Jan/Feb Rainbows 2017 (10 Rainbows have arrived!)

GL Amygdala! I'll be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers!
Hi all

I've been hovering here for a few weeks now but haven't dared join you because it feels like I'm jinxing myself. Please don't put me on the title page, for that reason! The funny thing is I could not be less superstitious and I really truly do not believe that you can jinx things. But still I'm finding it hard to acknowledge this pregnancy. If all goes well, this will be baby 3 and our last. Before baby 1 we lost our first pregnancy (mmc found at the 12 week scan). Then had two healthy children but another mmc and then an early mc since. I'm so anxious this time around. I analyse every little feeling or lack thereof. I was feeling pretty sick from week 6 to 7 but it's eased since and I'm terrified that this is going to be another loss. Baby was there, with a heartbeat, 10 days ago but measuring two days behind my dates, of which I'm sure. I know two days is nothing but it's got me worrying anyway. Scan at 11 today.
Sorry for the ego post. I promise I'll be less self-involved after today.

Hey :flower: hope your scan went well?

I'm still feeling like death, I honestly don't think iv ever felt this unwell.
So I'm 7+4 today, the stage at which my twins stopped growing. Feeling a little anxious but frankly I can't focus on anything but nausea really lol.
Feeling more like myself today weirdly, but these last few days have been really difficult! Hoping it's all for the good tho!

Hope everyone else is well x x
Have a lovely holiday Busy.

Bselck and TTC congratulations on your scans.

Florida, I know how you feel I have no appetite at all and then feel sick I'm hungry.

Welcome Amygdala. Congrats on your BFP. Fingers crossed for a happy and healthy 9 months.

As for me, ive still been having me bleeding its a little more than spotting. the EPU wont scan me until next Friday. My bbs are still hurting and are getting huge, Ive also start being sick in the morning. I'm trying to take this as a good sign and fingers crossed the bleeding will ease.

Sending you all positive vibes. <3
Saw my gummy bear today!! 8 weeks 2 days hb of 186!!! Perfect!!!


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Oh and here's my scan pic....
Lovely scan pic. You are one day ahead of me &#128512;

Jojo- I love that we are near identical to dates!!

Lucy- so happy you're passing a huge milestone in ur pregnancy and that you're actually have a good day out of the sick ones!

Jami- lovely scan!! So happy for you!

Jlou- hoping the bleeding stops and wishing lots of morning sickness on you lol

Welcome Amygdala!! That's ok to be cautious, we get it!

TTC74- congrats on the great scan!! Love getting those knocked out!

Sanjan- so excited for your upcoming scan! Sending my prayers!

Florida- hope you can make it through the sickness! Any chance at getting some medication to help? Hope your tansition back to RN goes as smoothly as possible!

As for me, we have family in town this weekend and next weekend so hopefully these next few weeks will fly by! Still not feeling well but trying to eat as much as possible to give me energy and help my nausea.
I've been having a nasty migraine since last night but thought I should really update that the scan went well. Baby measured on time and had a strong heart rate of 182. :) Will catch up with all of you as soon as my head gives me a break.
Bselck - congrats on great scan :thumbup: Strange that your nurse flipped out over you self-prescribing baby Aspirin, I'm not aware of any negative effects :shrug:

TTC74 - congrats also to you on great scan results. Roll on 11th July so you get to see baby's HB.

SanJan, good luck for your scan on Tues. I think fluctuating symptoms are normal (although totally get your anxiety!), fingers crossed everything is perfect and you will get an idea of EDD.

Florida, ugh poor you with loss of appetite. Is it pretty much all food? I have stashed some shortbread biscuits in my room for if I wake up in the night hungry, but so far the only times I've wanted food I can't face biscuits and have ended up going down and getting a glass of milk anyway.

Amy - great news on your scan! Hope your migraine does one soon.

Jlou - hope your bleeding stops soon. I agree your other symptoms sound great and looks like hcg building nicely so hopefully your scan on Friday will be a positive experience for you.

Lucy - sorry you're feeling blurgh. I'm sure you're taking comfort in that being a great sign that things are ok. I'm also around my milestone of when my MMC baby died (8+5), and it's making me nervous as hell too.

