IVF until we all get our bfp! 2012-present *13 w/twins & 1 w/triplets!*

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Andrea, one of the ladies I know had 8 mature follicles and the dr. Cancelled IUI. They did not trigger and ended up pregnant with 1.
Part of me wants to trigger but part of me says YOUR DUMB FOR EVEN THINKING THAT :( I duno.....ehhh decisions :(
Evening all, I'm very new to all of this but I thought I'd say hello. I'm on my second ivf cycle (first one in March this year was unsuccessful). I went for my 5 day blood test today and got a call to say not to inject GF tonight, and that I need to go in for a scan in the morning..... Don't suppose anyone knows what this means and if this is something to worry about (this never happened to me the first time round). Thanks for any advice! LR xx
I duno what to do I have a poll up I made a thread of WHAT WOULD YOU DO if you were me....lol trying to see what other people say. DH has low morphology...and I have only one tube that "half" works :( an I duno....some what I wanna trigger then again I dont wanna screw up :(
ir211 sounds like you're coasting for a day, I did that with my first cycle, they may tell you to trigger tomorrow depending on scan :)
I hope it is coasting! Although it would be quick for me to trigger (I think it took me 10 days last time not 5). Anyway I'm sure I'll find out more tomorrow, it's just hard having to wait. I didn't speak to anyone on forums last time but I want to be a bit more open about it this time so I'll update tomorrow! LR xx
Who knows, maybe they just want your estrogen to stabilize a bit, you may need to do a few more shots of GF.

After reading that I dont think I wanna trigger!!!!
Hi ladies-thanks for all the warm welcomes! Looks like everyone knows everyone by name-mine is Kayla!

So it sounds like there are SO many hard decisions with IVF...and lot's of IVF lingo for me to learn...like trigger??

I am starting to get nervous as I see the FS this Wed. but happy to have learned today that DH's boss gave him the day off last minute!! I told DH to tell his boss, as he can be of help with giving dh extra days off and such due to our situation. Luckily, his boss knows friends who had to go through the same thing as us and understands greatly! We are so blessed in that area!!

I hope some of you have fallen pregnant or are about to-sorry for any/and all failed cycles :/ I know it is so expensive and must be an incredibly emotional ride. I think I need to prepare myself for the worst in case my first IVF cycle fails. DH's insurance only covers 3 IVF's but we still pay 20%....and I want 3 babies, so I hope the first works best. Right off the bat, our FS said since we are both young and healthy he gives us a 50% chance...why can't IVF just be 100%?!

Anywho, sorry for the long rant, my FX for all you ladies in the process and I am excited to join all your journeys, and to share my own!!! <3
almost there was it just male factor infertility that you had issues with?
Good afternoon lovely's :flower:

I cannot wait to flip the calendar to August! :happydance:

I am so freaking anxious.

After TTC for 3 years we are finally getting this ball rolling with IVF! :dohh:

Stop BCP tomorrow and go in for my baseline labs and US on Friday. Start stims on Sunday!

Wahoodle! My expectations are dangerously high, but they have to be. I must remain optimistic :thumbup:

Thinking about you all!

Prayers and Blessings,
Kelly-as far as we know yes-very poor motility and not much sperm. I do need one more test-(bloodwork) done to be sure though. My periods are very irregular as well-ranges from 25-34 days long, making O hard to predict without OPKing, which I do do. My af is also super super light and I experience spotting during tww after dtd so unsure if any of my factors play into our low fertility rate. So since only male factors are playing into me getting preg, i think ivf will hopefully work!!
Then your chances should be very good :)

never: Yay!!!
Angel: They tried to say the the trigger shot can stay in your system until then but I don't really believe it. I did a hpt this morning before my transfer and it was verrrrry faint so I feel that its already almost gone from my system tonight will be 7 days since trigger. They also only do one beta because they feel people stress too much over the number doubling. So they do the day 16 and then you are back in 3 weeks for an ultrasound. They also do not give you pictures, they just said they don't have that technology but they do put them up on the tv so you can snap a picture yourself, which I did.

