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JANUARY 2018 Testers ~*New Year, New BFPs*~ 13 BFPs & Counting...

Sorry about your loss Cookie. :hugs: It would make me too knowing you have a perfect climbing temps with him. I too never wanna see any dip but I always try to tell myself that it's normal but I will definitely lose my mind if i see a dip after a :bfp:
My chart is still creeping up in it’s weird way...11DPO and it’s gettong difficult to control myself and not test today because it’s NYE! My chart had been so weird though that I’m afraid of disappointment (this is cycle 14 of ttc). Ff says my test date is Jan 8th *sigh* lol
I'm glad it went up, Corgi FX for more rising temps. Love the idea of testing on NYE but like you I'm afraid of disappointment. FF has it on default (18dpo) when it doesn't know your LP. I think 3 complete charts is what it requires to move it close to your LP (expected AF).
I'm late in joining, as I try not not focus on the tww, but we bd'd twice yesterday, and according to my trackers, it was on a fertile day (not the most, but I'm hopeful). I'm set to start my period January 13th, so I'll say the 18th to be sure either AF shows or I'm late and *hopefully* BFP. Good luck ladies and fx for all! <3
Corgi and Bebe- At least the jello and the rubber band are having kids!
Cookie Dough- Sorry about your loss, butbi wouldn't fret over the chart similarity. There's so much difference woman to woman but also cycle to cycle and pregnancy to pregnancy! Your chart looks like it's heading in the right direction overall :)

Also, following all you tempers make me wish my sleep was regular enough to temp myself! If nothing else, it would give me one other thing to distract myself during the TWW. 4dpo and I'm already itching to test! The TWW sucks!
My chart is just weird. I shot up to a certain point and it&#8217;s been the exact same every day..usually there is some kind of fluctuations. Yesterday&#8217;s very well could have been the same too, because I&#8217;m an oral temper and also a mouth breather at night so I usually temp twice in a row but decided not to. Anyway I hope the non fluctuations are not a bad thing. :shrug:
I’ve got the worst period pains but only 8dpo! What is this &#128529;
Mdscpa- pretty sure you are triphasic...:test:

Half of my brain tells me this could be triphasic the other half tells me to wait. FF is waiting for another temp jump that stay elevated for few days before it calls it triphasic on that day (the next thermal shift). It's not detecting my 7dpo rise as triphasic. A bit worried with the tiny dip today though (it's .04 decrease) I know it's a small drop but I'm thinking maybe it's the start of a dying corpus luteum. :( Waiting for tomorrow's temp whether my hope will be revived or prepare to expect for the :witch: It was at 11dpo when my temp rose with DS I know every pregnancy is different I just want to see that shift again if I'm pregnant.

"How long does the corpus luteum survive?

After a woman ovulates, the corpus luteum only lasts for about 12-14 days unless it begins receiving HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) from a developing embryo."
I can see feeling skeptical md. I am kinda in the same boat except I wouldn't even know if I had triphasic temps since I didn't get my thermometer until my fw. CD31 now. Cold has hit with a vengeance. I'm so sick. And I think my temps are dropping off. Even though I'm only 8DPO I think my luteal phase might be ending bc af normally comes around this time and if I get a couple more temp drops over the next two days it should confirm it.


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Really hope AF stays away for you, me and all January testers. Sorry for the temp drop all we can do is wait and try our best not to test to avoid unnecessary stress and disappointments of seeing a bfn.

:dust: :dust: :dust:
Morning everyone and happy new year!

:dust: all around!

My temps are sort of levelling out which I suppose it a good thing, better than a massive drop I suppose! I&#8217;m hoping for a triphasic shift in the next few days for after implantation!

I don&#8217;t really feel pregnant, and even though I know it sound super impossible, I usually just know if I&#8217;ve conceived from very very early on. However I&#8217;m not sure I do this time so I&#8217;m keeping my fingers crossed, not out till AF shows! And if she does then it&#8217;s on to the next cycle.

