IVF (w/ICSI) in Sept/Oct 2012

Thanks Sandy :hugs:

It is so nice to know there are other ladies going through the same thing. Makes it all that much more bearable doesn't it.

It makes all the difference, i feel like i can come on and discuss all my worries and also look at what other people have been through which always gives me hope.:kiss:

If all goes to plan have will you be given the option of a 3 day or 5 day blastocyst or do you not get to decide? xx
AnnetteCali - I remember you from the june/july thread. I'm sorry to hear of your moms passing, I know that she will be guiding you from heaven now. I had a family crisis myself last cycle and I am praying for a stress free (from outside sources anyways) second cycle.
How many frozen embryos did you get last cycle? I didn't end up with any, so I have to do the retrieval again on September 10th.

Wish2 - I am also gratful for the support of the other woman on here. It is nice to join a smaller thread like this because you become close and familiar with the other women on it. I might not be the person to ask about being irritable. The longer I struggle in this process the more irritable and bitter I get. I avoid social situations when possible and have deleted my facebook a month ago.

Hi MissAnnabelle... I remember your name too! :) Thanks for your kind words about my mother.... it sure has been tough without her here. Hoping our less cycle will be stress free :) My first cycle i had two frozens. The doc is hoping for more this cycle.I had 16 follicles.. but..only 10 mature. it was like the ovaries were on different pages in the process... so he's going to try to put them on the same page this cycle! fingers crossed!! all i need is one!!

keeping my fingers crossed for us!

Thank you for your post. People arnt so understanding about my situation. We really didnt ask for this. Sometimes i get more than irratable.
Pray this cycle you will have a BFP.

Wish: I am in the same boat as you and missannabelle. I go through phases where i'm very irritable... and slightly depressed for a day or so. i too have blocked quite a few people on facebook... i just cant constantly see their baby bumps... pics of their multiple children... ultra sounds... etc In the beginning when i first started doing that.... my husband thought i was crazy... but.. now he is starting to understand why it bothers me so much.

hang in there!

SignoraL; I also have a cyst in my left ovary and it has been there for a couple of years now and hasn't grown, so we have that in common. Eat lots of orange and dark green veggies as they are high in Folic acid for example;
acorn squash, hubbard squash, butternut squash, pumpkin, carrots, sweet potatoes, bok choy, dark green leafy lettuce, romaine lettuce, watercress, broccoli, kale, spinach, collard greens, mustard greens, turnip green.

Meditation is fantastic, I have been practicing the Japanese (zazen) style, i.e. sitting still in silence, for 3 years. I went to a Zen Buddhist Monastery in the catskills, where we were taught by the monks. It's called the Dai Bosatsu Zendo. I am sure you must have a zendo or two in Washington. Usually they have an open night of meditation for all to attend. Good way to get into meditation, sitting with others and learning from them. That worked for me.

Welcome all! Praying for us all! :hugs:
Miss Redknob you are a brave woman i am inspired!! :happydance:
AnnetteCali sorry for the loss of your mom, sending you big warm hugs. xoxo
wish2havbaby it's ok to feel our feelings it's called "being human". :brat: Sending you hugs, happy, positive vibes :hug:

Thanks for the big warm hugs ! xoox

AnetteCali I'm sorry to hear about your mom. I'm sure she is watching and guiding you to your bfp.

Wish2havbaby - sometimes it can be. I have a brother and sister and I'm the only one with no kids of my own and I'm the oldest.

Thanks...I am praying for a bfp soon!!!

Hi ladies! Hope you all had a nice weekend!

AnnetteCali, I'm so sorry to hear about your mom, too. I can't imagine going through all of these infertility issues and that as well. I pray that this cycle works for you!

Surrender, thanks for all the tips on the healthy foods! I'm usually pretty good about eating healthy - both before and after we started trying, but I was a little more relaxed about what I ate last month. :blush:

Miss Redknob - that's awesome! I'm really happy about it being a Friday and hope it doesn't change for any reason. I have to work our annual benefit event on Sept. 29 (I work at a performing arts center) and I didn't want to be in bad shape for it.

wish2havbaby, I have a hard time too with kids' birthday parties, especially my nephew's. DH's brother and SIL have a 2-year-old and they got pregnant with him on their first try. When we first started trying, they were nowhere near planning their second, but they're now about 31 weeks preggo with their second (again, another first try). We went up for our nephew's birthday back in April and luckily they accidentally spilled the beans over the phone a few weeks before, so we didn't have to learn about it in person. But it was still very tough being around her and being around the kids.

