January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Ali- I agree on the early third tri board idea. I don't want to think too much about labor yet, it's a little intimidating haha

Ally- I really hope you're able to go home tomorrow! Glad your skin is clearing up!
I don't want to be thinking about labour yet either. Not for many weeks yet. I'm definitely getting bigger and more uncomfortable, but I'm expecting that to get much worse over time. All part of it!

Ally - great to hear you're feeling better and will hopefully go home soon. Take care!
Ally, sorry to hear about that awful rash. I hope the treatments continue to give you relief.

I've gained 25 lbs, which I think is probably about the same as with DD, but not sure exact comparisons for this stage. I gained 38 with her. I'm thin and small-framed, was only 108 before BFP, so this is a lot of weight for me and I don't enjoy it. I think since I'm normally so thin my body just likes to pack on some extra cushion during pregnancy.
I've had a good few braxton hicks contractions today. I notice them only by a feeling of having a weight on my chest or something - then feel my belly with my hands and can feel that it's gone hard. Exactly the same as it was with DD. Not painful at all.
Slammer - it's most definitely true that when you're slimmer to begin with, your body NEEDS to pack on more pounds. And everyone is different, but my body seems to like to add quite a nice sized cushion when I'm pregnant, and I don't seem to have much control over it.

I remember the third tri forums not being very relatable til the end from last time! Too bad. But we will be there before we know it!!

I could be totally wrong, but I think baby might have moved out of breech position to head down!! The other day I felt some huge and uncomfortable movements and I could actually feel her head and back pressed up against me. These huge movements continued later in the day as well and then finally eased up. Ever since, I've suddenly started feeling punches, kicks, pokes and prods ALL over my belly - high, low, and in between! It feels exactly like how movements with my dd1 felt (she was always head down). With this baby, I've always just felt movements super low down and nothing at ALL in the upper half of my bump since she was breech. So I'm really hoping this means she has turned! I am curious if my dr will be able to tell at my appointment in a couple weeks!
Vrogers - I don't get intimidated by labor. I'm one of those that just deal with it as it comes. I definitely get it, though! I just hope to labor naturally.

Slammer - I've been noticing BH for awhile. Mostly from just realizing how hard my belly was. Sometimes I can tell when I'm moving around because I feel less mobile. It's hard to explain. Never painful for me either.

Lite - I have 0 control over my weight gain it seems. I try to not let it bother me. Just want a healthy baby! Hope you're right and baby is head down! I think mine flipped breech for a short while because I felt what seemed like hiccups up high. Then a day or so later it was back down low. They were able to tell on me or have a good guess anyways so maybe!

I gained between 30-35. Not happy about it, but like I said I try not to let it bother me. I can eat healthy and it doesn't seem to matter. I thought about counting calories to get in habit for after baby is born.

Finally catching up on laundry! I hate not having my own washer and dryer. I probably should call about my cough today. It's better than it was a week ago but it's been the same for days.
Ali - There's absolutely nothing to feel bad about with gaining 30-35 lb as that is completely within normal range! I agree we have zero to very little control over it. I actually gained 45 last time, but my dr wasn't worried and I lost it all no problem. My mom gained about the same for all her pregnancies, so seems like I inherited that weight gain tendency from her! Haha. I really try not to stress about it because if eating healthy makes little to NO difference at all, I might as well indulge in a few treats here and there and actually enjoy life. Now - the BEST part is when I'm exclusively breastfeeding and can eat fast food and ice cream for lunch and still lose weight! BUahah. Hopefully all goes well with BFing again (not just for that reason, of course)!

I hope your cough goes away soon. That is a long time you've had it now, although I've noticed coughs can be bad for lasting ages.
Ali, I think 30-35 is pretty good. Doesn't weight gain slow down soon anyway? That would put you right around the recommended. Everyone is completely different, and I'm sure if I didn't have GD I would have definitely had more of a gain. It's really hard not to indulge and make myself eat a carrot or a string cheese vs a cookie or bowl of ice cream. It's just plain torturous actually lol. Honestly all I really want is some greasy chicken enchaladas with rice and beans and chips and salsa, but I'm not allowed :(
Ally thanks sucks I'm so sorry. I hope you get out and feel better soon.
I think I've gained about 25 so far, some is from swelling though which sucks. I was stuck in L&D for quite a bit last night, they wanted to monitor her but the monitors and my daughter were being difficult. I had another BPP today and it went well. Next Thursday is a growth scan, so I hope she has grown quite a bit and caught up. I just want to sleep all the time, in between eating anyways.
Danser - oh man! All those hospital trips must not be fun. I hope the growth scan shows that she's doing amazingly well! Hugs! I am dealing with swelling as well which is why I tend to gain quite quickly in the latter half of pregnancy.
Thanks ladies. It's just hard because I've always been overweight to some degree so seeing the numbers go up can be quite disheartening. I just really want to be a healthy weight range for once. I can at least say I've been fit, but I can't say I've been in a healthy weight range.

Lite - Breastfeeding does help me lose weight without much effort, but then it hits a plateau and I have to start putting in effort. I think last time I was just under my pre-pregnancy weight when it happened.

It'll be 3 weeks with this cough on Sunday/Monday. I've had some bad coughing fits today and it really makes me think I'm not getting better. The thought of whooping cough crossed my mind a couple of times. I'm starting to think it again since it won't go away. I didn't call the OB today, but I am tomorrow. See what they have to say.

