IVF (w/ICSI) in Sept/Oct 2012

Thanks Annette :) Oh, okay, sorry I got that mixed up. How did the FET compare to a fresh cycle? I hope this will be my last time too, but if it isn't I hope I get at least one to freeze this time. How long do you have to wait in between cycles? Mine were back to back, but I'm not sure if you can keep going like that or not. I don't have that great a relationship with my doctor, so I don't ask the many questions.
How many IUI's did you go through? I guess that we were lucky that wasn't even an option for us because I know a couple of women who went through 6 and 7 of those before doing IVF and that sounds like it would be so emotionally and physically draining to go through all of that before you even start IVF.
I'm glad that I got the chance to know you a little better and maybe we can try to keep eachother positive this time :)
Thanks Annette :) Oh, okay, sorry I got that mixed up. How did the FET compare to a fresh cycle? I hope this will be my last time too, but if it isn't I hope I get at least one to freeze this time. How long do you have to wait in between cycles? Mine were back to back, but I'm not sure if you can keep going like that or not. I don't have that great a relationship with my doctor, so I don't ask the many questions.
How many IUI's did you go through? I guess that we were lucky that wasn't even an option for us because I know a couple of women who went through 6 and 7 of those before doing IVF and that sounds like it would be so emotionally and physically draining to go through all of that before you even start IVF.
I'm glad that I got the chance to know you a little better and maybe we can try to keep eachother positive this time :)

You're welcome Annabelle :) The FET was A LOT easier compared to the fresh cycle . I believe the only injection I had to take was lupron to suppress ovulation. Oh... I also had to pump my body with estrace , and prednisone. I was pretty irritable with all of the hormones... but.. other than that... it was a breeze. The doc said he could control the lining a bit more with the FET as the date for transfer wasnt as set as it was with a fresh cycle. Needless to say.. it was a no go for me. I am stuck on me having low quality eggs. I transferred an AB AND BA the fresh and two BB's with the frozen. The doc seems to think i don't have an issue with my eggs....just yet. he did suggest a growth hormone i believe to help with the quality of my eggs. we will be trying that the fresh cycle.. although it's expensive... approx $1000 for 4-5 days worth . oh well.. when you are paying this much money per cycle.... i'm willing to try anything... in the hopes of it working.

I had approx 6-7 iui's before ivf. I got pregnant on the 3rd or 4th iui.. unfortunately.. it ended in a miscarriage at 10 weeks. the doc didn't suggest ivf partly because we have dual coverage and didnt have a co pay for our cycles.. and because he was hopeful that i would conceive again with iui. I think my last iui cycle... he was able to create 6 follicles... and that still didnt result in a pregnancy... that's when i said... if i didnt get pregnant with 6 follicles.. it's not going to happen with iui.. so i discussed ivf... and here i am!

It's nice getting to know everyone.. and to know we are not alone in this difficult process. I'm glad I found this thread because to be honest.. the last thread I was a part of is sort of difficult to be in as everyone else has gotten their BFP.. except me.. or so it feels that way! It feels good to be in the same boat with other women.. I guess that's what i'm trying to say.. without sounding like a terrible jealous person! lol..

Keep us posted on your progress!! Time goes by so fast once you start stimming! xooxox
AnnetteCali - Sounds like you have had a rough time getting to where you are now. FX that this is your time :thumbup:

Miss Annabelle - Glad to hear your bloods are good, good luck for tomorrow with your scan and more bloods :happydance:

Athena - How are you getting on did AF show?:shrug:

Hope the rest of the ladies are doing well. :kiss:

AFM - Still on down reg injections, 14th cant come quick enough so i can start stims and feel like i am starting to get somewhere xx
Hi ladies I started down reg yesterday start stimming on the 20th were doing icsi
SAndy I am so sorry for your's and DH's loss. Sending you big :hug:

We just got back from the dead sea, had an amazing, relaxing 4 days, of sun and mud masks and floating in the amazing dead sea. :coffee:

Wish2havbaby awesome that you and DH are eating healthfully :munch: thats a huge plus :thumbup: I am constantly craving caffeine, can't believe what a powerful drug it is :dohh: and there was this amazing lemon tart at the dinner buffet where we were staying which DH enjoyed while I watched him :cry: OH well I am keeping my eye on the bigger picture :baby:

It's so good to hear where everyone is with their cycle and I am learning a lot! Looking forward to starting my IVF! Hope we all get :bfp: and can share our pregnancy journey with each other, God willing!:kiss::pink::blue:

Thanks Surrender

Glad to hear you had a nice relaxing trip to the Dead sea, sounds amazing!

So where you at no with appointments etc? xx
Sandy83, I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. :hugs:

AnnetteCali, your strength through all of that just amazes me. I pray that this is the time that works for you. I've been on a thread where everyone got their BFPs right away except for me and it was so tough. I'm glad to be on here with all of you ladies and hopefully we will all be preggo very soon!

MissAnnabelle, thank you for all the ER tips! Will definitely come in handy. I do not think my place gives us snacks though! :( Might have to bring something!

Surrender, glad you and your DH had a wonderful time at the Dead Sea. It sounds so incredibly relaxing!

Welcome, wanabeamama!

I got my meds on Saturday, which was a bit overwhelming! (More about it in my journal). DH and I have an injection class tomorrow afternoon at my RE's office and then I have an U/S scheduled for Friday. I start stimming with Bravelle and Menopur on 9/10 (also with an injection called Lovenox, which is supposed to help with blood clots). I start Ganirelix on 9/15.

Hope everyone else is doing well and had a great weekend! :hugs:

See you girlies are doing well and being positive.

Surrender - im glad dat you've had a good relaxation time before you start this ivf journey. I hope we get our BFP's with this cycle. I am so excited and nervous. My hubby and I are really starting to loose our minds with this continous talks of "what ifs". My appt at FS is next wednesday 12th Sept and i will be starting lucrin injections. Our 4year wedding anniversary is on the 14th. we are so nervous. I even forgot my dads bday is next week aswel.:dohh:
Stay away from the caffeine - we have to give up our bad habits to get what we want in the end. We want our baby or babies so just give up all the bad stuff. I am glad you didnt eat that tart.:kiss::thumbup:

Sandy 83 - Hi there.I am really sorry for your loss.sending you lots of :hugs: What you down -regging with and stimming with?
Hope we have a successful cycle.

HI Wanabeamma - welcome. Im also doing ICSI. i start lucrin on the 12th.

Annetcalli - I am excited and nervous aswell. Im feeling it abit difficult to contain my emotions lately. You have really had a tough ordeal. Hope you get your BFP with this cycle and it sticks.

MissAnnabelle - I agree with anettecali - its abit hard to stay completely positive because you want to protect yourself from a negative outcome. But we really have to try and stay completely positive to give ourselves the best chance of success.

Sending us all :dust:
Hi Ladies

Sorry for being silent for a few days but got some bad news last week, DH's mam passed away on wednesday :sadangel: so havent been having a good time lately and think with my hormones being all over the place doesnt help.

Everyone seems to be doing good and progressing well in this cycle. FX crossed for everyone. :thumbup:

AFM - Been on Buserelin for 2 weeks now had no SF so far so FX! Next appt for scan is 13th and then start Menopur on 14th Sept so still another week to go. :flower:


So sorry for your loss. Somehow I missed your post... my thoughts are with you and your DH.

SignoraL - Not long now im sure the time will fly over xx
Thanks wish2havbaby and AnnetteCali its a hard time but getting through it. Just looking to the future at the min and hoping for a BFP.

wish2havbaby - Im down regging with Buserelin and then start stims on 14th Spet with Menopur. Not long now for you too start its getting all exciting for everyone on this thread. xx
Hi all, hope everyone ok today.

