January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Vrogers- that sucks you're getting really tired again. Unfortunately, I have never reached the point where I don't need naps anymore. Of course, I can't nap on work days, but any of my days off I cannot function without a nap still. It sucks my fatigue just never lifted. I mean, since about 20 weeks I've felt marginally more energetic than the first half, but I've still been so tired. It really sucks.

Ali - I am curious about zulily as well.

What is everyone else doing about a winter jacket? I don't have a maternity coat, and they're so expensive, but my jacket is not going to fit much longer. We have brutally cold winters here and it goes down to -40 (or worse), especially in December and January, so I just don't think I can get by without finding some sort of solution. My co worker showed me how you can buy jacket inserts, but they look kind of dumb and are still over $100. I am wondering if there is a deal on zulily or something if I should just get one! But I've never ordered from there.

Ana - I am with you on finances being tight! We are having cash flow problems, and now suddenly are having to make some unanticipated purchases like a different vehicle because mine won't work for two kids with one rear facing! Eek! When I think about Christmas coming up, I'm really not sure how we'll swing it.
I'm so glad you had a glorious week off relaxing and watching TV! I seriously wish I could have one of those. Hopefully going back to work won't be as bad now that you're rested up.

Danser - yay for nursery furniture! If you are still not feeling her move much this afternoon, I would probably go in to the hospital to get it checked out. Not to be alarmist, but reduced fetal movement is nothing to ignore! Having said that, I definitely have periods in the day where I don't feel dd much and start to worry, but thankfully she always starts wiggling around eventually to alleviate my worries.
Yeah AliJo Its a shame the way they are with homebirth over there. Our midwives tend to try and put you off it a little but even if if a consultant advises against it we are still within our rights to go against them and still have a midwife attend. Obviously it's down to us to know whether it's wise to fight or not and anything that I felt would put baby at risk I'd give up my homebirth without a doubt.

She never stops moving so I'm fairly confident the fundal height measurement with the tape wasn't entirely accurate and she will be totally fine on the scan. Fingers crossed!

I've been having some horrendous heartburn this week I'm going through rennies and gaviscon like mad!
Thanks Literati. Yeah it's really difficult with xmas coming up.. I've already had to pre warn the children that 'santa' hasn't got as much money this yeah and there will be no big presents like their usual new Console/Tablet/phone (or whatever major purchase they are wanting that year) which between 4 of them can put my xmas budget up by around £1000 and that's before we have even started on toys and xmas food. Just can't do it this year. Not getting myself stressed over it. My mum is visiting for the first Christmas in years so it's going to be so lovely having a nice family day and also to get the extra pair of hands to help me with cooking!

I'm really stuck for winter jacket aswel. I bought one about 4 weeks ago but it's already getting quite tight. Going to start having a look around this next couple of weeks.
Thanks Literati I've definitely felt her moving here and there, especially after the donut I had. I've also been up and down a lot today so when I am moving I don't notice her movements as much. If I don't feel her as much when I am relaxing later definitely plan to call my OB.
Ali & literati- it doesn't get super cold where I live (south US) which I actually don't like because I am one of the few that enjoys cold weather. I will need a jacket most likely for December-February and maybe some of November. I have one that works and hopefully will still fit when my bump is bigger!

Literati- I'm sorry your fatigue never eased! Mine did in the second tri but I definitely feel like it's coming back along with being uncomfortable.

Ana- glad your appointment went well! I also hope you are able to deliver at home with no issues like you want to. Let us know how the scan next week goes!

I drank an iced coffee, my 4th or 5th since being pregnant (I stick to small or medium these days) and baby went crazy! Before being pregnant I was a massive coffee addict but stopped until about 2-3 weeks ago. This is the first time it seemed to affect her this much. I drank it in the evening (which I used to always be able to do) and could NOT sleep due to being wired and baby going insane. She didn't stop moving until well after 3am, then was moving again when I woke at 6:45am. I was actually slightly worried wondering when the heck she would be able to be sleeping. She's also moving some right now. So I decided no more coffee until after she's here, just freaked me out too much

Have my 28 week appointment Monday, not ready for the shots and glucose test but super ready to see how big baby is now!
Lite - I searched Zulily for maternity coats and they do have some. They're 32 to 100 dollars. I personally don't like the ones for 32. I wouldn't want to spend more than 50 at the most. That's why I think I'm just going to layer. Doesn't seem to get quite as cold here, though. We have had -40s in wind chill, though.

Vrogers - We could trade for a few months! I won't mind! I don't generally mind the cold, but the bitter wind chill gets old.

Ana - I always have the Santa gifts be something simple and small. The expensive gifts are always from us. He doesn't understand Santa yet, though.

Danser - I guess I overlooked your post about Duck. You should start counting kicks regularly. It might help you ease a little of your anxiety. Hopefully she starts kicking up a storm for you!

