Jan/Feb Rainbows 2017 (10 Rainbows have arrived!)

Ahh Lucy must be so worrying, my sister in law has had the same she is 35 weeks now and feels her move more now but still not loads!
Im really struggling to think of names this time round! I have Lenny and Maisy and just can't think of a boys name i love! X
Sorry ladies, the ads are so annoying that it makes it hard to keep up from my phone and I've only been checking in when I can on my lap top.

Happy 23 weeks TTC! Hope that you are feeling better and have been able to keep up with fluid demands. Lovely scan pic! Glad she's looking just perfect <3

Jami so glad that your 24 weeks scan went well and the previa isn't an issue anymore.

Jlou yay for a great scan and even sweeter for a well-behaved cervix :dance: We're struggling with middle names, totally feel ya there.

lucy prayers over the results of your Grandmother's tests on Monday :hugs:
Sorry that anterior placenta of yours is causing such worry. It must be very worrying, especially when you have so much other stress on your shoulders.

It seems surreal that we're all inching closer to (or already in) the last trimester. <3

lucy prayers over the results of your Grandmother's tests on Monday :hugs:
Sorry that anterior placenta of yours is causing such worry. It must be very worrying, especially when you have so much other stress on your shoulders.

It seems surreal that we're all inching closer to (or already in) the last trimester. <3

I think tbh Busy that I was just having a moment last night, I think everything had just become too much and I was using my placenta and restricted movement as an excuse for a good cry. As it turns out baby kept me awake most of the night and has happily kicked away all day. maybe I should moan more often?

il be 25 weeks tomorrow! so very nearly third tri! - with my other two I didn't want pregnancy to end, but this time around I'm so unbelieveably anxious that everything is ok in there that I'm counting down the weeks! - and I cannot wait to see new baby photos from all of you girls!
Hi Lucy, totally get what you mean about counting down the days! Have had a horrible cold all week so this week has been a real struggle for me. My OH has gone to stay with a friend tonight and taken our LO so I can get some rest over the weekend. Feels surreal having the place to myself but I think the break will do me the world of good.

My OH has picked a name he likes but it is very similar to the name of his best friends son, which I find a bit strange. He says that that isn't a problem though?!? He'd like the babies first name to be Ghanaian (where he is from) and she will have an English middle name which I get to pick. So far Rose and Maya are top of my list.

Didn't realise the third trimester starts at 28 weeks. Wow! We are nearly there ladies!!
28 weeks? Wow, we really are getting close!

Did I mention that the specialist I saw for the level 2 ultrasound said that they'd probably induce me if I got to 39 weeks so as not to push the envelope on my increased risk for GD or preeclampsia? (Advanced maternal age). I must admit that I was kind of happy to hear that I'll have her in my arms a week early!
I'm feeling the same lucy. Not that I'm wishing this pregnancy away, just would love this LO in my arms. At this point I don't think you need any added excuses to cry, you're definitely due :hugs: Still hoping for the best news possible tomorrow.

Jojo I hope that you were able to get some much needed rest. Very sweet of OH to offer.

TTC I don't remember you mentioning it before. Is that more specifically for GD than AMA. I'm also considered advanced and hadn't been told to expect an earlier induction? Just curious.

Happy 26 weeks Jlou!

I always get slightly confused about when 3rd trimester starts. Different sites say different things, but my OB goes by 27 weeks and I just go along with that.

How is weight gain going for everyone?
I'm only up 1 lbs. from pre-pregnancy weight but I feel like I'm swelling a lot more at the end of the day.
I haven't been diagnosed with GD (although I haven't been tested yet). The maternal fetal medicine specialist just said that the risks increase by the week. So, she wasn't interested in pushing the envelope. I had both my grown DDs at 39 weeks. So, I may well go into labor naturally by that time anyway!
Hi ladies, sorry I'm not posting much. I only read on my phone and, as Busy said, the adverts are so annoying. I had 3 pop-up while I was trying to get logged in before even reading anything this time, and they often don't respond to being closed down so it takes a while to get rid ... annoying!

I'm also counting down the days/weeks and don't feel 'safe.' I lay at night often wondering if I'm feeling enough movement, worrying that I'm not drinking enough, eating the right foods (but I'm still not!) etc. Roll on my next scan (10th Nov so getting there now).

Lucy sorry to hear about your grandmother :hugs: Glad baby started moving more, it must be so wot trying when the movements are cushioned by the placenta.

