Jan/Feb Rainbows 2017 (10 Rainbows have arrived!)

Cupcake what a lovely bump pic!
Bselck hope you little man continues sleeping in his own bed! My daughters 5 and will still occasionally get in our bed! My two are still arguing with me as I speak!
Hope all you lovelies have had a nice weekend!
I'm off to bed once the kids give in! I'm exhausted! Xx
BSelck, what an amazing story. Thank goodness that you gave birth at a hospital that would intervene x
Bselck - heres to hoping your little man stays in his own bed! - I still have a 3yo and a 6yo in my bed and its driving me berserk, my oh has slept on the sofa for bloody ages and frankly I miss my space. were getting them new fun bunk beds in the next week or so, so I'm hoping and praying that they decide its not to scary to stay in theyre own room. they were both fine until we were burgled a year or so back, but it out the fear into them and sleep has been an issue since!

have no felt any movement since 20 week scan here, however tonight have felt a few definite kicks tonight! - I hate anterior placenta, I feel like I'm missing so much but with any luck I will start to feel some really decent kicks soon!

and here is my 21 week bump picture! - excuse my filthy filthy mirror I didn't realise it was that disgusting until after I had edited the pic! iv suddenly popped and am no longer hiding the baby bulge!


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Nice baby bumps ladies!

AFM - DH and I went on a little trip this weekend to shop. After two hours my back was killing me! It's ridiculous how quickly this LO has started weighing on my back!
Having really bad pains in my bump,
Especially when walking I get a stitch type pain, My backs killing too! Anyone had anything similar? X
Wow what an amazing story....I can only hope that if something like that would happen to me my dr would go the distance to make sure my baby had a fighting chance.

Yes I have been having those pains. Feels like my uterus is stretching or being pulled. It lasts too. Not the typical quick pain. It hurts and worries me. Also my back feels like it has a pinched nerve. Cant lay flat on the floor.
Aww glad I'm not the only one! Used the Doppler and found little mana he straight away and he's been kicking quiet high compared to normal! I'm worried my body will let me down again! 2 more weeks to viability!
I hope if any of us where to go through that our doctors would give our baby's a fighting chances! Xx
Man girls I'm really struggling. I don't know what to do. They cut my hours at work and I'm not getting along with a coworker. I don't know if I should just hold out til baby is born, or if I should look for another job. I mean I can't imagine going to interviews with a big belly and them asking me what I'll do when the baby is born??? I mean obviously I'd need time off. But I'm sure they won't like that. Should I just hang on where I am and then quit here when she gets here? Then look for something else? But ugh....to stay here 4 more months is dreadful.
How do you know if the pains are streching, something to worry about or just wind pains! I've been woken up with sharp pains either side of my bump! I've also got a Uti! So many things could be causing me to be uncomfortable when do I need to worry! It's stressing me out!
Wow Bselck, your little guy is a proper fighter! I thought my friend's daughter being born at 28 weeks was a miracle but 23 weeks, that's something else! What you must have gone through... so glad your little man has done so well!

Cupcake and Lucy, love your bump pics. Lucy I had to giggle, so glad I'm not the only one with dirty mirror syndrome :haha:

Jami, that's a tough one. Could they separate you and your colleague, or is it a small place?

Jlou, ouchy :wacko: Pains on both sides of your bump sound likely to be stretching pains. I'm sure your UTI can't be helping things, so let's hope that gets cleared up real soon. If you're still worried, I'd get in touch with your doc / midwife to talk it over to check they think it's normal pregnancy stuff.

Hope you are all doing great. I sat and wrote out much longer replies yesterday morning and then managed to delete it all, doh!
Everything I saw my GP who is sure it's just side effects from infection! My anxiety has hit an all time low! My OH is normally really supportive but is being really distant which he does when he has a lot on his mind! He's works been slow(self employed) we are trying to move and making sure baby stays happy and healthy as well as keeping the kids settled and in a routine is tough!
I've been really worrying about everything even things that I'm pretty sure people will think I'm crazy about!!
Glad to see good updates. Huge hurricane headed to the east coast of Florida. We are on the west but still suppose to get lots of rain winds, hoping it doesn't make landfall as its suppose to be catastrophic. Supposed to start really getting here over night. Hoping I can sleep at all. Keep us all in your prayers. Haiti has been devastated, Bahamas being hit now.
I'm in central Florida west of Daytona. Hope all goes well.
Ttc glad you are inland. This is much more nerve wracking being pregnant. I've not seen a serious storm like this in years. Stay safe!
I agree. DH had to run to Daytona to board up his mom's house. He's promised to be back in the morning before the storm hits, but I'm really distraught about it.
Hey ladies!

Thank you so much for the prayers and well wishes for my son! His story is nothing short of a miracle and I will always cherish every moment with him!

Speaking of 23 weeks... I'm about 5 days away from when I had Zack and thank God I had a cervical length check today which allowed for a transvaginal scan as well as a quick regular sonogram on baby! I was so nervous and anxiety ridden this morning that I was nauseous and had convinced myself it was a sign of preterm labor! Nope! Everything looks great! Cervix is still long and closed, my fluid is at 17cm (which they said normal is 8-20 so I def have enough fluid and nothing is leaking!) Heartbeat was 157bpm, and we got some more pictures!

Baby is head down again and when she had me push (while checking my cervical length they have you push to see how your cervix reacts to pressure and if it shortens) his head was right up against it! So crazy to see how something so big will soon be going down that little tunnel!!

The doctor in the end was happy with my appointment and Results and said I should be pregnant for much longer! It was so good to hear and such a relief!

As for all the ladies in Florida! Please be careful and stay safe! Sending my prayers!

Talk to you all soon! I will try and post a new baby pic from today's scan later on!!
Bselck, that's great news! :happydance: You must be so relieved. Looking forward to pic.

Florida and TTC, that must be so scary! We've never had anything like that in the UK, it all seems to be getting so much more extreme as the years go by and global warming continues. Wishing you all stay safe :hugs:

Jlou, do you have people other than OH for support? Is there anything else you can usually do to help manage your anxiety? This is such a stressful time, particularly for us ladies who are pregnant after loss. I hope you are getting support (of course you know we're here for you but it's not the same as irl support) :hugs:
Bselck I'm glad you were in the best place at the best time and your son is do if amazing! Even more glad you got reassurance that your lo is snug and everything seems to be doing well. I can't imagine your worry as this time has approached, but you are doing well and I pray your pregnancy continues that way.

Jlou I know it's not easy to deal with all the anxieties. Rather others thing it makes sense it not isn't important. I used to deal with severe crippling anxiety after #3 and it took a while to get over. Now I do have to stop my mind from going in that direction at times. I would talk to someone if it's getting to be a lot to handle for you. Sometimes it helps just to get it out.

Everything thank you. It's a beautiful place to live but can be dangerous at times. This is the 2nd major one and there is another tropical storm brewing out there at this moment.

Ttc I hope he gets back soon and safely. I'm up can't sleep because I'm nervous and so grateful thAt it hasn't made landfall. I didn't know you were so close! We stYed in keystone heights about 1hr from st Augustine on our baby moon. We are about 1-2 1/2 hours from central Florida. Maybe we can have a meet up one day.
That is great news BSelck. You must be so relieved.

Jlou, sorry to hear about your anxiety. You know that we are always here for you.

And really glad to hear the ladies in Florida are doing ok. Stay safe!

Things are ticking along with me. Still waiting for my belly to pop 😳 So not in maternity clothes yet. Feeling generally ok and a bit more relaxed now I can feel the baby move more and I'm nearly at 24 weeks!

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