IVF until we all get our bfp! 2012-present *13 w/twins & 1 w/triplets!*

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Hey ladies!

I hope you're all doing well and thanks for the words of encouragement. Sorry I went MIA but I've been in a lot of pain. I have an appointment tomorrow to check on follies. I hope I can stop the stims soon. I could barely walk from my ovaries. DH and I were walking from the car to the house and I stopped halfway and told him that I can't continue walking. About the dairy and cold drinks, REs will not know enough about this and won't give it too much credit anyways. I worked with a lot of doctors and know how they think when it comes to natural medicine. My friend was TTC for 3 years and when she started the no dairy diet and no cold drinks she was pregnant 3 weeks later. Also, after I started this diet, my allergies are pretty much gone and I had some pretty bad allergies. I did a lot of research on this and support this diet 150%. You really will get used to it after a few weeks. I'll post some articles once this pain is gone.

My re told me I'll have to be on stims for about 10 days. Since tomorrow is day 10 for you hopefully they will tell you that you'll be able to stop. Then you would get to do your retrieval this week!!! How exciting!!!

I was supposed to be on the stims for 10 days but at the last appointment my RE said that the follies are a day or 2 behind. I think it's because I have so many of them that the meds are probably not concentrated on the big ones. My retrieval should be sometime this week though and I'm super excited about that.:happydance:

Hi ladies,

Sadly I had a miscarriage at the weekend, so now I'm a mummy to 4 angels. I'm gutted :cry:

So I may be joining you ladies yet for another round of IVF.

I wish you all every success with your upcoming treatment. I may not be on for a while but I'll keep checking on you all :hugs:

I'm so sorry to hear about your loss:hugs:. maybe you could consider doing the no dairy and no cold drinks diet for next time. My acupuncturist said they greatly increase the chance of miscarriage and if it doesn't help, it won't hurt. I really pray that this is the last time you have to go through a loss.

Welcome to all the new ladies!

The whole issue about diet - I asked my specialist about whether I should be doing anything/not doing anything in regards to my diet, and he just said eat healthy. With that being said, food does have a big influence on your body. It can't hurt to go without cold drinks and no dairy for a month right? I had planned on drinking lots of milk during stims, I have heard protein is very important in egg development, now i'm not so sure.

Not long now til test date Casperelf79. You got great egg numbers, and 3 to freeze, that is great.

Lulu, hopefully you get some more good sized follicles and don't end up with OHSS. I had some mild symptoms of OHSS with my first cycle, and was quite uncomfortable. I couldn't imagine having full blown OHSS.

Congratulations SmileyKez! :happydance: What wonderful news! How many DPO are you?

Haj, I am superstitious about buying baby things too. The only baby things I have in this house are things I have bought for other people. I would probably wait til the 12 week mark to buy anything, with the exception of what to expect when your expecting. I would be nice to know all about bubs development week by week, and what I should/shouldn't be doing.

Big :hugs: JDF1982!

AFM - Had a temp rise this morning, so may have O'd, that would have been cd25. I normally O cd12-15. My temps have been all over the place, so i'm not really sure. Hmmm, I guess I will just have to wait and see. :wacko:

I noticed most of you girls are on the long protocol, are there any benefits in the long protocol over short? I was on short protocol last time and will be next cycle as well, just curious as I seem to be in the minority in here.

I really hope I don't end up having OHSS. It's very uncomfortable right now and I don't even think it's OHSS yet :nope:. I get to see my RE today so hopefully I get good news. I'm really glad that you might've finally ovulated. I hope you get a natural BFP this cycle and won't have to go through IVF again. You're not the only one on the short protocol. I'm on the antagonist protocol and that's the shortest of all protocols. I think they greatly base their choice on the amh level.

Hey ladies hope u are all well. I am going for ER tomorrow morning I am scared and excited just can't believe it's finally here.

