January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Glad the appointment went well vrogers! Sorry baby wasn't cooperating, sometimes they are little turds lol.

I'm also I'm the "I can't go braless" club. I was a 38ddd before pregnancy, and I'm now in a H. I get my bras from Lane Bryant. They are expensive but they have great sales and a good clearance selection. They have a nursing bra as well, but from what I have read online it's not that great. They do buy one get one 50% off of bras a lot. So you could get 2 really decent ones for 50 to 60 dollars. I also like that they aren't old lady looking. It's really hard to find sexy bras with a big chest.
Froggy - My goodness! I don't know how you feel about it, but I would hate being that big breasted. Ds are bad enough and the DDs I got with DS and so far with this one is way too much for me. Even as a D though I have hard times finding cute bras. I hate that it stops at a C generally.

Vrogers - Glad the appointment went well! Sorry she was being a stinker! I don't like really sweet things and so those drinks are so awful to me.

Slammer - I'll have to see about getting some. They're a decent price as well. I'm the same and last pregnancy I just went up a size and this time around they're just not doing it. I didn't even think to see if the hospital in town was baby friendly so I just looked and there is literally only 2 in Iowa. What the heck. I still think I may just go to the one in town because it's just blocks away. Demand the care I want. I'll be a pain!

I'm having such a headache with this loan process. They need our 1098T forms from our college loans. Well that's all find and dandy but I can't find our 2014s. I saw we can get them off the college website which is awesome, but our 2014s say 2015, but the amounts are from 2014. I'm a bit more than irritated! Tried to call the college and the business office didn't answer. Left a message and now I'm waiting. I'll call back later, but for now I'm grinding my teeth.

Thinking the pumpkin patch is out today. This one does have a corn maze, jumping pillows, corn bin, a train ride on the weekend, and other little things you can do. I do want to go to a bigger one as well that is a bit of a drive. I'm going to see about doing that next Monday. We may just go later in the day sometime this week to the one outside of town.
Ali, I have already decided that after I'm done having babies, I'm getting a reduction. I get neck and back aches from them, and my straps leave marks so insurance should pick up some of the bill. I'm thinking I will go down to a different cup. They also do a lift with the reduction, so that's exciting lol. They have been thus big since 9th grade, so I don't really know any different.
Froggy - I don't blame you! I'd definitely do a reduction as well. No point in being in pain.
If only we could share the boob wealth and even things out! One of my sisters had a reduction and is very happy with it. I'd gladly have mine a bit bigger! The plump C they are during pregnancy is pretty ideal. The sad deflated A's after nursing were a bit disappointing, lol.
Today has been one of these miserable days full of anxiety, and awfulness and uncomfortableness. I am so so grateful to be pregnant but this is hard. I feel much better at home and relaxing too. I have an OB appointment tomorrow, debating on whether to ask work to give me a doctor's note, to allow me to work another day from home, or see what my boss will come up with. He said he would talk to his boss about some things they can to. Ugh and I have my 3 hour GTT tomorrow.
Danser - I'm sorry it's been rough. What sucks about anxiety is when people don't deal with it they often don't understand. I think it's part of my problem with child care. I get way too much anxiety over it and people at work really don't get it. I hope you pass your 3 hour and it isn't miserable. You need a break. I never heard from my OB so I assume I passed my 1 hr.

Laying/sitting in bed waiting for my cough to subside. I have 4 doses of my cough medicine left. Begging for my cough to just go away. I think it's getting better, but when these fits start I'm not so sure.

I'll be 29 weeks tomorrow! So excited to be a week away from 30! I can't wait till we start labor watching. I mean some of us will be considered term in 8-9 weeks depending on what they go by. It's 38 weeks here. I hope I go into labor naturally this time. My water broke and they put me on pitocin last time. Also hope to be a little earlier because DS was 8lbs 1oz and I would like to not go over that much. Guess it's up to this little guy!

We also decided on a swing and we're going to order it this next week. Kind of pricey, but I think it will work out great in the long run. We gave away our last one to help someone out. This one won't be given away for sure. DH actually wanted this one more than I did, but it's not as big as some and that kind of sold me on it. Limited space is no fun. It's the Mamaroo. Just hope it lives up to the hype.

Okay, I'll stop blabbering! Hope to hear from more of you ladies tomorrow! I'll probably catch up with everyone late tomorrow.
Hi ladies! No need for any coatfor me. It will be about 70-ish when baby is born, we don't get winters here.

