IVF until we all get our bfp! 2012-present *13 w/twins & 1 w/triplets!*

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Well i kinda dont know what to say... I think i might have got a bfp this morning?!? As younknow, due to start down regging on Wednesday, i also have a minor op scheduled on friday, so because i was due to start the buserelin the day before AF was due i bought a pg test last week to make sure i wasnt... But ive felt a little strange this week, very sore boobs so for some reason this morning when i remembered i had another test in my drawer, i used it and got a very feint line, although it was definately there. Bought a first response to use with fmu, but not going to get my hopes up just yet. After 3 years ttc and a mc, i know all about disappointment...

I really dont know what to think or feel at the moment.... I hope its appropriate to share this here, sorry if this offends anyone, just as ive become part of the thread recently i thought you all wouldnt mind! x

Woo Hoo! This is awesome news! Congrats!!! Fingers crossed for you SmileyKez.
Casper~ I hope the next week goes by quickly for you!

Lulu~ Fingers crossed that everything will go well and you don't hyperstimulate.

Smiledreamer~ That is so exciting that you have dates set! It always makes things seem better doesn't it?

MoBaby~ That dream sounds wonderful! It will come true and you will have a LO (or 2) very soon. I took a peek at your blog and think it a great idea to start one. If nothing else it just allows you to write down whats going on and how you are feeling. I will be stalking. :winkwink:

SmileyKez~ Congrats!! Of course it's ok to post the wonderful news in here. Natural BFP's are so exciting before going through the treatment. Actually any BFP is exciting for us but you know what I mean. I agree with MoBaby... get a digi!! :thumbup:
Thank you all, I got a first response and if that shows a bfp I think I'll go to my clinic where I would be doing the ivf and get a blood test on Monday or Tuesday to be sure, wish is got a digi one now!
Well i kinda dont know what to say... I think i might have got a bfp this morning?!? As younknow, due to start down regging on Wednesday, i also have a minor op scheduled on friday, so because i was due to start the buserelin the day before AF was due i bought a pg test last week to make sure i wasnt... But ive felt a little strange this week, very sore boobs so for some reason this morning when i remembered i had another test in my drawer, i used it and got a very feint line, although it was definately there. Bought a first response to use with fmu, but not going to get my hopes up just yet. After 3 years ttc and a mc, i know all about disappointment...

I really dont know what to think or feel at the moment.... I hope its appropriate to share this here, sorry if this offends anyone, just as ive become part of the thread recently i thought you all wouldnt mind! x

WOW!!! this so great. Can't wait to see the beta numbers. Crossing fingers and toes for you.

AFM ~ My appointment didn't go as well as I wanted it to go. I had about 7 or 8 follies at around 11mm on my right which is good, but my left was not as great. I had about 4 at around size 9 or 10mm on the left side which is ok but the problem is that I had about 10 or more small ones which could cause me to hyperstimulate. Because I had so many follies, my estradiol level came back sky high which my RE had predicted. It came back at 1847 and I'm only on day 6 of stims. He also said that he had hoped to see my big follies at around 14 or 15mm. Overall, he said this is better than not stimulating well. His only concern is with the possibility of hyperstimulation. He ended up reducing my gonal-f dose in hope that that would get the big ones to continue to grow but not give enough for the small ones to grow bigger. He also had me start the antagonist (ganirelix) today. He said he usually starts that when the follies are about 14 or 15 mm but that he was going to start me on it anyways. I'm just really confused and worried about this whole thing. I really hope the follies do what he wants them to do. Also, both my ovaries hurt. They hurt more when I walk and it's really uncomfortable. I'm thinking about the fact that I have at least 4 or 5 more days of this pain and it's only going to get worse so this is not going to be fun :nope:. I'm willing to put up with any kind of pain as long as this works out. I'm really sorry about the long post but I just had to get it all out.

This is the same way I respond to Gonal F too.E2 shoots up overnight and then only 1 follie that's close to mature and tons of other little ones. My RE said E2 can go up to 5000 so I'm hoping you'll be in that boat without overstimming.

Anyone taking Royal Jelly? I've been reading up on it today and thinking I should add it to my regime. Currently on prenatals, B complex and fish oil.
Thank you all, I got a first response and if that shows a bfp I think I'll go to my clinic where I would be doing the ivf and get a blood test on Monday or Tuesday to be sure, wish is got a digi one now!

