IVF until we all get our bfp! 2012-present *13 w/twins & 1 w/triplets!*

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Tella - Honestly that number doesn't even phase me with your mom!! I am not on a farm (although sometimes I wish I was) and now we have 14, and we live in the suburbs with a fenced yard and neighbors :wacko: And min pins, well they are not quiet, so I know all about alarming the dogs! I was lucky that when my son was born that he could lay on his blanket in the middle of the room, they could all be barking and it wouldn't phase him in the least bit!! Even now, when he goes to bed at night, he will sleep through the madness of them all barking; thank goodness!

Hi S08 :hi: I will be hanging out here too for the next few months since I am in limbo till I can start my next cycle! Hopefully the next couple months will go quickly so we can both get started and on our way to getting our BFP!!
Michelle, we will do a 6 day transfer, if all goes well... So next Thursday.
FX for all of you... :) This is sooooo exciting to sit back an watch :)

As for me......I have no clue whats gonna happen still have :bfp: on my hpt's but its still early although might seem they are beginning to go darker again :)
DaisyQ- Awesome news about your eggs!!!

afm- I have 4 frosties! :) very happy about that. I have been trying to take it easy and not stress so much over every little thing, but its hard! Yesterday on the way home our car broke down! Stranded until someone picked us up but i didnt let it get to me, I was too happy about being PUPO and keeping my womb a happy place with happy vibes lol

Hope everyone is doing well!!
So just got a call from my medications coordinator at my RE/FS office.
Start BCP on July 8th-31st. Start stimming August 3rd. With a bunch of labs and scans in between and estimated ER on August 16th with estimated ET on 5th day or so from retrieval.
I know this may sound very strange, but my mom passed away August 28th 2008 and I just feel like August was the month that was meant to be for us :)

This seems to be happening so fast, but then again we have been trying to conceive for over 3 years, so I guess it hasn't happened that fast.

I am so happy to have you all. :hugs:

Thank you,
Prayers and Blessings!
Hi everyone, do you mind if I join you? I'm in the middle of doing IVF to try and conceive our second child (first baby was IVF too). I'm sniffing Synarel and injecting FSH with EPU is booked for 22nd June. A scan today showed eight good sized follicles and I'm crossing fingers and toes we'll have something to transfer. I'm really sore in the ovary dept and feeling a bit bleurgh but otherwise just staying positive and wishing the days away to EPU and ET!

Would love to get to know everyone a bit better in share in each other's journeys.

Welcome :hi:

Irish - that's great news - yippeeeee!!!! :happydance:

Welcome BettyBoof! Fingers crossed for lots of beautiful little eggs!

AFM - Feeling fine today (a bit gassy - TMI!!!). Took my first Crinone gel last night (yuck) but will do anything if it works. Got the call from the embryologist this morning, of our 6 eggs we are now the proud owners of 4 little embryos :):):):) ! She said they were good and wants to take them to day 5. So ET is scheduled for Tuesday at 10.30am. Eeeeeeek! :happydance:

Trying to get this house in order so I can realx after the ET, I won't relax if it's a mess. Hubby is now ecstatic cos he's allowed to drink and is now carefully planning when to :drunk:! Men!

Can't wait for an update DaisyQ!


Thats so exciting!! :happydance:

Wow, this thread is hoppin!! I cannot seem to keep up :wacko:

MrsC - sorry your hubby is gone again, but I am sure the reunion will be a good one when he does come home! :winkwink:

Blue - great news on the levels! :thumbup:

YAY for everyone else who is starting stimming, waiting for ER and ET! And those waiting for betas!

AFM....I got my call last night about my second blood results on my natural killer cell count, the nurse says "Well, these results came back NORMAL"... say what???? I was in complete shock, but was so happy to hear that! However what is so frustrating is that now I have to wait 2 cycles due to work and vacation schedules :dohh: But I have waited this long, what is 2 more months. At least that means no specialist or other treatment!! I am waiting for a call back to see what the doctor wants to do as far as treatment. I will probably start with my August cycle now instead of July, but that is OK. At least I know things are headed in the right direction! I needed this good news after I had to put one of my doggies down yesterday :cry:

Thank you. I'm glad the results came back normal. Things will move quickly once you have a plan in place. Sorry to hear about your dog. Thats such a hard thing to do. :hugs:

As i have just said it, i have now started spotting. Bit worried about my LP just being 13days but i suppose its not that bad and Lucrin (Lupron) can also have an effect on it.

