Jan/Feb Rainbows 2017 (10 Rainbows have arrived!)

Let's try this again! 21 week bump!


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Everything happy 22 weeks!

Happy 21 weeks Bselck! Lovely bump :dance: Glad you had a nice visit with your parents and that Brody looked well. I'm thankful that they are keeping such a close eye on you. Love the scan of his sweet feet.

Jojo that half way mark feels pretty good doesn't it? Next milestone viability :yipee:

Cupcake I love your pushchair. I think even if we knew what we were having I'd still be drawn to neutral colours. That's lovely!

SanJan so relieved that everything looks well with your LO. Very sorry to hear that your cervix is misbehaving. I hope that the cerclage went well today and does it's job staving off an early entrance. Oh, super cute 3D shot as well!

Florida all of my babies have loved swings, but I have heard others say the exact opposite. But really $30 is a steal :winkwink:
Also, very sorry for your friends' loss :cry:

Jlou Congrats on your little :blue: bundle. That's sweet that the kids pressured you into finding out. I'm glad all looked well and I hope that you are on the mend and don't need hospitalization. That's really hard news that you need to find a new place, I hope that happens very quickly for you.

Jami glad your little girl looked perfect. I've had those leg cramps in the past. A magnesium,calcium, and zinc supplement did the trick for me. Sorry you are dealing with them. The timing for your moving doesn't sound great at all, especially with not a lot of family nearby to help :( Praying the lovenox injections are just what is needed to continue on with a healthy pregnancy and that your little girl doesn't need to come too early. That must be a little scary to think about. Praying for more great news in your upcoming scans.

TTC yay for good AFP results :wohoo: And you can't beat free! I don't mind hand me down items at all :D

FX'd for a great scan lucy!!

Van how are you doing? Settling back into a routine and over the jet lag?

USAF hope you and your little guy are doing well.

AFM: sorry my posts are sporadic lately. Just loads busy with the kids and then I think the weekends will slow and I'll pop on and it never works out that way.

A few days ago I woke with cramping and bleeding. I tried to rest as much as possible and thankfully it slowed and is completely gone now.

Does anyone else feel like a spoiled brat by even thinking of complaining about being pregnant? Because that's how I feel. Having experienced so much loss it's hard to admit that it's not pleasant all the time. I'm so thankful and hopeful that this little life will be our take home baby that I hate to diminish that by being negative.
On the way to my scan, made myself so nervous i feel sick :( will update after half 9!
Ofcourse absolutely everything is fine! I have a low lying anterior placenta that is basically blocking all movement, baby also lies with its back against it just to prevent any more movement!

Everything absolutely normal, baby a good size etc etc, and I'm now sporting a pink bump! :pink: I'm thrilled, I can't wait to tell my daughter, will pop up a photo when I'm home! And I'm going to book my 4d scan asap!
Bselck- cutest bump pic!!! You have the adorable pregnancy like now

Sanjan hoping all went well today :hugs:

Busy glad you're ok! That must have been such a scare! Are you on bedrest? I know the feeling with the littles. Trying to stay on top of their stuff and dh's. I also hate to say anything negative about pregnancy. I feel like it looks terrible because I've lost so many children before this one. But pregnancy is pregnancy no matter what. Vent with us because we get it :hugs:. Whenever I say I'm nervous I get lectured :dohh:. Especially amongst the women at church. Xx

Jlou hope you find a good place soon! It'll be nice to pick a fresh place for a fresh startxx

Jami glad to hear all went well at scan. Dealing with parents that don't always fulfill the parent role can be so tough. I'm glad dh's was there to help and I hope you have a smooth day with him today. I know it's nerve wracking to hear your lo is a little smaller but I'm glad they've found out and will be keeping s close eye on you and getting you back on lovenox.

Ttc- I love hand me downs! I have a bassinet coming xx

Lucy- good luck today!

