Jan/Feb Rainbows 2017 (10 Rainbows have arrived!)

Hi ladies, good news from me. Have had the scan and everything is fine. The baby is tucked in really close to the placenta which is why I can't feel many movements. And... Am having a baby girl !! My OH is over the moon as he was desperate for a girl (he already has 2 boys). Am just happy baby is ok with a strong heartbeat 😀

Ahh that's great news JoJo this is a girl dominating thread! Glad everything was OK! So exciting xx
You might have an anterior placenta try not to worry! How long until your next scan? Xx

A week on Tuesday, I have a consultant appointment tomorrow though. So will ask about anterior placenta and see if they will check heartbeat. I'm so scared. However it's not like iv ever felt lots of movement, only bubbles and that hasn't really changed.

Yer I don't see why the wouldn't check the heartbeat. My sister in law is 29 weeks and still struggles
With movement spends a lot of time up the hospital being monitored because of anterior placenta! It's so hard after a loss not to think of the worst! I've everything crossed that all will be ok! Xx

Thankyou, it means a lot that people care. I *think* I felt movement when I was in the bath, so feeling a little more relaxed, still dreading tomorrow though, I hate hospitals with a passion!

Busy, I'm worrying for you now, I really really really hope everything is OK and your just enjoying time with family x x
Jojo yay for a beautiful baby girl!!!! Glad she is do if great!

Lucy- it's still nerve wrecking for us pregnant after loss. Never feel like you can't vent here.
Lucy, I second what Florida said... vent all you like here, we all understand and I'm sure have all vented at one time or another :hugs: Just wondering, do you wear lose clothing? Only reason I ask, is that I seem to get biggest movements when my jeans cut in around baby when I lean forward or something, it's like she's protesting :haha:

Jojo, that's great news! Team pink too, lots of :pink: babies here now!

Florida, lovely bump :thumbup: I still haven't done a bump pic, but I HAVE cleaned my mirror at last! :rofl:
No no tight clothing haha, I can't bear waistbands across my tummy at the moment, so I stick to dresses etc. I haven't really changed in size and haven't gained a lb since my booking in appt either :shrug: so not sure what's going on, hopefully il balloon fairly soon!
I agree vent away sometimes it helps! If you are really worried just ring your midwife, they are happy to help! Pregnancy is such a worrying time anyway and after suffering a loss, it makes all of that worry magnified! Let us know how you get on at your apt tomorrow xx
Hi all,

Congrats on all the gender reveals :flower: This is definitely a :pink: dominated thread.

JLou, I think it was you asking about the cervical length, somehow I can't remember who it is :dohh: Have you had a check again for the same? I'm asking because, the progesterone shots are really helping me and the length have increased from 2.45cm to 3.05cm. So, let me know how the dr appointment goes and ask them about the progesterone shot if needed.

Busy - I really hope everything is fine at your end :flower:

Florida - sorry for pitching in late, but try not to worry much about the measurements, esp., when the Doppler blood flow is fine and you have adequate amniotic fluid(if either of them was a problem they would have mentioned it to you). I'm saying this with the experience of having a previous severe IUGR loss. As long as these two parameters are ok things should be fine. Every baby has their own growth chart and it depends on lot of factors - genetics, the way we carry, etc.

Lucy - If you are pretty sure about anterior placenta, relax a bit about the movements. I know it sucks, I remember the countless number of times I was in hospital just to check on the baby because I had anterior placenta last time and I couldn't feel the baby movements. In fact, I just had very few flutters and pokes towards 24weeks last time.

As for me, doing good. All the bloat is disappeared and have a nice round bump now so, have told a few friends in office. Still haven't told all my family - they all stay out of town. We are waiting to hit 22 weeks for that as that was the time when we found out the issues with Ananya. I'm really anxious and a bit worried too about my scan. Once I cross this stage, I think, I will be more positive about this pregnancy.

So, hoping that everything goes well on 21st.
Hope you're OK Busy!

