January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

My legs are definitely restless but not crampy yet. More joys to look forward to...

Happy to report that baby has had a super active day and dh even had a few decent kicks to feel. Such a relief after feeling so sick!
Ally - glad you got reassurance on the movement.

Ali - when do you plan on doing the reveal? What are you doing for it? You mean girl watching everyone squirm and not telling them! ;)

Danser - do your symptoms go away when you're not at work? Sounds like you could definitely be allergic to something!

Chi- sorry about your leg cramps! Those are horrid. I remember them from my last pregnancy. I got them a few times in the first trimester, but quickly started taking calcium pills and I haven't had them since. I also stopped taking the extra calcium so we will see if they come back. I hope not, as they are brutal!

AFM - as my scan gets closer (a week away!), the time is going more slowly and I can't stop thinking about it and wanting it to hurry up! Also, before I was mostly excited but I'm definitely having some apprehension now. Really hoping all is well!
Literati, I'm sure all is good! I was sick to my stomach the day of mine and ended up getting to the appt like 20 mins early because I couldn't sit still at home! Can't wait to hear about your scan :)
Lite - I have NO idea! I can't seem to get anything done. DS's birthday is coming up too and I don't have anything done for that. Most people think it's a girl. Think my reaction to them guessing gives it away. They're going to be so disappointed! I'm sure all will go great at your scan!

Slammer - I'm excited to know what you're having! Feeling it's a girl or boy??

I won't bother getting my whooping cough till 3rd tri. I'm not to worried about getting it scheduled. I can basically walk in and get it. I read somewhere that they suggest waiting till later.

This morning when I went into work I swore my legs were just going to give out on me. After a few hours it got better but got worse the last couple of hours of work. Standing still my legs would start to quiver. My joints aren't handling standing for long periods.

I also think I'm starting to feel some Braxton Hicks. Just a couple of times so far and nothing super strong, but I definitely think that's what it is.

Ready to relax the next few days.
I don't know how women who have to stand or be physical at work handle it. AliJo, you're a nurse, right? One of my sisters is a nurse and she's worked up until the bitter end with her five kids and I just can't imagine. I sit on on my butt all day!

I don't have much of a feeling either way on sex with this one! It's gonna be interesting to find out.
Slammer - Yes I am! It wouldn't be so bad if I was a nurse somewhere where I don't have to stand for hours passing medications. I'm at a long term care facility. Definitely not where I want to be, but I don't know how easy it will be to find a different job before baby comes. I think I'm stuck there till after.
I had WC jab at 32 weeks before but they said its changed and any time from 20weeks now. I just want it out the way as have my anti D too. Dont think il get flu jab? I declined that one before?

Seeing my MW later :)

Need to get kids sorted for back to school.
AliJo my sister works in an ER, so very stressful and physical at times - plus she does overnights. Eesh. I also want a new job, but I haven't heard back from the interview I had several weeks ago and I think I'll put off any more applications until after baby comes.

I don't even recall if I got the pertussis vaccine last time. I think I didn't (the midwives were kind of anti-vaccine, which I'm not). I probably will this time.
I had a flu shot at about 12 weeks (was In the southern hemisphere, so that was winter time). I figured I would prefer some kind of coverage as we move into winter here since I work at a school. Having had the flu (full flu, not just a bad cold), I can't imagine how I'd cope with pregnancy and the Flu. Totally personal choice, though!

I've got anti-d and wc coming up!
Hello ladies..

Oh my it feels like I've been away for weeks, only been a couple but have 15 pages to catch up on! It's a bit of a nightmare on my phone so Ill try have a read back best I can.

Hope everyone is doing ok. I've been so busy with moving house and had no Internet since we moved so been a bit difficult get online so much. Been here just over a week now and finally starting to feel like we are settling, took my youngest a few nights to settle in new bedroom so had a few bad nights, all seems to be going ok now.