Froggy - It can and I'm hoping it does, but I started getting really bad weight weight towards the end so I actually jumped up quite a bit in the end with my first. It comes off easy at least. I would love to stay under what I gained with my first, but I don't have hopes for that. It just keeps steadily climbing. I'm glad you have the willpower and motivation to stay on your diet to keep your numbers in check. I would probably be the same, though. It's a little different when you know it could affect your baby.

Danser - That's no fun being stuck in L&D, but I'm glad it was just the monitor and your daughter being difficult. Did you do your 24 hour collection? If so how did that go?

AFM, not much going on today. Hoping to spend some time at the pumpkin patch tomorrow. I just need to do it instead of dragging my feet. I hate feeling tired all the time. It sucks the life out of me and makes me have 0 motivation.

I've been thinking about maternity leave a lot. What I want do afterwards and what not. The thought of putting my baby in daycare scares me. It really limits my opportunities, but makes me feel better mentally to keep my children with DH or family. It'll be so much easier when I'm done having children and they are older and going to school. I'm thinking about trying to find a clinic job for awhile to keep the hours to weekdays and I can still be home to feed them and get them to bed. Instead of 12 hour days that can easily be 14 with driving and going over. I know it's still awhile away, but I feel like I really have to have a game plan.

I know daycares can be great, it's just me mostly and my anxiety surrounding it. Doesn't help when some of my cousins children were abused in one and they had no idea for a long time. Plus the experience I had with one wasn't good.
Ali- hey, that's great it doesn't intimidate you! I'm trying to get there, it's just scary because I've never done it before and I don't know how I'm going to handle it, and it's not one of those things where it's the same for everyone. I do try to remember my body knows what to do and all the pain and waiting will be so worth it

Danser- glad you and baby are doing well! I hope the growth scan goes well and she is measuring where she needs to be. You've had more than enough thrown at you!

Finally got a call from my doctors office about my sugar test Monday, thankfully the results came back normal.

Does anyone else get annoyed with constant questions and baby talk from other people? I like talking about it here, and with my bff and dh of course but otherwise it feels like the rest of our friends and family have forgotten there's a person behind the bump. For example, I called my dads cell tonight to ask a question and his wife answered (my stepmom, they married a couple years ago when I was already moved out so I'm still getting used to that word!) and IMMEDIATELY- no "how are you" or anything, quickly asked, "did they tell you how much the baby weighs at your doctor appointment??" And it threw me off. Dh heard and just frowned and shook his head-he's tired of it too. It's mostly dh's and my parents who seem to ONLY want to talk about baby and ask "fun" questions like "are you breastfeeding" and "do you eat a lot". I know I sound ridiculous and I promise I am grateful to be pregnant, it just gets annoying! I know my dads wife is excited because she never got to be pregnant, and our parents are excited because this is the first girl grandbaby (first grandbaby period for my dad) but I mean, come on! Thankfully I did gently talk to my dad and he's gotten better unless he's with his wife (she asks question after question even when I change the subject, so he'll usually jump in), and I do try to remember they mean well and are just excited. I'm getting to the point where I'm about to start giving sassy and sarcastic answers haha
Ali- was typing out my long complaining post when you posted, did not mean to ignore you! I hope it isn't whooping cough but rather a stubborn lingering cough. Hopefully your doctor can find out what exactly is causing it and get rid of it for good! I can't imagine having a cough that long. Also I think your plan about the clinic job is reasonable! I feel the exact way, for me a daycare will be a last resort, it makes more sense for me to stay with her for awhile and then when my dad retires in a year and a half to watch her. It's smart to think about a plan ahead of time so you won't have to worry about it later
Vrogers - A lot of people talked about baby with my first. This one not so much. DS was the first (blood related) grandchild on both sides (DH is an only child). I mostly got bugged with "Is it a boy or girl?!", but now that it's known no one talks about baby much. I do get "How's the baby?" some, but that's about it.

I don't blame you for getting annoyed. I never got annoyed, but I also didn't tell most people until I was 29 weeks along. Then it came flooding in because I was in a class full of girls and one guy who was expecting his second. He was annoyed with all the questions. Then he seemed to get annoyed that all the questions left him as soon as they knew I was pregnant. I kind of miss people seeming excited for me and I know many would be more excited if it was a girl. I'm happy, though. They're missing out!
Vrogers - It's okay! It happens! I've done it before. I was thinking it would happen to me (as in I missed a post) because it took me forever to type that!
Ali- it does seem like a first baby thing, I guess people get used to everything with 2nd+ babies. I know I really shouldn't complain and there are much bigger problems!
Vrogers - Complain away! You need to vent and this is the perfect place.

I never had bladder leakage with my first besides once when I sneezed towards the end on a full bladder. This one is always on my bladder making me think I have to pee constantly. With all my coughing bladder leakage is unavoidable it seems. Even directly after using the restroom.
I don't care how small the sample is - I'm following the advice for the health of my baby and me! Haha!

Ali- thank you! I'm so grateful for a great group of ladies like everyone here!

Newbie- I like that article! :) dh got me a big box of chocolates for our anniversary and I ate them in less than a week. He jokes that any time I start getting a certain grumpy look on my face he wants to hide behind the couch and just toss chocolate at me haha

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