IVF until we all get our bfp! 2012-present *13 w/twins & 1 w/triplets!*

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mrsc- i have a nice huge vein in my right arm and im a lefty so... blood draws are pretty easy for me (good thing cause they are gonna be daily now).

so my e2 was 600 and something on day 7 of stims... looks that like puts me in the "normal responders" category which i guess is good (though i found a bunch of articles showing improved ivf rates if you are a high responder but... guess it isnt worth worrying about something you cant change)
Just be happy you aren't a low responder like yours truly. :nope:
Great numbers, haj. Congrats!

I have to admit...I'm so f-ing jealous of you ladies that have IVF coverage! You're so lucky. I totally believe an IVF failure is completely and utterly devastating whether you pay out of pocket or not, but somehow I think it would be an ever-so-slightly easier pill to swallow if my bank account wasn't also emptied out and I was trying to figure out how to manage a second cycle financially. I hope I don't offend anyone by saying that.

I know the feeling thats why we are terrified of round #1.....we are so terrified it won't work...

Oh and no IUI for me...this is au natural cycle....just with meds to induce a big O an lots of hopeful eggs :(...I wanted IUI but the doc said it wouldn't give us any better of a chance then trying naturally since my tubes are jacked up like they are HOPEFULLY the one half good tube will work :)
Great numbers, haj. Congrats!

I have to admit...I'm so f-ing jealous of you ladies that have IVF coverage! You're so lucky. I totally believe an IVF failure is completely and utterly devastating whether you pay out of pocket or not, but somehow I think it would be an ever-so-slightly easier pill to swallow if my bank account wasn't also emptied out and I was trying to figure out how to manage a second cycle financially. I hope I don't offend anyone by saying that.

I know the feeling thats why we are terrified of round #1.....we are so terrified it won't work...

Oh and no IUI for me...this is au natural cycle....just with meds to induce a big O an lots of hopeful eggs :(...I wanted IUI but the doc said it wouldn't give us any better of a chance then trying naturally since my tubes are jacked up like they are HOPEFULLY the one half good tube will work :)

:dohh: Sorry I forgot about that. Fx you catch the eggies.
Emmm I just started bleeding/spotting a small amount....is that usual/normal? I've never had these meds so I'm not sure whats normal :(
No...but I go there at 10:30 tomorrow morning......I guess it can happen since my body is kinda like WHAT THE HECK right now....I'm injecting weird meds in there....I guess its normal I read one of the booklet things an it says it can happen sometimes....I guess just my luck I'm one of the ones it happens to :( I've had bad crampiness this afternoon to :( an a HORRIBLE headache an nausea :( but no vomiting yet....I'm just gonna lay down an put my feet up an hope it goes away or at least they can figure out why tomorrow.....I'll update AS soon as I know something tomorrow though....looked up a couple google things an it says some other ladies had spotting to so maybe its a normal thing....and my body will just have to get adjusted to this!
Ok yeah try and get your feet up. Have you taken an OPK tonight? Fingers crossed that everything is ok.
Is a big negative tonight...was darker around noon time :\ I duno...what to think at this point....I guess tomorrow I find out :) I'm kinda nervous/excited :) Well off to lala land I go I hope all of you lovely ladies have a WONDERFUL night an SWEET dreams I shall see you all tomorrow :) Lots of love!!
Idk about the bleeding.... I spot for 2-3 days when I ovulate and last time when I was on gonal I spotted a couple times. Good luck at your appt today!
TGIF girlies!

Haj - great beta! Cant wait for your update sweetie!

Mrs C - whats new? Fill us in!

Andrea - yay for the positive opk! I hope you get your bfp this cycle :)

s08 - I know and I hear you! I thank God everyday that my IVF will be covered...if it wasnt, we would have to wait it out a few months or so to afford it all!
My appologies for the long response but i havent been on for the whole day and this thread moves soooooo quickly :hugs:

Daisyq: ugh! Sorry you are dealing with all this with your follies. Wonder if the cyst is messing with everything else? I hope your cycle continues.

So some good news for me...all my meds are covered wih no cost to me! I called for a quote before and they told me I had to pay 100%.... Just looked as I'm picking up meds soon (they had already been ordered as the surgery was unexpected) and everything says paid 100% and i owe 0! I am so happy! Anytime $$ is saved in this process is awesome! I'm just glad my insurance worked for me once. :)
Surgery in less than 4 days.... Nervous! Good thing I won't owe a anything on the surgery either.

Thats awesome that you dont have to pay for it!!! Every little bit off assistance is awesome!

Mobaby - good luck on your surgery and GREAT news on the covered meds! WOOHOO!

Tella - how are you feeling today hun?

Andrea - I hope you O soon, I am sure you will if you just did your trigger....is there a reason you did a medicated cycle this time vs. IVF?

