Jan/Feb Rainbows 2017 (10 Rainbows have arrived!)

Jlou how are you? I hope you have managed to get seen and that everything is ok? Thinking of you :hugs:

Busy, good to hear from you. I'm the same, I haven't bought a thing yet and although I'm now ok telling people I'm pregnant, I still don't like saying "I'm having a baby" because I fear I'll jinx things. I have been doing lots of reading up on gender guessing (nubs etc) though, and I'm counting down the days to my 20 week scan. I think I can only concentrate on each milestone at a time.
I think I'll start feeling more confident if/when I pass 24/28 weeks marks.

Hope everyone else is doing great.
Hi all,
Amnio went ok - I won't say that it was a pain-free procedure though. Took complete rest for two days as I was so scared to do anything. We are still waiting for the results as it'll take 5 working days to get the FISH report and moreover, they had to send the sample to a hospital in different place, in-fact, different state owing to all the legal restrictions here regarding gender reveal :dohh:

So, hopefully, I should get the results by Friday or Monday. Another week's wait :growlmad:

As for the movements, I have started feeling definite pokes in the left when I lie to my left side. And on the day of amnio, I told the Dr about this and she confirmed it's the movements as the baby was towards the left side at that time too when I felt the movements.

For those struggling with constipation, I have always found relief in warm water + lemon + honey if you need as first thing in the morning. If not, do ask for stool softener because all these pains and anxiety is difficult to go through.
Jlou how are you? I hope you have managed to get seen and that everything is ok? Thinking of you :hugs:

Busy, good to hear from you. I'm the same, I haven't bought a thing yet and although I'm now ok telling people I'm pregnant, I still don't like saying "I'm having a baby" because I fear I'll jinx things. I have been doing lots of reading up on gender guessing (nubs etc) though, and I'm counting down the days to my 20 week scan. I think I can only concentrate on each milestone at a time.
I think I'll start feeling more confident if/when I pass 24/28 weeks marks.

Hope everyone else is doing great.
I am exactly the same as you ladies. We have started telling a lot more people now but I don't think I will really believe this pregnancy is happening until I am holding the baby in my arms x
Sanjan, glad the amino went ok. Hope the next week doesn't go too slowly for you and fx for good news x
Jlou how are you? I hope you have managed to get seen and that everything is ok? Thinking of you :hugs:

Busy, good to hear from you. I'm the same, I haven't bought a thing yet and although I'm now ok telling people I'm pregnant, I still don't like saying "I'm having a baby" because I fear I'll jinx things. I have been doing lots of reading up on gender guessing (nubs etc) though, and I'm counting down the days to my 20 week scan. I think I can only concentrate on each milestone at a time.
I think I'll start feeling more confident if/when I pass 24/28 weeks marks.

Hope everyone else is doing great.

Thank you everything! Haven't been seen officially. A friend who is a midwife came to see me and checked baby's heartbeat and baby was all ok and tomorrow she is going to help me get my scans booked in! At last, in going to get my midwife changed to as the one I see was really unhelpful!
The pains have eased, I've managed to go to the toilet over the weekend, thank god! I've got an appointment with my GP tomorrow, to get some stool softener! We decided to tell the kids because they have started to realise something was up! And kept asking why I was always feeling poorly! They are happy and I managed to hear baby's HB on my Doppler me they were fascinated! Im not buying anything till I'm past 24 weeks also!

Sanjan I'm sorry it was painful but I'm glad it went OK! Hope it won't take long to get the results! Thinking of you!

Glad all you other ladies are doing well and I'm thinking of you all! Can't wait to see all the 20 week scans ☺️
Jlou I'm glad you were able to hear the baby and that things will get started on switching MW.

SanJan I'm sorry you have a bit of a wait for the results. Praying for good news :hugs:

Anyone else still having bouts of sickness? Just been sick again, so terribly my throat is on fire and bleeding. :(
I can totally relate to you ladies. even though im 17 weeks +, im still not convinced im taking this one home!!! I cant help being pessimistic. I am feeling quite a few pokes and rolls though. id say everyday. usually in the mornings after I have my coffee or at night if I lay on my stomache its like she doesn't like it and pokes me to move. I love it :happydance:
Happy 17 weeks Jojo!!!!
And 18 weeks Everything!!!!

