Jan/Feb Rainbows 2017 (10 Rainbows have arrived!)

I said I would enjoy every minute of this pregnancy and not rush it since it's most likely my last.....but I'm getting so impatient. I want her here already. Time is dragging :wacko:
I totally relate, Jami! I want to enjoy every minute of feeling my LO wriggle inside of me. At the same time, I want her here already! It's taking forever!
Dragging for me too! Can't wait for the next three months to be over!! Am hoping time will speed up over Xmas with the festive season. Got my maternity leave from work officially confirmed today which is exciting.
Cupcake, glad your 28 week appt went well and that you will have a midwife you really like :thumbup:

Jami, lovely name - I agree it shouldn't matter what others think but I think I'm over-sensitive lol.

No baby shower for me, I didn't have one with my boys either.

I had a 28 week growth scan today and baby is still definitely a girl :haha: She is a little above average growth so that's great... estimated current weight is 2lb 14oz :cloud9: The little monkey is breach but plenty of time for her to move.

I love feeling her wriggling and jiggling, so in that respect I'm in no rush. I'm still kind of counting every day at the moment though, each day is one day safer - I'm not pessimistic all the time any more, I've been doing a lot of planning / thinking about her birth. 2 friends have given me their old girl clothes and another has said she will too so I'll probably only need to add a few baby grows.
Hey ladies!!

Love all the name choices! Although we are pretty set on Brody James and don't mind if people know, we also know that our minds may change when we look at him once he's born- and I'm ok with that too!

Everything- how interesting about your family passing down no middle names! And Saffron is so different! Love it!

Jami- I love the name Luka! And very well said about the names being your choice and putting down the haters, even if ey are family!

No baby shower here as it is my 2nd baby and my family doesn't believe in that :( but I too feel like the new baby should be celebrated and I would LOVE a diaper shower but Busy you have a good point about what happens if certain diapers don't fit or he has an allergic reaction.

I have my 28 week scan on Monday and just today I've had my 12th progesterone shot so only 8 more to go!! Woo hoo!!

Talk to you all soon!!
Yer I'm looking forward to meeting bubba, and starting my maternity leave! I'm really struggling at the moment! I'm really hormonal and anxious! Xx
I scheduled my 4D ultrasound today! It's on 12/7. I can't wait!
Cupcake glad you are with someone who trust abductees comfortable with. Sometimes that makes all the difference.

Jami I love the name Luka!! So different and beautiful.

My 28 week appt is Monday. Not looking coward to it as it's the day before my birthday and there's just a lot going on. Had a proper meltdown from all the stress yesterday. Not sure how religious anyone is but I felt like when we were financially set God didn't think it was the right time and now that we are tight on funds( I was only working per diem and now not all) due to school and being 3rd tri plus our 3 kids here we are with a sustaining pregnancy. It's so hard because I'm grateful but starting to stress over money. We are having a shower 12/10. I'm excited to see majority of our guest but some of them are not nice people (dh's mom side). Thankfully we have all big items and some clothes as well as diapers.
I feel the same Jami. I love her inside of me but I want her with me. I think my anxiety is kicking up at times just wanting her to arrive safely.
Aside from my mom and grandma, I've never really know anyone who's had a miscarriage. I have a friend at work who has watched me go through my last miscarriage and then be a crazy pessimistic person this whole pregnancy. Well she has 3 kids and has never had a single issue with her pregnancies. She didn't understand why I was always so panicked. She'd always say everything is fine, relax. Well I would tell her "you just don't get it until you've lost one, or in my case 4".

Sad to say, she found out she was pregnant 2 weeks ago. I was so happy for her. We were guessing the sex, talking about names she liked....then Tuesday when I went to work, she told me she'd lost it. She was cramping and bleeding saturday, went to the ER and Dr confirmed it was gone. She said she feels empty, and doesn't know how I've gone through that so many times. She said she hates that everyone around her seems to be pregnant or with a baby and its being thrown in her face. I know what she means. I know exactly how she feels right now. But idk what to do. I feel bad being in front of her with a big belly. I feel like I can't or shouldn't talk about my baby. This is so hard idk what to say or do. If I wasn't pregnant I'd take her out for a girls night and drink the night away...but I cant. :cry:
Florida I'm sorry the stress is piling up. :hugs:

Jami I think that your friend would find great comfort in you being there for her and since she knows your history I don't think she'll hold the same feelings as she would with others with a swollen belly. It's different. Just let her know you are there and continue talking to her. Maybe like you she doesn't really have anyone else in her life that she knows has gone through this and if you aren't there she'll have absolutely no support. If you fear it's counterproductive to be physically around her, be there in other ways. A note/card, txt mssg, sending flowers, a small gift to remember her LO, take her dinner, simple things. Huge hugs to you and your friend.
Sorry for your friend Jami, I was your friend once, could never understand the pain or devastation a mc could cause. I'm sure she will just appreciate you being there for her and knowing she has someone to talk to.
Yes I think a small gift would be nice. She called the baby her little blueberry so I'm thinking something blueberrish? Maybe a scented teddy, or some kind of keychain...I'm not sure but will keep my eyes open this weekend.

On another note....I just had another interview with a pediatrician. My husband thinks I'm crazy for even applying anywhere right now, but I'm just not happy with my current job and the hours are terrible. I was honest with them about being pregnant but stressed that yes, I might need a few weeks off in february, but in the long run I plan on being with them for years so it would be nothing. They said theyd let me know by monday. It's a big pay increase and full time so I'm crossing my fingers and toes.
Just wanted to update everyone on my granny,
She had her ct scan on Monday and got the results today. The great news is that the cancer hasn't spread :yipee: it's stuck to the one breast and despite getting bigger isn't moving. She does however have to have radiotherapy to shrink the mass before having a mastectomy, but at the moment everything seems bright again :)

As for me, iv suddenly ballooned. I'm huge. Iv also bought a snuzpod (bed side crib) and my pram (black mothercare orb), just to get a sleepyhead, movement monitor and a new breastpump and that will be everything we need!

Think we have also settled on a name, but I'm keeping it under wraps until we know For certain!

Hope everyone is well :hugs:
Oh Jami I'm so sorry for your friend! Your the best person to support her as you know how she is feeling! Good luck Jami, il keep everything crossed for you!
Ahh Lucy that's such good news, praying the radio therapy goes as well as it can, thinking on you!

I feel like a whale, watching me roll over or stand up from lying down is laughable now! sigh!

Also feeling a lot of big movements now! Feels like only yesterday we were all feeling slight flutters wondering if it was gas!
Got the keys to our new house today and are hoping to get all moved in and settled Sunday! Fingers crossed xx
Lucy so glad for great news!! Wishing her well and hoping the cancer can be removed and quickly.

Jami I am going through it now with my friend who lost her son at 35 weeks. She always felt like I just needed to pray harder or didn't understand and now that she's lost her son it's sox strange to be the one still carrying a child. It was strange at first but I just kept telling her I'm here. Now she texts me whenever it's too much for her and we text/talk n depth. It's hard but I'm glad I can be here for her
Lucy that's great news that your grandmother's cancer hasn't spread. She's going to kick its butt, she sounds like a very strong lady. Sending positive vibes to you and your family xx

Jami, so sorry to hear about your friend. The fact that she is confiding in you about how she's feeling seeing other bumps says that she isn't feeling uncomfortable around you personally. It sounds like she feels a connection with you because of your history and she will get great comfort from being able to talk to you about her feelings.

I'm also starting to feel pretty massive. 12 more weeks of growth is going to do wonders for my stretch marks and loose skin! If only these things were sought after! :haha:
Lucy, that's great news that it's not spreading!! Hopefully they can keep control of it that way.

Florida, I cant believe she lost hers at 35 weeks?? How if you don't mind me asking? Was it a cord accident or something? My aunt had a cord accident with my cousin years ago at 39 weeks. Days before her due date she didn't feel movement. But by the time she went to the dr, baby had passed. That has to be the worst pain ever....

Jlou and everything.....I guess i hadn't thought of it that way. If she's comfortable enough saying those things in front of me....my bump must not bother her too much. I'm just not used to being on the other side of it. The other bad side for her is no one knew so she has to keep this awful painful secret. Her bf and kids didn't even know and she still hasn't told them. Must be awful to keep that in.
Lucy I'm glad to hearrive your grandma received the best possible news. Praying radiotherapy doesn't take too much out of her and that her mastectomy recovery goes perfectly.

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