Also, I'm stimming with Bravelle and Menopur (and then I think it says something about Lovenox - for blood clots? - this was handwritten next to the days I start stimming) and then later I'm taking Ganirelix. Actually what I will be taking on Sept. 6 is Cabergoline, which it looks like is supposed prevent OHSS. I read online that someone recommended to get a box with compartments to store all the meds for each day. I think I'm going to do that.

Thanks SignoraL! Keeping my fingers crossed for you and everyone else! baby dust to all!

Wow - looks like we are getting a lot of late September transfers! Let's hope that this is going to be a lucky thread and that we see a lot of BFP's :)

I was eating really healthy and juicing veges for a while, but that was way too much for me, so now I just try to be balanced. I did start taking some royal bee jelly for this cycle, but I stopped when I started my Lupron - just in case.

I had my ultrasound on Monday and they saw a large cyst on my right ovary. Thankfully my estrogen was below 100 so they are not going to cancel my cycle. The downside is that I have to go in to get it drained tomorrow morning and it is basically the same proceedure and the retrieval and that is something I am not looking forward to doing - especially since I will have to do it again in a week and a half - but oh well - anything we can do to get our bfp:) I will be starting my stims as planned on Friday.

Oh no MissAnnabelle... hang in there. I had a cyst when i did my FET.. although.. i didn't have to have mine drained :(hope it goes well! xoxo

AFM: Still waiting on AF to arrive so i can start BCP for a few weeks.. then start stimming! I never thought i'd be so happy to see AF!! My cycles are usually every 26-27 days... like clockwork.. but... i'm on day 29 today and no sign of AF. cramping.. feels like she is on her way any minute.. but.. no sign of AF and no BFP. I took vitamin b6 complex this cycle... maybe or a week or so after ovulation... i wonder if that is screwing things up? I heard it extends the luteal phase.. and mine is usually 10 days.. so i thought that would help. hopefully i didnt ruin my body! lol... If AF doesnt show by the end of the work day.. I may run to target to get some first response tests.. those seem to be better than the blue dye ones that i used this morning!

take care ladies... and i will be in touch! xo
It makes all the difference, i feel like i can come on and discuss all my worries and also look at what other people have been through which always gives me hope.:kiss:

If all goes to plan have will you be given the option of a 3 day or 5 day blastocyst or do you not get to decide? xx

With me, the lab decided when it was best to do the ET... depending on the growth of the embryos. :)
Thanks AnnetteCali, sounds like you have had a rough time lately. Im keeping my FX for you and hopeful AF wont come and you can get the test and wont need to go through anymore!:dust: xx
HI ladies

:nope: in my country the NHS does not exist. we have to pay for our treatment privately. :cry: all our treatment was paid in cash and cannot even be claimed from medical aid.:growlmad:

anyway we have saved alot of money to give us our 1st try at icsi ffrom the 4years that we have been trying for.

Miss annabelle- "anything to get our bfp" GO GIRL :thumbup: you can do it. Be positive.

Surrender - i am so excited to finally get to start this treatment and get a chance of falling pregnant and have a baby in 2013. I am also so nervous. Sometimes i feel like pulling out my hair from my head.:dohh:

Athena and sandy welcome to the thread.:hugs::hugs:
I am here to support you.:kiss:

Sandy- so sorry to hear about all the medical complications your hubby and you have been through. Thank God your'll froze some.:flower:
Best of luck. keeping my fingers crossed for u.:hugs:

Aramis- i am not sure about the dairy products stuff you were told about.

Maybe one of our lovely wonderful ladies can tell us more about what we should not eat while doing ivf.

Miss redknob - thank you for the insight. i called my clinic today and they said that they not sure about me doing acupuncture and they dont think that the doctor will recommend it.

kchope - so sorry to hear about your loss. I also dont have anyone to discuss this with. nobody really understands what we are going through. some people actually think i dont have any babies because i choose not to, because im busy in my career.
But i have been trying to conceive since i've been married, which will be 4 years next month 14 sept. and i've been at a FS for the past 3years.

