Jan/Feb Rainbows 2017 (10 Rainbows have arrived!)

Jlou, so glad you saw HB at the scan. When I had mine on Monday, they said they wouldn't be concerned if baby was measuring up to 1 week either side of my dates at this stage because the measurements are so tiny. Good luck for your next scan :thumbup:

SweetKat, good to hear you're pretty pain-free at the moment. I hope that continues. Shame you have to wait 3 months for testing, I just hope when they do the tests they can get to the bottom of what's causing the mc's - at least then it would be worth the wait.

Lucy, not long until Wednesday's scan :hugs: I am also not really hungry and haven't been able to eat my evening meal for 2 or 3 nights running now so although I'm not really getting MS, food aversion is definitely another sign so we both have symptoms :thumbup:

Florida, it's a great sign that you're now past the 8 week mark. Well done on already starting a baby book! I have one for DS2 but I still haven't actually written anything in it! :blush:

Bselck, sorry to hear you're suffering (but on a positive it always feel reassuring to be having such strong symptoms!). Good luck for your scan on Wednesday! :flower:

Busy, how are you? We don't have any rules for picking names really, other than that I like to be able to shorten it.
Thank you so much for the info about your progesterone experience. Unfortunately the tablets and pessaries are only available in the UK on prescription, and the cream is not a very high dose. It doesn't seem to be available in its natural form from many places, and delivery from US is up to 3 weeks. I therefore did lots and lots of research and decided I would start taking my Maca again since this is what regulated my hormones and helped me to get pregnant in the first place. I'm taking a lower dose than when I was TTC because it does make me slightly nervous but I felt my options were severely limited.

Vankiwi, I somehow missed your post about your Harmony result! Huge congratulations on your great scan results and on finding out you are carrying a pink baby! :pink:
Had to go to ER for pain and loss of symptoms. Kidney/uti infection looks like the problem. Baby is in utero just one and has a hb. That's all I know right now. No pics seen
Sorry you have been unwell Florida, have you started on antibiotics? Glad you got a scan, shame you could see baby though.

I'm sorry I don't post a lot, I do catch up with posts but by the time I want to post this thread moves so fast I forget where to start!

I'm glad that for the majority of you things are going well even when symptoms like nausea/ vomiting has hit you hard, we can only take it as a positive.

I'm sorry Everything you didn't have a great experience with the the Drs, trying to figure out how to get progesterone in you must be stressful, completely understand trying everything you possibly can to have a successful pregnancy.

Afm I'm doing well, I should be 8+4 today but I had a scan last night, a little blob seen measuring a week ahead and a lovely hb present, I never got to see that in my last pregnancy so it was bittersweet but makes me more excited. Unfortunately I'm still scared that something will go wrong 😕 But I'm trying so hard to remain positive and try and enjoy this pregnancy.

I hope you all have had a nice weekend x
Cupcake- congrats on a great scan. So your almost 10 weeks then?

Afm- no infection after culture came back just a 2cm cyst looking thing on my left ovary. Have to get w f/u us on 6 weeks now rather I want to or not to check on it. Not looking forward to that as my sister had one that ruptured at 18 weeks and the pain was horrid. Bubs however is measuring 8+1 (8 +2) and hb is 155!!!! Ladies I didn't want a scan, but I'm glad I know bub is snuggled in the right place and growing strong. So grateful to God as I haven't seen tie side of 8 weeks in a long time! I didn't see any pics but that's ok. That info will carry me a long while.
Oh no, cysts are horrible, when they rupture they are so painful, hopefully yours will resolve by itself.

From the scan I'll be 9+3 today, I'm going to keep to my original dates though as it was a abdominal scan and I know they can be less accurate but it was reassuring, especially seeing the hb. I have my dating scan on the 26th July, can't wait x
Florida lovely news on your scan, happy bubba is doing well. A shame you didn't get to see a picture.

Cupcake congrats on a lovely scan. Happy all is going well. All we can do is just try and be positive :)
Cupcake- congrats on a great scan. So your almost 10 weeks then?

Afm- no infection after culture came back just a 2cm cyst looking thing on my left ovary. Have to get w f/u us on 6 weeks now rather I want to or not to check on it. Not looking forward to that as my sister had one that ruptured at 18 weeks and the pain was horrid. Bubs however is measuring 8+1 (8 +2) and hb is 155!!!! Ladies I didn't want a scan, but I'm glad I know bub is snuggled in the right place and growing strong. So grateful to God as I haven't seen tie side of 8 weeks in a long time! I didn't see any pics but that's ok. That info will carry me a long while.