Yaaay how exciting!!! We're only going to be a few days apart with the retrieval so we'll be in the TWW together. How many follies did you have and at what size did they have you do the trigger? Let us know how it goes.

Hey ladies, well i finally made it to the week of my baseline. Hopefully everything will go well and I can start my stims on Friday. AF finally left yesterday. 5 days is the longest period I've had in a while since clomid made it so short. Within 2 days I was usually done while I was on clomid. I hope since I've been off BC over a week and my period will be gone 5 days already hopefully all of my blood levels will be good. The only thing I'm a tad nervous about is this little cysts that just wont go away. But the doctor said last time he didnt think it would intefere so if its still there I hope thats still the case. I'm starting to get really nervous and scared. I just want everything to work. I know being positive is so important but the thought of a BFN or miscarriage scares the crap out of me.:nope:

Question for anyone who has been through this point of IVF before. After you started your stims how often did you go in for sonos btwn stims and retrival. My doctor told me I would be on stims for about 10 days so I was curious how many times they check your follies.

Yaaay for starting stims this week. I don't think you should worry about the cyst so much since it's small and your RE said it shouldn't get in the way. As for the sonos, my RE had me go in every 2 to 3 days. Sometimes it depends on how you're responding, some people start going in every day towards the end of their stims. I always look forward to the sonos though.

AFM ~ I'm on stim day 9 today and have an appointment in a few hours. I'm really nervous about this appointment for some reason but I'm praying that it's a good one. I will update you guys when I come back.
Hi TTB, I am not 100% sure but I think I'm 14 or 15 days dpo today!
Hey ladies, well i finally made it to the week of my baseline. Hopefully everything will go well and I can start my stims on Friday. AF finally left yesterday. 5 days is the longest period I've had in a while since clomid made it so short. Within 2 days I was usually done while I was on clomid. I hope since I've been off BC over a week and my period will be gone 5 days already hopefully all of my blood levels will be good. The only thing I'm a tad nervous about is this little cysts that just wont go away. But the doctor said last time he didnt think it would intefere so if its still there I hope thats still the case. I'm starting to get really nervous and scared. I just want everything to work. I know being positive is so important but the thought of a BFN or miscarriage scares the crap out of me.:nope:

Question for anyone who has been through this point of IVF before. After you started your stims how often did you go in for sonos btwn stims and retrival. My doctor told me I would be on stims for about 10 days so I was curious how many times they check your follies.

When I did my IVF in February I stimmed for 11 days; I went in 5 times between the time I started stimming and my retrieval. I was also a slow responder, so I am not sure if 5 times is normal or more then normal. And I also would not worry about the cyst, especially if they are not worried about it. Sounds like things are moving along great!! Good Luck!!!
Hey ladies, well i finally made it to the week of my baseline. Hopefully everything will go well and I can start my stims on Friday. AF finally left yesterday. 5 days is the longest period I've had in a while since clomid made it so short. Within 2 days I was usually done while I was on clomid. I hope since I've been off BC over a week and my period will be gone 5 days already hopefully all of my blood levels will be good. The only thing I'm a tad nervous about is this little cysts that just wont go away. But the doctor said last time he didnt think it would intefere so if its still there I hope thats still the case. I'm starting to get really nervous and scared. I just want everything to work. I know being positive is so important but the thought of a BFN or miscarriage scares the crap out of me.:nope:

Question for anyone who has been through this point of IVF before. After you started your stims how often did you go in for sonos btwn stims and retrival. My doctor told me I would be on stims for about 10 days so I was curious how many times they check your follies.

When I did my IVF in February I stimmed for 11 days; I went in 5 times between the time I started stimming and my retrieval. I was also a slow responder, so I am not sure if 5 times is normal or more then normal. And I also would not worry about the cyst, especially if they are not worried about it. Sounds like things are moving along great!! Good Luck!!!