Hey ladies, quick question. Probably a silly one but I'm superstitious about like buying baby stuff before your pregnant or even in the beginning of pregnancy. My best friend just had a baby in August and she gave me all of her baby books like what to expect when you're expecting. I know it's clearly up to be but does anyone else feel its bad luck or karma to read them before my Ivf
Nope. I think most of them have a before your pregnant section. And it never hurts to be prepared :) I have mine I bought when I was pg and read all of trimester 1.
I don't think it's a bad thing to do either. We actually got a baby name book awhile ago but let someone borrow it and never got it back. I plan on picking up "what to expect..." soon and reading through the beginning of it. They even make one for before your are pregnant. :thumbup:
Haha I'm a weirdo.

Casperself-how my follies did you have? How many did they put back? Details!!! Details!!! Lol
haj~ I tend to think the same sometimes. We just have to remember that what is going to happen is going to happen. Just reading isn't going to have any impact on the outcome through all this. DH and I were sitting here looking at baby stuff online the other night and I wondered if it was bad luck. We haven't bought anything yet but I have made a baby quilt.
Yeah I know. I've just always been told things like buying stuff before you second trimester blah blah blah is bad luck. It just kinda gets in your head and you are just like you dobt want to jinx yourseld
MrsC, that’s a great number of follies! I’m jealous! Interesting what your dr. said about the cold drinks, dairy, etc. thing. I talked to my acupuncturist about her thoughts about what some of you ladies said about that. She basically said that she does not recommend that diet for infertility (at least not for me), since I have a healthy diet in general, have good digestion, and am not a super thin marathon runner-type (basically, she said I have enough body fat!). She said that she eats some red meat, drinks wine on occasion, and just had a baby at 41. She did recommend organic however.

That must be rough dealing with your DH’s schedule. Mine is a police officer who works nights, so we rarely see each other. But at least he is not gone for weeks at a time. I need to appreciate that more!

Welcome, Casper. Can’t wait to hear your good news soon! Will you test early at home? And I second the request for details!

Lulu, so sorry to hear about your disappointing appointment and the pain you are in. When do you go back for a check-up? Keep us posted how things develop. I have my fingers crossed for you.

Smiley, wow! Congrats! You are going to be one of those urban legends about the woman getting pregnant right before starting IVF!

Oh, I started my period today (stopped bcp on 2/24). This might be the dumbest question ever asked, but I had my suppression check yesterday where they counted follies on each side, took blood, etc. Does having a period now “re-start” the cycle and will I have a different number of follies now? My nurse warned me that I may or may not start my period this week, but I guess I didn’t think about its impact.
Hi, well I did another test the morning with a first response and it's definately a bfp! I am in shock but trying not to get my hopes up, I remember so well my mc and I am praying it doesn't end the same way! Think I am going to leave b&b for a while as last time it just made me more worried and stressed, but I will certainly be popping back now and again to check this thread and I hope to see lots and lots of bfps!

I wish all you ladies lots of love and luck and I hope that every single one of you gets that bfp, you all deserve it!

Maybe miracles do happen!

Haha I'm a weirdo.

Casperself-how my follies did you have? How many did they put back? Details!!! Details!!! Lol

They took 23 follicles from me ... 9 where mature... 8 fertilized...4 of good quality...I froze 3...

The wait is killing me went to a clairvoyant today who told me i was pregnant and was having a girl fingers crossed for a BFP...
Yeah I know. I've just always been told things like buying stuff before you second trimester blah blah blah is bad luck. It just kinda gets in your head and you are just like you dobt want to jinx yourseld

Hey Haj624 ...Ever since i had the transference have been shopping for baby stuff non stop ...I think its good to will it
Hi, well I did another test the morning with a first response and it's definately a bfp! I am in shock but trying not to get my hopes up, I remember so well my mc and I am praying it doesn't end the same way! Think I am going to leave b&b for a while as last time it just made me more worried and stressed, but I will certainly be popping back now and again to check this thread and I hope to see lots and lots of bfps!

I wish all you ladies lots of love and luck and I hope that every single one of you gets that bfp, you all deserve it!

Maybe miracles do happen!


:happydance: that is fantastic news ,,, congratulations..
Hey ladies, quick question. Probably a silly one but I'm superstitious about like buying baby stuff before your pregnant or even in the beginning of pregnancy. My best friend just had a baby in August and she gave me all of her baby books like what to expect when you're expecting. I know it's clearly up to be but does anyone else feel its bad luck or karma to read them before my Ivf

Haj I don't think it is bad karma at all!! I have the what to expect when you are expecting book... I saw a used copy back when I was first TTC and bought it. It has a chapter about trying to conceive as well as explains symptoms of pregnancy. I haven't read it all but I feel it is good to have as I know one day I WILL be pregnant!

