Jan/Feb Rainbows 2017 (10 Rainbows have arrived!)

SanJan, congrats also to you on your scan :flower: Did you get any pics? My scans have both been with EPU (in the UK) and they don't do scan pics but I will get some in a few weeks when I have my 12 week scan *toich wood.
I did get one, but it's not a great quality and not on those glossy papers which gives a nice clarity. I tried taking a pic and it's more blurry.. Will take one with DH's phone and upload.

Even for us here, the official first scan is the 12 week one, but given my history they have squeezed a couple more at 6 weeks and 8 weeks - that's why i didn't get any pics on 6wk scan and only one pic today. hopefully should get more on 2nd Aug.
Argh, just coming in for a rant.

I'm so so sick of my OH, he constantly goes on about sex (or lack of it!) - it's 9 am and we're already not talking, not that I'm missing much because it's like living with an adolescent, it's constant, every other word out his mouth is sexual. I want to beat him. Hes sulking now because I don't want it.

Hardly surprising really when I can't stand the sight or smell of him, and that I'm so bloody knackered by nighttime all I want to do is sleep!

Sorry for the Tmi but I needed to get it out somewhere before I rip hos eyeballs out :haha:
Argh, just coming in for a rant.

I'm so so sick of my OH, he constantly goes on about sex (or lack of it!) - it's 9 am and we're already not talking, not that I'm missing much because it's like living with an adolescent, it's constant, every other word out his mouth is sexual. I want to beat him. Hes sulking now because I don't want it.

Hardly surprising really when I can't stand the sight or smell of him, and that I'm so bloody knackered by nighttime all I want to do is sleep!

Sorry for the Tmi but I needed to get it out somewhere before I rip hos eyeballs out :haha:
Hi Lucy! Feel free to rant, my OH is annoying in that respect as well. Sulks like a kid if he doesn't get it regularly and goes on and on about it until I give in just to get a quiet life!
I had my booking in appointment today with the midwife. Tried to talk to her about my anxiety due to my previous miscarriages but she basically said there is not much that can be done and I just need to take care of myself and the baby and hopefully everything will work out ok. At one point I started crying when she asked about my previous miscarriages and she just carried on talking and didn't even acknowledge I was upset? Bit bizarre! Anyway, I've decided to pay for a private scan on Sunday and hopefully that will confirm everything is still ok. Hope you are all doing well x
Everything and Sanjan- congrats on great scans!!

Jojo- glad you have sprivate scan booked to ease your mind! Surprised that the midwife was treating you that way! Usually it's the doctors who don't give a shit.

Lucy- feel free to rant! My husband is a bit more understanding eith the lack of sex, but is completely not understanding to how sick and tired I feel all day!
Lucy- your oh would have a heart attack on my house!! We haven't had sex in over 6-7 weeks!! I try o still keep him happy in other ways but we can't because I spot every time we do.

Jojo- that's strange. I just think some people lose their bedside manner over the years. If she isn't better by the next appt I would ask for someone else
went to the DR today for an apt because I had some scary discharge over the past few days. they think its my SCH clearing up because its smaller and that I might have a yeast infection...ill take that over BV or a MC. I did however get a sono too my bean was measuring exactly 9 weeks and heartbeat of 152. that dropped from 186 5 days ago but dr said that's totally normal. so yay I can go on my float trip Friday and confidently announce to my family that im preggo!!!

im letting myself get excited now...I feel like that's wrong...that I should still be cautious. but now instead of worrying about MCing today ive been thinking of names and ways to predict the sex! :happydance:
Congrats Jami! I'm VERY early. So, I'm terrified of going in on Monday for my 7 week US. Having said that, I've already checked the chinese gender prediction calendar and it says boy.
Jamie- glad everything's clearing up. So easy to get yeast infections while pg, glad bubs is hanging in there. Hb vary so much while pregnant. As long as it stays high I wouldn't even concern yourself. Are you announcing in a special way?

Ttc- good luck on your upcoming scan. I checked as well. Mine says girl.
Congrats Jami, everything and Sanjan on your scans :)
Can totally relate to OH not understanding, Ive had bleeding on and off for 2 weeks and he just doesn't get why I'm worried. I am happy to help him out still.
My boobs have stopped feeling to sore and im not feeling as sick, just if ive not eaten for a while! The only thing I want to eat is fruit and toast.
Ive been abit light headed the last few days but ive also got a sinus infection :(

Scan on Friday and im crapping it! My MIL is coming with my because my OH has to work! It would of been my due date next Monday so im trying to keep positive and not dwell on it too much!

