well ladies the only reason im still wanting to test to see if i am is because even though i wouldnt class as any of my symptoms really different for me i have had two kids and with my daughter i just had a matellic taste in my mouth and with my son nothing at all so with both pregnancys had nothing that would of made me think i was pregnant,i was actually a week late for af when i realised it hadnt shown with my lad plus i had af cramps so thought my body was getting ready for a late af,it was only from my mum saying she thought i should test that i did so,Equal i had no implantation bleeding or cramps with any of my kids so dont worry,ur only out when af shows and she still may not who knows and newb how many dpo are you,my boobs havent felt right since ovulation and im only 8dpo so for some of that and maybe now still the egg may not of implanted so if your about the same then i wouldnt worry about the bfn untill closer to when af arrives as it could still be earlyx x x x x x
I agree with wishing4baby3, it's not over till the bleedy lady sings. People can go weeks and weeks without even considering that they might be pregnant.
For me, I had a wave of nausea o breakfast, very smelly wee (tmi!) and boobies are sore to the touch. And for three days now I've had a near constant sort of pressure in my low belly. I've been googling like mad thing and fluctuate wildly between being convinced I'm preg and then thinking it's all over and I'm out this month.
The wait is kind of killing me, already thinking when the earliest possibility for testing is...How can two weeks last so long?!
hi hun they are all symptoms like you say but could be from other thing which is what im like,the only one that sounds good is the metalic taste as i had this with my daughter but just wait and see if it lasts untill af is due and if you get a bfp i wouldnt go the dentist as its something to do with the change of hormones,good luck and cant wait see what your test shows,keep us informed as we defo need more bfp this monthhey ladies, i am 8dpo today and have loads of pregnancy symptoms but also have very reasonable explanations for each! lol! so here it goes
tingly boobs: could be from coming off the pill
really bad cramps for last 3 days: could be from coming off the pill or af coming early.
backache: same as above
tiredness: could be from running after 4 sick kids
temp rising: could be getting the flu from the kids
headaches: again could be from the pill or getting flu
metalic taste: could need to see a dentist!
so thats my list of symptom spotting for the day! lol
I agree with wishing4baby3, it's not over till the bleedy lady sings. People can go weeks and weeks without even considering that they might be pregnant.
For me, I had a wave of nausea o breakfast, very smelly wee (tmi!) and boobies are sore to the touch. And for three days now I've had a near constant sort of pressure in my low belly. I've been googling like mad thing and fluctuate wildly between being convinced I'm preg and then thinking it's all over and I'm out this month.
The wait is kind of killing me, already thinking when the earliest possibility for testing is...How can two weeks last so long?!
Do you have any early detection tests? tomorrow morning is 9dpo which may show a faint line if you are...and if the symptoms you are having are due to hcg then it's possible it would show up now...