IVF until we all get our bfp! 2012-present *13 w/twins & 1 w/triplets!*

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Jchic that's awful!! I can't believe she wrote that! How insensitive.
jchic, some people are so completely oblivious and insensitive. i hope you don't let her comments stress you out.

To update, I had my Day 3 transfer today of 5 embryos, Yes, you read that right, 5!! I'm of 'advanced maternal age' and it is my clinic's practice to transfer up to 5 embryos for ladies my age. Now the wait begins. Wonder if I should take some time off or go back to work tomorrow.
jchic, some people are so completely oblivious and insensitive. i hope you don't let her comments stress you out.

To update, I had my Day 3 transfer today of 5 embryos, Yes, you read that right, 5!! I'm of 'advanced maternal age' and it is my clinic's practice to transfer up to 5 embryos for ladies my age. Now the wait begins. Wonder if I should take some time off or go back to work tomorrow.

Congrats on being PUPO!! :happydance: I did have to take a double look at your post. 5! I have never heard of someone getting 5 transferred. Fx for you. Do you know what grades they were? What is your test date?
Ladies I have a question about the thread. Do you think it's ok to update on others who have stepped away or wait until they come back (if they do)? Such as CozIvf. I feel kinda weird even asking but I don't know what the right thing to do is.

Also I was looking through some threads I had posted in and saw that Toucansofsoda is having triplets! Tou if you still silently stalk this thread congrats!!
l8bloomer - congrats! I am hoping and praying for your bfp darling!

Thanks for the words ladies....much appreciated :) xoxo
jchic, some people are so completely oblivious and insensitive. i hope you don't let her comments stress you out.

To update, I had my Day 3 transfer today of 5 embryos, Yes, you read that right, 5!! I'm of 'advanced maternal age' and it is my clinic's practice to transfer up to 5 embryos for ladies my age. Now the wait begins. Wonder if I should take some time off or go back to work tomorrow.

holy moly!! 5 embryos! id be sh*** myself! id be very worried lol..but your clinic knows best! congrats on being pupo!! id take 2 days off just to be safe :) i take a whole wk off after transfer.

jchic: your cousin was out of line! cant believe she would say that :(

jerry: sounds lie congrats! fx for darker line!

michelle: sooo sorry about your tests. but at least now yo have a reason and you will have the best chance for success once this is being managed.
Just thought I'd pop in & update. I don't think that I've told you girls that we're using our last frozen emby... Anyway, we have our embryo transfer scheduled for sunday:happydance::happydance::happydance: We get a chance to try again & this may be our lats chance with DH's sperm so we're hoping that this emby is a lovely sticky one who loves my uterus & decides to snuggle in for the long haul.

Hope everyone else is going well :hugs:
got a quick us at work today. 1 have about 8 follies on each side each measuring around 1 cm.. largest is about 1.3. so yay no dominant... heh now the question is... do i send the pic to my doc..
Just thought I'd pop in & update. I don't think that I've told you girls that we're using our last frozen emby... Anyway, we have our embryo transfer scheduled for sunday:happydance::happydance::happydance: We get a chance to try again & this may be our lats chance with DH's sperm so we're hoping that this emby is a lovely sticky one who loves my uterus & decides to snuggle in for the long haul.

Hope everyone else is going well :hugs:

:happydance: I'm so excited for you. Fx!!


got a quick us at work today. 1 have about 8 follies on each side each measuring around 1 cm.. largest is about 1.3. so yay no dominant... heh now the question is... do i send the pic to my doc..

Thats great that you can get them at work. At least you know waiting until Thursday will be ok.
jenny I got a faint bfp at 6dp3dt with my first icsi.

jchic that was super insensitive I was mad for you, whether they mean it or not that was plain cruel, I'd say something to her.
5 embies! :shock: I'd be crapping myself to! But huge congrats, just how old are you if you don't mind me asking? Were they day 3 or 5?

Michelle sorry for the bad news but at least you will be giving your next round the proper shot it deserves!
PS - just a rant here - got the following email from my cousin who is about 7 months pregnant. She has 2 sisters, one whom I am VERY VERY close to....well her sister must have told her what was going on (which I am not upset about) BUT this email is just, I cant even right now. I want to scream. WTF. So insensitive.
Hey Jess!
Wow! I spoke with Ley, and just wanted to tell you that I give you guys so much credit for pulling through all of this with such good spirits.... Mood and disposition play such an important role in getting pregnant and throughout the pregnancy and its probably so hard since you and Mike are infertile and cant have any children naturally. That is what IVF is for at least! I will pray that its in your plan to have children. I hope it is and that you dont just have your dogs to spoil!
Are you going to Davids graduation or graduation party this weekend? If so, I will see you Saturday. Love you!

:gun::gun::gun: People need to realise that sometimes just a im thinking about you will be more than enough. I go absolutely through the roof when someone, and i dont care who it is, tells me jsut relax it will happen or stop thinking about it. They obviously dont know how it feels.

jchic- yikes im so sorry. clearly she wasnt even thinking at all..

just had to order more gonal.. sigh another 400 and something bucks. plus gotta pick my car up (about 300 and something). it is always something.

