IVF until we all get our bfp! 2012-present *13 w/twins & 1 w/triplets!*

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Popping in for just a minute as I am at work. Had my baseline u/s this morning and all looks good. AF showed about two hours later, luckily I was prepared. Despite drinking water before I went, they had a hard time drawing blood :( she pricked and prodded around then had someone else do it a little while later. Owie!!! Just waiting on the call now to tell me how much for tonight and when I go back.

Squid, boo hiss at getting trouble about the shot in the fridge. Hope they can get you in and out quick for that u/s.
noasaint - glad things are moving for you! Stinks they couldnt draw blood nicely :( I hate when they hurt!

Squid - I hope you dont have an infection - hopefully you will have more answers after the u/s. Fingers crossed for ya!
Squid I was feeling crampy today too. I wonder if it's just from all the action happening in our ovaries is stimulating some cramping? :shrug:

Got the call from my nurse. My E2 went up from 65 to 128, so it's on the rise. Phew! She seems to think I'm just off to a slow start, but that things are looking OK so far. I go back on Saturday - she expects we'll have a better idea of how things are progressing then. GROW together now, and WAKE UP right ovary!! Get in the GAME!
Just curious but how much did people pay for their IVF/ICSI/meds, for example,

I paid: $6750 for the IVF then $1500 for ICSI and my meds where about $2500 but I only have to cover $400 roughly. For a grand total of about $8700 Canadian dollars.

I'm curious cause there seems to be a huge difference between places. Don't answer if you don't want to either!
I think my RE (same as Daisy and Blue's clinic here) is roughly about 11,000 and ICSI is an extra 2,000 plus meds so rough estimate, approximately 13-15,000 with meds. I am covered through my insurance, so only have the copay on my meds and copay for visits but its so costly everywhere isnt it? SUCKS :( Its ridiculous they make having a baby so expensive!
My meds are costing a LOT because I'm on higher doses, and because I'm going to have to stim for a while. With the insurance discount, I think the meds are about $3K+. If I didn't have the insurance discount, it would be roughly 5K. This is assuming I stim for 11 days.. If I stim longer, it will be more.

The cost of IVF at our clinic that Jchic stated is just an estimate, and it includes everything including monitoring etc. It could therefore be more if you are stimming a long time and have more US and blood draws done. That said, if US and blood work are covered for you, you might really only be out of pocket for the retrieval, anesthesia, the culturing of the embryos, the sperm was, the transfer etc.
IVF in our clinic is around €3400, ICSI is an extra €800 and 5 day transfer instead of 3 is another €800. We only pay €130 for meds and the government covers the rest...
mine is 10,800 for ivf with icsi. and then ive paid over 3000 for meds. it will cost me another 300 to transfer any frosties back to my clinic (doing er and et at a different clinic due to embryologist issues). all out of pocket

just had my day 7 of stims us.. measured at least 6 or so follicles on each side. largest was 17mm. starting to get kinda sore in my ovaries. stripe is 1.1 cm. go back tomorrow and sat for blood work and us then egg retrieval mon or tues (hoping monday). i asked him before he started whether i should pretend i had no idea what was going on (because of the us ive done at work). on my way out the door he said, be sure to update me on what the followup us shows =)

daisy- i was worried it was uterus cause it felt like af cramps but when he did the us and pressed deep it reproduced the pain so... follies
Popping in for just a minute as I am at work. Had my baseline u/s this morning and all looks good. AF showed about two hours later, luckily I was prepared. Despite drinking water before I went, they had a hard time drawing blood :( she pricked and prodded around then had someone else do it a little while later. Owie!!! Just waiting on the call now to tell me how much for tonight and when I go back.

Squid, boo hiss at getting trouble about the shot in the fridge. Hope they can get you in and out quick for that u/s.

Thats the worst when blood work hurts!!!
Mobaby - good luck on your surgery and GREAT news on the covered meds! WOOHOO!

Tella - how are you feeling today hun?

Andrea - I hope you O soon, I am sure you will if you just did your trigger....is there a reason you did a medicated cycle this time vs. IVF?