Thanks for the response hun!!!
JDH - I am so sorry :hugs:

DancingDiva - Good Luck!! How exciting!!! :happydance:

AFM...I am still waiting for AF; its been just over 3 weeks and I feel like I am about to start, so that is good, but waiting just stinks! I feel like I am ready to start again, but the doctor was also doing some chromosome testing, so I am waiting for the results of those tests. I am hoping those come in Friday, so we can get started with our second round of IVF!
ladies, what is a morula vs a blast? Also if you're getting ICSI done, do they normally do it to all the eggs or only some?

Please correct me if I'm wrong ladies, but I think a morula is essentially a day 4 embryo and a blast is day 5. And I'm not any help with ISCI questions.
ladies, what is a morula vs a blast? Also if you're getting ICSI done, do they normally do it to all the eggs or only some?

Please correct me if I'm wrong ladies, but I think a morula is essentially a day 4 embryo and a blast is day 5. And I'm not any help with ISCI questions.

gotcha. I saw on another thread that someone had a 5 day tranfer and she had a blast and a morula. So I wasn't sure if one was better or what it was for that matter.
It has to do with the number of cells, I believe. A morula becomes a blast (I really hoping I'm not spewing mis-information all over the web). According to my clinic, they have the best success rates with transferring a blast on day 5.
It has to do with the number of cells, I believe. A morula becomes a blast (I really hoping I'm not spewing mis-information all over the web). According to my clinic, they have the best success rates with transferring a blast on day 5.

gotcha gotcha gotacha. That makes sense.
So ladies its Monday....lets do a little catch up...who has anything going on this week...dr appt, sonos, er, et, testing, staring/stopping medicine??? Anyone??

Like I said before I have my baseline sono and bloodwork on Friday.
Hey ladies!

I hope you're all doing well and thanks for the words of encouragement. Sorry I went MIA but I've been in a lot of pain. I have an appointment tomorrow to check on follies. I hope I can stop the stims soon. I could barely walk from my ovaries. DH and I were walking from the car to the house and I stopped halfway and told him that I can't continue walking. About the dairy and cold drinks, REs will not know enough about this and won't give it too much credit anyways. I worked with a lot of doctors and know how they think when it comes to natural medicine. My friend was TTC for 3 years and when she started the no dairy diet and no cold drinks she was pregnant 3 weeks later. Also, after I started this diet, my allergies are pretty much gone and I had some pretty bad allergies. I did a lot of research on this and support this diet 150%. You really will get used to it after a few weeks. I'll post some articles once this pain is gone.

I hope you start feeling better soon. Not much longer now!

Hi ladies,

Sadly I had a miscarriage at the weekend, so now I'm a mummy to 4 angels. I'm gutted :cry:

So I may be joining you ladies yet for another round of IVF.

I wish you all every success with your upcoming treatment. I may not be on for a while but I'll keep checking on you all :hugs:

:hugs: So sorry to hear thing JDH. Take all the time you need.

Hey ladies hope u are all well. I am going for ER tomorrow morning I am scared and excited just can't believe it's finally here.

Good luck tomorrow!! I can't wait to hear the update! :happydance:

Hey ladies, well i finally made it to the week of my baseline. Hopefully everything will go well and I can start my stims on Friday. AF finally left yesterday. 5 days is the longest period I've had in a while since clomid made it so short. Within 2 days I was usually done while I was on clomid. I hope since I've been off BC over a week and my period will be gone 5 days already hopefully all of my blood levels will be good. The only thing I'm a tad nervous about is this little cysts that just wont go away. But the doctor said last time he didnt think it would intefere so if its still there I hope thats still the case. I'm starting to get really nervous and scared. I just want everything to work. I know being positive is so important but the thought of a BFN or miscarriage scares the crap out of me.:nope:

Question for anyone who has been through this point of IVF before. After you started your stims how often did you go in for sonos btwn stims and retrival. My doctor told me I would be on stims for about 10 days so I was curious how many times they check your follies.