My cousins, both around my age, both just finished having their kids. They have all this baby stuff that they want to give away and sell. They both asked me if I want the stuff and I struggled with the idea of having all this baby stuff in my house haunting me, but I also knew that it sure beats paying full price for this stuff. So I am taking their stuff. I have a room that will be my nursery with a closet full of clothes and equipment. It gives me hope and keeps me thinking positive thoughts that some day my baby will be wearing and using these things.

I believe it will happen for all of us, some sooner then later but eventually we will all have our little miracles!

Hi, well I did another test the morning with a first response and it's definately a bfp! I am in shock but trying not to get my hopes up, I remember so well my mc and I am praying it doesn't end the same way! Think I am going to leave b&b for a while as last time it just made me more worried and stressed, but I will certainly be popping back now and again to check this thread and I hope to see lots and lots of bfps!

I wish all you ladies lots of love and luck and I hope that every single one of you gets that bfp, you all deserve it!

Maybe miracles do happen!

Congrats!!! Keep us posted!!!

Haha I'm a weirdo.

Casperself-how my follies did you have? How many did they put back? Details!!! Details!!! Lol

They took 23 follicles from me ... 9 where mature... 8 fertilized...4 of good quality...I froze 3...

The wait is killing me went to a clairvoyant today who told me i was pregnant and was having a girl fingers crossed for a BFP...

So you only put one follicle back? How did you decide to do that?
Yayyy that's so exciting!!!
Yeah I know. I've just always been told things like buying stuff before you second trimester blah blah blah is bad luck. It just kinda gets in your head and you are just like you dobt want to jinx yourseld

Hey Haj624 ...Ever since i had the transference have been shopping for baby stuff non stop ...I think its good to will it

That's a good way to look at it.

Hey ladies, quick question. Probably a silly one but I'm superstitious about like buying baby stuff before your pregnant or even in the beginning of pregnancy. My best friend just had a baby in August and she gave me all of her baby books like what to expect when you're expecting. I know it's clearly up to be but does anyone else feel its bad luck or karma to read them before my Ivf

Haj I don't think it is bad karma at all!! I have the what to expect when you are expecting book... I saw a used copy back when I was first TTC and bought it. It has a chapter about trying to conceive as well as explains symptoms of pregnancy. I haven't read it all but I feel it is good to have as I know one day I WILL be pregnant!

My cousins, both around my age, both just finished having their kids. They have all this baby stuff that they want to give away and sell. They both asked me if I want the stuff and I struggled with the idea of having all this baby stuff in my house haunting me, but I also knew that it sure beats paying full price for this stuff. So I am taking their stuff. I have a room that will be my nursery with a closet full of clothes and equipment. It gives me hope and keeps me thinking positive thoughts that some day my baby will be wearing and using these things.

I believe it will happen for all of us, some sooner then later but eventually we will all have our little miracles!


Thanks hun!!!
Hi, well I did another test the morning with a first response and it's definately a bfp! I am in shock but trying not to get my hopes up, I remember so well my mc and I am praying it doesn't end the same way! Think I am going to leave b&b for a while as last time it just made me more worried and stressed, but I will certainly be popping back now and again to check this thread and I hope to see lots and lots of bfps!

I wish all you ladies lots of love and luck and I hope that every single one of you gets that bfp, you all deserve it!

Maybe miracles do happen!


Congrats!! I hope everything goes well for you and you have a H&H 9 months :happydance:

Haha I'm a weirdo.

Casperself-how my follies did you have? How many did they put back? Details!!! Details!!! Lol

They took 23 follicles from me ... 9 where mature... 8 fertilized...4 of good quality...I froze 3...

The wait is killing me went to a clairvoyant today who told me i was pregnant and was having a girl fingers crossed for a BFP...

FX that what you were told is correct. I'm excited for your testing date! :thumbup:
Hello Ladies....

Wanted to join in on the thread! I am doing my first IVF cycle in May after many failed IUI's and one miscarriage. I start my meds in about a week and a half.. and embryo transfer at the end of May if everything goes as planned!

Keeping my fingers crossed for all of us.. and congrats to those that have already gotten their BFP! :)
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