IVF until we all get our bfp! 2012-present *13 w/twins & 1 w/triplets!*

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First day of microdose lupron! I have felt terrible all day :( headache tummy blah and now I think I may be getting a cold! I almost had a moment b/c I got stuck at work doing a procedure and ended up staying 40 mins late and I needed to do my injection in 20 mins but it was a 40 min drive home :( but I made it with being late about 15 mins.

Bubu good luck! Likkle good luck!
eh there is plenty of time wiggle room. dont do it 8 hrs late... 15,20,30 and hour... no biggie
p.s. what is microcode lupron??? is it regular lupron down reg. meds or different?? =) just curious!! And based on the first page here...it looks like our ER and ET are going to be very close together!!
depends. lupron if started during the luteal phase then it is used for suppression. if started at the beginning of the cycle it can cause a "flare" and be used as a stim.
bubumaci - the wait to see how the embies are doing is so nerve wracking isn't it, good luck on Friday!

Phantom710 - it's not pleasant but they insist on doing them very early in the cycle for some reason

wantbabysoon & haj - I was reading a story the other day and the lady had a beta of 2500 at 14dpo :o she had a singleton too. The range for beta's is incredible

haj - yay, good luck for the gender scan. Can't wait to find out what your having :)

hiccups - I stimmed for 7 days, but I was on a different protocol. From what I've read if you down reg first then your likely to stim longer

Likklegemz - my EC is scheduled for 10:30am tomorrow, but due to time differences it think that's afternoon on here

AFM - last hgh injection done this morning, pretty happy about this as they make me feel sick :( ER tomorrow morning, and I'm so nervous, I think being my third cycle I am putting so much more pressure on myself.
Lol. I fixed it. iPad must have autocorrected! Yes microdose (it's a 40 microgram dose)...I'm cd1 today and using it as a flare...supossed to cause a lot of fsh so follicles are stimulated or something like that. I was over suppressed on regular long lupron protocol :) so like drsquid said I'm using it as a stim...on Friday I add gonal f and Monday I add menopur..I wonder how many days I'll stim though...it was 10 last 2 cycles.
OKi... got my time for my transfer on Friday ... 13:55 ... I hope they are doing OK! I won't know until I go into the room for the transfer, how they are...

Yaaay for ET!! Fingers crossed for perfect embies!!

Good luck Bubu!!!!

Tomorrow I'm having my first ultrasound and blood work with plans to start injections and pills on Friday. Today is my last "normal" day.

Also, tmi question. my clinic is having me do the Ultrasound while I'm on my period. Is that normal? It's kinda gross to think about, but when I brought it up they said that's what they wanted.
I didn't have to do an ultrasound while on my period the 1st round of IVF but this time I did. I was so uncomfortable with the idea and when I told the nurse she said it's normal and they're used to it since they do it all the time. It was a little uncomfortable but not as bad as I thought it would be. Just remember that the doctor does this everyday for women on their period. Thinking about it this way helped me a little through it. Good Luck!!

oh my gosh so excited for you!!! you definitely will be joining me!!! I'm good, had a dr appt last night. Both babies have gotten so big!!! I have my level 2 gender scan on Sept 20. I'll be 20weeks 1 day
Yaay for gender scan!! I can't wait to find out what you have!

I have a question for all you ladies....

How long did you do stimms for?
Did you have to order more meds than originally prescribed?
I started my first dose of Lupron last night and was looking at my calendar and it looks like I'll be stimming for about 10-12 days but I only have enough Menopur for 11days and Folistim for 9 days. So as you can see I'm a little confused.
I stimmed for 12 days the 1st round and I had to order more gonal-f but I was ok for the rest of the meds. Yaaay for starting!!

Wow! Really struggling now keeping up with everyone! Well that's it - I've done my trigger shot and egg collection is scheduled for 8 am local time! :D

TTB - yey for buddies! :) What time is your transfer scheduled for?

Want: keeping fingers crossed for Friday!