Yay for appointment week! I hope everything goes well and you can get started this week. As for ICSI I believe you can ask them to only do so many. Like some ladies do 50/50. In my case we have to do 100% but you can always decide and I think it always depends on how many eggs you have. Also thanks for asking for updates... I tend to get a little lost with them all.

And yes it is difficult keeping up with all you lovely ladies but it is also very exciting. It a fun full time job with this thread. :winkwink:

For the ladies who are MIA I hope you are all doing well. Just want you to know that I'm thinking of you all and hoping for the best. :flower:
Hey ladies!

I hope you're all doing well and thanks for the words of encouragement. Sorry I went MIA but I've been in a lot of pain. I have an appointment tomorrow to check on follies. I hope I can stop the stims soon. I could barely walk from my ovaries. DH and I were walking from the car to the house and I stopped halfway and told him that I can't continue walking. About the dairy and cold drinks, REs will not know enough about this and won't give it too much credit anyways. I worked with a lot of doctors and know how they think when it comes to natural medicine. My friend was TTC for 3 years and when she started the no dairy diet and no cold drinks she was pregnant 3 weeks later. Also, after I started this diet, my allergies are pretty much gone and I had some pretty bad allergies. I did a lot of research on this and support this diet 150%. You really will get used to it after a few weeks. I'll post some articles once this pain is gone.

I hope you start feeling better soon. Not much longer now!

Hi ladies,

Sadly I had a miscarriage at the weekend, so now I'm a mummy to 4 angels. I'm gutted :cry:

So I may be joining you ladies yet for another round of IVF.

I wish you all every success with your upcoming treatment. I may not be on for a while but I'll keep checking on you all :hugs:

:hugs: So sorry to hear thing JDH. Take all the time you need.

Hey ladies hope u are all well. I am going for ER tomorrow morning I am scared and excited just can't believe it's finally here.

Good luck tomorrow!! I can't wait to hear the update! :happydance:

Hey ladies, well i finally made it to the week of my baseline. Hopefully everything will go well and I can start my stims on Friday. AF finally left yesterday. 5 days is the longest period I've had in a while since clomid made it so short. Within 2 days I was usually done while I was on clomid. I hope since I've been off BC over a week and my period will be gone 5 days already hopefully all of my blood levels will be good. The only thing I'm a tad nervous about is this little cysts that just wont go away. But the doctor said last time he didnt think it would intefere so if its still there I hope thats still the case. I'm starting to get really nervous and scared. I just want everything to work. I know being positive is so important but the thought of a BFN or miscarriage scares the crap out of me.:nope:

Question for anyone who has been through this point of IVF before. After you started your stims how often did you go in for sonos btwn stims and retrival. My doctor told me I would be on stims for about 10 days so I was curious how many times they check your follies.

Yay for appointment week! I hope everything goes well and you can get started this week. As for ICSI I believe you can ask them to only do so many. Like some ladies do 50/50. In my case we have to do 100% but you can always decide and I think it always depends on how many eggs you have. Also thanks for asking for updates... I tend to get a little lost with them all.

And yes it is difficult keeping up with all you lovely ladies but it is also very exciting. It a fun full time job with this thread. :winkwink:

For the ladies who are MIA I hope you are all doing well. Just want you to know that I'm thinking of you all and hoping for the best. :flower:

I feel like since dh's sperm arent penetrating the eggs it would be silly for me not to do all ICSI. Is there anything against doing them all ICSI? I guess I don't understand why you wouldn't.

Haha dont want you to think I'm stealing your job, I was just curious.
I feel like since dh's sperm arent penetrating the eggs it would be silly for me not to do all ICSI. Is there anything against doing them all ICSI? I guess I don't understand why you wouldn't.

Haha dont want you to think I'm stealing your job, I was just curious.

No worries! I appreciate it :thumbup:

I think sometimes people are curious if their dh's sperm can make it into the egg which is why they only do some. I agree that if ICSI is going to be done why not just do all of them but then again sometimes people want that peace of mind. Say if one gets 20 eggs and they want to see what happens they would do some without ICSI just to see.