Florida! So great everything is ok and you got to check and baby!! I know you wanted to wait, but everything happens for a reason and it obviously helps you believe in these weeks past 8 weeks!! Keep us updated on your cyst and I hope it just resolves on its own!

Oh no, cysts are horrible, when they rupture they are so painful, hopefully yours will resolve by itself.

From the scan I'll be 9+3 today, I'm going to keep to my original dates though as it was a abdominal scan and I know they can be less accurate but it was reassuring, especially seeing the hb. I have my dating scan on the 26th July, can't wait x

Cupcake! How amazing your baby is measuring ahead! This has to be a great sign! I can't wait for my scan on Wednesday!

I have such a great feeling this time around and I have such a pouch in my lower belly already! I've been joking with my DH "looks like it's twins!" But they don't run in my family and I have never released two eggs as far as I know so it looks like I'm just showing early lol

I finally got back home to Minnesota from California yesterday and i had to go straight to this golf invitational event with my DH two hours after we landed! I was so nervous as I have been so sick but I made it the whole night and even ate some of the dinner! I love dressing up so I think that was my motivation :haha: I loved being able to tell everyone at our table that I was pregnant as I will more than likely never see them again!
Florida and cupcake - glad everything is looking good for you two!

I'm looking forward to my scan on Thursday. It's doubtful that they'll see much this early but at least I'll know our little bean is safe and secure in utero (I've had an ectopic).

Florida - what part of FL are you from? I'm in Gainesville.
Cupcake congrats!

Bselck- glad you got to have a glamour night. It's nice to tell people lol. I did that in TN lol

Ttc- good luck on your scan. I'm actually from/live in the Tampa area
I have really got myself worked up in the night. Im so anxious I cant sleep, I'm struggling to eat. Ive not gone to work today. Going to book an apt with my GP and see if he will sign me off for a week. I feel so overwhelmed and my head feels like its all over the place. :(
Lucy i feel the exact same as you!! This is awful. I was so sick last week I couldn't stand myself...then Saturday woke up feeling great. Took advantage and ate, then ran around town with dh and kids enjoying my day off from symptoms....then Sunday was the same. I did however wake up with my first experience with gout. Omg its awful and seems to be a side effect of baby aspirin. We went to the lake and I felt fine all day. I started to get a little queasy when we were leaving but I think it was the heat. We got home and I was fine. This morning I woke up even more fine! Wide awake, not tired, not even hungry. Boobs are slightly sore but no more than they've been. I have a scan Friday but that is so far away. I hate sickness....but when everything goes away for days that's awful too. Also I haven't felt the groin stretching pains in 2 days. I was so optimistic but now I'm fearing the worst. :cry:
I have really got myself worked up in the night. Im so anxious I cant sleep, I'm struggling to eat. Ive not gone to work today. Going to book an apt with my GP and see if he will sign me off for a week. I feel so overwhelmed and my head feels like its all over the place. :(

How are you feeling? Was you able to get a GP appt? x
Lucy i feel the exact same as you!! This is awful. I was so sick last week I couldn't stand myself...then Saturday woke up feeling great. Took advantage and ate, then ran around town with dh and kids enjoying my day off from symptoms....then Sunday was the same. I did however wake up with my first experience with gout. Omg its awful and seems to be a side effect of baby aspirin. We went to the lake and I felt fine all day. I started to get a little queasy when we were leaving but I think it was the heat. We got home and I was fine. This morning I woke up even more fine! Wide awake, not tired, not even hungry. Boobs are slightly sore but no more than they've been. I have a scan Friday but that is so far away. I hate sickness....but when everything goes away for days that's awful too. Also I haven't felt the groin stretching pains in 2 days. I was so optimistic but now I'm fearing the worst. :cry:

Bless you :flower: it's a shame we arnt see through so we could see our bubs are OK at any moment, my nausea and fatigue is back with a vengeance, I feel awful all the damn time now, I had two days of nothing and then the headaches along with everything else came back. I don't know what to eat and then when I do eat I stuff my face!!

What gout? I take baby aspirin and it's lowered my BP brilliantly, but also my heartrate! It's gone down about 10bpm.