Bubu - thats a nice time to go in too - you'll have the morning to relax and the be all ready to look after your embies! :D

Hey to everyone else x x
Looking forward to your updates! I hope you get a great maturity and fertilization report!

mine only planned on doing two but wanted to test my progesterone again so they did a 3rd (my progesterone was crazy high so they wanted to make sure it was not related to supplements).

i did pio and estrace for a few days before and after my et (total of 4 shots) before i had to stop cause i was allergic/ got switched to crinone. then discovered my progesterone was 279 so i got to stop supplementing
Looking forward to your next ultrasound pic!!
Did you have a headache when you were on the estrace? Today was my last day of estrace but I've had a headache everyday for the past 2 weeks and I'm trying to figure out if it's from the it.

First day of microdose lupron! I have felt terrible all day :( headache tummy blah and now I think I may be getting a cold! I almost had a moment b/c I got stuck at work doing a procedure and ended up staying 40 mins late and I needed to do my injection in 20 mins but it was a 40 min drive home :( but I made it with being late about 15 mins.

Bubu good luck! Likkle good luck!
I'm sorry you day was not so great but yaay for starting Lupron. It should not affect anything if you're 15 minutes late, so don't stress yourself about it too much. I was late all the time last cycle and sometimes up to an hour late but I stimmed just fine. Good Luck!
bubumaci - the wait to see how the embies are doing is so nerve wracking isn't it, good luck on Friday!

Phantom710 - it's not pleasant but they insist on doing them very early in the cycle for some reason

wantbabysoon & haj - I was reading a story the other day and the lady had a beta of 2500 at 14dpo :o she had a singleton too. The range for beta's is incredible

haj - yay, good luck for the gender scan. Can't wait to find out what your having :)

hiccups - I stimmed for 7 days, but I was on a different protocol. From what I've read if you down reg first then your likely to stim longer

Likklegemz - my EC is scheduled for 10:30am tomorrow, but due to time differences it think that's afternoon on here

AFM - last hgh injection done this morning, pretty happy about this as they make me feel sick :( ER tomorrow morning, and I'm so nervous, I think being my third cycle I am putting so much more pressure on myself.
FX this will be your cycle! Can't wait for your update, I'm sure it'll be great!
That is so interesting-I think I may have read that somewhere now that I think about it.

And I hope you don't have to stim for long-10 days seems like a good average! I am hoping for 8...I am so impatient.....lol
thanks for all your replies ladies that puts my mind at ease for a little bit. But like Almost stated I'm also so impatient
Drs- I can't wait to see the new pics!

MrsC- Somehow I think even with 2 hours you'll never get your fill of seeing your little ones. :)

You are right. I will be wanting to see them the next day. To bad there isn't a little window to look in and see them. Ok that might be a little creepy but also interesting.

Very quick message as I'm in work! Had scan today and had over 10 follicles at 15mm so am triggering tonight and egg collection on Friday!! Woops rather loudly! :)

Yay for triggering and ER on Friday!

Just want to say hi to all you wonderful girls!!!!!

COngrats to all the BFP's in the last while, hope the time flies by to your scan, so that we can find out if it is twins or more hehe

Thinking about you all that is stimming and waiting in anticipation on the follie growth, GL hoping for lots of healthy follies!!!! Remember quality over quantity!

To those about to go to ER, GL!!! Fx'd for great fertilization reports!

And those i the TWW, it is torture but we pray for a BFP for each one of you!!!!

And lastly the ones that is about to test or do BETA, Stay strong, possitive cant wait for great news from more of you girls!

Thanks MrsC for still keeping the first page updated, it helps me a lot as im not on BnB so much anymore but atleast i can still see where everyone is at.

Tella how are you doing? :hugs:

I think this thread has gone up about a hundred pages since the last time I felt safe posting here!

I had a virus in my email, so I dropped off the radar completely to keep it confined to my own computer. My IT guy (also known as my brother in law, who works in IT) finally found out that it's not on my computer, but in a certain email provider's re-direct page. (For anyone curious, I did have email that started with a Y.....and it was sending porn to everyone.)

SO, I'm back on BnB, but suspect that I'll go into lurker mode here. One, because I can't keep up with you ladies, and two, because I don't want to cause more harm than good with what I'm up to.

But I wanted to at least come on and say congrats to the new BFPs and send my hope and :dust: to all those still going through the whole grueling process here. I've gone on to second tri, but I still go through first tri, so I expect to see ALL OF YOU there soon. I believe it can happen, ladies, even if it's not as soon as anyone would like.