Oh Angel I live right next door to a Ross! I will check them out tomorrow. Thanks for the tip! :D

Oh wow cool Slammer, I didn't even know they made maternity underwear.
I can only imagine your anxiety danser. I hope you're able to get more time at home.

We had a simple swing with DD that was handed down, but it didn't really get used. She was really hard to transfer to any other sleep surface than our bodies! I held her for so many naps. Don't regret it though. Those snuggles are priceless. I imagine I'll do a lot more babywearing with this one since just plopping myself on the couch for hours at a time probably won't be doable with DD around.
Danser, I hope they can come up with something for you. Gl with your gtt today!

We were given two swings, and two bouncers that are in really good condition. I'm so thankful for all of our hand me downs!

I hit double digits today!!! 99 days until my little guy is due!
Yay for double digits, froggy! Can't believe how close we're all getting.

I woke up with a sore hip because I can only sleep on my left side. Ironically my tdap vaccine went into my left side which hurt when I got it while my rhogam injection was in the right, didn't hurt one bit until later. Also stressing a little over my baby shower that's in 2 weeks from this Sunday...the invite list is bigger than I wanted due to family inviting people without telling me. Dh and I are both super introverted and hate having the center of attention on us, our wedding showers were miserable for that reason! But thankfully it's only an hour and a half and then we are done. We are doing a diaper raffle (anyone who brings any size diapers gets their name into a drawing for a $100 gift card).

Hope everyone is having a good week! I'm on fall break from classes so will just be catching up this week.
28 weeks tomorrow! Can't believe it :)

Got confirmation today that dh will be coming with me to Rome. We weren't expecting his visa through for at least another week but because we're travelling together and I'm an EU citizen, it was processed quicker. So happy he's coming. I'll be 30 weeks when I get on the plane. Excited about the trip now.

I'm also lucky that I won't need a coat. I'll layer enough on the mornings but it warms up to almost tshirt weather during the day here in winter. I'll borrow a jacket from dh if I need it. Hope the ladies that need one find one at a reasonable price!
Ali - yay for a swing. Those things are a lifesaver in the beginning. It was a very sad day when my dd no longer would fall asleep in it! We just borrowed one last time but we are borrowing one again so we still don't have to purchase one, thankfully. We just don't have any room for storage in our house!

Vrogers- why can you only sleep on your left side? I know it's recommended to lie on your left side as much as possible when pregnant, but I never fret too much about turning to my right if I get sore in the night. I just wouldn't be able to sleep otherwise! I try to just make sure the majority of the night is spent on my left.

I am envious of you ladies with mild weather in the winter who won't need winter coats! That will be very nice.

Newbie - that's great your DH can come along to Rome with you! Is it for business?

AFM - I'm getting more and more swollen, and then sometimes shedding the water retention at night which means getting up 5+ times to pee some nights! SO frustrating! Dd is having a series of bad sleeps this week. Not sure if it's teething, nightmares, or both. Tylenol did get her to settle down last night so I assume her teeth? But she also said she was scared and she has been having a very vivid imagination lately. She keeps asking us if there's a wolf in the other room (we've read her the three little pigs too many times I guess).
DH and I are working on rearranging furniture, purging and organizing so that we can fit the crib Into another room. Sadly, this baby will have to share a room with our computer/office area as we have literally no other place to put a desk. But we did seriously purge that space to make room for the crib, and it feels better having that mostly done. There is still some cleaning and organizing to be done. DD1's twin bed frame should be coming in this week, so DH will be busy assembling that and we can move the crib! I have not had major back pain or soreness like I did with my first pregnancy yet, but last night after I spent the entire evening cooking and cleaning (and only sat down to eat supper), let me tell you that my back really hurt! I am even a bit sore today still. Just goes to show I really do have to take it easy even though I'm not in as much pain this time.
So today was just as high with anxiety. I had my 3 hr GTT I should get the results tomorrow. Today at my appointment the swelling was pretty bad, my blood pressure was high and I had protein in my urine. They sent to L&D to be monitored for preeclampsya. Luckily my blood work was fine, BP was fine and so was my urine. Duck they said looked great as well she was being monitored too. They did give me a steroid shot too. I have to go in for a bit tomorrow for another steroid shot some monitoring and to give them my 24 hr urine collection. I really can't seem to catch a break here.
Danser - oh wow. You really are having a rough pregnancy, aren't you? How scary that you had protein in your urine! I am glad that things looked fine at the hospital and that they are going to continue monitoring you. Let us know how things go tomorrow! And I hope you pass your 3 hour test. That must have been brutal to stay there that long! :( Hugs. I can't blame you for feeling very anxious. I wish you could have a stress-free pregnancy.
Danser - I really hope everything straightens out so you can keep Duck in there till term! I can't imagine the stress and anxiety you must be facing right now.

