January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Thanks Angel! :D

Oh wow that sounds awful Ally hope you feel better soon.
Ally - that itching sounds terrible! I hope it goes away very soon. Don't feel too guilty about taking the antihistamines. Hopefully you'll only need them for a short time and your rash will clear up on its own.

Angel - oh wow, that sounds ridiculously stressful about getting those houses fixed up and sold (especially the druggie one - yikes!). I'm so glad for you that they're finally out of your hands now, and that you can even pay off some debt!

Vrogers- glad you were able to get your DH a little something for your anniversary! I am Rh- as well and will get my Win Rho shot (what it's called in Canada) in a few weeks. I am unfortunately behind most of you so hearing about everyone being in the third trimester makes me feel like my pregnancy is quite slow...but in a way it definitely has gone quickly. Doesn't feel like long ago we were all complaining about first trimester symptoms.

Ali - hope your day wasn't too terribly tiring and you were able to have some quality time with your DS after.
Literati- you are not too far behind anyone here! It is weird though how we are all spaced out weeks-wise yet due the same month. I'm glad I'm not the only one dealing with this Rh- stuff (although I wish none of us had to be inconvenienced with it!) it scared me when my doctor first talked to me about it when I was 12 weeks but since I learned it's basically just a simple injection (or possibly two) and that's all I really have to do I feel better!
Angel - That sounds like such a headache. I'm glad it's done and over with. New flooring sounds exciting, though! It can really freshen up a living space.

Danser - I try hard not to get worried. I was glad he was moving around some the next morning.

Ally - You just can't catch a break with that at all, can you? I know some antihistamines are pretty safe. I took one a couple of times with this cough hoping it would help even in the slightest. My list of approved medications doesn't have anything for a cough except an allergy medication that probably wouldn't help me anyways since it's for allergies. Enjoy your private scan!!

Lite - I was able to squeeze in a little bit of time. He's always so excited when I come home it completely lights up my day. Then he tends to get really cranky. Probably because he's getting tired and then he doesn't want to sit still at all. He usually gets mad at me if I sit down and I'm not doing something with him. My day was awfully tiring, though.

So, cough is worse. I was woken up by it several times. I already have a headache from it this morning. I want to cry thinking about work. My mind is complete mush, too. I don't know how many times I just stopped doing what I was doing and just stared because I literally just forgot what I was doing half way through it. I'm definitely being a whiner. I have no hope for improvement by my appointment. I just now hope by next week it's better.

Yay for 28 weeks, though! I had 3 people come up to me yesterday at work that didn't know I was pregnant. My facility isn't large so I see everyone that works there. Their shocked looks then finding out I was 28 weeks was pretty funny. I'm one of 4 in the building and I think I'm the furthest along.
AliJo that cough sounds miserable! Poor thing.

Baby was rocking and rolling this morning while I was trying to snooze before getting up.

The last few days with DD have been a lot better than last week, thankfully. We had some fun times. Still a couple of pee accidents, sigh. Cleared up her diaper rash with a steroid for now, and hoping to keep it away with some extra measures we're taking. Fingers crossed!

26 weeks today and down to double digits until due date!
I took off of work today between the cold I have and all the swelling I wanted to be able to relax and get in some extra sleeps, take some naps too. The swelling has gone down quite a bit. I ordered some nice more comfortable shoes, I hope they arrive this week.
I'm rh- too! Thank goodness this is my first pregnancy as there's a shortage of the injection in the market and we can't find it. Hopefully we'll find it before I'm 28 weeks... just to be safe. The "joys" of not living in the west!
I had anti D on saturday. I may need some more. Not sure xx

Hating 3rd tri. So fed up and achy :(
Ali- are you able to take anything for it? I thankfully haven't had a cough since being pregnant so not sure what all we can take. What a stubborn cough!

danser- I hope you feel better and that the day off helped you!

Newbie- I knew there were a few of us who are Rh- just couldn't remember who exactly! I'm sorry about the shortage and I hope you are still able to get it soon!

Midnight- I'm sorry you are miserable! You are in the home stretch though, not too much longer to go!
Thanks vrogers. I keep telling myself that it isn't "essential" with the first.

can't sleep! I was exhausted last night and slept at 9:00. Now it is 3:30 and I can't sleep. I think it is stress. We have the memorial service today for my colleague who passed away. I have to speak. Don't want to but since he was one third of our admin team, both my boss and I feel we should. We miss him.
Vrogers - According to my approved med list.. no. Cough drops don't really help, but I've been trying different types hoping. My mouth is so messed up from them and the back of my mouth hurts from coughing. My taste buds are all messed up. Also my abdomen muscles hurt. I guess I'm getting a work out from it at least.