Vrogers - Iced coffee sounds good. I don't generally drink caffeine unless I want to get my bowels moving. It does the trick much better than stool softeners and all that other jazz. I have found V8 juice does wonders if I drink it regularly. I haven't noticed him start moving more with caffeine, though. Yay for 28 weeks! Shots don't bother me. I'm just always like "Have at it." My OB now offers orange and fruit punch for the glucose test.. woo.. I tried the fruit punch. Couldn't really taste it because my tongue was dead from the cough drops.
Alijo- My weekend just began, I'm off on Sundays and Mondays so this is my Friday night. My plans for the weekend is just rest and catch up on sleep, then shopping and maybe I'll go see a movie with OH. :)

Anababe- My tiredness from first trimester is starting to creep back too. Third trimester is right around the corner.

Yay danser that's exciting! :)
Ali-I would love to trade at least for a little while! :) I'm sure I might feel different if I lived somewhere where it actually got cold enough and snowed. I definitely noticed the iced coffee got things moving, I guess my stomach was used to the coffee since I drank it every day, it didn't seem to have much of an effect on me until I took a 6 month break! Also I hope I'm able to choose which flavor, fruit punch just sounds better to me! Maybe I should eat some cough drops beforehand haha
Skye - Sounds great! I wish I could find more time to spend with DH before baby arrives.

Vrogers - I love taking a break from caffeine because then even a small amount has an effect! They both are gross. I didn't taste it really, but my body started being all "Stop.. no.. don't drink it.." DH always laughs at me because of the faces I make.

So, DH is sick now. He has a sore throat and can hardly speak. Not the same thing I've been fighting. DS started coughing this morning and coughed more during his nap. Most likely he has whatever I have. I sure hope not because it's miserable. I'll be taking him to the doctor I'm sure. My cough is still lingering, but I feel a little better from the much needed sleep. I now think my throat is starting to get sore. I think I'm just going to be sick for the rest of the year.

Just got DS to bed a few minutes ago and I'm now heading that way. Hoping I don't wake up with a sore throat. I'm not one that stays sick long, so this is really starting to drive me bonkers!
Sorry to hear your DH and DS are sick now AliJo. Hope it passes soon and you all start to feel better.

I didn't sleep too well last night and feel a bit sick today. It's my DS2 7th Birthday today and was DS1s 9th last week. Can't believe how time has flown and my first two babies are growing up so much. It's a bit scary to think there will be another newborn around soon!
Ana - Hopefully you're just feeling off or at least that you don't get too sick. I bet that is crazy. Having a 2 year old is crazy enough for me! Also, thank you. I have no hope for myself, but hopefully DS and DH get well soon.
Talking about clothes, I just wanted to say that if you've got a ROSS near you, I bought quite a few pairs of maternity clothes there for a very low cost!! Several camis/tanks (for $5!), a couple pairs of maternity jeans ($15 each), and several pairs of maternity leggings ($7-$10) that were comfy and still thick enough that I don't have to worry about feeling uncomfortable wearing them. Fabulous options for someone on a budget! :)

I'm also way more tired the last week or two, like first Tri all over again! :cry: I think mostly it's just because I'm not sleeping well.

It's been a very long weekend though, my niece's 6th birthday was yesterday and they did a dress-up party, and had a group of kids (neighbors + classmates) of about 14-15 plus adults and family. It was really insane. I'm trying to relax now but I have papers to grade and play catch up on before work tomorrow, we've got parent conferences next week so I have to make sure everything is up to date grade wise. So busy. :dohh:

Ali - I don't use the pick up either, as much as I hate shopping I do try to stay active. I can't go without wire either, but I'm outgrowing my bras to the point where I'm desperate for new bras but can't bring myself to spend a lot of money on bras! If you find something that's good (brand wise) let us know! I could use some recommendations.

As for Zulily - I LOVE it! I don't buy very often, but everything I have bought has been amazing and completely lived up to my expectations.

Vrogers - I'm right there with you, I'm so tired lately! I really need to find a way to get more sleep.

Literati - I haven't figured out what to do regarding a winter jacket. Basically right now I'm just layering, but I have worn my regular jacket a couple times, I just can't button or close it! I'm on the coast so we'll get cold but not quite that cold! I am not sure what to do about that situation. I'd see what you can find on zulily or someplace relatively inexpensive maybe like Ross or Burlington or something.... I don't know if you can find something cheap there but I can understand how not wanting to spend the money on a new jacket! I can barely justify buying anything new for maternity. Basically if I can't find it at Ross for under $20 I won't buy it.
Angel - Never heard of ROSS so just looked online. Not even one in my state! Just surrounding states. I got hopeful for a second! Maidenform was the brand I got last pregnancy that worked out really well. It was a specific one. It had push up padding (which I DO NOT need), but it is what made it so comfortable because it took some of the pressure off. I looked online and there seems to be a similar style and right now you can buy 3 for 60 dollars with free shipping. Which is a steal in my case. I just need to find them in a store first to try them out. If it's not a better deal I'll order online.
I suppose I should really look for nursing bras. I just get so discouraged because all of them seem to be expensive. I just can't do cheap bras. They don't fit right and hurt generally.
Ali- I hope your dh and ds both feel better soon and that it doesn't turn into full blown sickness! You just can't catch a break with all that

Angel- glad I'm not the only one more tired lately! Finding a comfortable position is getting more difficult and I keep waking dh up with all my tossing/turning and using the bathroom. Also I LOVE Ross! We have one here and my bff and I go there all the time. I love their prices.