AFM - got my calendar in the mail with my protocol....looks like this (this MAY not be accurate as I am unsure how to really read my nurses writing, LOL. I obviously will know more when I go in for my b/w):

Call July AF
Day 21 b/w - then estrace 2mg 2xs a day
Call Aug AF
Day 3 b/w
Follistim 300 mg for 5 days
Menapur in PM and estrace through Day 6

I will be going in for monitoring (obviously, lol) then I assume they see what the follies are like at that time and adjust accordingly and give me more instructions
Although its a few weeks out still, I am excited to move along!

YAYYY for getting started!!

Daisyq: ugh! Sorry you are dealing with all this with your follies. Wonder if the cyst is messing with everything else? I hope your cycle continues.

So some good news for me...all my meds are covered wih no cost to me! I called for a quote before and they told me I had to pay 100%.... Just looked as I'm picking up meds soon (they had already been ordered as the surgery was unexpected) and everything says paid 100% and i owe 0! I am so happy! Anytime $$ is saved in this process is awesome! I'm just glad my insurance worked for me once. :)
Surgery in less than 4 days.... Nervous! Good thing I won't owe a anything on the surgery either.

Thats great!!!

Hi all. Just back from my second follie check after 5 days of stims. It's not great news, but it's not absolutely terrible, I guess it's somewhere in between, and probably too soon to tell.

It sounds like my right ovary (I can never remember if it was right or left that they are talking about) is totally quiet, with 6 follicles under 10. That's the bad news.

My left ovary seems to be waking up, with one at twelve, two at 11, and I think quite a few more under 10. He only mentioned the one cyst, which is now at 27mm, but didn't say anything about the other one, so I'm wondering if it shrank. Always too shell shocked during these appointments to ask the right questions.

So now I'm waiting on a call for my nurse, and I'll ask her all my questions. At this point, I don't even know how many follicles total, whether the sleepy ovary is the right or left one, etc. I want to find out which side, because my acupuncturist said she can adjust what she does accordingly...

Also hoping my E2 is going up... won't be too surprised if I'm told to increase my dose again. It certainly looks like the estrogen did a good job suppressing me! Looks like I am a slow responder for sure. Just hoping I'm not a "nonresponder." I NEVER would have guessed that I would have had a problem stimming... in a million years. Hoping this thing turns around.

Fingers crossed for you!!!

Haj - she just said I had MTHFR, never said anything more other then they would put me on folic acid and baby asprin, which I did last time, if I do another cycle. I did not even realize there were diffent kinds :nope:

I had another blood draw this morning to repeat the natural killer cells work-up, but I have a feeling I will get the same results. And then I will probably go have a consult with the specialist to see if doing some other treatment along with another IVF cycle is worth it. I have to weigh the risks involved and see what she says before any decisions are made.

I have it. You should find out which one you have. I have like the worst one.

AFM: Went in for my beta today. My levels went from 456 to 1185 :happydance::happydance::happydance: So the nurse said tomorrow morning we will do our first sonogram. I'm so nervous and excited!!! I just want to be assured the the sac is in the uterus like it should be.
Just curious but how much did people pay for their IVF/ICSI/meds, for example,

I paid: $6750 for the IVF then $1500 for ICSI and my meds where about $2500 but I only have to cover $400 roughly. For a grand total of about $8700 Canadian dollars.

I'm curious cause there seems to be a huge difference between places. Don't answer if you don't want to either!

My IVF was about $12,800 US dollars. This includes all u/s, bloods, cryopreservation, and 1 year of storage for frosties. ICSI would be another $2,000 or so. I had very low dosages of meds, and they totaled about $3,000. My insurance covers some of the u/s, blood work, and $2,000 in injectables per year, so we think we will get a few bucks reimubursed (we are hoping so at least).

For IVF round 2 (assuming our FET is unsuccessful and we don't have some miracle BFP), we are considering going to Vancouver, BC because its so much cheaper. And its only 3 hours away, so its not too terrible.

Quite interesting to see how varied the prices are!
Haj - I will find out when I hear back about my other results. And great beta!! How exciting for your sonogram tomorrow!!!! Good luck, can't wait to hear all about it.

Kelly - I got an estimate for around $16K for my IVF which included everything, but my insurance covered all of it and I just paid my co-pay's for meds and visits.
You guys are so lucky to have co pays! Well the ones that do. It's all out of pocket here unless your private insurance covers it which most don't but most usually cover 80% of the meds.

My 8700 includes everything I need in terms of BW and u/s, I'll be on vacation for my baseline and day 4 bloods so I have to pay an extra 200 to get that done at a different clinic but that was my choice.

