Jan/Feb Rainbows 2017 (10 Rainbows have arrived!)

Busy- great V-day pic! My V-day is tomorrow and I cannot wait!!

Here is a pic of my cousins and I from Saturday when I threw her baby shower! I am the one on the left @ nearly 24 weeks, my cousin in the middle (whose shower it was) is 31 weeks along, and my cousin on the right is almost 20 weeks along!

I had them do an extra heartbeat check for me at my last progesterone shot appointment for reassurance and everything was great! Still in the high 150's!!

Hope everyone is doing well! :hugs:
Sorry here is the picture!...


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Lovely pic! You all carry very well, must be in the genes!
Glad that you were able to get that reassurance. Happy (nearly) V-day!!! :dance:
Aww lovely V-day pic busy what. Lovely bump! We view a house last week and met the landlord yesterday so hoping to hear today!
Work has been horrendous, its not that they have already got in my replacement I knew I would have to train somebody up, especially since my manager is new and hasn't got to grips with everything on the dept yet. But I'm trying to train him and he seems to have trouble with listening to women! I can't physically show him at the moment either so that's not helping I think he just sees it as me not doing anything!

Lovely pic bselck! Glad everything was well with little ones heartbeat! Happy V-day for tomorrow!

I'm at the hospital this morning for
My gtt and was meant to see my consultant but they booked my in for am and his clinic is pm and full! So I've got another trip back up here Monday!

Hope everyone is still doing well and growing! ☺️
Happy V-day Busy!! Amazing bump pictures Busy and BSelck 😀 Two days for me until V-day!! Get to listen to the babies heartbeat tomorrow as I have a midwife appointment in the morning. Can't wait!
So we have been accepted for the house we wanted but because my partner is self employed they want us to have a guarantor who earns £68,000! Our dads are both retired so don't earn that but have property and the only person that earns Nearly that high is my brother who earns £50,000! So stressful!!
Viability bump. 24+4

Growth scan update. Baby is overall about 2 weeks smaller than she should be. No big deal as this is normal (+/- 2 weeks is within normal limits). Her weight 15oz is that of a 22 weeker but again that's ok. The only issue that we are having (still) is that her arms and legs are consistently measuring about 2 1/2-3 weeks small. All genetics came back normal and every other part of her anatomy is normal as well(heart, chest, abdomen, spine, kidneys, etc), so they don't think it's any sort of dwarfism. Even her fingers appear to be normal in size (she has the cutest fingers). They are assuming(adding in our genetics) that she will be short and just have arms and legs that are a little shorter(basically she'll be stubby). Just like her dad, and aunts, and grandma. Ob has advised us not to worry at all he doesn't even want us to go to a specialist. We'll do growth scans at every appt(he said we have to because once the numbers are off they have to monitor growth and we get to see baby more.) other than that she is beautiful and healthy. And we are grateful.


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Gorgeous bump and scan florida. How are you holding up otherwise?

Jojo fx'd for a great appt.

Jlou that is really unfortunate about needing a guarantor, so does this mean you are still on the hunt?

Happy V-day Bselck!! :wohoo:

Anyone else getting BH's/contractions?
Because my other half is self employed it'll mean we will need a guarantor whereever! We have uncles that earn that but they aren't the helpful type!
Our car was broken into last night and all OH tools stolen! What's the saying "if it rain it pours" I'm not going to stress tho, baby is happily kicking away right now! Xx
Sorry to hear that jlou, so frustrating. Hope things start getting better for you both.

Gorgeous bump Florida, glad baby is doing well.

Anyone else's oh annoying them, it's not his fault but man... If looks could kill :haha:
good evening ladies.

great bump pics to you all!!! i cant believe we are all so far along and most of us have hit v-day!! so exciting.

sorry been MIA. we were in Houston on a ranch with family and absolutely no signal for the week. they did throw me a surprise baby shower though. ive never had one so that was sweet. makes it even more real im going to be a mommy of 3.

ive finally started craving things. gotta be careful. feel like I could balloon up fast. needed a blueberry muffin last night so my sweet dh ran to Walmart and got me a whole tray of them lol. I can tell hes finally getting excited about baby too. which is such a relief after the horrible 3 months of gender disappointment and rejection i had to take from him.

