Disney- any big plans coming up for you ladies? I think you had both said November or December, right?

AFM, I've got my follow up appointment with the RE today (which is also a pre-op appointment). Unfortunately my DH can't come because of work stuff. But I'm actually his boss so that was my call ;) Anyway, I'm guessing they'll give us some odds today now that we've had all of our preliminary stuff done. I think that will determine which way we're going to go. Like, if it's a 15% chance with IUI versus 50% for IVF w/ICSI we'll probably just skip IUI since it's out of pocket. We've decided that we'll take it easy for the next couple of months to give me time to heal and enjoy the holidays, and get started around the middle of January. But I'm really looking forward to getting a plan in place!
Hey Scooby, it sounds like a good plan to have Christmas off. I was actually doing my first round about this time last year so have given two Christmas' to IVF, all worth it though ;) I like the idea of you just kicking back and chilling though. I agree around the odds. See what ya numbers are and go from there. I hope it's a conclusive visit xx

Happy Friday all :)
Cleared to start cycle AGAIN!! Tentative FET date Wednesday 11/23 (as long as my lining cooperates). :haha:

Have a fabulous weekend ladies!! xx
Excellent news Boopin :happydance: I will be very close to you so we may be in the tww together :hugs:
Hi Ladies! I just found this thread. I'll go back a few pages to catch up on the current situation of everyone, but can I join you? I'm starting a new IVF in about 2 weeks.
Welcome Nolimit!! :wave:

Aster - I'd love to have you as a 2ww buddy!! :hugs:
Scooby: yes, next scan on Tuesday! I wasn't nervous to start with, but as the day approaches I'm getting some jitters. Indeed, planning while TTC is really hard! But I'm really hoping life will be more predictable from now, and that it gets a lot more hectic in some 7.5 months! My dog is a white miniature schnauzer. He's ridiculously cute--looks like an Arctic baby seal. I see your avatar is dogs! Cuties!!! Lol, hilarious about your DH not being able to attend your appointment because you won't let him! How did it go--did it clarify things for you? I really hope so...

Asterimou: So exciting! It's coming up! I really hope this Lister cycle is exactly what you need, and gets you your baby!

Boopin: WOW, that is great! I'm sure your lining will cooperate--your body wants a baby, after all!

Nolimit: welcome! Are you doing anything to prep this cycle, or do you just wait for AF and start then? Good luck!
klik, I'm sending you positive vibes & GL dust for your next scan!! :dust:
Nolimit: welcome! Are you doing anything to prep this cycle, or do you just wait for AF and start then? Good luck!

Hey! I'm not doing any suppression this cycle. I'm on a cocktail of supplements, getting lots of water, no caffeine; you know the basics :haha: I should be getting this cycle started here within 2 weeks putting retrieval right around the 1st-5th of December. Hopefully we make it to transfer this time! Praying for a Christmas BFP [-o< my original due date before my mmc was Christmas 2016 :cry:

Boopin: When will you know if your lining cooperates?
Nolimit - I start estrogen shots this week and will inject every tue/fri. I'll have a lining check on 11/17 to see if it's thickening. Hopefully, my uterine lining will get plump enough for my FET that's scheduled on 11/23. FX'D!!

Ladies - Any suggestions on how to quickly build my UL?? I'm eating alot of kale, spinach, nuts, protein dense foods, drinking lots of water and %100 pomegranate juice. Also, I'm going on daily walks to get my blood flowing. If you can think of anything else, please feel free to share your thoughts & ideas with me. TIA!!

I hope everyone had a nice weekend. :hugs:

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