I hope we all get the BFP we want.:baby::baby::baby::baby:

Signoral - how are you doin?

baby :dust: to all of us
Hi annettecalli - thank you for you post. I am not on facebook and stuff. But seeing people that are pregnant who dont want to be- irratates me. Lucky i have all you wonderful ladies who understand.

Signoral- i need to get one of those box compartments for my medications aswel. i am only gonna pick my medications on the 12 sept to start lucrin injections.
Tell me more about the ivf care package you were talking about. sounds like something that can keep me busy till its time to start.

Happy bunny- someone recommeded i do reflexology. not sure thou:wacko:
My clinic not sure that i should do acupucture.

have a wonderful evening/morning ladies:flower::flower::flower::flower:
Hi All,

I used this site when i was on clomid and then with all the stress etc... i havent used it in a while so apologies. Must remember that there are other people going through similar issues like me.

Story goes.........

Having gone to the doctors over 2 and half yrs ago about my periods being irregular and extremly heavy, had some tests done and basically told me that a coil would fix it. :dohh:

so being of an age where my hubby and i thought - well having the coil could mean delaying having kids best to find out what the actual issue is. I pushed to see a specialist and ended up going private. Turns out i suffer from Endometriosis - anyway cut a long story short. Had a operation to remove it, didnt ovulate and was put on clomid. Tried clomid and found out my Endometriosis came back...another operation. Due to age (im 31 and DH is 32) we were told after 1 yr of clomid that IVF would be the route to go.

NHS - well since i have moved area i dont qualify as i havent lived in this area for more than a yr. :growlmad: Therefore having to pay private which in the grand scheme of things i dont mind. But its frustrating, as i expect things to work quickly. Anyway the date is here now..... had my first consultation, on the pill and due to start the sulphur (sniffing drug) next weekend.

Praying and wishing and hoping it works first time...... trying not to get too stressed out with it. Easier i suppose than doing all the pregnancy/ ovulations sticks etc.... however more intrusive than naturally trying. I understand when people say - so and so is pregnant. Its like that for me too - Sister inlaw pregnant so are a few cousins. And it seems like everyone in the news is pregnant. oh well you never know ladies, this time in a few months is could be us. Fingers crossed
Sorry to hear about what you have gone through to get here. Can't believe your not covered under nhs coz you have moved. Anyway it's here now and you can join us all in our journey together. Xx
Hi everyone!

HappyBunnyAB, so sorry to hear about your DH. It's good that he's so willing to go through this, but I know it's hard and it's shocking when you see how much it is. We just paid for all of our meds for our first cycle and we were floored. Our insurance doesn't cover it (although possibly a few things that have other uses besides IVF might be - but the injectables are what does it). :hugs: to you! BTW, my ER is Sept. 21.

Miss Redknob - Six weeks! That's awesome! Good for you!

Arimas - that does not surprise me about the dairy and gluten. My acupuncturist gave me a book on diet for fertility and I've read a few other books that recommend that. I've gotten my DH to go organic when we eat at home, but since I do most of the cooking, I think he would freak out if I start eliminating those other things (especially gluten - we're both Italian-American and I don't think he'd take kindly to gluten-free pasta. Meal planning can be tough with this! Surrender - Good for you - how does your DH do with it? Men can be so stubborn - especially mine!

Miss Anabelle - sorry about your cyst, but glad they aren't canceling this cycle. I'm sorry you have to go get it drained though but hopefully things will be better after it.

AnnetteCali, FXd that this is it and you don't have to go through all of this again! Can't wait to find out what happens!

Khope, Athena, Sandy83 and SpiceGirl - Glad you are all joining us and look forward to getting to know you and supporting you on this journey.

wish2havebaby, I read in a book on AC that putting together an IVF Care Package can help with the two-week wait or if you're having a low day. Collect some pampering items (I got sugar scrub, body butter and nail polish - Zoya makes a great one that's organic), magazines, books, DVDs, snacks, comfy PJs or loungewear, whatever that will cheer you up. I totally think the box for meds in a great idea - especially after getting our list and seeing how many there are!
Welcome Sandy, Athena, SpiceGirl,

MissAnnabelle - good luck on your procedure. I hope everything goes well.

