Jan/Feb Rainbows 2017 (10 Rainbows have arrived!)

Thank you sweetkat. Had a scan, I'm a bit behind I thought I was 7+4 but I'm only measuring at 6. Heart was beating tho. So fingers and legs are crossed all will be ok, I have another scan booked in for 2 weeks.

Sweetkat I've got you in my thoughts today and I really hope it goes as smoothly as it can. Look after yourself and give yourself time to grieve. My OH drove me mad this morning saying I'm over worrying about everything, he has since apologised.

Fingers firmly crossed your bean stays well and truly stuck now! - So glad you saw a heartbeat, did they happen to day what the bleeding could be from?

Sweetkat, your inmy thought today too :hugs:
Jlou - so glad scan went well and hope bean grows well in the next few weeks.

All - thanks for your support. At the hospital waiting for my D&C :(. Hoping to have tests (esp for OH and his sperm issues) so that I can come up with a plan going forward.

Big hugs and sticky beans to all.
Jlou- can you put yourself on bed rest a few days? Glad you saw bubs. Maybe implantation was off and when they are so tiny it's so easy to have the dates off some.
Jlou, sorry to hear about your scare but glad baby seems to be doing good :thumbup: Was it a sch?

As for me, I managed to get my midwife to take bloods yesterday for repeat progesterone test. It's bad news - my level was 50n/mol at 5 weeks, and it has gone down to 36n/mol yesterday :cry: Waiting to hear from EPU, well I'm about to ring them because it's been 2 hours. Very scared.
Just an update to my last post, I've spoken to EPU and she said the midwife shouldn't have agreed to test my progesterone levels because this isn't something that is ever done. It would only be done by a fertility unit or where recurrent MC and progesterone is prescribed right from 4 weeks to 12 weeks.

She asked why midwife tested it, and I said I asked her to because I had symptoms of progesterone deficiency in pregnancy... and results confirm I was right.

There is no evidence to support supplementary progesterone and it can cause a failed pregnancy not to abort correctly. She also said it can be normal for levels to fluctuate.

She also said since I only had a scan on Monday, they would not scan again for 2 weeks because they would be looking for growth, and less than 2 weeks is not enough time for sufficient growth to carry out proper checks. I said I was concerned pregnancy was failing due to progesterone deficiency (or already failed, since I've had reduced symptoms) but she checked with a consultant for me and he agreed nothing they could do other than repeat scan 2 weeks after original one.

So... I'm off to Holland & Barrett to see if they have progesterone supplements.
As for me, I managed to get my midwife to take bloods yesterday for repeat progesterone test. It's bad news - my level was 50n/mol at 5 weeks, and it has gone down to 36n/mol yesterday :cry: Waiting to hear from EPU, well I'm about to ring them because it's been 2 hours. Very scared.

Oh no :( - I know nothing about progesterone, does lowering numbers usually mean something off? Does progesterone not start to decrease towards 10 weeks anyway, when the placenta takes over? I literally have no idea. Please update when you've spoken with the Epu.

Not been a very good few days for us has it ladies, my symptoms have gone. I feel normal except for a headache and a peculiar sensation in my nose that feels like an oncoming nosebleed. I'm hoping they will be back full force tomorrow, I also have server backache, but more spinal than cramps so I'm not worried about that.

Hope everyone is aswel as they can be, there's no doubting these early weeks are stressful as hell :(
She asked why midwife tested it, and I said I asked her to because I had symptoms of progesterone deficiency in pregnancy... and results confirm I was right.

I said I was concerned pregnancy was failing due to progesterone deficiency (or already failed, since I've had reduced symptoms) but she checked with a consultant for me and he agreed nothing they could do other than repeat scan 2 weeks after original one.

So... I'm off to Holland & Barrett to see if they have progesterone supplements.

Im sorry, they didn't sound very helpful or particularly put your mind at ease, having had other losses I'd have thought an appointment would have been better to discuss these things rather than a phone call. Things always seem so impersonal on the phone :hugs:

Can I ask what symptoms you have had of low progesterone?

Good luck finding a supplement, Atleast then you know you have tried! - Iv heard and read good studies on using vit b6, however I believe it takes sometime to build up in the system so you may be better with a cream or similar. If it was me, I'd book with a private doctor and get a prescription written up, they'll do practically anything haha.
Thank you Florida. My consultant didn't mention anything and said it may have been implantation bleed or it could be a threatened miscarriage. I'm hoping I am only 6 weeks and baby isn't not growing. I have spoken to my manager and I'm taking the weekend off. Its such a worry.

Everything I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you. Are you taking progesterone?
Everything- I would get some if you can. It's true if you don't have a progesterone deficiency it will delay mc but it will not sustain an unhealthy pregnancy. I took it in the last 2 mc and it caused me not to mc when baby passed away but I could tell. Not sure goes I just knew. It will however sustain the pregnancy of women who are natirLly low in prhoesreone and that is actually a common problem,
Hello ladies

Hope all your worries turn out to be nothing and babies all doing well.

I am post surgery just waiting to be discharged and feel strangely optimistic. Next time I will have my baby :)

Most painful thing was stupid nurse putting the canula in and getting it stuck. I bet I am going to have a huge bruise on my hand now.

Otherwise feel good. The past is in the past and bright things to come in the future :)

Big hugs xxx
Oh good night ladies, we are going through a time of it aren't we?!?!

Sweetkat thinking of you today. Praying everything goes well, there aren't any complications, and your recovery is as easy as possible.

