Jan/Feb Rainbows 2017 (10 Rainbows have arrived!)

OH Busy! So glad you're back and your scan went so well!! We should know whether we're having a boy or girl a week or so before my mothers bday so I think I will buy her a pink or blue onesie or something to celebrate and announce the gender :)

Jlou! Sooooooo happy your scan went great!! Always nice to have a due date and be reassured everything is ok!

Hope everyone is doing well! This is the last weekend we have family in town for a while so I will be ready to rest next week!
Yayyyy for the good scans jlou and busy!!!

No gender reveal for us as we plan on staying team yellow. At one point we almost changed our minds as everyone will want to know so they can buy things but they can either wait or just wait lol. We've waited so long for this blessing that we really want to share that special moment together just us. I know it's far off, but is anyone planning to have many people in the delivery room? I plan on it just be my dh and i. This will be our first together and after 6 losses I just want to enjoy this with him,
OH Florida how special! I didn't know this was the first baby for you and your DH! I totally get leaving that moment in the delivery room to you two, but for me, I NEED to have my mother there as well! She lives out of state so it's may not always work out, but she was able to arrive 30 minutes before my delivery with my son lol. And what ended up being great was that since my son had to be rushed to the NICU, mybhusband was able to go straight with him and I wasn't left by myself in the room, my mom was with me.
Jlou that's great news about your scan! :happydance:

Florida, I'll be doing the same as you at the birth and having just hubby there.

*worry rant alert!* got my scan date through today - for the day before we go on holiday in a few weeks time! This is de ja vous for me because, with my MMC, we were due to go on holiday 3 days after my scan. We found out we lost the baby, but I had to persuade them to let me take the tablets to bring it on that same day so that 'the process' would be done before our holiday because I knew DS1 would be so disappointed if we didn't go. It ruined the holiday for me (obviously) but I managed to hold it together for my boys, and I was proud of that.

I was hoping this scan would leave more time before holiday in case the same happened, or even to have it when we got back (not quite sure if dates would've allowed this). This leaves even less time and I'm so worried it's going to ruin this year's holiday :nope:
Hello ladies, it's lovely to hear/ see scans are going well. Had another scan myself on Friday, baby is looking like a baby now not just a blob, also got to hear the heartbeat. Hoping to stay team yellow this time.

We announced to my family yesterday, it was also the first time my kids knew about it, my dd was in disbelief, she has been asking for this for years! My ds just said 'WHY?' Pmsl, I took no offence, he's 12 and has to already deal with an annoying sister.

Florida I think it's lovely just to have the 2 of ou in the room, I've always had my mum, I was young when I had my first so I needed the extra support, not knowing if oh could cope, with my second it was a homebirth and it was nice having my mum once again in the background, I hope she will be able to be there this time too.

Everything can you ask to have a scan after your holidays or to be called with any cancellation spots?
Looks like there are quite a few of us planning on staying team yellow. :D
It'll just be hubby and I in the birth room, that's always worked out well for us in the past. Though I could see the positives of having another person if baby were needing to be taken to NICU or anything like that.

Awww Everything I'm sorry your scan is scheduled right before going on holiday. I hope that there is some way that they can reschedule for you. :hugs:

cupcake I laughed a little at your DS response, sound pretty typical of that age :haha: How did the rest of your family take the news?

We'll be waiting quite a while longer before announcing. Has anyone else announced? Did you do it any special way?

Hope you've all been having a great weekend!
Hi ladies, we'll probably find out the gender, just for practical reasons so we can get everything ready!! We are waiting until after my 12 week scan before we tell people.

I had another scan today and everything is looking great, in fact baby is slightly ahead on measurements :) The baby was wriggling around loads which was really good to see. It is finally starting to feel like this is really happening!!

Hope you all have a good week x
Cupcake & jojo - congrats on the scans :)

Cupcake - :haha: at your kid's response.

Everything - Really hope you can get them to postpone/reschedule the scan so you can enjoy your holiday :hugs:

For me, it'll be only DH in the room, as that's the rule in the hospitals here. Remaining family can wait in the waiting room they have so they'll be in the same building if needed.

As for announcing the pregnancy, I think I need to get some courage to add a ticker first. I don't want to announce before 20 weeks, so will wait for a good anomaly scan as that's the milestone where I'll cross the risk from previous pregnancy. The immediate family knows now(both parents and our sisters), but rest have to wait.
Bselck- I completely get it. My mom was there for the birth of my first 3 children. It's going to be strange but my husband calms me in a way no one else can. And my mom is very old school and was extremely cruel during my first labor, I won't ever forget that.

Everything- id try to get the scan moved up a week or so. That's going to make you worry unnecessarily.

Cupcake- lol at ds response. Kids so say just what's on their mind don't they?

Jojo- congrats on the scan!