So so far, we've paid about 8500 first round of icsi (all our savings), then 1500 for a FET that didn't work and now another 9000 for our second round, 6000 of which we're borrowing from MIL. Thats a whopping 19,000!!!! I can't believe how expensive it can be in the states!

I'm also on low doses of gonal, I start at 112.5 units then they usually decrease me then by the third u/s and bloodwork they put me back up to 112.5 to finish. I think I only stemmed for 11-12 days last time, can't remember.
Ivf for me is 11800 w/icsi plus cost of freezing and cost of meds.

Yep so I did pIck up my rx and yep for sure covered!!! I did a little happy dance... One thing I'm mad about though I called and asked if the med were okay until October and they said yes. I was specifically concerned w/ microdose lupron and gonal f.... They said it would be fine until then and the gonal to make sure I get a lot that expires in oct... Well the lupron was only good until August and gonal sept.. They were nice and are giving me different gonal tomorrow (it was stored at a different location) and will remix the lupron in August. Just annoying I have to go back when I called and explained specifically what was going on.

Haj your beta is awesome!!
Haj that is so exciting!!! Good luck tomor, can't wait to hear all about it!

It really is amazing to see how much the costs vary! We will be spending all our savings on this first round of ICSI and then after that it'd have to be a loan for any more treatments... Fx'd we won't need it though!
Yay Haj!! Can't wait to hear.

My insurance is covering all but 20% so I'm extremely lucky and meds are either $50 or $75 co pays. The paperwork I've got shows basic IVF total $12,800 and another $5000 roughly for meds. Me and DH have paid roughly $2k which includes AH that is also covered through insurance at 80% and about $400 meds. Hate the company I work for but damn, they have good insurance.

My antral follice count this morning was "a lot" I was told but didn't get the number. Since I've got so many I go back on Sunday instead of Monday for a 4 day check. My pre op appointment is Monday. It will be the first time I'm seeing a different RE since mine is not in the office early next week. Hope I like him OK.
drsquid---I had tons of cramping with mine to...but within 3 days I was feeling much better...hope the cramping goes down some...

So as for me....I had a nearly positive opk around 11ish..now its negative which makes me happy :) I called an they said tomorrow no matter what they will give me my trigger shot because they don't want the 18 mm to get way bigger....I can't wait to see how big it has grown to tomorrow :) its been 2 days :) soooo we shall see...I'll update tomorrow after my appt. when I can...my oldest has some special testing that can take 4 hours tomorrow so I'm really kinda nervous about how everything will go.....But soon as I can I will definitely be updating :)
Great numbers, haj. Congrats!

I have to admit...I'm so f-ing jealous of you ladies that have IVF coverage! You're so lucky. I totally believe an IVF failure is completely and utterly devastating whether you pay out of pocket or not, but somehow I think it would be an ever-so-slightly easier pill to swallow if my bank account wasn't also emptied out and I was trying to figure out how to manage a second cycle financially. I hope I don't offend anyone by saying that.
Ok I was going to do a multi quote but it would have been way to long. Lets see if I can get caught up now...

Tella~ I hope the rest of the 2ww goes by quickly for you.

DaisyQ~ Fx that things start to pick up on the other side.

MoBaby~ That is so great that they covered your meds. Sorry to hear they didn't listen about the expiration date though.

jchic~ Yay for getting your calendar!

michelle~ Fx that the results come back ok. Sorry they take so long to get back and give you info on whats next.

drsquid~ Sorry to hear you got crap for keeping your meds at work. At least they understand though. Sounds like things are going great with this cycle!

Andrea~ Fx you catch O! Thats good that they will be giving you the trigger. Sorry to hear about the funding issues. I fully understand those feelings. :( Although this IUI cycle will work and you won't need IVF. :)

noasaint~ I hate blood draws. I like to see who comes out before me so I can prepare for a good or or a bad one. Maybe I'm weird though. :wacko:

haj~ Thats a wonderful beta! Good luck tomorrow.

Kelly~ Breakdown of would have been IVF costs. 8,000 for IVF, 1,600 for ICSI, about 2,000 for all the testing, 1,000 for TESE, and meds 4,000-6,000. All together about 16,600 on the low end and 18,000 on the high end.

s08~ I understand how you are feeling. :hugs:
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