Oh I feel like I went in circles there. I hope it makes sense. :dohh:
I feel like since dh's sperm arent penetrating the eggs it would be silly for me not to do all ICSI. Is there anything against doing them all ICSI? I guess I don't understand why you wouldn't.

Haha dont want you to think I'm stealing your job, I was just curious.

No worries! I appreciate it :thumbup:

I think sometimes people are curious if their dh's sperm can make it into the egg which is why they only do some. I agree that if ICSI is going to be done why not just do all of them but then again sometimes people want that peace of mind. Say if one gets 20 eggs and they want to see what happens they would do some without ICSI just to see.

Oh I feel like I went in circles there. I hope it makes sense. :dohh:

Haha kinda. I mean for me I feel like bc of dh's morphology I would be "wasting" eggs if I didnt do ICSI. I'm a little confused by what you mean for peace of mind. Like they tried both ways in case ICSI wasn't the way to go? I mean I guess it depends on how many eggs they get that would make me decide that.
Have you taken a look at this thread? https://www.babyandbump.com/assisted-conception/491023-list-your-ivf-successes-here.html

It's a good one and it give me hope. I thought of this thread and a couple girls during this whole talk of ICSI VS no ICSI. What I mean by peace of mind is some people are unexplained. Haj I can't remember if you are or not without going back to look real quick. I will can kindly ask one of the ladies to pop in and explain why they would do 50/50. If there was no issues with dh's sperm I would still do 100% ICSI just because theres a higher chance of the egg/sperm making it. Before I continue to ramble on about this whole thing I will go ask one of the ladies to stop in real quick.
Have you taken a look at this thread? https://www.babyandbump.com/assisted-conception/491023-list-your-ivf-successes-here.html

It's a good one and it give me hope. I thought of this thread and a couple girls during this whole talk of ICSI VS no ICSI. What I mean by peace of mind is some people are unexplained. Haj I can't remember if you are or not without going back to look real quick. I will can kindly ask one of the ladies to pop in and explain why they would do 50/50. If there was no issues with dh's sperm I would still do 100% ICSI just because theres a higher chance of the egg/sperm making it. Before I continue to ramble on about this whole thing I will go ask one of the ladies to stop in real quick.

haha ok. Yeah we are not unexplained. DH has poor morphology (2%) and I have PCOS and found our I'm not ovulating on my own. Thanks that would be great.
Hi everyone,

I've been lurking about reading posts but just keeping quiet for now!

Welcome to Havelove2give, waitingmids, Mammywannabe, PollyJo, Casperelf79 & AnnetteCali!!! This thread is bursting at the seams, how exciting! :happydance:

Casper - FX for you! You're the first of us all to be in the 2ww!!!

Smileykez - Huge congratulations to you, a real miracle story. Wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months.

Jdh - So sorry to hear about your loss, stay strong and this whole thread is here for you.

Lulu - Hope the pain is bearable, really feeling for you. Just think of how worth it the pain will be when you get the BFP x

AFM - Update on me: I start Buserelin on 8th May for approx 3 weeks then baseline scan. If down regulated I start stims so I've worked out approximate ET 12th June (which I'm a bit gutted about cos the Olympic torch is passing my house that day!!!). The clinic didn't give me an explanation as to why I'm on the long protocol with a high AMH but I'll just ask when I go for my scan. My buserelin (your equivalent of Lupron) is a nasal spray 4 x daily so not looking forward to that.

What's everyone doing for their 2ww? I'm having 2 weeks off work cos have quite a stressy job. Just feel that I should be off.

Ali :flower:
Hey Ladies!!

