January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Welcome all new ladies and congratulations on your BFP's!!

Janis- I would have been outraged if that had happened to me. I'm so sorry that it happened to you. :( :hugs:

Sorry I haven't posted in a few days. I'm just catching up on everything that been going on. This morning sickness is kicking my butt. Kinda wonder if there's more than 1 in there since I've been nauseous since 7dpo and been sick since 5 weeks hit. I've been on the phone with my midwife trying to figure out how I can cope with the sickness since I've already lost 5 lbs.
@ kksy9b - I'm feeling okay, thanks for asking! The pregnancy was a little surprising because we decided to begin "NTNP" a few weeks before our wedding and literally that's all it took to get knocked up! So I was dealing with the hormones and a little bloating on wedding day, which was rough. I'm feeling better now that the big day is behind us, although the hormones are still tough for me. I have an appointment tomorrow with an advice nurse about what safe medications I can take to combat prenatal depression/anxiety. No morning sickness yet, just some fatigue, definitely some bloating, and a fuzzy head. Been sleeping like a rock though, which is nice. Very happy to be joining this group of other ladies due in Jan, and sharing this amazing journey with all of you!
We are getting quite a wonderful group together!

I just had my scan - everything is perfect with one little one snuggled in nicely. Heart beat was clear and strong. Brought tears to my eyes. Due date was revised to 13th Jan, according to the doc, so I'll go with his date - can you please update the front when you have a moment, kksy? I'm measuring 6w1d, which is what I thought I was anyway. So relieved.
We are getting quite a wonderful group together!

I just had my scan - everything is perfect with one little one snuggled in nicely. Heart beat was clear and strong. Brought tears to my eyes. Due date was revised to 13th Jan, according to the doc, so I'll go with his date - can you please update the front when you have a moment, kksy? I'm measuring 6w1d, which is what I thought I was anyway. So relieved.

That is such great news!!! So happy for you - your post just gave me the goosebumps! I was 6w1d at my scan, too :) I was revised to Jan 10th, but Jan 9th/10th are close enough for me.

Seems like quite a few of us have had spotting that has thankfully resulted in no major issues!
We are getting quite a wonderful group together!

I just had my scan - everything is perfect with one little one snuggled in nicely. Heart beat was clear and strong. Brought tears to my eyes. Due date was revised to 13th Jan, according to the doc, so I'll go with his date - can you please update the front when you have a moment, kksy? I'm measuring 6w1d, which is what I thought I was anyway. So relieved.

Great news!!!
Got My First Beta back today, 182! Pretty good for 15dpo!
We also found out the gender! We did genetic testing on our embryo, so we were able to find out really early. It's a boy!
Congrats froggyfrog! Wow, our first sex reveal! Woo!

I had my first appt with a midwife. She didn't see any sign of spotting or blood internally and my cervix was long and closed, so all seems to be well. I have my first ultrasound in two weeks. :)
Can't remember if I posted this or not in this thread (so hard to keep up!)

6w scan yesterday went very well. Baby is just the right size for 6w+2, right on track. and there was a little heart beat! Couldn't hear it but there was a little flicker that I could just barely make out on the screen that the dr says was the heart beat. <3

There are a couple Chorionic hematomas (?) I think that's what he said. He said it's nothing to be too concerned about right now, they are going to keep tracking them and make sure they don't get bigger. Basically they are blood pools that hopefully the body will reabsorb. they want to make sure they don't expand and start to move around the placenta sac. He said I could start spotting. If so I am to call them immediately, they'll bring me in to check, and then they'll immediately put me on light duty for awhile regardless of what the results of the U/S are if there is any spotting.

Very thorough. I really like my RE.

Janis - OMG That tech sounds like a creep!!! WTF! I would report him. I canNOT believe he kicked out your husband! He doesn't get to be the one to be "uncomfortable" - he's not the one with his private parts on display! I mean, clearly they have to be down there to do a vaginal ultrasound but I've never had a dr stand there during it, mine always sits, and is very professional about it. WTF! I'm so mad, on your behalf, that he behaved in such a way! :growlmad: Definitely complain if you can.

Jessica - oh no!! Do you have long cycle? Maybe you ovulated late and so you're earlier than they expect? I've always felt that measuring from LMP is ridiculous because everyone Ovulations differently. Heck, my old cycles were 40 days and I Ov at CD28. If I went on that then I'd be supposedly 6 weeks along when I was only 12DPO. Keeping everything crossed that your bean will continue to grow!
Froggy - Yay!! That's so exciting! Congrats!

