IVF until we all get our bfp! 2012-present *13 w/twins & 1 w/triplets!*

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Daisy, Im on the EPP, I am already on 2 doses of menopure. I took off the patch yesterday, and yesterday my e2 was 114. Im just afraid if I dont respond to the medicine, what will I respond to. I just feel like something always goes wrong with me. I am totally devastated. As for my follicles, I didnt ask, I assume not good since she said I wasnt responding at all (even asked me if I was injecting right). I wish my DH was here and he has said he feels awful hes not here. I am PRAYING that my E2 levels increase tomorrow and my u/s shows some good follies. Not sure how much improvement I am going to have w/1 day. I really hope they are more optomistic tomorrow. Thanks for words of encouragement. I will ask about the hcg.
I'm doing EPP and I took that patch off yesterday, yesterday my e2 was 114, today 39??? I'm already on menopure I can ask about the hcg. I didnt ask about the follies, I assume not good since she said I was responding at all.

I'm devastated and I just PRAY this cycle doesnt get cancelled. I cant beleive my DH isnt here, that makes it even worse. If I dont respond, what's left for me? Can i still get pregnant, all these awful things are going around in my head!!
sorry for the double post, I thought the first one erased.
oneof14: my last cycle e2 was a meek 23 after 3 days of stims....i did gonal f 225 for 3 days then 150/150 gonal f and menopur. they never changes the dose around (wait until 5 days) and my e2 jumped up...ended up with 16 (or 14?)eggies, 12 fertilized, 9 embies, 3 day 5 blasts ...so dont give up hope! my first cycle e2 was only 60 and we had more eggies.
Ok, so your estrogen might have been artificially high from the estrogen. This is why my RE stops it before starting stims. Another thing is that the estrogen, especially when taken once stims have started can make you slow to respond. One woman I know stimmed 17 days. But she did eventually get 18 eggs, and is now pregnant.

I would push to stim beyond tomorrow. Give it another few days to see if you respond. If you are on menopur, that has LH in it. But maybe you would benefit from increasing that as well?
Daisy- yay our numbers are (were) the same

Oy totally hit my sciatic last night. Didnt sleep cause of pain in my butt. I don't remember what all I wrote before but the doc actually called me back a second time to say he thought it wouldn't be a problem. I told him I never thought it would be. I had 13 follicles. All of them with be producing progesterone so it isn't like there is none. Besides I was only starting 12 hrs late. So this am the stupid shower had no water pressure... Sigh. Doc of course
Called as I was heading across the bay bridge. Turns out I have 8 embryos that have 8-10 cells do they are gonna go to blast. He was saying how unexpected that was at my age , so I said "see I'm special". He got all serious and was like... We need to manage expectations and they won't all go to blast etc. umm duh. I then went and stopped at the clinic that is gonna do the transfer to get more needles and get them to do my shot today cause I just couldn't face it. Also told them when was best for me Monday (doc was all like... We have to work with their schedule etc... Umm dude squeaky wheel and all). So all is good now other than ass pain

Yay for 8! Sorry about the shot though.

Morning everyone! Yesterday was crazy at school (field day in the morning, game day, autograph signing, and desk cleaning in the afternoon) then I went to help my SIL with my two nieces so I wasn't on here much. . . boy do things go fast!

Drs, it sounds like everything is falling in to place! Yay!

I (think) I have things all worked out with my RE's office now. I started BCP today (for 17 days), I go in on Thursday for a Office hysteroscopy and a Sonohystogram/Uterine Sounding. I go back the 25th for an IVF consent appointment with my RE, then on July 2nd I go in for bloodwork and an Ultrasound. I can't remember everything else because I don't have the calendar in front of me. I have to admit, I'm a little overwhelmed at this point.

I hope everyone has a GREAT weekend.

Sounds like things are moving right along for you!

OK ladies, I just got some devatating news. I went for u/s and blood work today, day 4 (3 days of stims) and the nurse told me I am not responding at all and my estrogen level is only 39. They upped the dosage of bravelle to 5 vials. I am so heartbroken and have been crying all day. I have to go in again tomorrow for b/w and u/s and I so scared they are going to cancel the cycle. My DH is away on business this week and I dont even know how im going to handle a cancelled cycle. I can not understand for the life me why I am not responding. My AMH is 1.58 and my AFC was good.

My friend told me not to worry because most clinics told give the 1st u/s until 5 days of stims.

I am beside myself right now.

Any words of encouragment of advise?

