Oh good night ladies, we are going through a time of it aren't we?!?!
Sweetkat thinking of you today. Praying everything goes well, there aren't any complications, and your recovery is as easy as possible.
Jlou I'm glad they've booked you for another scan and that you were able to see baby's heartbeat. Scans can be off by a few days and some babies have spells of slow growth followed by rapid. Praying it was a combo of things and that your LO is snuggling in.
Everything that's exactly what happened to me in this pregnancy and my OB started me on Progesterone right away. Florida is right, if you're deficient naturally in progesterone it will help sustain a healthy pregnancy, if your pregnancy is unhealthy it will only delay MC. I hope that you're able to find supplementation as quickly as possible, I'm hurt for you that they are giving you the run around. It's sad that you have to go through so many losses before they seem to want to take you seriously.
lucy progesterone continues to rise throughout your entire pregnancy. And although there can be some fluctuation (a few points here and there before and after meals, etc.) those sharp drops are abnormal and should be treated. For some ladies signs of decreasing progesterone are headaches, diarrhea, and loss of previous pregnancy symptoms. So basically stuff that even healthy pregnant women experience.
Jojo I think it is a coping mechanism, you just build it up so that you're able to deal with whatever bad news comes your way. I just feel really guilty not feeling 'attached' as it were.
Vankiwi I LOVE Saskia-that is SO pretty! I really like unique names. We've not really done any talks yet. We plan on not finding gender out until birth so we need to come up with 2 names. We do have little 'rules' that we follow when naming our kids...is that silly? Does anyone else have rules of their own? Our boys are 2 syllable with a v in the middle and our girls names are (or can be shortened) to have a 'lee' sound at the end.
Jami awwww that is so very sweet of your son
Yay, good to know someone else will be staying team yellow!
florida I hope the drive home isn't/wasn't too hard on you! You must have nerves of steel to wait 7 more weeks til your first scan.
These early weeks really are stressful. I'm glad that we can rally around one another. Holding each of you in my thoughts