It sounds like we are all having EC around the same time. I'm hoping for a 5 day transfer.

Have a great day ladies. I'll update you later on my protocol appt.
Hi all - hope to join you as our ER/ET should be in early October. So a little later than you late September gals. This will be our second IVF after a BFN in February. I'll be on the microdose lupron flare protocol this time (vs long lupron last time). My doctor will do an endometrial biopsy in mid-September to ideally help with implantation. And I'm adding acupuncture this round, as well as reducing stress substantially (quit a part-time college instructor job, as well as some volunteer committments). I'm really hoping for success this time, as we decided we would not be going further if it is another BFN with no frozens.

I wish everyone the best and I certainly hope there are loads of positives in the next month or so!
It makes all the difference, i feel like i can come on and discuss all my worries and also look at what other people have been through which always gives me hope.:kiss:

If all goes to plan have will you be given the option of a 3 day or 5 day blastocyst or do you not get to decide? xx

With me, the lab decided when it was best to do the ET... depending on the growth of the embryos. :)

Same for me, am hoping for 5 day transfer though xx
Hi Ladies...

AF got me today... boo.. I am starting birth control on thursday... for three weeks.. then I start stimming . So it looks like I will have my ER in october!! Fingers crossed this cycle takes because I don't know how much more disappointment I can take :(

Keeping my fingers crossed for all of you ! xoox x
hi ladies

annete-sorry about af. looks like we will have ER around the same time. mines will be 24 october. still got such a long time to pull. im planning to organise that ivf care package that signoral was talking about, just to keep myself abit busy. and not over stressing. :shrug:

Hi sweetc - welcome to this thread. sorry about all you've been through. hope this journey you will get a bfp.:thumbup:

Signoral - thank you for all your advice.:hugs::kiss:

Hi spicegirl - welcome to the thread. :hugs:
The IVF care package is such a nice idea. While definitely doing something like that for myself, I will definitely do for my friends if any ever have to go through IVF. What a neat gift that would be!
Thanks to all you wonderful ladies welcoming me! I really look forward to our happy BFP journey together. You will have to forgive me if I do something inapproriate on this website as I'm still a beginner and don't know how to respond to all your comments :)

AnnetteCali - Sorry about AF arrival

Arimas & Surrender - I will need to do some homework on reducing dairy and bread/gluten products. I have not heard that before so it brings curiosity to my mind

MissAnnabelle - I hope all goes well with your procedure. It's nice to know that you can move forward with cycle and stimms

Athena - Keeping my fingers crossed for you and all the ladies going through this rough patch. I know there is an answer to all this we have endured.

I'm sorry for you ladies dealing with the NHS I can't imagine not having some of this covered through insurance and causing much unnecessary stress on trying to have a baby. I will have to be grateful for what the insurance covers here in the US regardless of some frustrating dealings. *hugs*

One more week of BCP....
Kchope - :hugs: I'm sorry for your loss. I'm on my first week of BCP.

Mrs redknob - I didn't get any good news.

Arimas- I'm not doing Acupuncture but I've hear that before. I hope to do couple of sessions before ER and I will ask. It would be hard for me as well.

AFM, our 4th attempt still no sperm. So DH and I talked about extraction and he agreed to do it. I told him we can hold off and them do the November cycle but he said he doesn't want to wait. We are paying out of pocket so now we are up to $17,000. I dunno what to do. I know he is willing but just to think of all the pain he is going to go through.

Sounds like you have an amazing husband! I'm very happy that he's willing to do what it takes to get that BFP!
So sorry about AF, AnnetteCali. :hugs: I'm praying that this cycle works for you!

kchope, when is your ER? I have about a week left of BCP, too.

sweetc and wish2havbaby, glad that you like the IVF care package idea! What are you planning on putting in yours? I have some organic sugar scrub and body butter and organic nail polish and my latest issue of Shape Magazine in there right now. Also going to add the September InStyle, some beach-type reading, a manicure kit, some DVDs of funny TV shows I love (How I Met Your Mother, Arrested Development - and maybe Gilmore Girls, which I've been meaning to try), and maybe some comfy new loungewear.

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