Everything is going smooth here. Just trying to eat well and praying our baby is growing well. Appt is 3 weeks from yesterday. With another scan and appt. I've popped the last few days so I don't think we could have hid it until 20 weeks lol. I get movements sporadically still. Just hanging in there until the 17th. It's our oldest dd's daughter Saturday, middle dd's birthday next Friday, school starts back for me friday(12 hour Clinicals at 22 weeks pregnant yeah!!). Dh's birthday is 10/31, mine 11/15, days 12/17, last day of Rn school 12/16, baby shower 12/10. Add to that field trips, church events, holidays, and I essentially won't get a break until Christmas. Thankful we have such a busy next 3 months. Every time I look up in another week along.
Dr said hindsight is 20/20. If I don't do the shots, there's a good chance of everything being ok....but if I don't do the shots and baby isnt growing right they can't reverse it and will deliver me at 32 weeks. A big guilt trip basically on me to do them. Its too early to tell if baby is behind due to clotting or not. I've started the shots though so I hope on the 20th she's measuring perfect. If she's a few or more days behind again I'm sure panic will set in.
Jami :hugs: we are experience similar with our little measuring small. They are saying she's perfect just small and wait and see. Would you prefer not to do the shots?
I hate the shots...they hurt and I hate doing it myself. DH refuses saying he can't handle it. Of course I'll do anything for my baby. But I was so excited to make it thru the first tri....I stopped taking them and Dr said I should be ok after 13 weeks. Unless of course baby slows on growth...which it looks like that might be starting. I'm gonna continue taking them until 28 weeks and see how she's doing. If she's good then I might stop again.
Ahh cute bump pic bselck!

Ahh Lucy so glad all was well, suck a relief to know baby is moving as she starts to get bigger now you will feel her! So happy your having a little princess!
Ahh Jami I'm so sorry your going through so much! Just think at the end of it, it'll all be forgotten! Keeping everything crossed that all is ok for us all! Xx
Hoping her growth is good so you can stop them at 28 weeks. I took them in a previous pregnancy and even as a nurse those things suck
Does anyone else feel like a spoiled brat by even thinking of complaining about being pregnant? Because that's how I feel. Having experienced so much loss it's hard to admit that it's not pleasant all the time. I'm so thankful and hopeful that this little life will be our take home baby that I hate to diminish that by being negative.

Busytulip - I know exactly how you feel. Just so grateful to be pregnant and because of past experiences don't feel that I can complain about the times when I don't feel that great. Meanwhile my workmate who is also pregnant spends most of her time complaining that she is in pain every time the baby kicks her, she gets backache etc.
Me! I think that's why I've not been here posting, I don't feel positive and I've just been plain old miserable the last few days so feel I will only put a downer on the thread.

I'm wishing the weeks away, just want to hold my baby in my arms but any discomfort I experience I'm thinking the worst 😟

Anyhow... Lovely baby bumps and Jami I hope at 28 weeks your scan will show all is well with your gorgeous girl xxx
I don't really have anything to complain about at the moment, it's weird because at 20 weeks with my previous two I was in agony and wishing it away, this time it's a breeze so far. I'm obviously pregnant now but being on the large side anyway I haven't had any discomfort sleeping etc, hopefully I'm growing into my excess fat :haha:

Sorry to all of you who are having a rough time atm though, I know how tough it can be, try not to feel guilty :flower:
Jlou, wow 109 is quite fast! I hope you are feeling better soon. Did doc say what has caused it to go so high, is it just pregnancy?

Bselck, lovely bump picture :cloud9:

Busy, sorry to hear you were cramping and bleeding, that must have been scary :wacko: Thank goodness it has stopped. Totally understand what you mean about feeling spoilt complaining about pregnancy. I just can't help myself when people ask if I'm excited - I just can't pretend! Worried sums it up much better, but I've realised friends just don't get it (the odd one does but not in the main).

Lucy, great to hear everything perfect at scan... except your tricky little placenta blocking baby's movements! How rude! :haha: At least you know why you're not getting much movement right now. Congrats on your girl!

Florida, wow that's one busy schedule! I thought I was busy with both DS birthdays either side of xmas, you make my due date run up look relaxed! I agree it's great to have things to keep you busy.

Jami, I'm with you on the shots. My OH did then for me in my last 2 pregnancies but I've been doing them myself this time because they've increased the fluid in the actual injections and I'm totally covered in lumps and bruises. All worth it though.