Florida - hope you're enjoying the baby moon! I just said to DH last night that I'd love for DD to have a sleepover before baby comes, to give us a night out! She's never slept away from us before.

Anterior placenta do make it difficult! Both with DD and this one I've had an anterior one, although I feel more movement with this one.

We got back from NZ yesterday. Now my body clock is all out of whack!
Back from my consultant appt, they didn't bother doing a doppler check, just said it's very early to worry about movement :( I did however feel baby move when BP was being taken, and a fair bit in bed
Have a gtt booked for Friday aswel now x
Lucy sorry they didn't check! Is it not routine to check at each appointment? It is here. Hope the gtt goes well. I'm dreading mine!
Lucy- I bought maternity jeans finally and I can wear those but nothing else over my belly. She still will protest in those if I lean forward also there's s certain side she hates if I sleep on and she'll act up then. She however moved once (that I noticed) so I know it's hard. My ob/midwife is the same. Too early don't worry until I think 28 weeks they say.

Sanjan- thank you. Iugr is my worry as I know several women from the recurrent mc thread who've dealt with it and it was my worry. They didn't say anything about blood flow or fluid levels so I believe it's ok. Good luck on your scan this week xx. Hoping all will be well.

Vankiwi I am thank you! Still not sleeping very late but have been getting up st 4:30-5:30 vs 3am. So I feel 100x better. Time zone crossing is so terrible. Trying to catch up is just torture. You guys should have a sleep over. I miss my littles but being able to eat dinner without stopping to cut food or fix seconds or break up a fight(my youngest is almost 7! When does this stop? Lol). Take advantage of even a nights break.
Hey SanJan, it was me. I have another scan on Saturday so hopefully all is ok with my cervix and the progesterone pessaries are helping! I'm also due to have a Doppler scan to check blood flow to and from my placenta! But I don't know if they will do that this time or book in another one for 22 weeks! Not long and you will be over your milestone ☺️ Have everything crossed for you, when is your anomaly scan?

Lucy I hope everything goes well Friday! You should of made them check! It's routine for us to have Doppler checks at every appointment!
Gtt are the worst dreading mine too! Hope yours goes Ok vankiwi!
Lucy - sorry, they didn't give you a Doppler check to reassure you. As everybody said, it's a routine here as well in every appointment. But, yayy for baby moving :thumbup:

Florida - Happy to help :flower:

Jlou - Good to know that the pessaries are helping. I was in pessaries till 16 weeks. Then when Dr gave me an option between pessaries/weekly shot, I switched to shot without a question - I found the pessaries to be a bit messy business esp., since I had to take them twice a day.

GTT is always the worst test to take. Good luck with it Lucy & Vankiwi

My scan was on 22nd, but got it moved to 21st since DH will be out of town from 22nd. So, just one more day to go. Hoping that everything will be fine this time.
Also, just got a call from hospital that the complete report of Amnio has just come in and everything seems fine :happydance: So, that's a good sign and a good news I can really use now to calm my nerves.
hey ladies hope everyone is well. haven't really had much of an appetite lately. guess that's gods way of helping me keep the weight gain to a minimum? my dh cant understand why hes hungry all the time and im not. my belly button is starting to pop! so cute. 3 more days til my scan on the 22nd....man these last few days are dragging. I have already picked out a crib and travel system I want but I am forcing myself to wait til I get confirmation she is still a "she". love having you ladies to go through this wait with. ive always wanted a preggo buddy. I finally kinda had one this time, but shes turning into a big pain and stress (involving me in all her relationship drama and trying to get me to watch her kid for days so she and her bf can "work it out" with a break from their daughter) so im trying to limit my time with her. she is used to people doing everything for her and giving her whatever she wants whenever she wants it. but what she doesn't understand is my hubby and I have 2 small children, jobs, sports, lives...and we have absolutely no relatives here! no grandparents, aunts, cousins...nothing. we do everything on our own and always have. if we need help with the kids, we figure it out between us and hire a babysitter. I just cant understand how she thinks I need more burden or work right now to "help her". she has relatives and other help here. im sorry you and your man are arguing...that's life. that's relationships. you cant just throw your kid on someone for a week everytime your life gets hard. unless you have a willing family member to do that, but don't ask me...someone whos already stretched thin time wise and preggo! im sorry...maybe I seem cold, but the only time she texts or calls is to ask me to do something for her (ie keep her kid, leave work to give her a ride somewhere, borrow money). and I just cant do it anymore. she tricked her man into getting pregnant (secretly stopped taking her bc pills) and now shes stressing saying how shes going to afford daycare for 2, they only have a one bedroom apt where will they all fit, they don't have enough money how will it work. girl, Idk...you did this. you shoulda thought about all this before you went and got preggo on purpose. plus her and her bf are abusive toward each other. its stuff I don't want to have to deal with right now. shes stressing me out and I had to vent. ugh....sometimes you just have to cut people off to "make" them learn to be independent.

