January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Yeah I had steroids and was put on a drip to stop contractions. Can't remember what it was. The infection set it all off. I was 24+6. They even had to explain what would happen if baby was born and the chances of survival. It was really scary. But nothing happened in the end and I went 4 days overdue with him x
Midnight fairy! Oh my goodness! How are you and baby doing now? I hope you're feeling better and baby is staying in the right place! Keep the us updated. Thinking about you.

Baby has had a less active day for me as well, but i suspect that is because I had a very busy day. Didn't stop the whole day. Can't wait to fall into bed... hopefully I'll sleep tonight.
Skye - Welcome!! I'll update the front page and add you! I'm assuming you're having a boy? Based on your ticker. I thought girl at first because it was pink, but then I read the T.J. part! Let me know if I'm wrong and I will fix it! More than happy to have someone new in the group! Also, congratulations!

Ally - Oh that's awful. I really hope they find something that helps you. Glad the dizzy/fainting spell passed as well. I remember almost passing out once when I was pregnant with DS. I knew it was coming and was able to stop it, but it had to be in a group of people as well! Let alone on a hospital tour.

Ana - Glad the movement isn't painful anymore. I would hate for something like pain to make movements not enjoyable.

Midnight - I'm so sorry you had to go through that! I'm glad everything seems to be okay. Hopefully baby is just on the smaller end and still growing well! Definitely keep us updated.

My coughing last night was horrible. So far today it hasn't been quite as bad, but I really hope it doesn't keep me awake tonight since I have work tomorrow. I'm also afraid of not getting enough sleep and it causing me to get even sicker.
Ali - please make sure you get that cough checked out at your 28 wk appointment. Hope all is ok.

Midnight - oh no! How incredibly scary! When will they be doing a follow up scan? Did they do blood work and urine test etc as well? I hope they monitor you very closely and make sure baby is ok. Glad things are looking ok now though and you were able to go home. Must have been an exhausting and scary time. :hugs:
Had to catch up on a lot!

Midnight_fairy I hope everything is OK! What a scary experience.

My eyesight seems the same for now, but it got way worse after DD was born, and it was terrible before her to begin with. I really hope it doesn't get worse after this one comes. I'll seriously be almost blind!

My weekends are not super relaxing either. DH is a bartender so he's gone for the evenings, and with it being football season now he's often going in early so we barely see him for the day.

We had a bday party for DD yesterday and it was good fun. Exhausted after all the cleaning and getting ready for it though!
Midnight- that sounds scary and stressful, I hope you and baby are okay now! What is the next step?

Ally- glad you are okay after fainting, but sorry you are so miserable itching! Is there any kind of medicine or cream for that, or is it just a ride it out thing? That sounds so miserable!

Skye- welcome!! Happy v day a few days late! :)

Ali- I absolutely hate having a cough. I hope you are able to get it checked soon and that it goes and stays away!

Also sorry for those of you who do not have relaxing weekends/have to work weekends. I worked weekends when I worked at a coffee shop a couple years ago and then bookstore most recently. Thankfully right now I am a full time student so now just have to worry about making sure all school work is done but am thankfully able to relax weekends even if I have last min school work.

Dh and I's 3 year wedding anniversary is this week on the 12th. For our one year we took a trip to New Orleans, for 2 years we went to a town about an hour away but this year with finances being tight we will most likely just try to have a nice dinner
Thanks Alijoe and Anababe! :) yes, I'm having a boy LOL! Oh I didn't realize one ticker was pink! Hahaha! :D Okay I fixed it hahaha! I'm gonna blame it on pregnancy brain. LOL! :D
Midnight- I'm so sorry, how scary. I hope all goes well with the scan, please keep us posted

Welcome Skye!
Skye - Nothing wrong with boys having pink! Figured you just liked it being pink!

Vrogers - Thank you. I usually don't have a cough this long and with it getting worse it's disheartening. It wasn't quite as bad today as it was yesterday. Hopefully that's a good sign. Congrats on 3 years! Time together is what matters!

Lite - I will! I hope it's getting better, but either way I'll make sure to mention it. I guess something viral has been going around that lasts 7-10 days.
Skye - we have the exact same due date!

Vrogers - happy anniversary (a little early)! I understand finances being tight this year (us too!) but I hope your dinner out is still a really special and celebratory time for you! :)

Ally - that really is too bad about your terrible itching! I have heard of PUPPS and it would make sense if you had that! I'd definitely mention it at your next appointment.

Ali - good plan! But yes, I hope it is better by then! It's just always best to get checked out since during pregnancy we have a weakened immune system and I wouldn't want you to get too sick!
Woke up an hour and half before my alarm and couldn't get back to sleep due to this cough. It always seems I lose sleep on the days I work. I really could use it right now as well.

Well better news.. 28 weeks tomorrow! Will officially be in the third trimester according to my OB! Then no one can argue it! Baby was quiet last night which was odd to me. He's usually kicking up a storm as I'm trying to fall asleep which keeps me awake because I like to feel it. I think I got one slight kick before I fell asleep. He's been a little active this morning.