also hubby and I finally DTD. idk whats been up with us...but I think us not doing it was driving me extra crazy. :wacko: so now instead of driving me nuts by looking at him....im all into him thinking hes so cute and wanting him. oh the joys of pregnancy.

we are also in a semi stressful situation as far as housing. lease is ending now January 31st, but have to give notice before November 30 if were going to move or not. weve decided to wait one more year to buy a house but its hard to find a new house to rent 2 months before you need to rent it. our place is just a little too small. we could make it work im sure for one more year since baby would be so small...but it would not be ideal. id love one extra bedroom. oh well. god has a plan. i just need to enjoy the ride.

I have another scan Thursday morning. 24 weeks today. going to check on placenta previa and make sure baby is growing since im back on lovenox. cant wait. love seeing my little bean.
Florida- great bump pic! Glad the doctors are so reassuring!!

Jlou- so sorry about the housing situation and the tools!! Ugh!

Jami- what an update! So sweet with the surprise baby shower! We've officially hit V-day!! And my next scan is on Thursday as well! So glad your DH has come around and been supportive and you guys are back on the intimacy level! It is truly such a big deal!

Also I am so with you on the cravings lately!! They've just started for me as well but are definitely more sweet cravings than I've had this whole pregnancy- and starting to have this Halloween candy everywhere is not helping!!

Talk yo you all soon!! :hugs:
I always thought v-day was 26 weeks?! If not i'm nearly there too!

Iv horrendous cystitis :( I can barley move. Nothing showed in my urine tho so iv not been given anything to help, I'm drinking masses but only passing tiny amount of urine.
My OH is driving me mad too, I find him really irritating recently, poor man.

Saw the mw yesterday for a blood pressure check and we heard babys heartbeat <3 still at 150 so lovely and strong, feeling much more movement too, even if the majority is her kicking ne in the cervix! Haha
Lucy have you tried sodium citrate? I've heard it's really good for relieving symptoms of cystitis x
I am in significant pain today - abdominal and back. It just came on me. I went to the dr and all looks well with my cervix and baby is doing fine in there (they did a scan). It looks like a pretty bad UTI. Thank goodness for that! Still, I'm hurting pretty bad. I hate to complain after everything I've been through to get here, but this pregnancy stuff is hard work!
I've had the worst day at work! Someone made a comment that I'm
useless because I'm pregnant every year referring to me having a miscarriage and now being pregnant again!
I am so angry! I've told my manager that someone needs to deal with it (I'm off now for 2 weeks) I'm not overly convinced that anything will be done apart from him being told he can't say things like that! He also comments about another colleagues weight! He is a horrible person xx
TTC I have been having weird abdominal pain too. I thought maybe it was stretching but now that you say that I may ask my dr tomorrow at my scan about a possible UTI.

JLOU that is horrible! some girl I hate here at work will tattle on me all the time and try to get me in trouble...then when I confront her about it and ask her to talk to me if she has a problem with me, she looks at someone else...in front of me...and says "i cant talk to her, shes pregnant. I don't want to be responsible for getting her upset". wth??? hello im right here! ugh...I feel your pain girl. I don't like the way people at work look at pregnancy like a nuisance.
Beautiful bump pics ladies, and I'm loving all the viable posts! All of us will be there in a little over 2 weeks... wow! :happydance:

Jami, so pleased to read that your OH is more on board now, things sound great between you. I'm afraid I'm in the "my OH is irritating" camp :haha: It's probably my fault as I just don't feel like DTD, mainly because I've got some stupid idea in my head that I could get an infection and it could harm baby :shrug: I'm sure things will pick up again when we've had the baby.

I'm in a bit of a lull at the moment, just waiting for my next scan at 28 weeks. I've then got quite a lot to keep me occupied before my due date, with 4 baby scans, both DS' birthdays (DS1 in Nov, DS2 in Jan), and Xmas. I've also got GT test in a month, and a scan to check damage from 3rd degree tear from DS2 birth (this is so they can tell me if they recommend going for CS this time). I'd rather have another natural birth, but not if it will leave me incontinent.

Can't believe I'm thinking ahead to the birth! Is anyone else?

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