I missed my 20 week scan it was right In the middle of the move and I couldn't get back to our old place to have it, the transfer to new midwives is taking a bit longer than planned so no idea when I'll be getting my scan.

21 weeks today and Evie has been very quiet the last week or so, I assume it's just with me being so busy with moving. She is moving daily just hasn't been as active as she was. I was very sick yesterday all day couldn't keep anything down, not sure where that came from but the heartburn really doesn't help! Feel alright today been out for a lovely meal this afternoon with the kids and just ready to relax for the night now.

Will try catch up on what I've missed now!
Slammer - Definitely not what I would want to do! I've never felt inclined to work in the ER. Not too sure where I would like to be eventually. I did full time overnights when I was breastfeeding and it was the worst idea ever.

Ana - Great to hear from you! Glad you're settling in and I'm sorry you weren't feeling good.

Newbie - The bug I had was bad enough. I definitely wouldn't want worse.
Ana- glad you're getting settled in! Not sure if you mentioned her name before (I do have an awful memory) but Evie is a beautiful name!
Got my scan on Friday, can't wait! Going to find out gender this time (we didn't with our Daughter). I am sure this one's a boy though!

Slammerkin - good luck tomorrow!!

Ana - glad the move went well!

midnight - how are your kids feeling about a new school?

Working ladies - how long you all planning to take off work when baby comes??
Vrogers - Aw thanks, I think so too! Her name will actually be Evelyn (named after my grandma) on her birth certificate but we have decided on Evie as a day to day name for her :)

Pompeyvix - Good luck for your scan on Friday!
I'm planning on taking as much paid time off as I can! Sounds wonderful but in reality will only be 3 month max. I know the US is different, but I'm used to friends taking much longer maternity leave in Australia, so three months to me is nothing. I'm so incredibly fortune that I will be able to take him with me to work as I'll have on site daycare. He'll be right down the hall from me, which will be great. My mum also booked her flights to come. She's arriving about two weeks before my due date and staying until the end of March. She's retired so has amazing flexibility with her time. It will be a strain on dh to be with her for so long, but he recognises that she will be a huge help with the baby so he'll get over it!
Pompey- can't wait to hear about your scan and if you're right about the boy! :)

Ana- it's such an elegant name! We have the same type of name shortening deal, with the name Lillian but will probably use Lily as well.

I can't comment on the maternity leave situation because I'm a full time student but maternity leave in the US is a shame, not sure what it's like in other countries.
FMLA allows parents to take 12 weeks (each and unpaid) in the US. There's a few qualifications of course. That's on top of what your job has to give you. It is ridiculous here in the US. I was fortunate to spend a lot of my time at home with DS, but I feel it will be different for this one. Although, I went back to classes when he was a week and half old. At least I won't be doing that with this one.

I will take as much as I can, but if I go back to PRN I can at least pick and choose the days I work. Have to make sure bills are paid and we can eat. Outside of that I'm happy with living on little while baby is still so little.
I think I get 12 weeks of FMLA and then I can tack on PTO on top of that. So overall hoping to take off at least 5 months and maybe even 6!

Sorry I will be MIA somewhat for the next few weeks - will still check in every once in a while. Hubby and I are heading to Vegas for labor day weekend, hooray! And then I have a huge work deadline 9/15 that's causing major headaches!
Chit - Enjoy your trip!! We won't forget you, promise! Will be looking forward to the details! The work deadline sounds like a bummer, though!

A pregnancy symptom or at least an effect appeared that I actually loved having! I'm acne free!! The only time I haven't had acne since I was a teen was during my first pregnancy till I stopped breastfeeding. It finally went away again! I feel I won't stop having acne till menopause.
I will get 12 weeks from FMLA and probably another 2 from "vacation" time if I don't take time off around Christmas. I already work from home two days a week, so I'm betting they will be flexible with some more telework when I do return.

DH's family is in Ireland and the amount of paid time off they get by comparison is unreal. So jealous.

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