Looks like I won't get my scan Wednesday, my sister (who was driving me) has to work and it's my daughters 6th birthday on Thursday! So we will aim for next Monday, If I can hold out.

I'm still getting stretching, although not as often. Both sides tho which iv never had before :shrug:

Florida so glad all is OK with you, I was tempted to head into a and e with the stabbing pains is was getting in my tummy, but I don't want to waste anyone's time, and I'm not sure it's not just constipation :haha:
I have really got myself worked up in the night. Im so anxious I cant sleep, I'm struggling to eat. Ive not gone to work today. Going to book an apt with my GP and see if he will sign me off for a week. I feel so overwhelmed and my head feels like its all over the place. :(

How are you feeling? Was you able to get a GP appt? x

Thank you cupcake, yes I went to the GP. He has eased my mind loads, and I do feel loads better. Last time I done loads at work and I kept not listening to my body and I blamed myself when I lost the baby. I have decided that going back to work will keep my mind busy but he has given me a certificate for light duties. My other half is not being very supportive just keeps telling me I need to keep positive (like I'm not trying). Fingers crossed everything will be ok for us all. x
I'm glad you are feeling so much better jlou, I remember during my mc I was off for nearly a month, I was so anxious/ nervous about going back to work, couldn't stop thinking about what had happened and like you blamed myself, I also have a very demanding job, on my feet most of the day. It's crazy what our minds get up to, so hard to remain positive but glad your GP was understanding.

Blokes seem to be so chilled out about things, wish I could be so laid back, very annoying! Would be nice if they could just acknowledge our thoughts/ feelings.
Blokes seem to be so chilled out about things, wish I could be so laid back, very annoying! Would be nice if they could just acknowledge our thoughts/ feelings.
I know what you mean. My OH thinks that now we have seen a heartbeat at 7 weeks everything is fine and we will definitely have this baby. Whereas deep down I am petrified that something will still go wrong. Wish I was a man!!
Blokes seem to be so chilled out about things, wish I could be so laid back, very annoying! Would be nice if they could just acknowledge our thoughts/ feelings.
I know what you mean. My OH thinks that now we have seen a heartbeat at 7 weeks everything is fine and we will definitely have this baby. Whereas deep down I am petrified that something will still go wrong. Wish I was a man!!

I know that feeling, my OH keeps going on as if this pregnancy is a definite. It's so frustrating, I want him to understand my anxiety and concern but he just doesn't get it. His stock remarks (which highly irritate me!) are "whatever happens happens" and "I'm sure everything's fine" - they arnt said with feeling Ir compassion, mostly said over the top of his phone while he plays some game.
I will say my dh has been the same in every pregnancy. It drove me crazy but this go around I'm actually appreciating it because my attitude is the same. At times I tell him to just let me have my moment of faltering and support me dang it! He does but it's like he didn't get it unless I put it to him that way.
I know how you all feel on the husbands just always assuming everything is fine. we have had 4 losses, how can he just be so sure?? I think its just a show. I don't think he worries so much about a loss, as he worries about how Ill cope with another loss. so he feels like hes doing the best by just saying "everythings fine". they mean no harm but don't understand that's the last thing we want to hear lol. but to be fair, we are very difficult creatures to understand. I haven't really had sickness again...just a weird burpy feeling mostly in the afternoon. I am feeling tired again I guess. trying to stay positive. my son keeps kissing my belly and I just keep begging God not to break his heart.

as for the gout...id heard the word before...but never knew what it was or how you got it. its when your foot or more specifically my big toe hurts like I broke it in the morning...when obviously I did nothing to it during the night. it got red, swollen and I couldn't walk on it. its slightly better today. I had now Idea so I googled toe hurting for no reason and right away gout comes up. so I start looking into it. its mostly men and older women who get it, however it is a side effect of baby aspirin (among other meds none of which im on)...so really the only thing that could make me get it is the aspirin. I stopped taking it yesterday. and once you have gout...you have it forever! it can flare up and get worse at anytime. great. of course id get something crazy like that. so I hope not taking the aspirin wont hurt the baby...im still on lovenox so hopefully that's enough. my husband just kept telling me "i hate you being on all those medications, I told you they were no good!" he likes me to do everything natural.i do too. we even do natural childbirth....but when my babies keep dying I have to do something.

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