28 week appointment is tomorrow, getting a little nervous, just with the glucose test and injection and hoping baby's heart still looks good
It's Monday, so I'm back online, lol. I just don't seem to check over the weekends, or if I do I don't have the patience to try and reply on my phone.

I've never looked at Zulily. I have too much of a shopping addiction anyway - I don't need another site to stalk, hehe. I think we do have a Ross near me and a TJ Maxx. It didn't even occur to me to look there. I did go to Motherhood on Friday and bought 4 pairs of leggings. Thankfully they had a BOGO 50% off on leggings. And they are SO COMFY. Glad I made the investment. I also ordered some maternity underwear from Amazon that I'm really happy with. Finally feeling a little more comfortable without any pressure low down from either underwear or the yoga pants I had been wearing.

I'm right there with y'all on not wanting to buy a maternity coat. It seems like such a waste of money for just a few months of wear. I think I will just try to get by with my regular coats + layering, or steal DH's coats. I will look silly, but I don't really care.

As previously mentioned I'm DONE with bras from here on out. I just can't handle any pressure across my ribcage. I feel for you ladies who can't go without. Thankfully I'm only a C cup while pregnant, and they'll be even smaller afterward once milk supply regulates. By the time DD was 2 and had slowed down nursing I was reluctant to admit they'd probably gone down to an A! I'm just going to be layering tanks under my shirts, wearing cardigans, and adding scarves to camouflage any jiggle.

Christmas should be low-key. We don't really go all out with expensive presents. I just need to buy for DD, my sister's 5 kids, and one Secret Santa present. DD will be happy with small gifts, though she wants a scooter apparently. Sister's kids have simple requests like books or clothes, so they are inexpensive. And we cap our Secret Santa among the adults at $50 with no obligation to even spend that much. I already bought myself my combined birthday/anniversary/Christmas present a couple weeks ago, so there won't be anything under the tree for me, lol.

I think AliJo mentioned doing a hospital tour. I need to set that up myself. I think most do it after 30 weeks, but no harm in doing it sooner.

Still struggling with some back pain here, and DD's potty regression. :(
Slammer - I'm sorry about the back pain and that DD isn't back on track. I'm still waiting for my son to really show signs he's ready. Lately he gets mad if I take his diaper off, so trying to get him to sit even for a minute with a naked butt probably won't turn out well. I do need to go tour/get to know the L&D in town. I even thought about going to one even further just so I get the care I really want. I just hate trying to get comfortable with a new place.

Thinking about taking DS to the pumpkin patch today. I'd like to take him to a couple of different ones. Today is actually suppose to be pretty warm and I kind of don't want to deal with the heat. Not quite sure what we're going to do yet. Guess we can go when it first opens until around lunch time or so. Shouldn't be too warm then.
Slammer - What type of maternity underwear did you get? I wasn't going to get any, I didn't with my first, but I've actually been thinking about getting some this time around.
I got these: https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B01GPWF81C/

I didn't get any with my first either - just bought a bigger size. But even those feel constricting this time around. Well, a combo of constricting when I'm sitting, and falling down then I'm standing! I was pleasantly surprised with these ones. They don't feel tight at all across the belly, but they stay up nicely.

I totally understand going further for the care you want. I had my first at a birth center and the appointments were a pain in the butt to get to from work. I couldn't really manage going there again this time, plus other circumstances make me want to go the hospital route this time. A local hospital JUST got Baby-Friendly certified last year, so I was excited to at least have a location that will be more progressive.
Ali- the pumpkin patch sounds like fun! I always have dh buy us a pumpkin the last week of the month so we can carve it. Once this baby is old enough I will probably take her to this farm that's a couple cities from where I live where they have all kinds of activities for kids including a little train ride and corn maze.

Appointment went well. Baby had her hands and feet by her face the entire u/s so we didn't get any good face pictures unfortunately. The tech even had me lie on my side to try to move her and she refused to move her hands, just held on to her toes and feet the whole time. But thankfully her heart looks perfect and she is measuring about 5 days ahead. She's about 2 1/2 pounds and I believe she said measuring in the 57th percentile when she measured her femur. She was also head down and I'm hoping she stays that way. I got my rhogam injection and tdap vaccine and will get flu shot at next appointment on Halloween. Also took my glucose test. The drink wasn't TOO bad, I had the fruit punch flavor, was just way too sweet for my taste.

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