Angel - I remember reading it, but I don't know if it was here! I'm happy that they're so thorough with you! It really helps ease the worry when you know they're looking out for you.
Ali- i'm finding apples and peanut butter are what's working for me right now- holds off the hunger for longer and gets you extra protein as well. best of luck, you can do it! how was your eating today? And thank you for the bit of reassurance regarding nausea going away. I was freaked out for a few days because it was hitting me everyday in the afternoon and then just stopped for a few days. Back in full force tonight so i'm feeling a lot more confident and am relaxing again about it.

slamm- glad the spotting went away and happy to hear your appointment went so well! Not long at all to your first ultrasound :happydance:

danser- i had all day nausea with my DS and really helped me feel more confident! i'm not sure if i'll pick up a doppler or not. i felt the first flutters with DS at 14 weeks and so i'm hopeful it will be the same or earlier. if i dont start feeling anything around that 14-16 week mark, then i will probably pick one up.

surprise- i am the same way this time around with being constantly worried. with my DS, i was so relaxed and felt incredibly confident. I'm thankful i've never experienced a MC, but this time I think I realize how blessed we were the first time to have a complication free pregnancy and a healthy baby. i'm holding my breath i feel like just praying for the same. i've definitely been more anxious this time! And I wouldn't try to worry too much (easier said than done) about drinking some before you found out you were pregnant. There are lots of women who go out and drink before finding out and their babies are still perfectly healthy. FX the next week passes quickly for you so you can get to your appointment!

Thorpedo- i'm sorry you've been so sick. try to drink plenty of water to keep from being dehydrated :hugs:

cnote- congratulations on the recent wedding! how exciting your big day must have been!

newbie- got your EDD moved! How wonderful to have heard your LO's heartbeat for the first time! what a long journey you have had to get here. so happy you are getting your turn at these milestones. i'm sorry that your other LO didn't stick but happy you have a healthy baby in there :hugs:

chitown- got you moved hun :thumbup:

froggy- that is AMAZING!! Congratulations hun on your :blue: bump! Having a little boy is just wonderful- they seem to always be little momma boys and its the sweetest thing

angel- glad they are taking such good care of you. that must have been such a sweet moment getting to see your babys heartbeat for the first time :cloud9:
KK - I did pretty good considering how I have been. I think I'm going to make some soup and freeze it. Soup is kind of a comfort food for me and I've been craving it. I'm going to whip up at least a couple of different types to eat when I get past the point of being able to bear the hunger! We don't have much freezer space or else I'd make a whole lot of soup. Cabbage soup for sure, but not sure what else yet. I love potato soup, but I'm going to try to stay away from the creamy ones.
The last few days I've been finding it so hard to keep up with eating. I just somehow end up missing lunch and eating small dinners. I'm thinking I need to start planning my meals. It's so strange since I'm usually quite the foodie. I get so hungry and nauseous but I just can't seem to eat food, it's so strange
Momtastic- I feel the exact same way. I've always been more of a eat when hungry type of person rather than set times for meals so that has been challenging. I'm constantly hungry but I seem to keep forgetting to eat or I'm just also nauseous. I've started carrying granola bars and almonds in my bag for those times I forget and am not at home. With my first pregnancy, I went from 130 lbs to 198 lbs which was way more than recommended but it was all gone after about 3 months of breastfeeding. This time around I really would rather not gain that extra weight over the recommended so I think meal planning is going to have to be utilized very soon.
kksy I feel the same way about feeling like we were so lucky with baby number 1 to have everything go smoothly - never had a miscarriage. I feel like I'm tempting fate with a second one, just waiting to be shown how things can go wrong!
Momtastic - I'm the same way. I am not having a ton of nausea but I certainly am not hungry. I'm barely able to force myself to eat a small lunch (usually lunch meat and cheese - basically a sandwich without bread because I can't eat gluten anyway) and then a small dinner. For the last week all I've been able to eat for dinner is a salad or soup.

I think I'm going to have to start meal planning too. If we don't meal plan it's easy to just say "screw it' for dinner and we just eat whatever we feel lik e- which turns into a couple snacks for me and nothing else. :(
Hi ladies in tentatively slipping into this group. Got my bfp this morning (edd Jan 28) but I just came off of a chemical pregnancy and a miscarriage at 8 weeks in November so I'm very very cautious but I actually feel good about this one. I'm hoping it's a "moms instinct"
Getting my 1st beta today.

Congratulations to you all!
Yay, congrats to the good scans/appts/betas and congrats froggy on the boy! How exciting!!

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