Fx things look different tomorrow.

oneof - I agree my clinic doesn't start ultrasounds until day 5. I go in for bloodwork only for day 3. I'm sure they'll get you sorted out and you'll jump ahead in no time!

Did my first stims tonight! I can't believe how nervous I was but I didn't feel a thing!

Yay for getting the first stims done! I think it's normal to get all worked up about everything going on.

Sorry for being so short on these replies. The kids next door are shooting their pellet guns towards my house! :grr: I had to stop mid way through and go outside to be the mean neighbor. :growlmad:
DrS - sounds like you're in a lot of pain with your sciatic, hope it eases soon :hugs: (and yes, it's Droopy Dog!)

OneOf - so sorry you're having a bad time. I can't offer much advice but keeping my fingers crossed that the increased dosage does the trick :hugs:
Oneof14 > I honestly think 4 days of stims are to soon to tell, my FS only does next u/s 7 days after start of stims, and in my previous cycle, I only took 1 low dose stim extra. So 4 days is VERY early! And Daisy should be a great inspiration for you, look at her getting so many eggies ater they also thought she is slow/low count. Our bodies are mystical and sometimes needs a bit more of a kick in the butt to perform.
Fx'd you start showing growth and get to continue on this ivf for ur bfp!

Daisy, wow 11 embies that is awesome! Grow embies grow!

Tiff > congrats on being pupo!

DrsQ> good luck for tmorrow morning and court afterwards!

AFM > everything is clear for this cycle. Will be stimming for 8 days so long, next u/s on the 24th @ 8am :happydance: I'm on 150ui Menopur with 75ui Fostimon along with 10units of Lucrin! Bring on that bfp :thumbup:
Oneof14 I agree. I respond the same, very slow to start. My last cycle I stimmed for almost 21 days. This time around it will most likely be 14 to 16 days. My E2 climbs then will back up a little then climb again very quickly. try to be patient, we all respond differently. Four days is nothing at this point, it just means more blood draws and dealing with the time factor. Wishing you the best!
This post was for Haj and her pic of her two babies!! Forgot to reply with a quote! - Amazing!!! So happy for you!!

I did my first Lupron shot last night. Am tired today and just generally don't feel good but I will take it!! Of course we were at a wedding last night so all that dancing and singing might have something to do with it too. Last BCP on the 20th and 1st U/S on the 26th.

I'm sorry if I don't reply to everyone. There are so many on here and it is hard to keep up but I do read as much as I can and pray for BFPs for all of us!!
Georx - how did your ER go? :D

Mj and l8bloomer - how are ye doing? 2ww nearly over?! :dust:
Good morning ladies :flower:

Whats does PUPO stand for?

Just learning these abbreviations :thumbup:
never- pregnant until proven otherwise

so it appears it wasnt my sciatic.. i just react poorly to the pio. the nurse did the shot yesterday and within anhour i was in excruciating pain., the first shot (on the left) doesnt feel any better nearly 2 days later, and the one from yesterday on the right is still horrible. i need to see about switching to crinone. i cant take this. i flat out cant function
I'm doing EPP and I took that patch off yesterday, yesterday my e2 was 114, today 39??? I'm already on menopure I can ask about the hcg. I didnt ask about the follies, I assume not good since she said I was responding at all.

I'm devastated and I just PRAY this cycle doesnt get cancelled. I cant beleive my DH isnt here, that makes it even worse. If I dont respond, what's left for me? Can i still get pregnant, all these awful things are going around in my head!!

Oneof14 - Try to stay positive, when I went they basically gave us a doom and gloom talk, gave us the choice of cancelling cos I wasn't responding as they "liked" - I got double the amount of eggs I was forecast and now have 4 embryos. Even if this cycle has to be cancelled, hopefully it means they can change your (or mine) protocol for next time. We are all here for you, let us know how you get on, things can change very quickly - I'm proof!! :flower:
Morning everyone! Yesterday was crazy at school (field day in the morning, game day, autograph signing, and desk cleaning in the afternoon) then I went to help my SIL with my two nieces so I wasn't on here much. . . boy do things go fast!

Drs, it sounds like everything is falling in to place! Yay!

I (think) I have things all worked out with my RE's office now. I started BCP today (for 17 days), I go in on Thursday for a Office hysteroscopy and a Sonohystogram/Uterine Sounding. I go back the 25th for an IVF consent appointment with my RE, then on July 2nd I go in for bloodwork and an Ultrasound. I can't remember everything else because I don't have the calendar in front of me. I have to admit, I'm a little overwhelmed at this point.