AFM - got my calendar in the mail with my protocol....looks like this (this MAY not be accurate as I am unsure how to really read my nurses writing, LOL. I obviously will know more when I go in for my b/w):

Call July AF
Day 21 b/w - then estrace 2mg 2xs a day
Call Aug AF
Day 3 b/w
Follistim 300 mg for 5 days
Menapur in PM and estrace through Day 6

I will be going in for monitoring (obviously, lol) then I assume they see what the follies are like at that time and adjust accordingly and give me more instructions
Although its a few weeks out still, I am excited to move along!

Im feeling fine, just working hard :D

THats great that you have a schedule to work towards. It helps alot with all the waiting.

Blue - that is great!!

Jchic - Awesome....you are so close to starting and once you do, things will move along really quickly!

Mobaby - Good Luck with your surgery on Monday and wonderful news on the meds being covered

DaisyQ - I was a nonresponder to the meds when I did my first IVF, but they increased my meds and things started progressing, so I wouldn't stress too much about that. The doctors know what they are doing!! I just had to stim for a day or so longer to make sure that things progessed.

Kelly - YAY for starting!! You will soon get your BFP!!

Tella - The waiting is the hardest part and most boring!

Haj - how are you feeling?

I now have to wait 7-10 for my blood results and if my natural killer cell count comes back sky high again, then its off for a consult with a specialist; at least to see what/if we have any options for treatment to reduce that count so I can hopefully move onto another cycle for IVF.

It is but i have so much keeping me busy so im not to worried about waiting.


Thanks for the reassurance Michele. I hope they increase my dose...

I've also read alot about Intralipids helping wiht NKA cells.

daisy- fingers crossed for ya they pick up the pace

jchic- yay for a protocol

went over and got labs drawn and go back at 11 for us (im working across the street so... no biggie) asked them to call and let me know if they are running late cause i cant really sit and wait when im supposed to be working. not gonna be home for my shot tonight so i drew up the usual dose and figure ill adjust accordingly. got crap for putting the syringe in the fridge (my bad, i didnt cover it). apparently it is supposed to go in the locked medication fridge labeled etc. eh, i just put it in a plastic bag instead. the ultrasound techs all know what im doing anyway so.. no biggie.

:haha: Atleast he has a good sense of humour and now you know u can let him know. I think it is better as you have lots of control on your progress. The only 2 things im wondering, are you doing a vaginal scan or abdominal and who does it for you? Because that will be alot of poking around if it is vaginal:haha:

The reason for the unassisted medicated cycle is because we just found out a month ago my insurance would cover all the meds except my $24 co-pay...so the more cycles we do of this...since the doc is ordering HIGHER dose of meds...than I actually am taking...I can save them all up for an IVF cycle an have them for free....but I think since we just ran into a little financial issue (we expected my husband to get a promotion and it didn't happen) I think we are going to have to wait another year for the IVF..or at least until our income tax comes....its a big decision and I'm so scared it won't work....but....we are also in adoption/foster parent 9 week class to be able to do that as well. We aren't picky and however God sees fit for our family we will let HIM decide :) an I can't be more happier just knowing that we are FINALLY getting somewhere with this whole thing! I LOVE seeing all of you on here get help to an get your dreams come true and I hope I get my MIRACLE with these cheap cycles instead of the IVF...we are going to do a few like this and see what happens then possibly take a TTC break from there if it doesnt work because of the financial issue :( $8100 a cycle for my IVF military doesn't help that one bit....sooooo its all on us. I've thought about getting a job an help save some money an that might be another avenue as well...we'll just have to wait an see what happens!

Sorry to hear about Dh not getting the promotion, it sucks :hugs: Fxd you catch that eggy before you need to take a break.

Popping in for just a minute as I am at work. Had my baseline u/s this morning and all looks good. AF showed about two hours later, luckily I was prepared. Despite drinking water before I went, they had a hard time drawing blood :( she pricked and prodded around then had someone else do it a little while later. Owie!!! Just waiting on the call now to tell me how much for tonight and when I go back.

Squid, boo hiss at getting trouble about the shot in the fridge. Hope they can get you in and out quick for that u/s.

Yay for getting started!!!

Squid I was feeling crampy today too. I wonder if it's just from all the action happening in our ovaries is stimulating some cramping? :shrug:

Got the call from my nurse. My E2 went up from 65 to 128, so it's on the rise. Phew! She seems to think I'm just off to a slow start, but that things are looking OK so far. I go back on Saturday - she expects we'll have a better idea of how things are progressing then. GROW together now, and WAKE UP right ovary!! Get in the GAME!

:happydance: Glad to hear your E2 is going up and that you responding to the meds. GROW EGGIES GROW!!!!