Was just wondering, is anyone planning to test out the progesterone and keep testing or are you going to wait? I don't know if I will be able to bear it!
Happybunny- DH does mine. Last cycle I was bruised like crazy, so this time we are chilling the spot with ice first, pinching it and doing the injection slower. No bruises yet - I think it might hurt a little more doing it slower though.

thank you for the tip. I'm so nervous about it!
Sandy - I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. I can only imagine how you are your DH are feeling right now.

MissAnnabelle - FX's for you in this cycle. I'm glad everything looks good. Stay positive everything will be fine.

Surrender- I'm glad you had a great time at dead sea. It sounds like you really enjoyed your self.

Signoral - Yay for meds! Now you are getting closer. Mine are coming tomorrow.

wish2havebaby - you are right about the bad eating habits. We need to get better for our babies. Congrats on your anniversary maybe your present will be your baby or babies.

Ladies - Are any of you on BCP? Do you have any pain in your ovaries? I swear I get an awful pain on my left one at night. I'm just curious if is me losing my mind.
Hi all, hope everyone ok today.

Was just wondering, is anyone planning to test out the progesterone and keep testing or are you going to wait? I don't know if I will be able to bear it!

Hello Athena,

I don't know if I'm going to test early. I did it with my first IUI and it was heartbreaking seeing one line! I might wait until the weekend before my beta. Are you going to wait?
HappyBunnyAB- I just stopped taking the BCP and yes I would have pain on my left side at nights sometimes. It would just feel like pressure or a slight pinch and then go away.
Hi all, hope everyone ok today.

Was just wondering, is anyone planning to test out the progesterone and keep testing or are you going to wait? I don't know if I will be able to bear it!

Hello Athena,

I don't know if I'm going to test early. I did it with my first IUI and it was heartbreaking seeing one line! I might wait until the weekend before my beta. Are you going to wait?

I think it would be sensible to wait but I really don't think I'll be able to I tested every month for years only to get bfn but this time different. I really don't know hun x
Sandy - I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. I can only imagine how you are your DH are feeling right now.

MissAnnabelle - FX's for you in this cycle. I'm glad everything looks good. Stay positive everything will be fine.

Surrender- I'm glad you had a great time at dead sea. It sounds like you really enjoyed your self.

Signoral - Yay for meds! Now you are getting closer. Mine are coming tomorrow.

wish2havebaby - you are right about the bad eating habits. We need to get better for our babies. Congrats on your anniversary maybe your present will be your baby or babies.

Ladies - Are any of you on BCP? Do you have any pain in your ovaries? I swear I get an awful pain on my left one at night. I'm just curious if is me losing my mind.

I'm on BCP and I have a cyst on my left ovary and sometimes I feel a bit of pain (also, I normally feel that when I'm ovulating and right before and during AF). My cyst has been there since I started to see my RE in February and it hasn't changed, so I'm not sure if there's anything we can do about it.
HappyBunnyAB- I just stopped taking the BCP and yes I would have pain on my left side at nights sometimes. It would just feel like pressure or a slight pinch and then go away.

That is exactly how I feel! I thought it was only me going nuts!
Sandy - I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. I can only imagine how you are your DH are feeling right now.

MissAnnabelle - FX's for you in this cycle. I'm glad everything looks good. Stay positive everything will be fine.

Surrender- I'm glad you had a great time at dead sea. It sounds like you really enjoyed your self.

Signoral - Yay for meds! Now you are getting closer. Mine are coming tomorrow.

wish2havebaby - you are right about the bad eating habits. We need to get better for our babies. Congrats on your anniversary maybe your present will be your baby or babies.

Ladies - Are any of you on BCP? Do you have any pain in your ovaries? I swear I get an awful pain on my left one at night. I'm just curious if is me losing my mind.

I'm on BCP and I have a cyst on my left ovary and sometimes I feel a bit of pain (also, I normally feel that when I'm ovulating and right before and during AF). My cyst has been there since I started to see my RE in February and it hasn't changed, so I'm not sure if there's anything we can do about it.

My first scan is on 9/14 so I guess I'll find out if I have a cyst or not!

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