Hi ladies, is it normal to have sore boobs that are growing so big so quickly, as well as being sick (though at 1am), acne, and bloat this early on in the pregnancy? Any other ladies due near the end of January?
Hi everyone,
Have been reading loads for a few days but thought I had better introduce myself as it seems I'm joining you ladies!!
I have two children already, 1 boy who's 3 and a girl who is 4! Yes just 13 months between them OMG!!!
Somebody told me that breastfeeding was a natural contraception (I'm the minority that it wasn't lol)
So I just found out a couple of weeks ago that I am pg!, surprise but not much to me! I knew I was ovulating and just didn't say no lol tmi, so here we are first attempt that wasn't really an attempt and I'm pg! Really lucky! Although I'm sure my family especially my mum and mil will be very shocked! Might take them a while to get used to lol
I'm a driving instructor and have found the last couple of weeks worth of lessons very stressful, been experiencing the major tiredness and my patience has been very thin lol.
I'm not really experiencing much more symptoms than that although I look very pale and had a few period type pains but that's it.
Have booked to see the doctor next week! Think I'm only 5-6 weeks anyways so no rush!
So that's enough about me! Just wanted to say hi and will not be scar to join in with convos now lol.
I had 2 pregnancies before my children got here, 1 was a rare thing called a molar pregnancy and the other was my daughter who died when I was 37 weeks pregnant, we never found out a reason for it and I'm quite open so if
anyone has any questions I'm fairly knowledgable on stuff.
Thanks for reading
anyone else feeling very very stressed over anything? it's driving me mad lol my poor son is picking up on it and getting upset and I don't know what to do to calm down??
anyone else feeling very very stressed over anything? it's driving me mad lol my poor son is picking up on it and getting upset and I don't know what to do to calm down??
Yes, that's normal apparently. I kicked off at my partner for stupid reasons about ten times yesterday.
anyone else feeling very very stressed over anything? it's driving me mad lol my poor son is picking up on it and getting upset and I don't know what to do to calm down??
anyone else feeling very very stressed over anything? it's driving me mad lol my poor son is picking up on it and getting upset and I don't know what to do to calm down??
I do... I over-analyze everything that is going on in my body. I grind my teeth way too much. I guess I need a relaxation massage.
Hi everyone I am due the 18/01/2012 I still can't believe we are pregnant would be lovely to have some bump buddies my son will be 19 months old when this baby is born does anyone else have this kind of age gap?? x
Hi everyone I am due the 18/01/2012 I still can't believe we are pregnant would be lovely to have some bump buddies my son will be 19 months old when this baby is born does anyone else have this kind of age gap?? x
My son will be 24 months when this little one will be born. Are you kinda scared of what you got yourself into? I am, lol. I think it will be ok, just ALOT of work!!!
Hey Trixie how you feeling? I'm doing well. Don't even feel like I'm pg now, lol. Except I'm a little more tired than normal. I keep testing to make sure the line keeps getting darker. And it does
Hey Trixie how you feeling? I'm doing well. Don't even feel like I'm pg now, lol. Except I'm a little more tired than normal. I keep testing to make sure the line keeps getting darker. And it does
Funny that, I have just done another test to see if I still am
The only symptoms I have are being tired, sore boobs and increased appetite!
Hope you are doing ok
Emma x
Hi ladies, is it normal to have sore boobs that are growing so big so quickly, as well as being sick (though at 1am), acne, and bloat this early on in the pregnancy? Any other ladies due near the end of January?