Jlou I'm glad they've booked you for another scan and that you were able to see baby's heartbeat. Scans can be off by a few days and some babies have spells of slow growth followed by rapid. Praying it was a combo of things and that your LO is snuggling in.

Everything that's exactly what happened to me in this pregnancy and my OB started me on Progesterone right away. Florida is right, if you're deficient naturally in progesterone it will help sustain a healthy pregnancy, if your pregnancy is unhealthy it will only delay MC. I hope that you're able to find supplementation as quickly as possible, I'm hurt for you that they are giving you the run around. It's sad that you have to go through so many losses before they seem to want to take you seriously.

lucy progesterone continues to rise throughout your entire pregnancy. And although there can be some fluctuation (a few points here and there before and after meals, etc.) those sharp drops are abnormal and should be treated. For some ladies signs of decreasing progesterone are headaches, diarrhea, and loss of previous pregnancy symptoms. So basically stuff that even healthy pregnant women experience. :wacko:

Jojo I think it is a coping mechanism, you just build it up so that you're able to deal with whatever bad news comes your way. I just feel really guilty not feeling 'attached' as it were.

Vankiwi I LOVE Saskia-that is SO pretty! I really like unique names. We've not really done any talks yet. We plan on not finding gender out until birth so we need to come up with 2 names. We do have little 'rules' that we follow when naming our kids...is that silly? Does anyone else have rules of their own? Our boys are 2 syllable with a v in the middle and our girls names are (or can be shortened) to have a 'lee' sound at the end.

Jami awwww that is so very sweet of your son <3 Yay, good to know someone else will be staying team yellow! :yellow:

florida I hope the drive home isn't/wasn't too hard on you! You must have nerves of steel to wait 7 more weeks til your first scan. :hugs:

These early weeks really are stressful. I'm glad that we can rally around one another. Holding each of you in my thoughts
Sweetkat, glad you've made it out of surgery alright :hugs: Please continue to let us know how you are doing <3
Thank you for all your well wishes. Just waiting to be discharged from hospital.
Sweetkat- praying for you and so happy you came out positive!

Jlou- so glad your scan went well and hoping that was just a brief random bleed and baby just implanted late!

Everything- I feel like you are doing the right thing by finding a progesterone supplement yourself. Be your own advocate and push for what you want!

Vankiwi- I love Saskia for you too!! So different!!

Busy- our baby name rule is it needs to have a "y" in it somewhere! The only reason why is because we noticed that randomly, without knowing, our son and my two step daughters all have a "y" in their names! (Annesley, Makayah, and Zackary)

Jojo- I think I'm attached but I keep it to myself, it's my way of being guarded as well.

Jami- I love that your family was there for your scan and am so happy that you could go girl or boy and be completely happy! I have two step daughters and one son so for myself I would want a girl, but then I look at my son and I'm like nope! I just want another little him! He's so perfect! My husband would prefer another boy as he already has two daughters but he also knows how bad I want a baby girl and this will more than likely be our last baby.

Florida- I was struggling with an hour and a half drive to the airport the other day, I can't believe you're doing a 10 hour drive!! Good luck girl! And how faithful you are to wait 7 more weeks until your first scan! You're sure making me realize we need to have faith and know our babies will be ok!

As for me, I am sick as a dog!! So nauseous alllllll day! Crazy sore boobs and my sense of smell is off the charts (which of course doe not help with my nausea!) I'm so ready for my scan on Wednesday! My husband will get to be there thank God!!

Hope everyone is doing well!! :baby::baby::baby:
We made it home and I finally slept past 4:30 today lol. Now that I'm 8 weeks I feel like I'm in such shaky grounds. I find myself seriously just sitting numb staring off. This week is the farthest my baby hs made it since the mc started so it's a rough week. Every week will be as its uncharted territory. I'm starting to write in a baby book and that's helping. I never wished so hard for some nausea lol. I know that doesn't mean everything's ok though. 7 more weeks to go!
Wish seeing the heartbeat had eased my mind now its making me worry even more. I really want this little bean to stick. My bbs are hurting again but I'm not feeling sick anymore and that is worrying me. Wish I could be positive.

Sweetkat I'm glad your feeling positive. Take it easy and let us know how you feeling.

Florida, I know how you feel about the nausea, ive never willed myself to feel ill.

Hope you find some progesterone supplements Everything.

BSelck24, hope everything goes well on Wednesday.

Hope you all have a lovely weekend. x
I am having a glass of wine :(. Well seeing as third time also turned out to be unlucky and I have to wait at least 3 months for tests, not much else left to do....

As for the physical side; aside from two huge bruises where a totally incompetent nurse put the drip in, I am fine. Having the drip put in was the worst bit - he couldn't get the needle in and tried at every angle which was agony. As soon as anaesthetic was in didn't feel a thing and woke up totally fine. Just a tiny bit of spotting now.
I can't tell If my symptoms have gone or not. I'm not hungry and nothing is taking my fancy (except biscuits or chocolate lol) so I think I'm imagining them going. Either way my Back aches so bad it makes me cry, Iv a feeling it's my new mattress, so looks like il have to get another.
Either way I'm bringing my reassurance scan forward, will probably have it next Wednesday.

Sweetkat, I'm glad your feeling 'ok' and that your not in significant physical pain,

Jlou - Im struggling with positivity too, miscarriage ruins that for us. We just have to have faith in our bodies, I know that's hard tho :hugs:

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