It is past 4pm, if it just stays spotting should i count tomorrow as CD1? And if it turns red today, today as CD1? Now im confused and my FS is already closed :cry:
Michelle > :hugs: sorry to hear about your dog, it is always hard to say goodbye them. They are always so loyal, i love mine to bits!!!!

MrsC > I love you bulldog, i will still own one in my life time :thumbup: Hope he keeps you company when DH is away :)

I believe my clinic counts CD1 if full flow starts before 3pm. I think it all depends on the clinic though.

Thank you :) They really are great dogs. He keeps me great company. He's a big lap dog so he is never away from me for to long.

Hey ladies, thankfully that rash is getting better. We went in for our next sono this morning and now we were able to see both yolk sacs, both fetal poles, AND BOTH HEARTBEATS!!!:cloud9: We weren't expecting to see them so that was a pleasant surprise. The nurse said they were measuring 5 weeks 6 days even though I'm 6 weeks 2 days...so I immediately stressed but she said since its so early it's totally normally and they look great!!!

I'm glad the rash is getting better. The picture is wonderful! Thank you for sharing.

Michelle, so sorry about tour doggie. I've had to say goodbye to two dogs in my life - really, really hard.

Haj, awesome about the heartbeats!!!

Tella,glad AF showed for you - onward and upward!

Afm, got the call - all 12 eggs are mature! Now just waiting on the fert report tomorrow.

Yay! 12 eggs is amazing news. I'm very excited for you. :happydance:

Hi ladies. Lots of exciting stuff here. I don't have any news on my end, but just wanted to let you all know I'm still here following all your journies...and rooting you on!

:hugs: I hope you are doing well.

FX for all of you... :) This is sooooo exciting to sit back an watch :)

As for me......I have no clue whats gonna happen still have :bfp: on my hpt's but its still early although might seem they are beginning to go darker again :)

Fx for you! Is this the first trigger shot you have ever done? Just wondering if you know how long it takes for it to leave your system. I think for me it was about 10-11 days.

DaisyQ- Awesome news about your eggs!!!

afm- I have 4 frosties! :) very happy about that. I have been trying to take it easy and not stress so much over every little thing, but its hard! Yesterday on the way home our car broke down! Stranded until someone picked us up but i didnt let it get to me, I was too happy about being PUPO and keeping my womb a happy place with happy vibes lol

Hope everyone is doing well!!

:happydance: Yay for four frosties!

So just got a call from my medications coordinator at my RE/FS office.
Start BCP on July 8th-31st. Start stimming August 3rd. With a bunch of labs and scans in between and estimated ER on August 16th with estimated ET on 5th day or so from retrieval.
I know this may sound very strange, but my mom passed away August 28th 2008 and I just feel like August was the month that was meant to be for us :)

This seems to be happening so fast, but then again we have been trying to conceive for over 3 years, so I guess it hasn't happened that fast.

I am so happy to have you all. :hugs:

Thank you,
Prayers and Blessings!

Thats great that you have a plan set up. :thumbup:
Wow I'm gone for 1 day and so much has happened!!!

Michele: I'm so sorry about your dog, so sad! But great news about your blood tests!!

Daisy: I am so extremely excited for you!!! 12 mature eggs!! I can't wait to hear about the fertilization report!

Haj: so so happy your beanies are progressing so well!! h&h 9 months!

Jchic: No I actually didn't go after all that, I took the day off to spend with hubby since he's leaving tomorrow for a week, we had a nice relaxing day, enjoyed the weather and went to lunch! I didn't stress about my not going and my acupuncturist assured me that I am fine!! How are you?

Never2late: exciting about getting started! Today is my 2 day stimming and I'm ok so far!! I hope I continue feeling this way although I'm nervous about my 1st sono tomorrow! I just hope I have a good follie count!