Cupcake, complain away here if you need to! We get the rough and the smooth together.

Jojo, I had a friend on Facebook last year who was pregnant when I had my ectopic and she actually posted a total whinge about her pregnancy 2 days after my operation, just because she'd got something minor like a headache :shrug: I couldn't help but feel how insensitive she was, as I know she had been told what had happened. I resisted having a go but had to respond simply with "count your blessings x". I think she got it because she did tone down the whinges after that.
OK, done adulting (aka paying bills) and LO is sleeping so hopefully I can catch up real quick.

Yay for another little :pink: bundle lucy!! So glad you have some answers as to why you weren't/aren't feeling regular strong movements. I hope that has reassured you a little bit. THough I'm sorry to see that you have a low lying placenta as well. I think there are a couple of us. FX'd that they migrate up and out of the way.

Florida I was on bedrest, but in all honesty it's just not practical with a hubby that works away as often as mine and 6 other kiddos to care for. We have been adhering to strict pelvic rest this entire pregnancy though...poor DH. You've got a very busy time ahead. Praying all goes well and you are blessed with enough stamina and energy to keep up.

Jami I'm sorry you've got to do the shots, that must be rough as it's daily and over several months. I hope that you aren't bruising too badly. Positive thoughts for great measurements at your 28 weeks scan. Happy 21 weeks!

That's exactly it Jojo. I feel like if I complain then I may give off the wrong impression that I take this little miracle for granted. I'm sorry your co-worker is so negative, it would get hard to be around ever day.

Cupcake I don't think any of us would ever feel like you are being a downer. Pregnancy is hard...really, really hard. :hugs:

Oh yes Everything the worry is definitely still there. Not only do I feel guilty about complaining, but I also have those same feelings about planning to far ahead. I stopped myself from buying hardware for our cradle and a new mattress as I thought that I was getting too far ahead of things and may 'jinx' this pregnancy. It's an awful feeling. But on the flip side, I love the very sweet moments I get every day where I am able to cradle my bump, feel and see the baby moving and dancing around. I hope that you and Jami are able to commiserate about the injections together. More than half way there...and that's a fantastic thing! Happy 22 weeks!

Jlou are you feeling any better hun?

Van creeping on those double digits :dance:

Bselck how are your kids settling in to the new place and with all the changes? You must be so busy.

USAF hope you're doing ok luv and just busy with work.

Hope I've not missed anyone and that you're all having a great week.
Whew can't believe I made it through and LO is still sleeping :wohoo:
Feeling better but keep getting very short of breath, and not even after doing anything overly strenuous! I'm hoping it just because I've been feeling poorly and it'll stop soon!! When I feel baby move I feel him loads but sometimes I don't feel him!
I'm still stressing about having to move and I've spoken to the council who think our best bet is to private rent again, It's doable just so expensive where we are in London!
Has the cramping and bleeding stop, try and rest as much as possible!
So sorry everything and Jami doing shots all the time must be tough, it'll all be worth it tho!
I'm also not buying anything I think il wait until the last minute!
Hope the rest of you ladies are doing great! Xx
I can relate to the feelings of guilt over complaining. I've been feeling so hungry in the mornings that I've been feeling a little ill, but I feel bad complaining even to DH. Come to think of it, I'm hungry all the time as of this week. LO must be growing in there!
Any of you ladies have dry cracked nipples? I don't remember ever it happening in pregnancy before but it has been 6 years xx
No dry cracked nipples.....but my whole breasts itch!!! They feel like fire. I've even itched them so bad I've got a few scrapes on them. But thats how I always get. I dont have a single stretch mark on my tummy, but loads on my breasts.

On a positive note...I live in Dallas and its been so hot and miserable here, but the past few days have been cool and breezy. I love love love fall. I'm enjoying cuddling in bed, blankets on the couch for tv, warm coffee, and flannel jammies. Perfect time to have a bump :coffee:

Also thought I'd post a bump pic....please ignore the adult diapers in the background i was at work lol


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OMG! Itchy bbs! Yes! I can relate! My belly has started itching, too. My LO must be growing in there with all the hunger and itchy belly going on! LOL

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