IVF or FET November/December 2015 - chat thread

Happy Monday everyone! I had the ultrasound on Friday so I'm just sitting tight waiting for the results to come in. Hoping we'll get the go ahead for next month. CD9 today so we're already a third way through the cycle!
Boopin: thanks for the wishes! I forget: are you vegetarian? I have a friend who had to start eating meat again when TTC because she'd become anaemic... Hopefully not you, though! If you're vegetarian, then the stuff you mentioned looks great (including "lentils" as protein-rich foods)--just make sure your iron levels are good! If you're not, I've heard liver and red meat are good lining-builders... I hope the estrogen shots do it for you! :dust:

Nolimit: that's heart-breaking... You were hoping for the best possible Christmas present ever, and then you lost it... Well, I wish you a nice lasting BFP for Christmas this year! :dust: A number of us on this thread have had to mourn miscarriages, sadly... I'm so sorry you did, too... Still, I hope this attempt brings you the healthy baby you've been trying for! :dust:

Sava: What were the results? I really hope you get the all-clear, no interventions needed! [-o<
Hey, gals, I just had the scan and they detected a heartbeat! The sonographer did not want to measure the speed, as she didn't want to put pressure on it, but it looked like about two beats per second. I'm in shock and disbelief!

Still, the crown-rump length is a little on the small side: 0.69cm, which dates it at 6w4d instead of 7w. Apparently this is pretty usual for early pregnancy, so I'm trying not to fret, though it's hard! :wacko: I have to send the results to NY now and see if they'll ask for anything else from me...
Klik, heartbeat is great!!! And mine at 6w2d measure at 0.39cm and measured right on track. I'd have to double check my scan pics, but I'm almost certain that at 8w2d it measure 0.69cm and they dated me 7w4d. So I think there are different dating measurements everywhere. When I asked my dr about measuring smaller at that point, he said not to worry. They are measureing something so tiny, we're talking about millimetres, he said off by up to a week (sometimes more) is completely normal. Also, he said that you could measure 3 times and get very different results. At 9 weeks I was measuring ahead by 2 days, and have been ever since. Do NOT worry about size (I did too though lol). Also, if baby is tilted at all, the reading will be smaller. But like I said, at 0.69 I was dated 7w4d, so all is good!!!
Wow, things are about to get very busy for the ladies on this thread! :)

aster- thank you! I hope there are no setbacks & you can start as scheduled. So exciting!

boopin- wow, only 2 weeks away for you! I've heard a bunch of things that help for the lining but you've named most of them. Some people swear by raspberry leaf tea, but I believe you have to stop right after you ovulate. Worth looking into though! I take omega 3 every day & I'm convinced that helps.

nolimit- welcome! I'm so sorry about your loss, and wish you the very best of luck on your upcoming cycle!

klik- Congratulations!!! I'm sure it's a huge weight off your mind to hear that little heartbeat. I hope you're not stressing over the size, as I've heard it's VERY common to be measuring a few days behind at this stage. Try & relax and enjoy being pregnant :) Awww, I bet your mini schnauzer is adorable! My girls are rescues from our local SPCA. We did DNA tests on them & they're both mega mutts lol. Lola is Greyhound/Shepherd and Keema is Lab/Boxer/Boston Terrier but they both have a ton of other breeds mixed in. They're awesome.

sava- hope you get the thumbs up to go ahead next cycle!

Amanda- I'm so glad you're here to keep us from worrying so much :) Has the MS gone away completely now?

Wish & Disney- how are you girls doing?

AFM I've got my stress test today so my cardiologist can sign off on the polyp surgery. Just hoping it goes okay & I'm cleared for surgery! My RE told me the polyp is in the fundal region of my uterus, which is apparently right where embryos like to implant. Honestly I just feel in my gut that this is what's been preventing us from getting pregnant. My DH is solidly in the normal range with his SA now, my hormone levels & lining are great, my tubes are clear & I ovulate on my own. I mean, what else could it be? I've been staring at stark white BFN's for over 2 years, and we were NTNP for 3 years before that.

Our RE is giving us a 22-23% chance with IVF which sounds pretty dismal considering we only have one shot at this. (But our odds with IUI were only about 10%.) Is this normal for my age (38)? She said we'd do a 4-5 week protocol & anticipates a 5-day transfer. She doesn't think ICSI would increase our odds and honestly it would save us $2500 if we didn't do it.

