Jan/Feb Rainbows 2017 (10 Rainbows have arrived!)

Busy- I think he may get the results in an envelope to surprise me. I'm not sure I'll be able to wait though.

Jojo- I get a scan at 11am. I'm nervous to. Just breathing through it
Good luck with your scan!! We've been awake since 4 a.m. waiting. Only 6 more hours to go!
Bselck I'm so glad they have got a plan in place I'm have fortnight lt scans too and then a detailed scan at 22 weeks to check my placenta as they don't know why I mc last time. Baby was fine heard hb a vouole of hours before but I was in labour!
Hopefully the plans in place will get us to the end xxx
Hope everyone who has scans today that all is well x

Eta just realised that it was 11+1 I lost the twins, I'm 11+3 now, so I completely missed that milestone :dohh: iv been working myself up all week to get to Thursday, awaiting a bleed to begin.
Lucy- glad you're scan is scheduled.

Jaime- please don't let her get to you. I know how hard it can be, but I've found myself putting up an emotional wall between myself and any family members or friends who are mistreating me or stressing me out for now. I'd never forgive myself if anything happens. Fx everything's ok hon. I'm sure it is. Good luck with your scan tomorrow.

Jojo- hope you're ok and not too stressed! Fx and can't wait to see your beautiful baby!

Jlou and bselck- glad you have plans in place. We are all almost to the 2nd tri! So happy to share this with you all and can't wait to start seeing these beauties make their appearances

Afm- trying to be ok but I'm feeling kind of sick honestly. Just a bundle of nerves. I've never made it far enough to get to go any ob appts so that's almost more nerve wrecking than the scan! Geez. Scan is first at 11, then appt is at 11:30. Then tomorrow I'm in 2nd tri! Feeling a lot more safe. Then only 2 weeks until we ind out the gender. I'm just still in shock about this all. I've had to tell my clinical instructor for the RN program I'm pregnant as sometimes we have to go to radiology as a part of clinicals. She was excited and I was hair doing my numb yeah thanks. Smh I wish I had that innocence again but I love and appreciate this lo more already.
I'm feeling really crampy today and have lots of increased discharge! I can't get an apt with the doctor wondering where I should ring the hospital? Don't know if it's normal cramping or something to worry about!! X
Sending big hugs and good luck dust to everyone having a scan today!!!

So last night I had what I assume was an anxiety attack. I was having cramps, hard time breathing, couldn't sleep, so stressed. My MIL came in our room twice at 11 and midnight to ask stupid questions....waking us up when we have to work tomorrow. So I woke my husband up and told him I thought I was having an anxiety attack. He cuddled me and we fell asleep. I feel better today. Thank god. But that was scary yesterday. Thank you everyone for ur nice words. Hopefully after tomorrow I can just relax and enjoy this pregnancy.
Here's a picture of our little one today actually a few minutes ago at 12+6. The us tech at the midwifes office was very impersonal and rude. This whole appt has been going screwy. The doctors here are great but the office staff can be really rude. We still haven't seen the midwife. Hoping she'll be nicer. They tired to get me to pay $242 after I confirmed my cost for today would be $20! They argued me down and after looking up my insurance she said,"see you do owe us that!" Then I pointed below that and showed them I'd met my deductible already this year. Smh. Then she said oops sorry my mistake. The front desk receptionist didn't bother to apologize for her rudeness.


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I'm feeling really crampy today and have lots of increased discharge! I can't get an apt with the doctor wondering where I should ring the hospital? Don't know if it's normal cramping or something to worry about!! X

Iv had so much discharge it's rather discusting! So I can say in all honesty that's normal. I'm always a bit crampy, but if it's more than your used to I'd drop your midwife a call :hugs:

Im feeling so rough today, sick, more tired than iv ever been, moody and headachy :( I know I was worried cause this had passed, but now I'm looking forward to second tri to try and have some normality again!
ditto on the cramping and discharge. come on 2nd tri!!!!! :happydance: I need some relief
Lucy :hugs: hoping you're feeling ok. I still find myself checking for blood. It's sad that our innocence for pregnancy has been stripped away. Hope you're feeling ok. Symptoms are reassuring but they are getting tiresome after so many weeks.

