Jan/Feb Rainbows 2017 (10 Rainbows have arrived!)

Sweetkat I'm so sorry! I too would be questioning the mtx, given that that is the drug that is given to a woman for a MMC. So sorry you're going through this again.

Thank you. I was really paranoid about getting pregnant on it. In fact after DD was born and while OH was off it I asked him to freeze his sperm but he laughed at me.

I just knew things would go wrong. He also has only 6% good morphology, which could be another cause.

The tests may also find sth wrong with me, although I am not holding out hope for a definite answer :(
Sweetkat, I'm so sorry to read your sad news :cry: It feels extra cruel to have seen the heartbeat, and so painful for it to happen so close to your scan. Please take care of each other and grieve for your loss.

I hope you get some answers. Did you say your OH is on methotrexate? Have you mentioned this to your doc? Only, I read that both men and women should discontinue its use at least 3 months prior to trying for a baby, so this could be the reason (I'm no expert though, just what I read on the Internet).

Sending you hugs :hugs:

Thank you so much for your response.

Yes the insert in the medicine says stop for at least 6 months. He did stop for a year with our DD.

After that he tried to stop but he is in a lot lot lot of pain and his consultant (nothing to do with fertility) said that it's safe to get pregnant on it or at least there is no evidence it causes miscarriage.

I have mentioned it to all the Drs I have seen during my MMCs and they all say this could be the cause but it's not proven. Personally I am convinced it's the medication :( causing poor morphology (94% head defects and that's where all the genetic information is) and that in turn causes late miscarriage.

Now I am scared to try again and am seriously considering trying with a donor/ splitting with OH. I know it seems extreme but I am desperate for a baby and my one dream is snatched away every time. I have been pregnant three times since September and no baby :(

That doesn't sound extreme at all. That was my next move.
My DH has 1% morphology and it's not an issue, so I wouldn't be concerned about that.
My DH has 1% morphology and it's not an issue, so I wouldn't be concerned about that.

I think morphology and fragmentation are tricky because some sources online say it's not an issue and some say it is.

My suspicion is that because of his age (53) and methotrexate OH also has high percentage of DNA fragmentation. But he hasn't been tested for it and I haven't been tested for anything, so there could be another reason.

Could the poor morphology have contributed to your losses? Or was another specific reason given?

I have read a doctor's opinion which said that with poor morphology the percentage of losses is higher than in the General population. Could be wrong of course.
My FS wasn't concerned with his morphology. Maybe also because his sperm count was very high so even 1% gives us plenty of good ones. My chemicals were down to egg quality. Not sure about my first miscarriage though. Seeing as that was around 6 weeks I'm guessing chromosomal.
I really hope all you ladies get your rainbows and I am sorry the rainbow thread is full of sad MC stuff because of me. (

Please don't feel that way :( :hugs: we are here for you no matter what the outcome of a pregnancy. I really do hope you get answers soon, and maybe you should seriously talk to your OH about using a doner, unfortunately you may well always feel resentful towards him if you don't get a successful pregnancy and that isn't healthy for either.of you :hugs:
hey girls...so I know I had a sono Monday and everything was fine. but Im just going bananas. I wake up every morning having dreams I lost my baby and then I don't feel pregnant. by nighttime I start to feel bad again but all day I worry because it seems symptoms are gone. like right now. do you guys have symptoms? if so what are they as of now, and are they consistent?
I should clarify that im talking about nausea, bloating, peeing a lot, and sore nips
Jami, I'm the same. I'm not having dreams, but every morning I wake up and feel 'normal.' Then by the time I go to bed I'm bloated, start feeling sick and my bb's hurt more.