Going to be a long day for me. I hope I get out at a decent time so I can spend some time with DS before I need to get some sleep instead of cutting into it. I can't go to bed that quick when I know he misses me.
We just managed to sell off the last of our inherited property! Woot! Paperwork will be here today in the mail (we live several hours from the property) and then we'll be officially done. When DH's grandparents died a year and a half ago we (and his brother) inherited their homes (they raised him so it's like his parents). One of them had a huge mortgage still so we managed to sell it for just enough to cover the costs we spent cleaning it out and pay off the mortgage and all their bills. The second house, was in HORRIBLE condition. They had let their son (DH's uncle) live there and he is a drug addict. He was in jail when she passed and after probate we were able to finally get rid of the people who were living there (friends of his). The place was so trashed we spent thousands of $ cleaning it out, pulling out molded carpets and furniture, these people had gone so far as to rip out all the appliances and sell them off, including the cast iron claw foot tub. They ripped out all the cupboards in the kitchen and bathroom and used them as firewood. We pulled out hundreds of needles (druggies) from the place. It was bad. The house is still in horrible condition but at least cleaned up now and we managed to find someone who would pay us cash to buy it. It's not nearly what it could be worth, in fact we're barely getting what the land itself is worth, but it needs so much work we don't really care (and the roof is in bad shape and with winter coming I'd rather be done wiht it). The uncle keeps coming back to the property and trying to live on it and when he gets caught he trashes it (again), so we're just glad to be DONE with it. We've spent over $5K in lawyer fees getting people off the property since the Uncle kept moving back in and refusing to leave (and it's 3 hours away from us so we can't check on it regularly). He still thinks the property should be his. :dohh: even though he's seen the will a hundred times.

Plus, we'll walk away with a small amount of cash (very small, we sold it for not much) from the deal after we pay off back taxes on the property and split it with his brother we'll have enough to pay off a little bit of debt. :D I'm very excited about this. Even without any money, we were ready to give the damn place away just to get rid of the stress.

Totally unrelated: we decided to bite the bullet this weekend and are going to replace our carpets and vinyl flooring in the main part of the house with hard wood (laminate wood actually, we can't quite afford TRUE hard wood). The carpets our house came with are in really bad condition, the stains are so awful that I don't want people over because of how nasty it looks. So this is making me very happy! I was not very happy with the idea of baby being on these floors. We'll leave carpet in the bedrooms but those rooms aren't in bad condition like this. The quote was finished yesterday and DH is going to stop by today and finalize the last bits and sign the papers. We should have new flooring in about 3 weeks. <3 :D Woot! :)

Omg yes on the having trouble sleeping! Woke up to use the bathroom (which is becoming more frequent now) then baby started kicking and now finding it impossible to fall back asleep! It's now 4:45 in the morning and I'm going to have a longgggg day of work ahead!

Same thing happens with me I wake up to go to the bathroom I come back to bed and she starts kicking away.

EVERY. Friggin. Time. Seriously. I'll be dead asleep, I wake up and she's not moving. The minute I get up to go to the bathroom she starts kicking and I can't go back to sleep. It's like "oh, mommy's up? Time to play!" :dohh:

Ali - I already wear glasses and my eyesight has definitely gotten worse since pregnancy. I am avoiding going in because of the pregnancy, but hope it improves some after baby because it's getting pretty bad. :( As for your cough- I hope the doctor can do something for you at your appointment. Doesn't sound good. :(

Midnight - Oh no! I'm glad you're doing okay now but what a horrible and scary thing! :hugs: Keep us udpated! When you're follow up scan?

Skye - Welcome! :)
Woke up an hour and half before my alarm and couldn't get back to sleep due to this cough. It always seems I lose sleep on the days I work. I really could use it right now as well.

Well better news.. 28 weeks tomorrow! Will officially be in the third trimester according to my OB! Then no one can argue it! Baby was quiet last night which was odd to me. He's usually kicking up a storm as I'm trying to fall asleep which keeps me awake because I like to feel it. I think I got one slight kick before I fell asleep. He's been a little active this morning.

Going to be a long day for me. I hope I get out at a decent time so I can spend some time with DS before I need to get some sleep instead of cutting into it. I can't go to bed that quick when I know he misses me.

This is me too, she is usually active right when I am in bed and trying to fall asleep. Last night she wasn't and the anxiety kicked in a bit. I was thirsty and drank some cold water, it was enough to know she was doing ok and I fell asleep a little while later.
I went to the doctors today again for my itchy rash, as it is getting worse and is now all over my body except my face. she said it's an extreme allergic reaction and has referred me to a dermatologist. i don't know how long the referral will take but right now i am so desperate for relief :(

i got some aloe verga gel which is soothing and helps a little, and tonight i will have an oatmeal bath. Doc also gave me anti-histamines, but im a little afraid to take them as they wil effect baby so i might just take half a tablet before i go to sleep and see if i feel any relief!

will read through rest of posts soon and reply properly!
Oh Ally that sucks I hope you feel better soon.

i know :( feel miserable!!!!
have a private scan booked tomorrow and i'll be 27 weeks so seeing him will cheer me up. GUess i just have to learn to manage it. no idea what i could be allergic too though!
Thank you for the anniversary wishes! I had a little cash on me and was able to buy some cake mix and a little '3' candle (for 3 years haha), one of his fav types of candy, and a few military/aircraft magazines that he's really into. So at least I'm able to do something small!

Ali- that must be so annoying, I hope the cough goes away SOON! and happy almost 28 weeks! Can't believe we're all in/getting close to being in third tri, it really seems to be flying by for me!

Angel- congrats on selling the property! Even just a small chunk of change will probably be helpful. I bet it's nice to have that out of the way!

Ally- I've used aloe on my stomach a few times when I get those random itches. I'm glad your doctor has referred you and hope you're able to figure out exactly what's causing it and get some real relief! Also glad you get to see baby tomorrow! Im the same way..my 28 week appointment is a week from today and I'll have to have my GD test and Rh- injection (cannot remember what it's actually called) and possibly flu shot if they'll do it the same time, but seeing baby girl will be worth the needles and nasty sugar drink!

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