Jlou- I also have been having cramping and discharge since day 1. If there's excessive discharge or cramping, or if the discharge becomes malodorous I'd call the ob.
My ob does the panarama test standard now as genetic testing along with the nt scan(they did that today and didn't give me numbers, but they said everything went really well). So we will know in 7-14 days how our baby did and the gender 100%. I'm so excited!
I don't know it's more than normal or just that I haven't done much today unlike other days where I'm
Always on the go so maybe I'm noticing it more!
Also struggling going to the toilet so that's going to cause pain!
Just can't wait for the next 4 weeks to be over so I can relax!
Lovely scan Florida! Sorry they weren't very nice! Some people are in the wrong job!! Xx
Hi ladies, had an amazing scan today. Baby doing really well, was wriggling around a lot. Such a massive relief. We are both over the moon! :happydance:
Great scan Florida! :thumbup: Do you have an inkling whether this baby is a boy or girl? I wonder whether you feel your pregnancy has been similar to your previous DS, or one/both DD's?

My mum reckoned she knew my little brother was a boy because she had already had a boy, then me, and said 3rd pregnancy was just like first. My OH's sister has 3 boys though and said all 3 pregnancies were different.
My ob does the panarama test standard now as genetic testing along with the nt scan(they did that today and didn't give me numbers, but they said everything went really well). So we will know in 7-14 days how our baby did and the gender 100%. I'm so excited!
Really pleased everything went well with your scan, that is great you will know the gender soon. I have to wait another 10 weeks!
lucy I'm glad you've finally got a scan date. Those disappearing, reappearing symptoms are crazy. Hope you're not feeling too poorly.

Jlou glad the infection has cleared and that you're going to be monitored so closely during this pregnancy. Did you end up ringing for the cramps? Or just take it easy and hydrate?

florida I hope he makes it a great surprise for you. It's wonderful that your instructor was happy for you. It must have been hard to make the decision to tell her, I'm glad she was understanding. I'm very sorry about the rude staff and sonographer. :( Your scan picture is beautiful though and I hope that's given you even more reassurance. Glad the NT measurement was good.

Jami very sorry about your in-laws :hugs: I think if my MIL was being that inconsiderate I would have ripped into her. How long is she staying with you? Only 1 more sleep until your scan, I hope that you are able to manage some rest instead of a sleepless night worried

Bselck the shots don't sound at all fun, but anything for our babies <3 Good luck preparing for your getaway, I hope that you enjoy every minute of your parents being around

Jojo I'm so happy your scan went well!!! Unfortunately for whatever reason I can't see the photo :shrug: Anyone else having that problem?
Lovely photos Florida and jojo, so glad all is well x
My ultrasound and follow-up appt. were this morning. Both went really well. Nearly all my lab work came back clear from last week, except my thyroid. I have Hashimotos' but atm it's decided to swing the other way. We're going to leave my dose where it's at for the time being though. Baby's HB was around 160 and was super active, making getting pictures a wee bit difficult. But here's our little pea pod...weighing in at a massive 3oz. :haha:


The scan also confirmed I've got complete previa, my OB reminded me of my restrictions and we'll peek back in on things at the 20 week scan.
Jojo I can't see the picture either. Not sure why.

Everything- I feel like it's a girl but I never had a day of sickness or weight gain with my girls only tired. With my son I was sick for 3-4 months before I realized he was in there! (I'd never had ms so I didn't know what was wrong lol). So symptom wise I'd say boy but I think girl. We'll see

Thank you cupcake xx

Thank you ladies xx
Busy- beautiful scan pic! Continue to get rest. Hoping your thyroid Levels stay well managed. We really of forget how much of an effect pregnancy has on our bodies.
Have adjusted the privacy settings for the photo, so hopefully you can see it now?


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