Just curious but how much did people pay for their IVF/ICSI/meds, for example,

I paid: $6750 for the IVF then $1500 for ICSI and my meds where about $2500 but I only have to cover $400 roughly. For a grand total of about $8700 Canadian dollars.

I'm curious cause there seems to be a huge difference between places. Don't answer if you don't want to either!

Im gonna give you my figures but i think our avarage earnings are far less than in the US and UK. A IVF Round is about 2 months full salary if that gives an idea.

IVF $2000 (R 14000)
ICSI $ 300 (R 2100)
Meds $1000 (R7000)
Total $3300 (R 25000)

But that is at my clinic, the others that i have called was all double those amounts.

mine is 10,800 for ivf with icsi. and then ive paid over 3000 for meds. it will cost me another 300 to transfer any frosties back to my clinic (doing er and et at a different clinic due to embryologist issues). all out of pocket

just had my day 7 of stims us.. measured at least 6 or so follicles on each side. largest was 17mm. starting to get kinda sore in my ovaries. stripe is 1.1 cm. go back tomorrow and sat for blood work and us then egg retrieval mon or tues (hoping monday). i asked him before he started whether i should pretend i had no idea what was going on (because of the us ive done at work). on my way out the door he said, be sure to update me on what the followup us shows =)

daisy- i was worried it was uterus cause it felt like af cramps but when he did the us and pressed deep it reproduced the pain so... follies

Fx'd for Monday!!!!

Popping in for just a minute as I am at work. Had my baseline u/s this morning and all looks good. AF showed about two hours later, luckily I was prepared. Despite drinking water before I went, they had a hard time drawing blood :( she pricked and prodded around then had someone else do it a little while later. Owie!!! Just waiting on the call now to tell me how much for tonight and when I go back.

Squid, boo hiss at getting trouble about the shot in the fridge. Hope they can get you in and out quick for that u/s.

Thats the worst when blood work hurts!!!
Mobaby - good luck on your surgery and GREAT news on the covered meds! WOOHOO!

Tella - how are you feeling today hun?

Andrea - I hope you O soon, I am sure you will if you just did your trigger....is there a reason you did a medicated cycle this time vs. IVF?

AFM - got my calendar in the mail with my protocol....looks like this (this MAY not be accurate as I am unsure how to really read my nurses writing, LOL. I obviously will know more when I go in for my b/w):

Call July AF
Day 21 b/w - then estrace 2mg 2xs a day
Call Aug AF
Day 3 b/w
Follistim 300 mg for 5 days
Menapur in PM and estrace through Day 6

I will be going in for monitoring (obviously, lol) then I assume they see what the follies are like at that time and adjust accordingly and give me more instructions
Although its a few weeks out still, I am excited to move along!

YAYYY for getting started!!

Daisyq: ugh! Sorry you are dealing with all this with your follies. Wonder if the cyst is messing with everything else? I hope your cycle continues.

So some good news for me...all my meds are covered wih no cost to me! I called for a quote before and they told me I had to pay 100%.... Just looked as I'm picking up meds soon (they had already been ordered as the surgery was unexpected) and everything says paid 100% and i owe 0! I am so happy! Anytime $$ is saved in this process is awesome! I'm just glad my insurance worked for me once. :)
Surgery in less than 4 days.... Nervous! Good thing I won't owe a anything on the surgery either.

Thats great!!!

Hi all. Just back from my second follie check after 5 days of stims. It's not great news, but it's not absolutely terrible, I guess it's somewhere in between, and probably too soon to tell.

It sounds like my right ovary (I can never remember if it was right or left that they are talking about) is totally quiet, with 6 follicles under 10. That's the bad news.

My left ovary seems to be waking up, with one at twelve, two at 11, and I think quite a few more under 10. He only mentioned the one cyst, which is now at 27mm, but didn't say anything about the other one, so I'm wondering if it shrank. Always too shell shocked during these appointments to ask the right questions.

So now I'm waiting on a call for my nurse, and I'll ask her all my questions. At this point, I don't even know how many follicles total, whether the sleepy ovary is the right or left one, etc. I want to find out which side, because my acupuncturist said she can adjust what she does accordingly...

Also hoping my E2 is going up... won't be too surprised if I'm told to increase my dose again. It certainly looks like the estrogen did a good job suppressing me! Looks like I am a slow responder for sure. Just hoping I'm not a "nonresponder." I NEVER would have guessed that I would have had a problem stimming... in a million years. Hoping this thing turns around.

Fingers crossed for you!!!

Haj - she just said I had MTHFR, never said anything more other then they would put me on folic acid and baby asprin, which I did last time, if I do another cycle. I did not even realize there were diffent kinds :nope:

I had another blood draw this morning to repeat the natural killer cells work-up, but I have a feeling I will get the same results. And then I will probably go have a consult with the specialist to see if doing some other treatment along with another IVF cycle is worth it. I have to weigh the risks involved and see what she says before any decisions are made.

