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JANUARY 2018 Testers ~*New Year, New BFPs*~ 13 BFPs & Counting...

TB - i have never tested before AF always when i'm late. With DS, i tested at 14dpo a day before AF because my temp stayed high and FF gave me triphasic reading. I just really don't have the courage seeing a bfn that's the only reason keeping me together not to test. I might try earliest on Jan. 4th at 13dpo also a day before AF as per FF but that depends on my temps if they stayed high. If not, just going to wait when I'm late. My plan is to test on the 5th a day before my birthday since it's DH's day off I'm planning to let him do the test (handing him my pee :haha:) and let him decide how to tell me the result. I still haven't told him I O'ed super early. He thought it's around the usual CD19-22 and he is thinking that we might be out this cycle since he is sick and now DS too and we can't keep up with our first BD plan CD19-23 but we did manage for 2 days til he became so ill.
Cookie dough- my temps don’t always drop until after AF either. Sometimes before, sometimes not. Also I ovulate between CD19-22 the last 5 cycles. I got pregnant twice in those 5 (before that I wasn’t on meds to help me ovulate so it was much more all of the place) granted I miscarried both times but that’s pointing to a lining issue that my doctor worked to correct this cycle. The later ovulation isn’t bad!

Im sorry for your losses :(

I really hope this is okay for me. I’ve always ovulated CD12-14 so this is all new to me x
TB- I don't temp, my fluctuating shift work makes it damn near impossible, although I do use opk's. I got a positive test about 36 hours before CD14 (day I thought i ovulated) but I also know it's possible to have a LH surge and then not ovulate. I'm just worried that if I ovulate, say, today, on CD18, and I always bleed on CD28, that my L.P. isn't long enough to let a bean stick
md- that makes sense. I meant to buy a cheapie yesterday to test if the trigger is out of my system but I didn’t get around to it.. I think I am testing on the 5th too. What a surprise for your DH that would be! I hope this is it!!

Wolf- yeah that would make it hard. It’s possible you geared up but then didn’t ovulate so I guess keep up the Bd just in case. However, last cycle I did have some weird egg whitey stuff about 6-7 dpo that threw me off. So maybe it’s a good thing! FXd
I have no symptoms bar abit of a bloated tummy and constipation today. Temps still 98. 2nd wee of the day with a frer was negative 👎🏻👎🏻
Happy New Year!!

A lot of the charts are looking good! Fingers crossed for those waiting to test. :)

I've been having O pains since yesterday so I'm hoping I actually ovulate with the higher dose of Femara. My OPK was negative, but dark yesterday when the pains started so I'm hopeful. :)
Mrnmrsm - sorry for the BFN - FX you get a line in the next couple days.

Md - I'm going to be heartbroken if you're not pregnant this cycle. No pressure LOL. Your chart just looks picture perfect. I know perfect charts don't always end in pregnancy but I feel like this is it for you.

AFM: I'm 11dpo and a couple more BFNs for me this morning. I'll try a FRER tomorrow at 12dpo and after that probably just wait for AF. I'm hitting my usual I don't think I'm ever going to get pregnant wallowing wall today. Just going to try to enjoy the day off home with DH and see what tomorrow's FRER brings.


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So I have one hell of a road map happening on my boobs tonight!!
What is this!!!

So I have one hell of a road map happening on my boobs tonight!!
What is this!!!


I have recorded a veiny breast that looked like yours with DS starting 17dpo 3 days after finding out. FX it's pregnancy related for you.
Dream - no pressure. I can really waaaaaaaiiiiiiiittttttt :D I really hope so I'm on my way to a good news. Really scared about tomorrow's temp DH told me that he'll handle DS when he wakes up crying and coughing and puking like this morning so it won't affect my temping. FX I'll sleep through the night not worrying about him and my temp.

Goodnight everyone. :sleep:
So I have one hell of a road map happening on my boobs tonight!!
What is this!!!


I have recorded a veiny breast that looked like yours with DS starting 17dpo 3 days after finding out. FX it's pregnancy related for you.

Just got a faint positive frer on 9pm urine
Well temp dropped for me so thought I was out af didn't come and went up again this morning not sure if it's alachol related or the fact I was in a different place which was warmer (stayed in a hotel ) so temp will be decided for me tomorrow x
Babyoneill- Both of those things can affect your temps. Was AF due today? When will you test? FXd! Good signs so far!
Md so excited for you to test!!!

I decided to test this morning since I usually get af around this time, even though I O'd late so I'm only 9 dpo which is wayyyy too early. BFN for me today on ic but temps still look decent which is good. Hoping I at least have a decent lp length this time around even if no bebe. Still sick. No symptoms either way, which I will take! Lol. Don't really want additional symptoms while dealing with this cold so that's fine by me. I know I'm not out yet but I kinda figure I will be in a few days at least, but I hope not. Test was Stark white though, at least I'm grateful for no evaps or shadow lines on the ic.


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Good morning/afternoon/evening everybody!!!!

I'm back and well rested after a good week of vacation and I'm ready to start making babies again (lol). Can I be put down for the 19th of January, I'll probably start testing on January 16th as my birthday is on the 17th. FX for a big birthday surprise

Baby dust to all
Morning everyone! My temp seems to be staying the same which is weird, but better than dropping I suppose :)

7DPO today so if we’ve caught the eggy I hope to be implanting in the next couple of days!

:dust: to all!!!
Bebe - :hugs: <3 I don't think you have LP issues. Sorry about the cold hope you really feel better soon and those temps stay elevated or jump up from tomorrow. Sorry about the bfn. :hugs:

Mickels - welcome back.FX your vacation helped your body have a healthy cycle and get a :bfp:

Cookie - FX they stay elevated. ID happens from 5-12dpo so expect a dip around this dates but not everyone gets it. Most common date of implantation happens at 9dpo. FX.

:dust: :dust: :dust:
Mrnmrsm - HUGE CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! Our first :bfp: FX lines gets darker.
Period due tomorrow apparently according to ff temp drop this morning I think I'm out x

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