Lite - I've been thinking about getting DS a twin sized bed when we move. I think he'd enjoy it more since it'll be more like ours. He tosses and turns a lot in bed so when I do put him in his toddler bed he's hitting something. I think I'd have to have it be a low bed, though. Or on the floor.

Newbie - Glad DH can join you!! I definitely wouldn't be as happy about leaving if DH couldn't join me. I'm bad about being away from him for even a night.

Vrogers - I get not liking to be the center of attention. I honestly think that's a big problem with me when I'm trying to plan an event. I don't want the attention. I get anxiety over it and stressed out.

I'm thinking about calling over to the OB about my cough. I just can't get it to leave me alone and I'm about out of medicine. I was hoping I could make it through without needing more. Only taking one dose a day has caused it to flare up more, though.
I'm officially 28 weeks! Yay 3rd Tri!!

I wish I could just do the "no bra" thing. I was a 32DD before pregnancy, and I've definitely increased in size. I size at about a 32DDD now but the 32 band is a little uncomfortable in some bras (ex: my sports bras are way too tight at 32, but my victoria secret bras are perfectly find at 32 band), so I'm wearing a 34DD in my sports bras for going to the gym. Unfortunately while one of my 32DD's works "ok", the other 2 I just fall out of (plunge bra, worked fine until I got too big). Blah. I found a couple decent nursing bras on WISH (anyone heard of that before?) and they actually aren't too bad comfort wise so I wear them on occasion they just don't work really well with a lot of my professional work tops.

Slammer - thanks for the link! I've been thinking about maternity underwear. I haven't gained much weight except in the belly, but my hips are widening so some of my stuff just doesn't work anymore and puts too much pressure on low abdomen. Last week while we were at the store I picked up a pair of regular "hipster" style underwear a size larger than I normally wear and that's been doing okay for me, but those look really good. I may pick up a pack!

Froggy - My sister is about that size, or the next size up, and she also has the worst time finding decent looking bras that are comfortable. Of course because my family is typically big breasted I get a lot of teasing commenst from aunts about being "so small" at my 32DD! :haha:

Vrogers - so glad your appointment went well!! Diaper raffle sounds like a great idea! My sister is planning my baby shower but because of the craziness of her semester in grad school + thanksgiving coming up + my niece's birthday, we've decided the best time isn't until the first weekend of December. So I've got time. Now I need to seriously work on a baby registry!

Ali - I buy most of my bras at victoria secret, and they go up to DDD. They can be spendy but honestly the best fit and most comfortable and supportive bras I've ever got came from there. I just wait for sales.

Newbie - Woot! Welcome to 3rd Tri!

Danser - :hugs: I'm so sorry you're having a rough pregnancy. I hope things settle down or they are able to do something to alleviate some of the anxiety/stress. :(
Yay Froggy and Angel! :D

Oh wow Danser, I hope everything works out for you poor thing.

I definitley can't go without a bra either! LOL! That would be nice but ummm no. :D
Literati- oh I'm right there with you, I just couldn't sleep on my right side last night because my arm is sore from my rhogam shot. I should have been more clear. I know we aren't supposed to sleep on our backs but sometimes I just lay on my back for a couple mins to give my hips a break. My body pillow does help though!

Danser- you need a break, my gosh. I'm sorry about the scare but glad it turned out okay in L&D. Definitely keep us updated!

Angel- thank you! And the registry was my favorite part once I got around how overwhelming it can be! I'm not sure where you're planning to register, but target had the best gift bags (you just go to the welcome desk to create a registry and they should give you a goody bag), lots of samples and handy coupons!
Danser, I'm sending you a big hug from afar. I really hope things settle down for you and duck can stay where she belongs as long as possible.

Yes, Rome is for a professional development conference. Ordinarily I wouldn't mind going alone for a few nights, but not at 30 weeks.

28 week appointment is tomorrow! Still struggling to find the rh shot, but I'll try in Rome if I can't find it here. Doc reassured me that 30 weeks is not too late.

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