Thanks for all the support. I hope all of you are doing well. Today's scan showed 20 follies between 9 and 14 and some smaller ones:wacko:. I guess that is a lot of follies so my risk of hyperstimulation is still up there. I think he will increase my gonal-f dose again since last time he decreased it. I'm waiting for them to call me back with my E2 level and new dose for gonal-f. He said that I would be triggering either on wednesday or thursday, which means that egg retrieval will be either on friday or saturday. Also, he said that he would be triggering me with lupron because that decreases the chance of hyperstimulation so fx for that. I can't believe I'm almost done with stims!!!! :happydance:
Hi sorry i've not joined in much yet , just not much to report yet.Thank you for all the welcomes.
I ordered and paid for my drugs today , so no turning back now .start on the Norethistrerone next monday 7th, for approx 10 days .then start stim gonal f .
are there any other liks on here where we can compare protocols ?
Try to understand why some of us are on different drugs and maybe see which have given best results for others ?
Hi Everyone,

Mrs C asked me to stop by and weigh in on the 100% ICSI v. not 100% topic.

My situation was that I had been diagnosed with PCOS but was not ovulating regularly. DHs sperm came back ok - morph was a little low but the RE wasn't concerned about it. The feeling was that once I would ovulate it would be fine. However we did 6 IUIs and no luck, even with 3-5 follies on most attempts. When we started down the IVF road I suggested ICSI to my RE because I was concerned at my age (38) there might be an issue of my eggs making it harder for sperm to penetrate. We discussed doing at least half, or more depending on how many eggs we got. I certainly didn't want to risk having few or zero fertilize due to a sperm penetration issue but was also curious if that was our problem. If we had ended up with 10 or fewer I likely would have said 100% IUI but that ended up not happening.

Fast forward to Jan and my IVF cycle. They were agressive with meds because I had only gotten 2 follies for an injectible IUI at 150. My dosages are in my signature if you are curious. At ER I ended up with 38 eggs! (Also my age which the people at the clinic were amused by :haha:) Since there were so many the embryologist and RE went ahead and did 50/50 as we had discussed. If I had done no ICSI based on number of eggs I likely would not be pregnant today.

Of the 38 eggs, 28 were mature. 2 were lost during the ICSI process. Of the 26 remaining, 13 were ICSI and 13 were not. Of the 13 ICSI we had 7 fertilize. Of the 13 non-ICSI only 2 fertilized. If we had not done ICSI only a handful would likely have fertilized. As it was we ended up with 9 fertilizing and 6 eventually making it to blast. At 5dt we transferred 1 blast and 2 morulas. No blasts were high enough quality to freeze.

So to sum up it turned out we had both an egg and a sperm issue and we never would have known that without doing 50/50. I could probably have ttc naturally or done IUIs forever and never gotten a sniff of a BFP. For this reason I am a big advocate of doing at least some ICSI, even if your RE doesn't think you need it. If we hadn't we would have found out the hard way by only having 2 or 3 fertilize at all and potentially none to transfer. There are too many stories on BnB where that happens already and it is largely solved with doing at least partial ICSI.

One thing to keep in mind when deciding how many to ICSI is cost since some clinics charge per 10 eggs that you ICSI. I suggested to one poster that she decide ahead of time a threshold for doing ICSI. For example: under 10 do 100%, 10-15 do 75%, 15+ do 50% (or whatever you feel comfortable with). You don't want to be faced with that decision for the first time the day of your ER.

It is really a personal decision what you decide to do regarding ICSI, but I am a big advocate of doing at least some regardless of whether your RE thinks it is needed. It can cost a little more but by the time you pay for an IVF cycle you don't want to end up with nothing to tranfer for the sake of the cost of ICSI.

We also discussed assisted hatching for the same reason but since we did a 5dt and they looked ready to hatch on their own we ended up not needing to. But that is something else to consider discussing with your RE ahead of time if you think it might be an issue for you.

My whole saga, including my 10 days in the hospital after developing OHSS during my IVF cycle, is in the 1st post of my pregnancy journal if you are curious. OHSS is also something I advise educating yourself on since it is NO fun at all, but that is another topic :flower:

Good luck to all of you as you go through your IVF cycles :dust:
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