Hope its the last bit you will need and then get your bfp!!!

Sorry, I've been trying to keep my mind off the tww so have stayed off here as much as possible.
I was doing okay until Sunday and then I started spotting and have been on and off since. I have no symptoms either.
I just need Friday afternoon to come around so that I know one way or the other, although I have resigned myself to a BFN.

Keep your head up, it aint over yet. It might be IB. How many DPO are you now?

jchic, some people are so completely oblivious and insensitive. i hope you don't let her comments stress you out.

To update, I had my Day 3 transfer today of 5 embryos, Yes, you read that right, 5!! I'm of 'advanced maternal age' and it is my clinic's practice to transfer up to 5 embryos for ladies my age. Now the wait begins. Wonder if I should take some time off or go back to work tomorrow.

WOW 5, that is alot. I hope atleast 2 of them stick and that you will get your bfp!!! I would also take time off, i take 10days off after my transfer.

Ladies I have a question about the thread. Do you think it's ok to update on others who have stepped away or wait until they come back (if they do)? Such as CozIvf. I feel kinda weird even asking but I don't know what the right thing to do is.

Also I was looking through some threads I had posted in and saw that Toucansofsoda is having triplets! Tou if you still silently stalk this thread congrats!!

I would say if it is good news then update it as it gives the new people that join and us hope. If it is not good news then maybe just say waiting for a update. :shrug:

Just thought I'd pop in & update. I don't think that I've told you girls that we're using our last frozen emby... Anyway, we have our embryo transfer scheduled for sunday:happydance::happydance::happydance: We get a chance to try again & this may be our lats chance with DH's sperm so we're hoping that this emby is a lovely sticky one who loves my uterus & decides to snuggle in for the long haul.

Hope everyone else is going well :hugs:

Fx'd this is your forever bean and you will hold him/her in 9 months, GL with the transfer and tww.

got a quick us at work today. 1 have about 8 follies on each side each measuring around 1 cm.. largest is about 1.3. so yay no dominant... heh now the question is... do i send the pic to my doc..

16 is a great number!!!! Now they must just all grow together!

AFM > I have definitely Od on Saturday :happydance::happydance: Im sooooo happy, will be using more Lucrin now but that is fine. Will be on it for 16 days so will be properly down regulated.

Just need to call the FS office and make sure it will be fine. Edit: Just confirmed it is fine, will use it till AF arrives

AF due on the 17th :coffee:
I'd like to join this thread too! Starting Lupron on the 18th, retrieval on 7/9 and approximate proceedure date of 7/11.
Welcome Miss Annabelle! Your pup is so so soooo cute!

Michelle - I am sorry :( I am confident that this next round will be completely successful!
(7dp3dt) Took a test this morning with FMU and it was BFN; after yesterday afternoon's faint BFP. Can only think yesterday's was residual from the HCG trigger. Haven't decided yet if I'll test tomorrow or wait until Friday morning. Don't have a whole lot of hope, but I'm trying.
Hey ladies, I think I may have posted in this thread a while back and I have to say it is a fast moving thread. :laugh2:

At the moment I am waiting on my schedule. I know it is due to arrive this week as I phoned on Friday and they told me it has been done and they were just waiting on the doctor to sign off my script. And with the holidays they may not even post it until today. I am into my 5th week on the BCP and I have just found out that my recent AMH test result is 7.6 pmol/L which is lower than the one I got done this time last year which was 10 pmol/L. However, my consultant said that 10 were normal so I am not sure what they will say about the 7.6. But when I google online they say anything below 15 is low. I am gutted!!!

jchic – I just read the email that your cousin sent you and I have to truly say that people who find it easy to get pregnant seriously don’t know what we go through. I think sometimes they are better off saying nothing. I can see that she is trying to be nice but seriously choose the wrong words.

Mrs Stru, could it be an implantation bleed?

L8bloomer, congrats on the 5 transfers and being PUPO, do what you feel is right. If you can take some time off to rest then do it. :happydance:

MJ73, good luck for Sunday xx :flower:

Hello to everyone else. xx
got a quick us at work today. 1 have about 8 follies on each side each measuring around 1 cm.. largest is about 1.3. so yay no dominant... heh now the question is... do i send the pic to my doc..

yayyy for follies!!! Personally my dr would smack me lol

Just thought I'd pop in & update. I don't think that I've told you girls that we're using our last frozen emby... Anyway, we have our embryo transfer scheduled for sunday:happydance::happydance::happydance: We get a chance to try again & this may be our lats chance with DH's sperm so we're hoping that this emby is a lovely sticky one who loves my uterus & decides to snuggle in for the long haul.

Hope everyone else is going well :hugs:

Fingers crossed for a sticky forever bean!!!

Ladies I have a question about the thread. Do you think it's ok to update on others who have stepped away or wait until they come back (if they do)? Such as CozIvf. I feel kinda weird even asking but I don't know what the right thing to do is.