The slightest loss of symptoms freaks me out because I had loss of symptom with my MMC just before 9 weeks but allowed doctor Google to convince me it was ok.
dr google is my worst best friend! isn't it crazy, when we get confirmation that everything is fine, we panic and google ourselves crazy until we believe something is wrong. but when we genuinely know something is wrong, we google ourselves crazy until we convince ourselves everything is fine. :wacko:
Jami, I keep having really bad dreams, My last one I was on a train and everyone has measles. I do feel like I'm crazy.
I am currently feeling sick but haven't all day and I find myself pushing on my bbs to see if they still hurt.
I keep telling myself that right now I have no reason to worry and I'm really trying to be positive.
To be honest I feel like death. I really feel so bad I don't know what to do with myself. I feel sorry for my children because I must be a nightmare at the moment. My nausea is getting worse, Boobs are less painful, I have a constant migraine and my sense of smell is something terrible. I'm also tetchy, I hate my OH (not really but I feel like I do) he's done nothing wrong, but I feel I may suffocate him if I have to smell him or feel his skin anytime soon :haha: - so yeah, that's me today. It's been OHs birthday today and iv eaten out twice so I feel as if I might burst!
I'm having bad dreams, too. And, I'm exceptionally paranoid about whether everything will work out this time.
I had my screening scan yesterday. Everything is looking perfect! Low risk for everything and heart and placenta both functioning well. Heartrate is 173.

We also told Zoe today she's going to have a little SISTER!!!!!!
Vankiwi- congrats on a good scan and a precious baby girl!!!

Jami- I try not to symptom spot especially if on meds as they can cause symptoms (I.e. Progesterone). I've had (before my mcl started) completely normal pregnancies with absolutely no symptoms and I've had mcs with every symptom in the book. Some days I feel more than others. I don't want to drive myself crazy so o try not to worry.

Sweetkat- it's such a rough time right now and you should allow yourself to consider all psossiblities on testing, other means of getting pregnant etc. id definitely do all tarting to can just do you'll know. Also have dh get karotyping and maybe the dna make of his sperm tested as well. It can be easy to have strong feelings right now. I've talked to my acupuncturist and she actually said she believe more mc we caused by men and their sperm related issues than women's but they are rarely tested. After one mc I felt like I hated my dh because he wouldn't get karotyping at the least. I found out he didn't want to know if there was an issue because he was scared. I know it's hard and a lot to consider but be gentle with you both and then decide after.
I had my screening scan yesterday. Everything is looking perfect! Low risk for everything and heart and placenta both functioning well. Heartrate is 173.

We also told Zoe today she's going to have a little SISTER!!!!!!
. Great news!
Hi ladies, I had my early scan today and amazingly everything is ok. Baby is exactly the right size for my dates (7+1) and had a really strong heartbeat of 156 bpm. Such a massive relief for me to reach this milestone.
Van and Jojo - Great news!

AFM - I'm just chewing my nails (figuratively) while waiting for my first scan in 2.5 weeks. I'm just so gunshy this time. I'm getting excited but at that same time cursing myself for getting too attached before I know all is well. Is disturbing I know. After 2 losses, though, this is scary stuff. I just want this so bad.
To be honest I feel like death. I really feel so bad I don't know what to do with myself. I feel sorry for my children because I must be a nightmare at the moment. My nausea is getting worse, Boobs are less painful, I have a constant migraine and my sense of smell is something terrible. I'm also tetchy, I hate my OH (not really but I feel like I do) he's done nothing wrong, but I feel I may suffocate him if I have to smell him or feel his skin anytime soon :haha: - so yeah, that's me today. It's been OHs birthday today and iv eaten out twice so I feel as if I might burst!

Lucy- omg me too! I'm nauseous 100% of the day -including in the middle of the night. I definitely cannot go without wearing a bra as my boobs are so full and sore! I'm exhausted and don't know what I would have done this last week without my parents helping watch my son!

I had my screening scan yesterday. Everything is looking perfect! Low risk for everything and heart and placenta both functioning well. Heartrate is 173.

We also told Zoe today she's going to have a little SISTER!!!!!!

Vankiwi- that is great news! Did you find out the gender through the harmony test? How did Zoe react!?

Hi ladies, I had my early scan today and amazingly everything is ok. Baby is exactly the right size for my dates (7+1) and had a really strong heartbeat of 156 bpm. Such a massive relief for me to reach this milestone.

Jojo- yes!! Love hearing this as you are my bump buddy almost to the day! This gives me hope! So happy for you!
Sweetkat we're here for you. Please let us know how you are getting on when you have a chance.
I know those 'fears' of trying again all too well. :hugs:

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