Jami - aww such a cute scan pic! So happy for you :flower:

Hope everyone else is going good - Jojo, Cupcake, Busy and all other ladies on the thread xx
Jami, amygdala- congrats on the scan!!!!

Lucy- sorry you're feeling sick hon(yay!! You're feeling sick lol) hope it eases up soon

Jlou- I wonder if you have a subchronic hem? I'm. Glad you are having symptoms to reassure you. Your scan is next Friday right? Hoping this week flies by and you see bub soon.

Bselck- honestly I like when things start piling up at times. Gives me other things to focus on and helps the week to fly by. That's why I'm actually glad to go back to school lol.

Sanjan- good luck on your next scan hon.

Hoping all is well with everyone. Thanks for our thoughts. I did eat 2 tacos and some dip last night. But woke up nauseous and without appetite. I'm just floating along until my scan. The actual scan report say they found a Hypoechoic mass like area in my left ovary. That made me a little nervous but having faith it's just a cyst. Rescanning that and baby in 26 days. It'll be the furthest I've gone. After that I may use my Doppler at home(I have the sonoline b) I bought a year or two ago. Ladies we are pushing close to the second tri! I'm claiming it at 13 weeks lol.
Hi ladies, just wanted to recommend this book to anyone who is interested. I read it this afternoon and found it really helpful in terms of dealing with the grief of losing a baby and being pregnant again.
Anyone else struggling to.fit in they're clothes? - My UK size 14 jeans no longer do up, I feel so constricted in them. I can't possibly wear mat clothes yet, which leaves only one option.....leggings. Uck. :dohh: I'm hoping itw bloat, I haven't dared the scales recently, either way I'm gonna have to start watching what I eat, I'm hoping to avoid gestational diabetes at all costs this pregnancy!
Anyone else struggling to.fit in they're clothes? - My UK size 14 jeans no longer do up, I feel so constricted in them. I can't possibly wear mat clothes yet, which leaves only one option.....leggings. Uck. :dohh: I'm hoping itw bloat, I haven't dared the scales recently, either way I'm gonna have to start watching what I eat, I'm hoping to avoid gestational diabetes at all costs this pregnancy!

Yes, me Lucy. I'm a UK size 10 (5 foot 7 so quite slim build) but my abs split open with my 2 previous births and haven't closed fully. I therefore show really early and have been having to use the hairband trick for 2-3 weeks now to give the top of my jeans more room, with a baggy long top over.
Anyone else struggling to.fit in they're clothes? - My UK size 14 jeans no longer do up, I feel so constricted in them. I can't possibly wear mat clothes yet, which leaves only one option.....leggings. Uck. :dohh: I'm hoping itw bloat, I haven't dared the scales recently, either way I'm gonna have to start watching what I eat, I'm hoping to avoid gestational diabetes at all costs this pregnancy!

Yes, me Lucy. I'm a UK size 10 (5 foot 7 so quite slim build) but my abs split open with my 2 previous births and haven't closed fully. I therefore show really early and have been having to use the hairband trick for 2-3 weeks now to give the top of my jeans more room, with a baggy long top over.
I'm not having this issue but I'm quite big anyway and tend to wear a lot of baggy clothes so that is probably why &#128518;
Hi ladies, I've just had another scan with EPU (2 weeks after original scan showed heartbeat and measured 7+2)... and I got good news! Baby is still alive and kicking :cloud9: They measured baby at 8+5 this time, which makes me slightly nervous but they assured me its millimetres and could just be due to baby being slightly at an angle or due a growth spurt.
Yay for a nice scan :)

Don't worry about the measurement because as they said it's just the difference of mm now.
Hi all,

Just back from my scan. Bub measures 8 weeks which coincides with my dates, but with my LMP it should be 8 weeks 5 days. Dr. is still going with LMP and put the EDD as 9th Feb. So, I finally have a date :happydance:

Also, I have got the date for my NT scan and some big list of blood works which is on 2nd August and my next Dr appointment on 16th Aug.
Everything- that is really good news!! Dating is quite hard at this stage. Most people are dated at the 12 week scan because bubs is so small at this point. Glad everything is going well!

SanJan- honestly is it isn't a week or so off they aren't going to change anything. It's easier for them. That's why people recommend a birth month because you could be 2 weeks early/late and baby still be fine.

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