My periods have never been regular, and even weirder since my angel son was born. I had a 7 day leuteal phase last month and my temps didn&#8217;t drop till mid period! It was very confusing. However I&#8217;m hoping this month it&#8217;s sort of evened out. But Ovulating on CD 22 doesn&#8217;t give me a lot of hope for a healthy cycle x
Morning everyone and happy new year!

:dust: all around!

My temps are sort of levelling out which I suppose it a good thing, better than a massive drop I suppose! I’m hoping for a triphasic shift in the next few days for after implantation!

I don’t really feel pregnant, and even though I know it sound super impossible, I usually just know if I’ve conceived from very very early on. However I’m not sure I do this time so I’m keeping my fingers crossed, not out till AF shows! And if she does then it’s on to the next cycle.

My periods have never been regular, and even weirder since my angel son was born. I had a 7 day leuteal phase last month and my temps didn’t drop till mid period! It was very confusing. However I’m hoping this month it’s sort of evened out. But Ovulating on CD 22 doesn’t give me a lot of hope for a healthy cycle x

I started comparing your chart to my BFP chart I sent you. And so far it's doing the same thing. FX for a triphasic I know it's not a sure sign of pregnancy but still it gives us hope. I also don't think late ovulation affects a healthy cycle with DS I O'ed CD20 super late than my usual and it was all fine. Also, if you check on FF charts there are tons there that had SUPER late ovulation and still got pregnant. Really hoping the same case for you and you get your rainbow baby very soon.

:dust: :dust: :dust:
Morning ladies, and happy New Year!

Very cautiously throwing my hat in the ring with you all for the 2WW; currently 5/6dpo on our first cycle ttc #3 after I had the mirena out at the end of Nov.

Am feeling preg, with stabby pains in boobs and sense of fullness in pelvis. On the other hand this is my first proper cycle post-mirena so may just be my body getting used to hormones again.

Both my successful cycles I was convinced I wasn't pregnant before testing; my miscarriage cycles I did feel preg so I kind of feel it's a bad omen really.

AF due 11th Jan, so a bit of waiting to get through before I find out either way!

Good luck to everyone testing soon!
Welcome laodicean. :hi:

Sorry to hear about your MCs. FX for you.

Happy New Year ladies!
Laodicean- Welcome madam :) join the fray!

Update: OH and I BD'd last night (and to be honest I'm seriously considering jumping him again when he wakes up...not for BD, just for fun cuz I like him) but I'm starting to get a little concerned. I'm still getting this weird 'stretchy gel floating in ewcm' discharge, and I was wondering. If I've been 100% regular since March, and am expecting my period Jan. 10th, if I'm ovulating now instead of when I though i did, is it possible my LP is too short? It never crossed my mind as being a problem I could have but now I'm not so sure
Md- I can&#8217;t believe the will power you have! Are you waiting for AF or when will you try?

Bebe- that dip is so small I don&#8217;t think you have to worry. It&#8217;s the same sized dip as the one I had. Until it dips much lower, you are fine. You should try plugging all your temps into the Fertility friend app- I think seeing it on a different scale will make you feel better. Absolutely nothing wrong with your app, but I&#8217;m wondering if your brain is trying to compare charts, and with it being on a different scale it&#8217;s like apples and oranges. Don&#8217;t give up hope, your chart looks great still!
Wolf do you have opks or do you temp? It&#8217;s eeally hard to say if you&#8217;re ovulating now or not. You could have a longer cycle if you are. Are your cycles usually pretty regular?

Cookie dough- my temps don&#8217;t always drop until after AF either. Sometimes before, sometimes not. Also I ovulate between CD19-22 the last 5 cycles. I got pregnant twice in those 5 (before that I wasn&#8217;t on meds to help me ovulate so it was much more all of the place) granted I miscarried both times but that&#8217;s pointing to a lining issue that my doctor worked to correct this cycle. The later ovulation isn&#8217;t bad!

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