Hope your all feeling okish with a bit or morning sickness thrown in :) xx
Can totally relate to OH not understanding, Ive had bleeding on and off for 2 weeks and he just doesn't get why I'm worried. I am happy to help him out still.
My boobs have stopped feeling to sore and im not feeling as sick, just if ive not eaten for a while! The only thing I want to eat is fruit and toast.
Ive been abit light headed the last few days but ive also got a sinus infection :(

Scan on Friday and im crapping it! My MIL is coming with my because my OH has to work! It would of been my due date next Monday so im trying to keep positive and not dwell on it too much!

Hope your all feeling okish with a bit or morning sickness thrown in :) xx
Good luck with your scan tomorrow x
Bselck way to stick to your guns with the nurse, sorry she wasn't very nice about things. Nearly time for the Progenity test. I'm always excited to find out what others are having, but we are firmly team :yellow: Lovely scan pic btw!

TTC your next scan is only a few days away :dance:

florida sorry your appetite seems to have gone. I go through similar spells. I've lost about 7lbs so far. Hopefully it'll pick back up for you. Praying for a nice clear scan in a few weeks and no complications.

Welcome Amygdala :hi: I completely get your reservations. Just let me know when you feel comfortable being added to the front. Glad your scan went well. I hope your migraine has eased. I suffer with them as well. Sometimes I get ones that will last for weeks at a time so I understand how debilitating they can be.

awww lucy...you poor dear. Are you able to take any tablets to help with the nausea? Or are they causing other symptoms and are more of a problem than they are worth?
And that OH of yours needs a good talking to :rage: Men can be so daft at times, bless them. Rant away dear

Jlou I can't believe they won't scan you any earlier :hugs: You must be a mess lovely. Has your bleeding eased any? I'm glad your MIL is able to go to the scan with you, especially given the day's significance :hugs:

Jami yay for a gummy bear with a nice, strong HB :dance: Have fun on your float trip!

Thanks for the book recommendation Jojo. So sorry your booking in appt. went poorly. That is an odd way of a midwife to handle things. Will you be seeing her throughout the rest of your pregnancy? Praying for a great scan on Sunday!

Everything I'm so glad that all is well with baby :yipee:

SanJan yay for an EDD (which so happens to be my DS3's birthday, so I'm partial) and a great scan!

I'm sure I've missed someone...I don't ever mean to. I hope that you are all doing well!
AFM: We had a great trip and got back in town late last night! I had an OB appt. today where I was able to hear our LO's HB on the doppler for the first time. I burst into tears, I couldn't help it. After I had a scan and we could see our little kumquat squirming around practicing their ninja skills. Even my OB remarked on how baby was 'putting on a show'. I felt SO much lighter. Up until this point, even seeing our baby before and their little HB flickering away, it's still felt like it wasn't real. We get bad news...we don't get good news. So I've been waiting for the bad news. Obviously we are still in the early days but I'm still on :cloud9:

Here's our LO, next appt. is in 2 weeks!

For those of you finding out gender, do you plan on doing any sort of special reveal?
Jlou - :hugs: and good luck on the scan.

Lucy - can you get some Vit B tablets? I don't have a bad MS this time, but last time around they did help me a lot.

Busy - welcome back and yaayy for a nice scan :happydance:
I do get your feeling that this is not real though. Honestly, I'm still finding it difficult to accept this pregnancy and I don't think I'll be completely happy till we get a good 12W and 20W scan because they are the ones indicated the complications while pregnant with Ananya. I'm still skeptical about adding a ticker or even changing the status for that matter

As for the gender reveal, we'll be :yellow: - we don't have a choice here.
Jlou I hope you have a great scan today :flower:

Busy, lovely news for you hearing and seeing baby! :happydance: I completely get what you mean about the good / bad news, I'm finding it difficult to believe everything will be ok with this baby, I'm almost expecting bad news to come. Please please please let this baby make it! :wacko:
Jlou - good luck at your scan. I'm hoping for a great one for you!

AFM - my scan is Monday. So, I'm very anxious. I'm also exhausted and irritable today. Not a great combination of emotions. What are you going to do other than be grateful that today I am pregnant, though?
Hey ladies. Scan was great baby has almost caught up and is measuring at 9 weeks my dates make me 9+5! Got a due date of 5th Feb! My consultant was happy with how well baby had grown! I'm over the moon but still have a long way to go, I'm trying to stay positive as this pregnancy is nothing like my last pregnancy!

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