Jan/Feb Rainbows 2017 (10 Rainbows have arrived!)

so im 10 weeks today. for the first pregnancy ever I am throwing up almost everyday...in the evening. dinner always does it to me. its miserable. however...here I am panicking again. I have a scan Friday so I wont have to stress long before I know...but this weekend we went on a float trip with my family. it was pretty relaxed. I did play a little sand volleyball (no diving or crazy running) just very light. then we were in the sun all day Saturday and on the raft. nothing too dramatic...had a little spat with my mom...but that always happens. however...sunday night when we got home I got up about 2am to go pee and had pinkish brownish discharge. I freaked out. hubby came running in and I told him im bleeding, he looked at it and said "that's not blood". what does he know. it looked like old but still a little pink. but then Monday nothing...today nothing. Im still sick as a dog and tired. I forced myself not to call the dr again yesterday. since it stopped im hoping its just more of the SCH cleaning itself out...but why is it pink? maybe because I played volleyball it started bleeding again? but then wouldn't it have bled Saturday? idk...im so confused and here I am going crazy again til Friday :wacko:

as for our gender reveal...I am soooo torn!! I want to wait until birth but hubby is adamant (sp?) on finding out the gender. weve talked about a gender reveal party/baby shower with a piñata that's filled with pink or blue candies (hes Hispanic so seems fitting). but idk....ive always wanted to wait til birth to be surprised and this is probably our last so ill never get the chance again. what are you guys all doing?? gender reveal or waiting? if a gender reveal...how are you doing it?
Jami- I wouldn't worry! It's stopped and could have just been from a difference in activity than your body was used to!

I haven't thought of a gender reveal party or how to announce since I feel like when I announce on social media I'm just going to double announce with the gender. But I love the piñata idea! I could see myself just doing a small get together with a cake to cut with a pink or blue inside :)
How have you been today Jami? Your strong symptoms gives me lots of hope that the bleeding was just from your SCH or from overdoing it a little with the volleyball. Sending lots of positive thoughts, and hope you still have great symptoms but no more blood! :hugs:
a girl here at my work just did the cake gender reveal...but poor thing her and her husband wanted a boy and she was convinced it was a boy...and of course the cake was pink lol. oh well. as my 5 year old son says "you get what you get, and you don't throw a fit".

I have had absolutely no spotting or cramping. just worrying lol. I have still been so sick...puked at auto zone last night waiting for my hubby to get a new battery for the truck. that was embarrassing. I didn't even make it to the trash :blush: I thought id be getting better but this week is by far my worst, even my worst pregnancy considering I never puked with the others. but I read that week 10 it peaks so hopefully it goes down now.

only 2 more days til my scan and I cant wait!! is anyone else 10ish weeks? or does anyone else have a scan coming up this week?
Sorry you're sick jami. But also glad to know you're symptoms are hanging in strong. I think you'll be fine and good luck on your upcoming scan. I'm currently 10+5 will be 11 weeks Friday. No scan for 2 more weeks
Yes Jami, I'm about 10+3 now and my MS does seem a bit worse this week. I've been let off quite lightly though and have only actually thrown up once this pregnancy (which was a couple of days ago when I took 3 tablets). I'm convinced it's another boy as it's so similar to my DS1 and DS2 pregnancies.

It does sound like everything is ok for you Jami, I'm sure it must have been very scary for you though. Fast forward to your next scan so you can get some reassurance x
Hi Jami, sorry to hear about your bleeding but lucky you have a scan in a couple of days so you'll be able to check everything is ok. I'm 10+1 and my MS symptoms are starting to fade a bit. It's more extreme tiredness at the moment. I seem to hit a certain point everyday and then after that am exhausted. I don't get a chance to rest much during the week as I work full time but try to catch up on sleep at the weekends. I had a scan 4 days ago and my next one is 2 weeks today. Good luck with your scan x
Thinking about it my sickness peaked at the end of last week and hs gotten better daily this week. Almost non existent most days.
I guess the one thing I can be thankful for is that I have evening sickness. I don't puke til after 6 or 7 pm and I get off work around 6 or 630. So I make it through the day ok. Just have to eat very healthy cause anything greasy or too salty will ruin the day. I did wake up to some slight cramping today. No spotting. Did DTD last night so maybe that's it?? Gosh tomorrow cant get here quick enough.
Glad your sickness seems to be waning Florida. I'll probably be more comforted for mine to hang around until my scan :haha:

Jami, what time is your scan tomorrow? Not long to wait now :hugs:

AFM, I have managed to bring forward my 12 week scan to Tues 26th, so 12 days' time when I will be around 12+2. I know how you feel counting down to tomorrow Jami, the 26th can't come quick enough for me! x
I hope you start feeling better soon lucy.

florida just 2 weeks til your scan :D

Jami good luck at your scan tomorrow. I love the idea of a pinata...but I'm with you and love the surprise! I hope that you guys are able to agree on whether or not to find out. I would pin the cramping on DTD for sure.

Everything I'm glad they were able to get you an earlier scan :dance:

I've been pretty symptom free with this pregnancy. Up until about 10 weeks when a subtle all day nausea started and has hung around. The exhaustion I was feeling in the beginning seems to be waning, which is good. Though with the sick feeling I'm really unmotivated. :(

I have been feeling baby wriggles :cloud9: Last week I thought I was, but it wasn't consistent at all. It's much more frequent and consistent now. Last night as I was laying in bed I felt really great flutters and rolls for a good 5 minutes. I try to remind myself not to flip out if I can't feel movements since LO is still so small, but I'm really excited!!

Oh, Everything I completely glossed over your query earlier. I actually get quite a nice bump early on due to a short torso. The only reason I'm able to 'hide' the pregnancy so long is that I don't live super close to family and I'm a SAHM. I can mask my bump with layers until about 16 weeks, after that it's over :haha:

Hope all our ladies are doing well...even you lurkers :D
I'm blessed and proud to show off this little one!!!! Dh and I had a private reassurance scan and saw the most gorgeous dancing little bean! The baby was flipping upside down moving all around kicking its arms and legs. My DH cried the entire time and I still feel a big sense of disbelief. Baby measure 11 weeks exactly which I will be tomorrow. God is good and prayer definitely works.


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OH Florida! How amazing! The power of prayer is great!! I am smiling ear to ear for you right now!

As for me, my nausea seems to be getting better this week but the nights are still rough! I get the most sick and CANNOT get comfortable when to trying to lay down to sleep!

I am naturally a tummy sleeper, but knowing I have to sleep on my side during pregnancy, my body just naturally adapts. That being said, my left shoulder and left hip have been so sore and crampy from always laying on my left side! Anyone have any positions that work for them or any tips to help increase my comfort level!?
Beautiful scan photos Florida! So happy for you.

Bselck I've been sleeping on my back with pillows propping me up, I still get nauseous at night so this helps me but I do miss sleeping on my tummy x
Amazing news Florida! :dance:

Sorry to hear nights are rough Bselck. Have you considered one of those large pregnancy pillows?
Thanks ladies. I still sleep on my stomach in bed. He only way I can sleep on my back or side is the couch. But the pillows do work. They have a new one that has a hole so you can sleep on your stomach
I love my snoogle pillow. I alternate positions with it. There are multiple illustrated positions on the package. I usually either put my head and the top snoogle and prop my top leg on top of the bottom snoogle, or I use the pillow to lay against with my back. That kind of gives me the sensation of sleeping on my back without actually sleeping on my back. Good luck!
Congrats floridamom. I'm sure you are thrilled. That beautiful little bean is thriving! Yay!
SBelk I am 100% a tummy sleeper. I still do but put a pillow under one leg and put my leg in an L shape so my tummy is propped in the air. It makes sense to me but reading this idk if it will to anyone else lol
Florida how awesome! So happy for you! :happydance:

I used to pretty much always sleep on my left side, but the last few months I have stayed in that position awake for far too long reading my phone and it has made my shoulder sore :blush: I'm therefore having to switch onto my right side. I've never been a tummy sleeper. I do remember when bump gets bigger, using another pillow between my legs, I think it helped to balance me better.

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