Andrea: Wow tough decision. I think I would definitely do :sex: As to the trigger that is tough. I'd probably do it figuring it would never happen to me, but after reading the things you posted it is scary. Hard choice. Good luck.

Kelly: Yes I have been updating daily, currently PUPO with two blasts. One was a full bast and the other was an early blast. I'll attach a picture as it was really cool seeing the difference. I'm glad your scan went well, sounds like you have a strong baby that beta is crazy high. I would have guessed you were expecting a football team. :haha: Congrats!!! So you tested 3 days after transfer and got your positive how much was your trigger? 10,000?

lr211: Welcome :hi: I don't have any experience with this but I would guess that 5 days would be a little soon to trigger, they are probably just coasting you for a day. Good luck tomorrow.

Kayla: Trigger is the final shot you do before your egg retrieval. It is a shot of HCG that makes you ovulate. I google acronyms when I don't know what they are, don't worry you will be a pro in no time at all. That's great that your husbands boss is so supportive. Good luck on Wednesday I hope you get good news. That's great that your insurance covers three, they may even cover frozen transfers separate so you should check.

AFM: Attached is a pic of my two embryos, crazy at how different they look. The large one is a full blast and the other is an early blast. The transfer went well, besides the doc was 10 minutes late and I was ready to explode with my full bladder. As soon as it was done I jumped up and ran to the bathroom, didn't even relax for 5 mins. My third embryo did progress more since yesterday but stopped today so no frostie for me. This makes me happy we went to day 5. I know some believe that they could survive better in your uterus but my clinic strongly believes it wouldn't have taken.

They said I have a 60% chance of pregnancy and 30-40% chance of twins, 2% chance of triplets. After all the stress of this process I hope we have twins and are done with this. That way if we decide to try for one more in a couple years and it doesn't pan out at least I will have my two kids. They told me that in normal pregnancies 1 in 250 result in identical twins but in ivf 1 in 50 do. I just assumed the chance of the egg splitting would be the same. In any case his spiel didn't change my mind and I had the two implanted. FX that at least one sticks.


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Mrs C - I was nervous to post just in case something delayed this process, because that's my luck lol. I have been a silent stalker and routing for everyone.

I understand. Thats what happened to me and we had to take a totally different route. Everything will go great for you.

MrsC- I tested with an ic on Friday. How are you feeling? I'm glad your hubby will be home for your scan.

AFM, I have been up ans down mood wise since the negative test Friday. I have a feeling af is coming. I have been crampy all day and when I just went to the bathroom I had some spotting. I will wait and see. I go Tuesday for my beta. Im worried if it didn't work because I don't know if I can move right in to another cycle because I teach and the school year will be starting up the end of next month. Its difficult to have a sub for my second graders at the beginning of the year. Its so hard to have so many mixed feelings and have my family not fully understand what I'm feeling. Ah well. . . I hope everyone has a good night!

I'm doing good thank you! I was asking about tests because the ic's didn't get dark for me for a while. I hope that something shows up on the tests and you get a positive beta. Don't give up!

Big welcome to the new ladies :wave:

Concerning the costs - we are facing a financial dilemma too! We have private insurance and state insurance. I am privately insured, my husband state. The situation here is : private insurance would pay for it all, if it were "my fault", but if, at the point where we start the hormone stimulation, it is evident it is my husband, they won't pay a cent. The state insurance covers my husband's costs ... all of 40 EUR! Funnily enough, when they finally managed to get some sperm from him to freeze, that didn't fall under "his costs" and we had to pay that privately too. ICSI (which is what we have to do) is also more expensive than IVF - so we are having to cover everything : Meds, treatment, operation, freezing, thawing etc. etc. out of our own pockets...
What they did do : they stuck to the prices they had told us. What they have done to you, Stinas, is abominable!