AFM, went for blood work this morning, they called to tell me to take off the climara patch and to continue on current dosage of meds. I have to go n again tomorrow for blood and sono. I asked what my estrogen level is and she said 114, honestly not sure why I asked because I have no clue if it's good or bad after 2 days of stims!
Update on my progress. Started stims on 6/3/12, developed 8 follies "mature" size, mostly 16-18s, retrieval tomorrow 6/16/12! Wish me luck!
Tella the same thing happened to me about day 1. I started spotting on Tuesday and since it was 3:30 I called and the nurse said if its heavy by 9pm that is day 1. I ended up considering that Tuesday day 1 and went in for my baseline on Wednesday!
DaisyQ- Awesome news about your eggs!!!

afm- I have 4 frosties! :) very happy about that.

Hope everyone is doing well!!

So just got a call from my medications coordinator at my RE/FS

Glad you are starting soon!!! August would be great for bfp!

Wow I'm gone for 1 day and so much has happened!!

AFM, went for blood work this morning, they called to tell me to take off the climara patch and to continue on current dosage of meds. I have to go n again tomorrow for blood and sono. I asked what my estrogen level is and she said 114, honestly not sure why I asked because I have no clue if it's good or bad after 2 days of stims!
114 is great!! My re likes it to be over 100 after 3 days.

Afm, got the call - all 12 eggs are mature! Now just waiting on the fert report tomorrow.

That's great! Daisyq! Grow embies!
Georx: yea for ER! Keep us posted!
Michelle: glad your test are normal. Sorry about your pup :( its sad when you have to make that decision. We lost our boxer in nov after he battled pancreatic cancer for 15 months (he was a fighter!). We have a rescue doggie also- an English mastiff! A little bigger than your minnies :)
Thanks Mobaby! I should really learn not to ask, if they don't offer the information. How are you feeling?
talked to doc today and he said to assume it will be day 3 transfer.. but he will call at 8am..problem is that i have to be there by 8:45am and it is at least a 30 min drive.. im kinda torn aobut day 3 vs day 5 but statistically the pregnancy rates arent pretty much the same . timing wise saturday is far more convenient. hopefully ill get frosties.
DaisyQ- Awesome news about your eggs!!!

afm- I have 4 frosties! :) very happy about that. I have been trying to take it easy and not stress so much over every little thing, but its hard! Yesterday on the way home our car broke down! Stranded until someone picked us up but i didnt let it get to me, I was too happy about being PUPO and keeping my womb a happy place with happy vibes lol

Hope everyone is doing well!!

Yay for 4 frosties!!!!!!

FX for all of you... :) This is sooooo exciting to sit back an watch :)

As for me......I have no clue whats gonna happen still have :bfp: on my hpt's but its still early although might seem they are beginning to go darker again :)

Hope this is a true line coming back, in my past experience the trigger was out of my body by 7dptrigger

So just got a call from my medications coordinator at my RE/FS office.
Start BCP on July 8th-31st. Start stimming August 3rd. With a bunch of labs and scans in between and estimated ER on August 16th with estimated ET on 5th day or so from retrieval.
I know this may sound very strange, but my mom passed away August 28th 2008 and I just feel like August was the month that was meant to be for us :)

This seems to be happening so fast, but then again we have been trying to conceive for over 3 years, so I guess it hasn't happened that fast.

I am so happy to have you all. :hugs:

Thank you,
Prayers and Blessings!

To me it also seemed like we skipped a few months when we where doing our first cycle, like we were rushing things but then i just have to remind myself that its been 2 years.

Update on my progress. Started stims on 6/3/12, developed 8 follies "mature" size, mostly 16-18s, retrieval tomorrow 6/16/12! Wish me luck!

Gl with your ER, hope all 8 is mature and healthy!!!

Tella the same thing happened to me about day 1. I started spotting on Tuesday and since it was 3:30 I called and the nurse said if its heavy by 9pm that is day 1. I ended up considering that Tuesday day 1 and went in for my baseline on Wednesday!

Just called the FS and he said i must take yesterday as CD1 so i will see him tomorrow morning at 8am.

talked to doc today and he said to assume it will be day 3 transfer.. but he will call at 8am..problem is that i have to be there by 8:45am and it is at least a 30 min drive.. im kinda torn aobut day 3 vs day 5 but statistically the pregnancy rates arent pretty much the same . timing wise saturday is far more convenient. hopefully ill get frosties.