I've called it, Universe. Don't you dare get in the way! I know where you live!


Nice to see you back! I was wondering where you had ran off to. That sucks about being hacked but I'm glad you got it taken care of.

I got my update on second beta .. its 102...not exactly doubled but went up.. Third beta on Friday... I am kinda worried now..

That is a good beta! Don't worry. :hugs: Be excited!

MrsC - I'm trying not to get caught up on numbers this time, although to be honest I was a bit disappointed by the number of follicles. This cycle I'm aiming for quality over quantity :)

AFM - countdown is on for EC. After my last EC the lady next to me had already ovulated and they werent able to get any eggs during her EC, she was so so upset and I felt so bad for her. I've started thinking about it in the last few days and it's making me paranoid that the same thing will happen to me this time. Aarrrrrgh, I don't know why I'm so worried this time around :/

That is a great idea. :thumbup: I'm sure everything will go fine with the ER. She might have messed up her trigger and probably did it at the wrong time. It will go great for you! Good luck tomorrow!

OKi... got my time for my transfer on Friday ... 13:55 ... I hope they are doing OK! I won't know until I go into the room for the transfer, how they are...


Wonderful news! :happydance: Can't wait to hear your update on Friday about being PUPO.

Good luck Bubu!!!!

Tomorrow I'm having my first ultrasound and blood work with plans to start injections and pills on Friday. Today is my last "normal" day.

Also, tmi question. my clinic is having me do the Ultrasound while I'm on my period. Is that normal? It's kinda gross to think about, but when I brought it up they said that's what they wanted.

I've had a scan like that. It isn't fun at all but you get used to stuff like that. All modesty goes out the window when it comes to fertility treatments. I used to be so embarrassed for paps and scan but now I'm just like ok here you go do your thing. :haha: I think is it to check that things are working correctly and possibly see if new follicles are starting.

First day of microdose lupron! I have felt terrible all day :( headache tummy blah and now I think I may be getting a cold! I almost had a moment b/c I got stuck at work doing a procedure and ended up staying 40 mins late and I needed to do my injection in 20 mins but it was a 40 min drive home :( but I made it with being late about 15 mins.

Bubu good luck! Likkle good luck!

Yay for starting meds but I'm sorry you aren't feeling good. I hope that passes.
Likkle - hope your trigger went well!!

Want - I know everyone else has lready said it but your beta sounds absolutely fine. Time for excitement!! :D

Tella - :hi: How are you doing?

TTB - try not to stress about EC. It'll all go fine and you'll be looking at that bfp before you know it!:flower:

Bubu - I hope all your little embies are very busy growing in preparation for their big move to their new home on Friday! It's strange that they told you they could refreeze some if you decided not to transfer them when you were told originally that it's illegal to freeze them when they're over a day old?! Does refreezing them not count or have I missed something?!:wacko:

Phantom - good luck with your u/s!

MoBaby - sorry you're not feeling well but yay for lupron!!

Afm, down-reg scan today and injection class about the stimms (well, it's not really a class, just me and the nurse!:haha:) Will be missing half the school day so had to try and sort out lots of work for my class to do. Not so easy when it's only the second day back!:wacko:
Hi GettingBroody :wave: TBH I have no idea. They said something similar last cycle, when I was deliberating between thawing only 3 and all six ... that if at the transfer they had blasts over, they could re-freeze. Didn't even occur to me to ask about this contradiction!
I don't know - whenever I am in a doctor's office, it seems as if my mind goes out the window and I forget half of what they tell me...
Lulu07 & GettingBroody - thanks so much, I hope so too!
Just finished my down-reg scan. All good and starting stimms tonight. :happydance: Back next Thursday to see how things are growing. Can't believe I'm finally at this stage! Seemed to take forever and arrive so quickly at the same time if that makes any sense?! :wacko: Just waiting for the pharmacist to go through the new injection with me now...
yay getting broody! I had my first us and bw after stimming-still have 7 follies on the left and 6 on the right...should I have grown more? lol no idea! She also said my follies are measuring at 12 and 10...no idea what this even means....will find out what my nurse says after work today!
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