AFM ... first blood test is tomorrow. I am hoping that my bad night is actually a good sign! I had a temp dip two days after transfer, so I am hoping that it was an implantation dip. And last night, I couldn't get off to sleep, as my abdomen was crampy (not in a bad way, sort of twinging, not painful, but noticable enough to make me aware) and once asleep I would wake up every so often and feel it. So again - not wanting to jinx anything, but I am hoping that it is a good sign!


Good luck tomorrow!

Welcome to the new girls! :hi:

MrsC - Your scan will be here before you know it! Glad your hubby will be there to share the excitement with you :)

Kelly - Good luck with your scan!

bubu - Good luck tomorrow!

Jenn - Good luck with your transfer; you will soon be PUPO :happydance:

Bomo - how are you doing? Good luck with your beta tomorrow!

Sorry if I forgot anyone, being away over the weekend, this thread is booming! I took out the nuvaring Saturday; thank goodness! And ironically since I took it out, I have not had any migraines/headaches. I am now waiting for AF to show; just hope it is soon!

This thread is still moving super fast! Yay for no more BC. Fx af shows soon so that you can stay on track.

Well went to get the trigger and I have too many mature follies ;~( crushed....I have 8 of them so birth control here i come bawling eyes out n parking lot ;~(

Sorry to hear this. :hugs: I also saw your other post. I would not use the trigger. So much could happen and you would have to explain why. If it doesn't work you might risk having to delay the next cycle. Not only that but there is a risk of having quite a few babies. With all that said you have to do what you think is right. I look forward to hearing what you decide.

Hi Ladies-is it okay for me to join??? I am going to my second FS this Wed-still unsure if DH can attend due to work. This apt. is very important, as we are signing all legal papers to start IVF and to get BCP starting date and IVF treatment dates. I am very excited, but still wondering how many to fertilize....Anywho, I think we will be starting BCP Aug/Sept, & IVF for Sept/Oct! We are due to fly to another country to see DH's family in end of DEC so we hope to bring good news in person!

Some background info: DH & I are both 23 years old & today is our 5th year wedding anniversary. We have been ttc since Sept. 2011. He wants 2 babies and I want 3! Uh oh! We have not told our family about ttc. We debated telling our parents for support and help during IVF, but for now, want to keep a secret if possible as we both want to be able to surprise family with IVF if a success!

My CD3 tests came back normal, I got a very painful ovarian cyst but did not need surgery, I do ovulate, but my cycles are very irregular with lots of spotting after dtd in my tww...

DH got two abnormal S.A....very low mobility, and low sperm count-although second S.A came back more hopeful than the first. He is due for a scrotal U.S soon-who knew those existed?!

Hoping we all get our BFPS soon <3 hugs to all!

Welcome! :hi: Sounds like things are moving right along for you. I hope all goes well at the next appointment.

Today went well we transferrd two, one full blast and one early blast. He said I have about a 60% chance so I am feeling positive.

Congrats on being PUPO!! :happydance:

afm: Scan went well baby is measuring ahead at 6+2, saw yoke sac no heartbeat yet but there is no way I can be further along then 5+6 at the most so it's likely my floppy uterus thats all lazy and lax from being pregnant just 6 months ago. I had a big uterus with Hannah to. Another scan in 11 days, should see HB by then. My 21dpo beta was 6789! Doubling every 36 hours which is fab and yes there is only 1 in there :)

I'm glad the scan went well and LO is growing good!

Hello ladies, I've been MIA, just returned from a much needed vacation from Napa/San Fran. Loved it and DH and I reconnected and there was NO baby talk!

Kelly, yay - so excited for your progress!

Andrea, sorry about the cancelled IUI, but I would do the same thing if I were you. Good Luck!

AFM, nothing much going on still on BCP and started Lupron yesterday. I am hoping I have a much better experience this time around w/the IVF and everything goes as planned!

Sorry If I left some of you out, I will have to read through all the posts!

