January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

I don't really like the questions about the baby and my pregnancy either. It's just the same thing over and over again, and I don't have much to say.

I have some stress incontinence left over from having DD, and it's a little worse with this pregnancy. Annoying!

Speaking of leaking, we have a leaking pipe in our basement ceiling. Arrrrgggg. Thankfully we caught it early and have cut out a small section of the ceiling drywall and are catching the water with a pot. Plumber coming today. This is three years in a row that we've had water damage of some kind in our basement. First time was a leaky faucet from the kitchen. Second time was water coming in a window from excessive rain and poor drainage. Now this. I'd really love to go a year without something like this happening again!
Newbie - Cocoa is actually good for you. It's the sugar! I actually prefer dark chocolate nowadays. Otherwise I'm not a big chocolate person. Just not generally a big sweet lover in general!

Slammer - I didn't have any stress incontinence left over from DS. I'm hoping for the same with this one, but we will see. Not very promising with all this coughing!

Sorry about the leaking pipe. Glad you caught it early at least. We had a pipe burst above our shower, but since we're in apartments of course it didn't cost us anything. The people who live above us smoke and they left the ceiling open to dry for awhile and the smell of smoke was disgusting. Plus a few times it was pot that we smelled. I finally made them come close it. I couldn't stand it.

I'm exhausted today. I hope DS decides to take a decent nap that I can jump in on. He was up super late again last night. Doesn't help that I'm not sleeping well between the cough and of course having to use the restroom.
VRogers - I was going to say the exact same thing as Ali said! I remember getting tons of baby and pregnancy questions with my first (although I didn't mind too much because I was very excited about it and loved talking about it). This time around, no one even cares that I'm pregnant! Like Ali, I get the odd, "How's baby?"
comment and that's it. Of course, close friends and family will still listen to my pregnancy complaints and ramblings if I initiate them. Anyway, point being, enjoy the attention while you still can! Haha. But I do understand feeling like people have forgotten that YOU'RE important too, and not just baby/the fact that you're pregnant. Sadly, this time I feel like no one cares about my baby at all and she won't be cherished or special. My dd was also the first grandbaby on my side of the family, so my parents were extra excited. Having said that, she was DH's parents' 6th grandchild, and they are always in awe of her and frequently MIL says that my dd is her favourite grandchild and also the smartest one! Woohoo! ;) (and she's not just saying that because she's made comments like that in front of her own children hahah). So hopefully my
Second won't be too forgotten about.

Ali - DH and I don't have the option of not doing daycare. We both have day jobs with very little flexibility, and our parents are still working. I am envious of people who can rely on retired grandparents and such for care. However, I think there's a big difference between a big, institutionalized daycare and a small, home one. Of course both are scary and risky to send your kid to if you don't know enough about them! But I can't even imagine the thought of sending my kids to a large, corporate daycare. Seems so clinical and like she wouldn't get nearly enough one on one attention. I send dd to a very small home daycare with only a few other kids (5 max, but 3 of those are at school all day). It is run by my cousin's wife, so I do know her and know her background, etc, which is reassuring. DD loves it and I'm happy to have her there where she is safe and loved. However, I still worry like crazy and am constantly keeping an eye out for any signs of anything being amiss. The thought of my child being abused makes me sick! But the fact is I can't afford to not work, so daycare is our only option, and I do have to trust to some extent that she'll be ok. I did my job in finding her what I thought was the best possible place, and now all I can do is be vigilant and never ignore any signs of something being amiss.

Slammer - missed your post and am editing now. Sorry about the leaky pipe! Household issues can be so stressful.

Midnight - hi there! How have you been doing?
Lite - I wish I knew someone personally that does childcare, but I just don't. When I see people saying they have childcare openings I try to snoop on their Facebook to get a feel for them. So many of them seem to do it just for some extra cash. I want someone who's actually going to be there for them and not just do the bare necessities. I also hope to get along with them, because I feel having a good relationship with those who are watching your children is important. I really need to be able to work full time which requires daycare of some sort. It's just finding something that works and someone who I can put some trust into. Plus so many do contracts. I'd hate to get into a contract to find out it doesn't fit my needs.