Sanjan- we also are waiting until 20 weeks to announce as we have miscarried 6 times and always seems like it was after we told everyone. This is the longest I've been pregnant since giving birth to my ds almost 7 years ago
Congrats on all the rainbow babies! I'm currently pregnant with my rainbow baby, due Feb 2017! I had a loss in January 2017, and my due date would have been in 2 weeks. I am trying to hard to stay hopeful that this baby will grow and thrive, but it's so hard and I'm so scared:/ We have our first scan tomorrow, and will hopefully see a heartbeat! I am a very late ovulatory with very long cycles, so I don't know exactly how far along I am. I think I'm somewhere between 7 and 8 weeks. FX and hoping for the best!
Great news on the scan Jojo!

With our last successful pregnancy we waited until after our 24 week appt. I can see myself waiting that long, if not longer again.

Welcome Izzy! :wave:
Due date anniversaries are hard, very sorry for your loss :hugs: I hope you get amazing news at your scan tomorrow.
Your girls are the same age as my youngest :) Her birthday is Nov. 3rd, when is theirs?
Has anyone had nausea when having to urinate? It's been going on about 2-3 days. I was tested for a uti 2 1/2 weeks ago at the ER and it was negative. It's just a lot to deal with right now. I feel sick when j wake up because I have to urinate.
Back from my 7 week scan. Last pregnancy ended in MMC. Baby stopped growing at 6+1. Today, we saw baby and heard a good solid heartbead of 129!
Congrats on all the rainbow babies! I'm currently pregnant with my rainbow baby, due Feb 2017! I had a loss in January 2017, and my due date would have been in 2 weeks. I am trying to hard to stay hopeful that this baby will grow and thrive, but it's so hard and I'm so scared:/ We have our first scan tomorrow, and will hopefully see a heartbeat! I am a very late ovulatory with very long cycles, so I don't know exactly how far along I am. I think I'm somewhere between 7 and 8 weeks. FX and hoping for the best!
Hi Izzy, good to see you on here. Best of luck with your scan tomorrow 😀
Has anyone had nausea when having to urinate? It's been going on about 2-3 days. I was tested for a uti 2 1/2 weeks ago at the ER and it was negative. It's just a lot to deal with right now. I feel sick when j wake up because I have to urinate.

Florida- are you sure it's from having tonurinate and not just morning nausea? I'm nauseous all day but my worst is in the morning and at night. It's like I feel constantly hungry but then when I try to eat something, I want to throw up.
Hi Izzy, welcome :waves: Sorry for your loss, but congrats on your new pregnancy... I hope everything is perfect at your scan tomorrow :hugs:

TTC, so happy for you, congrats on a great scan and heartbeat! :cloud9:

Florida, no I've not had that myself but then I think my nausea is always fairly mild. I can't think why that would happen, but maybe to do with the position of your uterus because it apparently moves up when your bladder is full. Does it help if you drink lots of water? Or worse because then you need the loo a lot more often? I guess you have no other symptoms of a new uti?

There's a lot of ladies waiting to announce until 20+ weeks. I am guessing you don't show by then? I'm only 10 weeks and it's already getting too obvious to hide! :blush:

Thanks for listening about my scan date. I worked out I will be 13+9 the day we travel home, so I can't postpone it until afterwards because it needs to be done by 14 weeks for the NT scan. I rang and asked if it could be done earlier but there are no appointments available at the moment. The lady was very helpful though and suggested I ring daily to check for cancellations.
So happy for you TTC :dance:

Florida I've not had anything similar either, sorry that I can't offer any help.

Everything calling daily sounds like a pain, I do hope they end up having a cancellation and can fit you in sooner. FX'd!!!
Hey everyone, sorry I haven't been around. Iv been feeling so unwell. I don't know why it's called morning sickness, it should be evening sickness for me :haha:.

So I still haven't bothered with a scan, for me I'm not sure as it will make me feel any better, secondly the outcome will be the same either way right? - I'm definitely feeling pregnant, and dare I say it even positive that all is OK.

So, symptom wise.
1. Dreadful excess saliva, I'm dribbling when I talk
2. Headaches
3. Aversion to meat, cigarettes and anything sweet smelling
4.craving tomatoes and cheese and Earl Grey tea, preferably all together.
5.constant nausea and tiredness!
6.huge weight gain, and believe it or not I can feel my uterus just above the public bone.....too soon I thought but apparently not for a third pregnancy!
7. Extreme thirst.

Anyone else have updated symptoms are all of you now getting less as heading towards second tri!
Thanks everyone. It is probably morning nausea as I had a sample checked and so far nothing. I guess I just expected symptoms to be going away because I'll be 11 weeks Friday. I haven't gone this far since pregnancy with my son 7 years ago.

Ttc- congrats on a good scan

Bselck- sorry you're not feeling well. I think that may be my case too as I've grtong sicker the closer to 2nd tri I get.

Everything- well I hope someone cancels and everything will be just fine

Lucy- definitely not too soon. My husband can feel mine right above my pubic bone as well. I'm definitely getting more symptoms.

Scan 2 weeks from Thursday will be 12 +6 so just hanging in there

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