:hi: Welcome back from you vacation. Sounds you were both able to enjoy it. Yay for getting started!

Evening all, I'm very new to all of this but I thought I'd say hello. I'm on my second ivf cycle (first one in March this year was unsuccessful). I went for my 5 day blood test today and got a call to say not to inject GF tonight, and that I need to go in for a scan in the morning..... Don't suppose anyone knows what this means and if this is something to worry about (this never happened to me the first time round). Thanks for any advice! LR xx

Welcome! :hi: Good luck tomorrow.

Good afternoon lovely's :flower:

I cannot wait to flip the calendar to August! :happydance:

I am so freaking anxious.

After TTC for 3 years we are finally getting this ball rolling with IVF! :dohh:

Stop BCP tomorrow and go in for my baseline labs and US on Friday. Start stims on Sunday!

Wahoodle! My expectations are dangerously high, but they have to be. I must remain optimistic :thumbup:

Thinking about you all!

Prayers and Blessings,

Not much longer for you!
Jenn I love the pic! It is neat to see the difference. I tested at 3dpt and got a bfp, I was just going to say careful your trigger might not go away before your lines get darker, thats what happened to me, I noticed the trigger line was a bit darker then 7dpo so I kept testing and by 9/10dpo I felt confident believing it. Will you keep testing out trigger/seeing if it gets darker?
Jenn I love the pic! It is neat to see the difference. I tested at 3dpt and got a bfp, I was just going to say careful your trigger might not go away before your lines get darker, thats what happened to me, I noticed the trigger line was a bit darker then 7dpo so I kept testing and by 9/10dpo I felt confident believing it. Will you keep testing out trigger/seeing if it gets darker?

I tested this morning and it was verrry faint so I think it should be gone in a couple days. I was going to wait until 6dp5dt to test again. That would be 11dpo. Might cave before then though.
jenn: thats an awesome pic!!! its amazing that 2/3 went onto blasts! Congrats on being pupo!!
GettingBroody - It feels like they are charging by the second at this point!! lol Its crazy! Every day there is a new bill from the hospital for DH. We are at the point where we laugh when we see them.

bubumaci - It is just crazy!!! Insurances suck I tell you. Good luck tom!! Those signs sounds mighty good!!!! :flower:
I feel the same way about the ICSI. I am pretty much healthy, its all about DH sperm, so I feel like we have a pretty good shot too. When I feel down about it all, thats what I think about. The "hard" part is over....or at least it feels that way for now.

AndreaFlorida - Im sorry!! I hope you catch one of those eggs!!

almosthere - Welcome and Good luck!!! Just a handful of my family knows...like my mom, cousin and BIL. People, regardless of family or not, if they are not going through infertility issues, I feel like they just dont understand. Regardless of how much they care for you, they just dont get it.

Jenn - Thats great news!!! :flower: Cool pic!!!

Kelly - Thats wonderful! I bet you cant wait to hear the hb!

angels2012 - My IVF place said they do not do pics either, but I didnt ask why because it was just in our consult and there was just too many other questions to ask. I will ask wed when I go in, just because its interesting why.

never2late70 - Welcome and good luck to you!!!

As for me....went in for another ultrasound and bloods today. Correct me if im wrong, but he said one follicle looks around 10cm and other side looks like 12cm with a couple smaller ones around it. It was wayyyy tooo early for me to remember. I did a 17hr shift the night before, so two hours of sleep, I was ready to fall asleep during my exam this morning lol
Anyways, they said to keep doing 2 vials of gonal f today and tom night, but tom and wed to start Ganirelix, and go in wed for another scan. Am i getting close? Im still pretty new to all this lingo, so I dont know whats going on. Im just excited that its going pretty smooth so far(not to jinx it or anything). Just today I was super tired, but I did work a lot this weekend.

I have a question....if it is a male factor(which it is for me), doing ICSI, is it a higher chance of working compared to it being a problem with a woman? Just curious.
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