Sooo, we decided we'll try on our own for 2 months after the surgery & then start an IVF cycle in mid January. I don't want to wait anymore, I've waited long enough! I figure if it doesn't work out, maybe we'll have a couple of embies leftover for a FET. Oh, and here's something I wanted to ask everyone. She said they usually recommend a single embryo transfer, but nearly everyone I've talked to in my age group gets 2 transferred. As much as the idea of twins makes me nervous, I'm even more nervous that this won't work at all. What do you guys think?
Scooby, I'm really hoping that the polyp is all that's in your way! As for the single embryo transfer, where I live, they will only do one if you're under 35. Over 35 they'll do 2 if you want. The only reason I got 2 last time is because I had 2 mc in a row. Everyone has stressed that twin pregnancies are much more risky than singletons, and so transferring one is usually the recommendation. I totally understand though, and was actually really happy that they transferred 2 this last time. I guess because there are no actual problems with you or DH, there's no real reason it shouldn't work, that's probably why they are suggesting 1? Go with your gut though! As for IUI success, sounds about right. I was given a max of a 15% chance at IUI and I'm 33. Even a healthy couple trying naturally only has those odds every month too. As a species humans are very inefficient at reproducing. Sigh. I've got everything crossed for you that the polyp was the only issue and all this IVF talk will be a moot point!!
Amanda: that was hugely reassuring, thanks!!! Thank you so much for sticking around and sharing the benefit of your experience!

Boopin: thanks!!! I'm hoping to hear good news from you, soon!

Scooby: thanks!!! Awww, rescue mutts--that's awesome! Good luck on the polyp sign-off. It does look likely that this has been getting in your way... As for IVF, I guess your RE is going off their success rates. I think part of the question is how well you will respond: often they pick a good protocol for you right off the bat, but sometimes it's more of a trial-and-error process... Hopefully your case will be straightforward, and they will pick the right protocol for you from the start and then you'll end up with a good number of strong, healthy embryos! As for the number to transfer... Personally, I might try and transfer the "best"-looking and "worst"-looking at the same time--day 3 embryos, that is... For blasts, I think I'd do one at a time, at your age. Then again, one of my REs said even chromosomally normal embryos only implant about 1/2 the time, so even if you were guaranteed that normality (which, without PGD, you're not), your chances of twins would still be only 25%. Then again, we had someone earlier on this thread who ended up with triplets, so... you never know. Well, whatever you decide, best of luck!
Great news on the heartbeat Klik, I bet you have to pinch yourself:) so nice Amanda can put your mind at ease.

Scooby: I'm 37 and was once given odds of 60% but that was the ARGC and I think they are questionable. At my current clinic he has taken my AMH, sperm DNA frag, age and some other measures into consideration so I have a 30% chance. I'm definitely putting 2 in as I've had 2 failed IVFs before. Mine is a different case because I had hydrosapinx the last two times. They have been operated on now so I'm hoping this is it. We have to have ICSI because my husband has high fragmentation. We never knew that the last two times either. I think it is a good strategy to try naturally after your op. It could have been that stoping it so two good timed tries may be all you need xx
Gals, I've had such a strong reaction re. election results I can't think of anything else. If this little bean makes it, I wonder what sort of world s/he will be born into...

Asterimou: yes, I had to pinch myself, indeed! Though I was immediately taken up with panic over the size... Feeling good about that now, though! Hope it's all going well for you in TTC world! :dust:
I hear you Klik. I think the world is shocked. We can only hope that he doesn't go through with all the things he said he'd do on campaign.
I woke up stunned, heartbroken and in disbelief. Trying to process the horrible outcome of this US election. It feels like a bad dream... That man scares the crap out of me. :(
I really never thought Trump would get in and am still in shock. Such a sad day for the world:( That man scares me, and it freaks me out that people voted for him after what he said. In my industry he's a nightmare as he doesn't believe in climate change so is going to be so destructive. Let's hope as you said Amanda that a lot of it was just talk. Unfortunately it doesn't feel like it:nope:
Amanda: amen. Indeed, let us hope it's just talk...

Boopin: he scares me, too. His victory speech was conciliatory. I can only hope, hard, that he pivots in that direction...

Asterimou: Yeah, after Brexit, I was really, really ready for openness and modernity to at least be reaffirmed in the US. But no... Hopefully he won't do too much damage before he can be replaced. Hopefully.
Sorry ladies, you guys move here fast so I've had to play catch up!

Thanks for the welcomes and the nice thoughts you've all had about my miscarriage.

