Happy Friday ladies!!! Hope everyone had a nice week
I'm so behind, but here goes...
wish- Congrats on good BW results and enjoy Napa! My DH and I are huge music lovers and try & get to a concert a couple of times a month. I love your "responsive dear diary" term. So true! My mom is exactly the same way. She does her own research and asks a million questions. I don't mind at all, I just have to keep reminding her to keep her expectations realistic. (She's SO ready for another grandchild lol.) Wow, I can't believe how fast everything is going for you.
klik- Awesome news on your scan! So your next one is next Tuesday right? And that's a big one! I hope they give you pics to share
I hope you're enjoying being able to make plans again. I totally know what you mean about TTC putting your life on pause. Almost every decision we make now is colored by "but I may be pregnant" or "but we should stay close to home just in case". Also, unrelated- what kind of dog do you have?
Amanda- I'm so glad you're feeling better, and congratulations for getting to over 12 weeks!!! That's such a huge milestone. How did your fetal scan go?
Sava- Good luck with your ultrasound today! I think you made the right call waiting & I hope you get some answers. I hope you're enjoying that lovely newborn baby
Aster- Hooray for getting started! I absolutely have my bad days too & feel so wistful every time I see a baby carriage or a pregnant woman. And sometimes I get angry and sometimes I get sad, and more than anything else I get frustrated. We're all so ready to be moms here and I'll never understand why the women who want it most often struggle the hardest. But it'll just make it that much sweeter when it happens! I can't wait until this becomes a pregnancy thread
boopin & Disney- any big plans coming up for you ladies? I think you had both said November or December, right?
AFM, I've got my follow up appointment with the RE today (which is also a pre-op appointment). Unfortunately my DH can't come because of work stuff. But I'm actually his boss so that was my call
Anyway, I'm guessing they'll give us some odds today now that we've had all of our preliminary stuff done. I think that will determine which way we're going to go. Like, if it's a 15% chance with IUI versus 50% for IVF w/ICSI we'll probably just skip IUI since it's out of pocket. We've decided that we'll take it easy for the next couple of months to give me time to heal and enjoy the holidays, and get started around the middle of January. But I'm really looking forward to getting a plan in place!