feel free to scroll over this post lol.... I feel like im in middle school again with my journal. my dh is friends with her bf and says I should be there for them because we never know when we might need help. but in 9 years weve been together and all alone here in Dallas...weve never asked people to keep our kids or ask for money. we sucked it up and bucked up. take care of our own.

again sorry...im just losing my patience
Lucy - sorry, they didn't give you a Doppler check to reassure you. As everybody said, it's a routine here as well in every appointment. But, yayy for baby moving :thumbup:

Florida - Happy to help :flower:

Jlou - Good to know that the pessaries are helping. I was in pessaries till 16 weeks. Then when Dr gave me an option between pessaries/weekly shot, I switched to shot without a question - I found the pessaries to be a bit messy business esp., since I had to take them twice a day.

GTT is always the worst test to take. Good luck with it Lucy & Vankiwi

My scan was on 22nd, but got it moved to 21st since DH will be out of town from 22nd. So, just one more day to go. Hoping that everything will be fine this time.
Also, just got a call from hospital that the complete report of Amnio has just come in and everything seems fine :happydance: So, that's a good sign and a good news I can really use now to calm my nerves.

Oh I'd much rather have the weekly
shots im on the pessaries twice a day and of my they are messy! Drives me nuts!

Everything crossed that all goes well with your scan, I'm sure it will be! And yay for amnio coming back all good! Hopefully the next 20 weeks will be a walk in the park for us ladies xx
Aww Jami, I've had 'friends' like this in the past I looked after a friends little girl every morning for a year feeding her and taking her to nursery and I never as much got a thank you! If I ever ask her to look after my kids (which isn't often) and normally only for 20 mins after school coz I'm stuck and she's at the school anyway! She always has some excuse! I work full time now so I can't help her but now I'm expecting she ha already said maybe I could have her son 3 every morning and take him to nursery! When I don't have to take my own children and I'm going to have a baby! Think the answer is no! So it's not you being cold it's just not letting people take advantage of you!
Rant over lol! Xx
yes jlou....I am tired or being taken advantage of. ugh the nerve of people right?? I would never ask people to keep my kids without paying them. shoot...my hubby even pays his own mother to watch the kids when go visit them and he and I want to go out together. plus I keep telling her no....and she keeps asking. I think if someone were to tell me no two or three times id get the point and stop asking! I am not rude to her...yet... but geez chick....grow up and take responsibility for your actions. I think being a friend is being there to listen to each other, offer emotional support, and occasionally help each other if needed. not just because were friends I have to do everything for you you ever ask. I wouldn't dream of asking a pregnant person with 2 small kids to help me with anything. oh well. different perspectives on life I guess. im considerate and shes not
What is horrible about the GTT? Just curious as I have mine in November and haven't had one before!
The worst thing is not eating or drinking then drinking the lucozade makes you feel sick! And it's just long winded, waiting around is a pain!
I agree with Jlou, having that sickly drink when you've been fasting just makes you feel gross. I had the two hour test last time and passed, I'm going to ask if I can do the 1hr one this time! Have my OB appointment this afternoon.

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