Wow, things are about to get very busy for the ladies on this thread!
aster- thank you! I hope there are no setbacks & you can start as scheduled. So exciting!
boopin- wow, only 2 weeks away for you! I've heard a bunch of things that help for the lining but you've named most of them. Some people swear by raspberry leaf tea, but I believe you have to stop right after you ovulate. Worth looking into though! I take omega 3 every day & I'm convinced that helps.
nolimit- welcome! I'm so sorry about your loss, and wish you the very best of luck on your upcoming cycle!
klik- Congratulations!!! I'm sure it's a huge weight off your mind to hear that little heartbeat. I hope you're not stressing over the size, as I've heard it's VERY common to be measuring a few days behind at this stage. Try & relax and enjoy being pregnant
Awww, I bet your mini schnauzer is adorable! My girls are rescues from our local SPCA. We did DNA tests on them & they're both mega mutts lol. Lola is Greyhound/Shepherd and Keema is Lab/Boxer/Boston Terrier but they both have a ton of other breeds mixed in. They're awesome.
sava- hope you get the thumbs up to go ahead next cycle!
Amanda- I'm so glad you're here to keep us from worrying so much
Has the MS gone away completely now?
Wish & Disney- how are you girls doing?
AFM I've got my stress test today so my cardiologist can sign off on the polyp surgery. Just hoping it goes okay & I'm cleared for surgery! My RE told me the polyp is in the fundal region of my uterus, which is apparently right where embryos like to implant. Honestly I just feel in my gut that this is what's been preventing us from getting pregnant. My DH is solidly in the normal range with his SA now, my hormone levels & lining are great, my tubes are clear & I ovulate on my own. I mean, what else could it be? I've been staring at stark white BFN's for over 2 years, and we were NTNP for 3 years before that.
Our RE is giving us a 22-23% chance with IVF which sounds pretty dismal considering we only have one shot at this. (But our odds with IUI were only about 10%.) Is this normal for my age (38)? She said we'd do a 4-5 week protocol & anticipates a 5-day transfer. She doesn't think ICSI would increase our odds and honestly it would save us $2500 if we didn't do it.
Sooo, we decided we'll try on our own for 2 months after the surgery & then start an IVF cycle in mid January. I don't want to wait anymore, I've waited long enough! I figure if it doesn't work out, maybe we'll have a couple of embies leftover for a FET. Oh, and here's something I wanted to ask everyone. She said they usually recommend a single embryo transfer, but nearly everyone I've talked to in my age group gets 2 transferred. As much as the idea of twins makes me nervous, I'm even more nervous that this won't work at all. What do you guys think?