I have it. You should find out which one you have. I have like the worst one.

AFM: Went in for my beta today. My levels went from 456 to 1185 :happydance::happydance::happydance: So the nurse said tomorrow morning we will do our first sonogram. I'm so nervous and excited!!! I just want to be assured the the sac is in the uterus like it should be.

YAY, cant wait to see hear from you regarding your u/s!!!!!!!!

Ivf for me is 11800 w/icsi plus cost of freezing and cost of meds.

Yep so I did pIck up my rx and yep for sure covered!!! I did a little happy dance... One thing I'm mad about though I called and asked if the med were okay until October and they said yes. I was specifically concerned w/ microdose lupron and gonal f.... They said it would be fine until then and the gonal to make sure I get a lot that expires in oct... Well the lupron was only good until August and gonal sept.. They were nice and are giving me different gonal tomorrow (it was stored at a different location) and will remix the lupron in August. Just annoying I have to go back when I called and explained specifically what was going on.

Haj your beta is awesome!!

Sorry about them stuffing you around but atleast they doing something about it!

mrsc- i have a nice huge vein in my right arm and im a lefty so... blood draws are pretty easy for me (good thing cause they are gonna be daily now).

so my e2 was 600 and something on day 7 of stims... looks that like puts me in the "normal responders" category which i guess is good (though i found a bunch of articles showing improved ivf rates if you are a high responder but... guess it isnt worth worrying about something you cant change)

Rahter normal than high, as high increases risk of OHSS and that will mean a delayed transfer.

Great numbers, haj. Congrats!

I have to admit...I'm so f-ing jealous of you ladies that have IVF coverage! You're so lucky. I totally believe an IVF failure is completely and utterly devastating whether you pay out of pocket or not, but somehow I think it would be an ever-so-slightly easier pill to swallow if my bank account wasn't also emptied out and I was trying to figure out how to manage a second cycle financially. I hope I don't offend anyone by saying that.

I know the feeling thats why we are terrified of round #1.....we are so terrified it won't work...

Oh and no IUI for me...this is au natural cycle....just with meds to induce a big O an lots of hopeful eggs :(...I wanted IUI but the doc said it wouldn't give us any better of a chance then trying naturally since my tubes are jacked up like they are HOPEFULLY the one half good tube will work :)

FX'd you catch that eggy and that it sticks!!!!!!!!!! BD Lots and lots!!!!

Emmm I just started bleeding/spotting a small amount....is that usual/normal? I've never had these meds so I'm not sure whats normal :(

I have no idea, never had that.

AFM > 6DPO :coffee: just chilling, gonna be awesome but cold weekend!
Happy Friday ladies!!! I'm on my phone right now so I'll do personals later. But I just wanted to let you know I went for my u/s this morning and were having TWINS!!!! I'm as shocked as you!!! Lol. At first the nurse was like I see one nice gestational sac and then she was like andddd there's another. We both had our mouths like wide open. So we got in for our next Sono on Friday and hopefully get to see both little beans :):cloud9:
Happy Friday ladies!!! I'm on my phone right now so I'll do personals later. But I just wanted to let you know I went for my u/s this morning and were having TWINS!!!! I'm as shocked as you!!! Lol. At first the nurse was like I see one nice gestational sac and then she was like andddd there's another. We both had our mouths like wide open. So we got in for our next Sono on Friday and hopefully get to see both little beans :):cloud9:

Congrats haj!! :yipee: Just goes to show that beta numbers really can't tell anything.
Happy Friday ladies!!! I'm on my phone right now so I'll do personals later. But I just wanted to let you know I went for my u/s this morning and were having TWINS!!!! I'm as shocked as you!!! Lol. At first the nurse was like I see one nice gestational sac and then she was like andddd there's another. We both had our mouths like wide open. So we got in for our next Sono on Friday and hopefully get to see both little beans :):cloud9:

Congrats Haj!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Haj, that is awesome news!! I think this estrogen patch is making me even more hormonal cause I am at my desk hysterically crying!!!
Thank you so much ladies!!!

Mrsc- you're so right I thought my beta was way too low that twins never crossed my mind!!!

Oneof14- aww!! I know what you mean about emotional. I cry over commercials lol
haj- congrats

hah, what can he do to stop me from scanning? i mean i guess i could not tell him but he is so much fun to pick on.

tella- transabdominal. im reasonably thin and we have really good machines

just had my blood drawn and then go back at 11 for us.
Haj, how are you feeling, any noticable symtoms?
Haj! Amazing news - congrats!!! Two for the price of one! :haha:

Whenever I think about twins and IVF, I can't help but think of that - and, buy one get one free! :haha:
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