I went into a local baby play/cafe this week and the lady who runs it said "oh your baby's back to back." I was amazed she could tell this from looking at me, but she said my bump is flat at the front.

Jojo, I've also had a bad cold for a week or more, so feeling your pain. So nice of your OH to give you a break :hugs:

I'm 41 so also 'advanced maternal age' and I don't think they've said I'll be induced early, not that I remember anyway. I remember they don't like older mums going overdue because placenta can deteriorate, and I'd be open to an earlier induction too if they thought it was for the best.

Hope you ladies are doing good.
Busy you've only gained 1lb???? I am 26 weeks tomorrow and have gained 15. Even my pre pregnancy "fat" clothes don't fit now. I hate maternity shirts though so I'm in alot of tshirts lately.
Oh thank goodness you posted Jami! I, too, have gained 15 pounds.
I lost over 10 lbs in the beginning, I've just managed to gain it back.

Sorry you're still dealing with a cold everything.

I think it was USAFWIFE that asked earlier, but I'm curious did you ladies want me to start a FB group? I'd set it up as private and it would just be those of us who've been active here.

Happy Halloween to those that celebrate!
My bump is huge, it even peeks through the bottom of my maternity shirts. If I could I'd live in hubby's tees and pajama bottoms. :haha:
I'd join a private FB group. It might kill the thread though but if all the regulars here join, it doesn't matter how we're communicating x

I've gained 15lbs too, or even a little more. Haven't weighed myself for a while. Ignorance is bliss lol.

My friend who is 2 weeks ahead of me had her 28 week midwife appointment on Friday and midwife said she was measuring 4 weeks behind. She had a growth scan today and baby is in 90th percentile! :lol:
My grandmother got her results, she has.confirmed breast cancer and cancerous cells inches armpit. So far two lymph nodes are also taken to it. She will have an appointment a week on Friday to discuss all her options. I feel ill for her :(

Iv also had vomiting and diarrhea bug which has made me feel like complete death, it really hasn't been a good last week :(

On the bright side baby is still active, we saw the mw today and my BP is still behaving, I'm measuring bang on 25 weeks and have still only gained 3 lbs.

I'm sorry for the shit post. I love her so much. I just want the next couple of weeks to be other with, I'm praying she manages the treatment. I'm well aware of how draining radio/chemo therapy can be :(
Edit to add, I think a Facebook group would kill this thread. I know it seems odd but in a year or so to come il like to look back over this thread and read about everyone, I can't do that on Facebook. So it's a no from me :thumbup:
Sorry you are going through so much Lucy! Praying for your grandmother!
I had a bug last week wasn't nice! Been to see the consultant today, they are happy with ll my cervical checks and il have no more of them but I will have 3 more growth scans 28w, 32w and then 36w! I'm also on the progesterone and aspirin until 36 weeks! The hospital have lost my GTT results somehow so will more than likely have to repleat that &#128557;
I'm really struggling to eat at the moment I feel hungry, eat loads and then feel like I'm going to explode! X
Lucy, I'm so sorry :cry: I hope the treatment is not too rough on her and that it is successful.

Jlou that's great news about your cervix. Shame you have to redo the GTT though, it's a 2 hour wait isn't it? My mum said when she had it done they did it at her local GP and she was allowed to go home between the drink and the second blood test 2 hours later, nice!
Lucy I'm incredibly sorry. I know it wasn't completely unexpected news but that doesn't make it any easier. I'm praying for you and your family as you move forward with what are undoubtedly going to be some very difficult decisions in the future; and for your grandmother's strength and spirit. Life can sure deal out some awful hands sometimes. :hugs:
Lucy- I'm so sorry about your grandmother. I hope she does well with her treatment and can get through this. Also sorry you're feeling poorly.

Jami- I won't even say how much I've gained lol. I am in dresses is nothing most of the time.

Jlou- glad your doing well. Boo to the hospital that lost your gtt.

I'm doing good. Have gained an undisclosed amount of weight. Next growth scan in 2 weeks. Been crazy busy with school. I'd love a fb group because the app is easier to get to than bnb lately. So many ads:dohh:. I'm hitting 3rd tri (27 weeks Friday). I'm not rushing this pregnancy but I'm ready to have her here. With anterior placenta I feel her a lot but there are times that I don't still. Yet the time is flying. Once school is over I'm afraid time will slow down. I'll be 33 weeks but it's the week before Christmas do maybe that'll work. Only 60 days left of this year and then we are all on labor watch.

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