It's been a little quiet, hope everyone is doing okay!

When is everyone scheduled for their 20 wk anatomy scan?
Thank you Busy!! I have my 20 week scan on the 28 September, so 4 weeks tomorrow. Eek! Can't wait for another scan and to find out the sex of the baby. Hope you are feeling better and your family is settling in well to the new school routine x
Ok atm, still feeling anxious! Kids at so so excited bless them! I have my 20 week scan on 24th September! Can't wait to see baby again! I'm still struggling to get my cervical length scans booked pin, so il be popping up to the antenatal clinic tomorrow! Hopefully they will do it for me then!
We will be staying team yellow, much to the kids disgust they are begging me to find out!! Xx
Jlou, that's great that your pains have eased off and that you're getting a different midwife sorted. I hope you get your scans sorted soon.

SanJan, good luck for your amnio results :hugs:

I've got my 20 week scan on 13th September, so just under 2 weeks now! Eek!
idk if its hormones are what....but I feel crazy! :wacko: I have ZERO patience for anyone. I am snapping at snappy people, getting very annoyed with people at work, easily annoyed by DH. thankfully im still ok with my babies...they are the only ones I can stand right now. everyone else is just UGH!! anyone else feel like this? please tell me its common for this time in the pregnancy.
Crazy day. I started feeling my baby girl move and I realized that my loose pants are snug. (My snug pants don't fit anymore). Guess this weekends trip to buy maternity clothes hasn't come a bit too early!
Haha Jami! I was like that over the weekend and spent most of Saturday in tears! My poor OH is going through hell with my mood swings! Don't even get me started at work, the people I could barely tolerate before, now im just having to bite my tongue!.
Ahh TTC that's lovely! So happy you have started to feel your little one 😍 My clothes are belief fitting now!! X
My clothes are getting snug too. Not much longer till I will be really showing :) trying to make do with my normal clothes and holding off on the maternity gear for as long as possible (I have brought some loose tops though) I have been terribly moody during this pregnancy as well. I put it down to stress/worrying and pregnancy hormones. My OH bears the brunt of it unfortunately. Seem to be able to hold it together at work and most of the time with my LO. Have a good day everyone x
Hello ladies.

I've been away for a family holiday, barely any internet for the last 2 weeks, seems I've missed loads but hopefully I can catch up.

Hope everyone is well, hope these babies are behaving.

Afm- I look pregnant, no hiding it, felt a massive flip from baby on holiday but movements are still random and so light I keep thinking I'm imagining it. Still vomiting most mornings but the nausea is better throughout the day, my biggest complaint at the moment is pelvic/ groin pain, feel like an old lady, never experienced pgp before, hope I either get used to it/ doesn't get worse because it's starting to get to me.

I do have my anomaly scan to look forward to on the 14th, can't wait.
Finally got my cervical length screening scan booked for Monday! I had to threaten to make a complaint tho! Xx
Glad all is well with everyone. I've been snappy too. I yelled at dh because all the snacks I bought to bunker down during the storm were open at once. :haha: I was in tears and threatened divorce. Poor dh. I'm 18 weeks tomorrow. My anatomy scan is 9/22. I'm a little nervous as my bump is there but barely in the mornings. She's definitley grown a lot from the last us. Keeps us in prayer ladies as there's a tropical storm headed nearby. Kids are out of school today.
Florida my anatomy scan is the 22nd too!!! I'm so excited, but it still seems forever away
Florida hope everything is OK with the storm! That sounds scary!

Still not feeling much movement here, bits and pieces although haven't felt anything this last day or so, hoping all is OK in there, they are still so tiny ar this stage.

Iv started buying in nappies and wipes. No clothes yet as waiting for my 20 week scan, which is booked for 27th September!

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