I hope everyone has a GREAT weekend.

Desk cleaning?? That doesn't sound like fun at all!!! :nope: It can be a bit overwhelming when you get whacked with loads of appointments etc but it'll go by so quick. Good luck on Thurs, that's DaisyQ's ET so fingers crossed it's a lucky day!!! xx :flower:
Oneof14 > I honestly think 4 days of stims are to soon to tell, my FS only does next u/s 7 days after start of stims, and in my previous cycle, I only took 1 low dose stim extra. So 4 days is VERY early! And Daisy should be a great inspiration for you, look at her getting so many eggies ater they also thought she is slow/low count. Our bodies are mystical and sometimes needs a bit more of a kick in the butt to perform.
Fx'd you start showing growth and get to continue on this ivf for ur bfp!

Daisy, wow 11 embies that is awesome! Grow embies grow!

Tiff > congrats on being pupo!

DrsQ> good luck for tmorrow morning and court afterwards!

AFM > everything is clear for this cycle. Will be stimming for 8 days so long, next u/s on the 24th @ 8am :happydance: I'm on 150ui Menopur with 75ui Fostimon along with 10units of Lucrin! Bring on that bfp :thumbup:

I'm glad everything is a go! Fx everything goes well. :thumbup:

This post was for Haj and her pic of her two babies!! Forgot to reply with a quote! - Amazing!!! So happy for you!!

I did my first Lupron shot last night. Am tired today and just generally don't feel good but I will take it!! Of course we were at a wedding last night so all that dancing and singing might have something to do with it too. Last BCP on the 20th and 1st U/S on the 26th.

I'm sorry if I don't reply to everyone. There are so many on here and it is hard to keep up but I do read as much as I can and pray for BFPs for all of us!!

Yay for getting the first shot down. I hope you feel better soon.

never- pregnant until proven otherwise

so it appears it wasnt my sciatic.. i just react poorly to the pio. the nurse did the shot yesterday and within anhour i was in excruciating pain., the first shot (on the left) doesnt feel any better nearly 2 days later, and the one from yesterday on the right is still horrible. i need to see about switching to crinone. i cant take this. i flat out cant function

Thats horrible about the shots. Have you seen if theres anything else you can do?

Whats pio? sorry..is there an abbreviations list somewhere?:wacko:

Don't worry about asking what things mean. It's a lot to learn and it takes a little while. :thumbup:

I hope everyone had a great day. Thinking of you all and wishing everyone luck. :hugs:
Michelle, so sorry about tour doggie. I've had to say goodbye to two dogs in my life - really, really hard.

Haj, awesome about the heartbeats!!!

Tella,glad AF showed for you - onward and upward!

Afm, got the call - all 12 eggs are mature! Now just waiting on the fert report tomorrow.

That is such wonderfull news..... 12 eggs mature, awesome.
your BFP is on its way..... :hugs:
Hi :wave:
So had my day 9 ultrasound this morning (CD11) and I will be triggering tomorrow evening, ER on Thursday morning.
Lining was measured at 10 mm,
Right ovary : 1 x 20mm, 2 x 19mm and 4AF x max 10mm
Left ovary : 2 x 19mm, 2 x 17mm, 1 x 16mm and 1 x 13mm
Not quite sure if that is good or not, seems like there are 7 or 8? From what size can we count them?

The results of my bloodwork will be online later on - if anyone is interested, I would be happy to post (also to hear back, whether the results are good or not)?

I am still in disbelief, that we are actually almost there and praying so hard, that they find many eggies to fertilise and, that they manage to fertilise. Even though we have some frozen sperm, DH will be providing a sample, since the fresh :spermy: are better than thawed. Please please please keep fingers crossed that it all goes well on Thursday!!!

*EDIT* Just been in touch with the clinic - my LH and progesterone levels are high, so I am triggering tonight and the OP is Wednesday morning (they are worried that I will ovulate early) - have to be at the clinic at 9 am... so - please keep your fingers all crossed for us!!!

@ DaisyQ - that is so excited! Really great results and all fingers and toes are crossed for you!

@ oneof14 - this is my first time doing the treatment, so I have no idea really. My first US was on day 5 of stimming (before I had given myself my 5th shot, so after 4 days) - it may just be that they need to readjust the amounts you are taking - DaisyQ is a very good example I think of how it can go if (as heartbreaking as it is) they decide to cancel this cycle and move onto the next.. Either way, my fingers are crossed for you, that it works out!!!
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