Also I was looking through some threads I had posted in and saw that Toucansofsoda is having triplets! Tou if you still silently stalk this thread congrats!!

Yes, I think its ok to do that.

jchic, some people are so completely oblivious and insensitive. i hope you don't let her comments stress you out.

To update, I had my Day 3 transfer today of 5 embryos, Yes, you read that right, 5!! I'm of 'advanced maternal age' and it is my clinic's practice to transfer up to 5 embryos for ladies my age. Now the wait begins. Wonder if I should take some time off or go back to work tomorrow.

Oh My!!! 5??? Good Luck hun!!!

Sorry, I've been trying to keep my mind off the tww so have stayed off here as much as possible.
I was doing okay until Sunday and then I started spotting and have been on and off since. I have no symptoms either.
I just need Friday afternoon to come around so that I know one way or the other, although I have resigned myself to a BFN.

Fingers crossed you BFP is around the corner

Blue - sorry to hear about your news, but August is right around the corner! :hugs:

I just got my blood results and not such great news.....my natural killer cells were elevated; the high end is 14 and mine were 29, not to mention something called MTHFR which is clotting in pg, mine was high, but said that was something they could control with other meds in my next cycle. Right now they want me to go in tomorrow morning for another blood test to repeat it and make sure it is still that high; if it is, then they refer me to another specialist. So basically starting with my next cycle next week...a NO GO :( I am so frustrated!!! And starting to actually think its not worth it anymore. Sorry to rant on, I am so upset! I know most of you are trying to concieve your first child and I should be blessed that I have one already, but I wanted more then anything to give him a sibling. I think at times maybe I should just be happy I have him and move on!!

Hun, I found out in March that I have MTHFR as well. Do you know what kind you have?

PS - just a rant here - got the following email from my cousin who is about 7 months pregnant. She has 2 sisters, one whom I am VERY VERY close to....well her sister must have told her what was going on (which I am not upset about) BUT this email is just, I cant even right now. I want to scream. WTF. So insensitive.
Hey Jess!
Wow! I spoke with Ley, and just wanted to tell you that I give you guys so much credit for pulling through all of this with such good spirits.... Mood and disposition play such an important role in getting pregnant and throughout the pregnancy and its probably so hard since you and Mike are infertile and cant have any children naturally. That is what IVF is for at least! I will pray that its in your plan to have children. I hope it is and that you dont just have your dogs to spoil!
Are you going to Davids graduation or graduation party this weekend? If so, I will see you Saturday. Love you!

Unbelieveable, ppl are so insensitive. I'm sorry hun!!!
Welcome Miss Annabelle!

Irish - On my AMH leaflet it says 5-15 is normal, <5 is low, >15 is high. So yours looks pretty normal to me! :happydance:

jchic - OMG!!!! I cringed reading that letter, how can someone be so utterly insensitive?! Don't worry, us infertile folks will just be content with our dogs! :nope: I also hate the "just relax and it'll happen"!!!. :grr:

blue - Sorry about your delay, that sucks but I'm sure they know what they're doing and it's only to give you the best possible chance of success x :flower:

AFM - Had my follicle check today. Good news and bad news - I've got squillions! Got 13 on the right and she couldn't count them all on the left! Lining is 4.5cm (don't know if that's good or bad). She said right now I'm at high risk of OHSS and they wouldn't lower my gonal cos it's already very low! So just need to wait and see. Have scans again on Fri and Mon. If more than 20 follicles at egg collection I have to wait a few months then have a FET :dohh:.

Hope everyone is doing well xx
Welcome Miss Annabelle!

Irish - On my AMH leaflet it says 5-15 is normal, <5 is low, >15 is high. So yours looks pretty normal to me! :happydance:

jchic - OMG!!!! I cringed reading that letter, how can someone be so utterly insensitive?! Don't worry, us infertile folks will just be content with our dogs! :nope: I also hate the "just relax and it'll happen"!!!. :grr:

blue - Sorry about your delay, that sucks but I'm sure they know what they're doing and it's only to give you the best possible chance of success x :flower:

AFM - Had my follicle check today. Good news and bad news - I've got squillions! Got 13 on the right and she couldn't count them all on the left! Lining is 4.5cm (don't know if that's good or bad). She said right now I'm at high risk of OHSS and they wouldn't lower my gonal cos it's already very low! So just need to wait and see. Have scans again on Fri and Mon. If more than 20 follicles at egg collection I have to wait a few months then have a FET :dohh:.

Hope everyone is doing well xx

Well you're not going to need FET anyway!!!
Thank you for all your responses.

I am 12dp2dt so implantation is possible but i'm not getting my hopes up. Spotting has eased today though.

I haven't tested at all and won't now until my appt on Friday afternoon when I will be 14dp2dt.

OH made me get an afternoon appt as it is easier with work. So I won't know until after 15:30! At least I can go and have a drink if it isn't the news I want.
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