Boopin: It sounds like you've got the lining under control as far as what YOU can personally do to make it thicker. You've really done your research and it shows! I've read a lot about fertility massage and I'm actually going to do it myself starting next week (about 7 days before AF) and I'll do it daily until retrieval. Its supposed to encourage blood flow to the ovaries and uterus, and when you push on the specific spots its supposed to move old blood out to keep as much fresh oxygen flowing in the blood stream down there! I feel like an insane person but I'm willing to try it all...hahaha Maybe give it a whirl for yourself?

Klik:Heartbeat is very exciting news!!! Congratulations! Keep us in the loop on how little bean grows! At 6 weeks in my previous (and only) pregnancy I couldn't stop eating!!!! Any "classic" symptoms you've experienced yet?

Scooby: I'm glad you were cleared for surgery! Do you know when you will be scheduled? I'd also say for your age group 2 embies is pretty typical. I'm sure its all circumstantial, but since this is your first IVF cycle I really wouldn't put more thought into it just yet, and here's why: You do not know how you will stimulate, you aren't sure of fertilization and you aren't sure of quality. Instead of thinking how many should we transfer, maybe approach it with "If we have 4 embies make it to day 5 how many will we transfer? If we have 10? If we have 2?" Discuss this with your DH and see if you guys are on the same page and see if your question answers itself so to speak.

For me, I just had a positive ovulation test Sunday/Monday so I think Monday evening or Tuesday AM was ovulation. Here's hoping for a natural BFP so I don't have to inject such copious amounts of medications into my body.... either way my tww starts today! And it will end 1 of 2 ways: BFP or a jump right into an unsuppressed IVF cycle. Oyyeee.....
Nolimit fx! Hoping you get your BFP, but it's great that you have a plan going forward! :dust:
Nolimit: I don't think I do have any symptoms to speak of, actually. It's kind of eerie. Scans are therefore extremely welcome, as I seem to have no other source of feedback... Only thing is, I've been late to bed and early to rise, and then have moments of real sleepiness during the day, but I attribute that to the extra thryroxine I'm on now... Wow, a natural BFP would be so awesome! Good luck on your natural 2ww!!! :dust:

Boopin: rooting for a thick lining for you! :dust:

Amanda: any more scans on the horizon?
Oh man Klik you're so lucky to have no symptoms! I felt pretty decent yesterday, but back to feeling sick and yucky today. My next scan isn't until 17 weeks on Dec 5 and it feels so weird. I had weekly scans since 9 weeks, so it's strange to be left alone for so long! Hehe
hi girls! whew it's been awhile! Work has been insane and then the trip to Napa in the middle was awesome. I have to be brief too, actually, b/c I really need to get to work! :)

welcome, nolimit!! FX'ed for your natural BFP this cycle but if not, welcome to the land of those copious drugs! :)

klik - a HB!!! SO EXCITED FOR YOU!!! can't wait to watch this little one hold on and grow! <3

boopin - you're right on track with everything you're doing, and nolimit's comment about the massage got me thinking about acu for you. I guess you're supposed to start doing it a couple of months ahead to prep for the cycle you want, but anything can help. That helps blood flow too. Either way, good luck!!!

amanda - I'm sorry you're still feeling yucky! so happy that you're in the 2nd tri now, though - you made it!! :happydance:

aster, sava, scoob - I know you guys have things going on too but I can't remember exactly. Scans on 'objects', cycles starting this/next month or after the holidays. either way - :hugs: and :wave: to you all!

re: trump - I'm floored and everything I hear about his transition into the White House just sends a chill up my spine. He's already chosen a non-global warming-believing "expert" to head up the EPA. Yeah, I really was hoping he was all talk but now I really wonder what progress he's going to undo. No funding for Planned Parenthood, no funding for alternate energy sources, undo Roe vs Wade?? Who knows at this point. I'm scared and sad.

afm - Lupron is done, I'm on to the butt shots! all 6 eggs survived the thaw and were inseminated this past Tues. 5 fertilized and are still going strong as of yesterday. Today is Day 3, i'll transfer on Sunday (just one at a time) if we are lucky enough for at least one to make it til then. Thankfully life has had me SO busy that I haven't had a chance to really stress over anything, so I'm just going with the flow. Tomorrow, DH and I are running an obstacle-like race at Fenway Park (the Spartan Race, if anyone has heard of it). It's just a sprint but we're doing it with friends and it's supposed to be a beautiful day, so it should be a good time. A little something fun before I have to be careful with myself! :)

I hope you all are well! :flower:

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