:dance: GL with the transfer, you soon gonna be pupo!!!!!!!!

AFM > Due to my longer than normal cycle (36days) my FS will only be able to do the ER but not the ET. He gave me the option to wait a month if im not comfortable wiht his colleague doing the ET. Now if it was my first IVF i would have freaked out but knowing what it entails im 100% fine with that. Told him as long as he has trust in the other FS, who am i to differ? So we are all green lights, CD3 base scan tomorrow morning at 8am :happydance:
Thank you for the welcome :thumbup:

Congrats to everyone with eggs and frosties and transfers and BFPs, there is a lot of good news in this thread which gives me hope!

georx good luck with your EPU, I have 8 follicles too so am interested to see the number of eggs retrieved. I know everyone is different but it might give me an idea of what to expect. Keeping my fingers crossed for you.
Update on my progress. Started stims on 6/3/12, developed 8 follies "mature" size, mostly 16-18s, retrieval tomorrow 6/16/12! Wish me luck!

GL Georx!!! Let us know how it goes xx
Good luck Georx! I was told I had 7-10 follicles of the right size, and they got 12 mature eggs from me. Wishing you the same kind of luck!!
hey girls just popped in for a quick update i had my ET this morning it went brillant she transfered 1 perfect blast :baby: iam feeling really good after it and iam going to take it easy for my ttw my test date is 28th so only 12 days to wait i cant wait i really hope it works i booked an appt in my clinic for them to do the test coz iam a bit suspisous of doing it myself coz it always bfn wen i do it :happydance::happydance:

Hopefull- we are in the ttw together congrats on being PUPO with twins......i dont thiink iam going to test early either ill just wait:happydance::baby::baby::happydance:

Mrs c- sorry to hear your DH is gone again dont worry you will have alot of making up time to do wen he comes back :thumbup:

is anyone else in there ttw?? or is soon going to be in it......

i hope evryone is doing well:dust: to all xxxx
Good morning lovely's :flower:
Just curious, has anyone had any success on their first round of IVF?

Update on my progress. Started stims on 6/3/12, developed 8 follies "mature" size, mostly 16-18s, retrieval tomorrow 6/16/12! Wish me luck!

Good luck today!

talked to doc today and he said to assume it will be day 3 transfer.. but he will call at 8am..problem is that i have to be there by 8:45am and it is at least a 30 min drive.. im kinda torn aobut day 3 vs day 5 but statistically the pregnancy rates arent pretty much the same . timing wise saturday is far more convenient. hopefully ill get frosties.

Hopefully you will have enough time to get there. Trust your dr when it comes to deciding between a 3 day or 5 day. They know what things are looking like and how well it will go. :thumbup:

AFM > Due to my longer than normal cycle (36days) my FS will only be able to do the ER but not the ET. He gave me the option to wait a month if im not comfortable wiht his colleague doing the ET. Now if it was my first IVF i would have freaked out but knowing what it entails im 100% fine with that. Told him as long as he has trust in the other FS, who am i to differ? So we are all green lights, CD3 base scan tomorrow morning at 8am :happydance:

I hope everything goes well. I think if you are comfortable you should go with the other FS for the ET. That way you don't have to wait another month.

hey girls just popped in for a quick update i had my ET this morning it went brillant she transfered 1 perfect blast :baby: iam feeling really good after it and iam going to take it easy for my ttw my test date is 28th so only 12 days to wait i cant wait i really hope it works i booked an appt in my clinic for them to do the test coz iam a bit suspisous of doing it myself coz it always bfn wen i do it :happydance::happydance:

Hopefull- we are in the ttw together congrats on being PUPO with twins......i dont thiink iam going to test early either ill just wait:happydance::baby::baby::happydance:

Mrs c- sorry to hear your DH is gone again dont worry you will have alot of making up time to do wen he comes back :thumbup:

is anyone else in there ttw?? or is soon going to be in it......

i hope evryone is doing well:dust: to all xxxx

Congrats on being PUPO! :happydance:

Good morning lovely's :flower:
Just curious, has anyone had any success on their first round of IVF?


I have all the info on the front page. There have been a few girls with BFP's their first try. :flower:
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