Newbie - I'm sorry about the loss of your colleague. I don't like speaking in front of people. Not sure if that is your reason, but that would be mine. I get super nervous. I'm sorry about the shortage. I couldn't imagine being short on something like that. Seems like a small thing until you can't get your hands on it.

Midnight - I'm sorry it's been hard. It'll most likely get harder, sadly. Hopefully your body adjusts and you get some relief, though.

Danser - I'm glad you took the day for yourself. I can't get myself to call in even if I really need to. In the last 4 years I have called in once and that was not too long ago because DS was sick and I just couldn't go in because I needed to be there for him. Calling in can throw the whole day into chaos also, which makes me feel awful.

Well I'm going to take a long warm shower to try to clear me up enough to go to bed without losing a lung. I'm afraid I'm going to be up constantly coughing again. It's mostly a dry cough with just some phlegm in the morning and that's about it.
Alijo - Hope your cough eases up soon that must be so uncomfortable to have to deal with.

Danser- Hope you enjoyed your day off and are feeling a little better.

Midnight - Sorry your both feeling great, this last stretch is tough but hopefully will soon pass!

I had a midwife appt on Monday, first time I've seen midwife since 15 weeks because of the move and struggling to get appts fit in around me and my partner. Anyway had bloods done and heard baby's heartbeat. They are referring me to consultant at the hospital to see if they 'allow' my home birth due to my back problems. I thought I'm going to fight that even if they say they don't agree.. but midwife called yesterday, my iron is really low (which I expected it has been in all my pregnancies) and baby isn't growing. She's measuring 24 weeks.. I have to go into hospital for the day tomorrow for monitoring of the baby then growth scan next week. Then appointment with the anaesthetist incase of early csec. With my back, low iron and small baby there's not looking to be a chance of even having a natural delivery nevermind my homebirth. I'm gutted. I'll obviously do what's needed for baby but I'm just so upset I really wanted this to be perfect like my last two homebirth as it will most definitely be my last baby.

Fingers crossed all is OK with baby and she's just small because I am and not because something is affecting growth.
Anababe, sorry to hear things are not going according to plan. But it's good they're being cautious and trying to help baby arrive safely. What a nerve-wracking time!

I am having this spot in my low back that keeps spasming or something and it stops me in my tracks whenever I'm trying to move. It was bothering me last night, but the walk from the train across the street into my office building was agony. I might go home early today. Gonna wait until my manager comes in and see, then maybe ask DH to come get me.
Ali - I'm so sorry that sounds horrible. :( I hope you start to feel better soon!

I get the opposite reaction, people keep asking me if I am not further along than I am because I'm so big! :haha:

Newbie - so sorry about the loss of your colleague. :( That's tough. :hugs:

Ana - Oh no! :Hugs: I'm keeping fx that she's just small!
Ali, I have read that putting Vicks in a wax melter helps to clear you up to sleep. I hope you feel better soon.

Ana, I hope all works out and baby is just small.

Angel, I haven't had any comments on my size yet thank goodness. Although I feel massive!
Our thread is definitely starting to sound like 3rd trimester. We're all starting to have something going on.

Slammer - I've had muscle spasms in my back before, not during pregnancy, but I know how debilitating they can be. Maybe a warm shower and have DH massage the area?

Ana - I'm sorry things got complicated. I really hope everything turns out be okay and you can keep baby in there.

Froggy - The bad thing is, I'm not really stuffed up. The shower didn't help. I ended up coughing worse. My sinuses are pretty clear all day with just a little bit of stuffiness in the morning that doesn't come back once I clear it out.

I was up way past midnight because of my cough then I woke up several times from it. I need to go get the drink for the glucose test today so I can do it tomorrow. They'll be doing labs anyways so I guess if I have an infection it will show up on there. Most likely whatever I have is viral.
Ali- I'm sorry you feel so awful and even worse that you can't take anything for it. I would definitely mention it to your doctor (can't remember, you may have done that) and I would think they would have some suggestions.

Ana- I hope everything is okay with baby and that she's just a small baby and that you're able to deliver at home like you want! Let us know how it goes tomorrow
Ana I'm sorry. At my scan two weeks ago I baby was measuring two weeks behind. So they have me being monitored weekly with BPP's to check make sure she is doing ok and the placenta is working properly. It seems to be a week to week thing. Hopefully baby is just small.

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