At least I'm not the only one feeling like no one cares too much about this pregnancy! I'm pretty use to not getting any sort of attention, though. My father doesn't even come around to see DS much and it is his first grandchild. I have to go out of my way for DS to see his grandpa. He literally stops a block away every weekend at the gas station just up the street. Multiple times as well! I've been becoming more distant with him because of it. His world revolves around my stepmom's granddaughter who she has custody over. Which is fine I get that she's his "little girl", but I just figured he'd care more about his other grandchildren since he's all about family, supposedly.

Midnight - How has everything been?!

There's actually quite a few ladies I miss seeing updates from! I do catch some of them in other part of the forum. I may even search them to see how they're doing. Everyone is always welcome to just pop in and say hello! Or lurk, I'm okay with lurking too! I just like to see how everyone is.
Ali - it would be so hard not knowing anyone. When I thought I was going to have to find just "any" daycare for my dd, I felt positively sick about it! When I found out my cousin's wife was opening one up (she'd had one in another city for years but had recently moved and there hadn't been any mention of her opening one here before), I was so beyond relieved! It took away so much stress to have someone lined up that I at least knew. I totally agree that you want to find a place where your child will be totally loved, nurtured and cherished - not just have their needs met. I am sure you're right that a lot do it for the extra cash. However, I know my friend's parents have a daycare out of their home (quite a bit larger though...probably 12+ kids), and she says that her parents absolutely LOVE those kids like their own! And I know a lot of day cares are the same. I think you just have to interview a lot and go with your gut instinct. Don't settle until you find someone you're very comfortable with, get along with, gives very good vibes, has excellent references, etc! I hope you can find someone amazing.

Yes, you're definitely not the only one! Wow, that's a huge shame that your dad seems to care so little about spending time with DS! That would really be hurtful. I'm sorry!
i'm home after a week in hospital, yah!!! Have to apply steriod cream 2x a day and take anti histamine, and have weekly dermatology appointments, but still, just good to be home with my DH.

I feel you ladies in the weight gain dept, i have gained 28 pounds so far. I was slim before so i feel like my body is packing on the extra fat!

alijo- sounds like you should get cough checked- have you tried just having tea spoons of honey a couple of times a day. Honey is such a good thing to have when feeling poorly- and raw honey is the best. I'll be dosing up on it too.

newbie2013- excellent article and i shall be following that advice also...

vrogers- people ask me a lot about baby too, but i don't really mind, i know everyone is excited around me.

midnight fairy- was thinking of you as you havent posted in a while... hope you are well

i think i have been getting braxton hicks, does it just feel like period cramp? comes and then goes. I dont find it painful, it;s mild. x
Slammer- yes, exactly! Dh and I are both also private people so most of the questions we're asked just make us uncomfortable anyways. Sorry about the leak but glad y'all were able to catch it early on! Our area had really bad flooding back in March, and we ended up with several leaks and decided to just patch up the leaks rather than get a whole new roof. I hope the plumber is able to get it fixed asap and you guys get a break!

Midnight- you're almost 30 weeks, crazy!

Literati- I hadn't thought about the other side, I'm sorry people don't seem interested in baby! I wish there could be some middle ground, it seems both extremes are frustrating. I definitely don't want to complain about a problem other ladies would love to have-people caring about their babies on the way! I imagine when your baby gets here everyone will smother her with attention and love! People seem to love babies especially family haha

Ally- yay glad you are home! I bet it feels so much better to be home and not in the hospital. I get those same types of "pains" you are describing, it feels similar to period cramps but not quite and it's more uncomfortable rather than painful. For me it seems like it's in the evenings most often. I have no clue what Braxton hicks are supposed to feel like so I don't even know if I've felt them yet!
Hi ladies!

Froggy--Oh I see, does doctor tell you how many carbs you should have a day?

Slammer-- I don't think I've felt and braxton hicks yet, or else I just don't notice them. Can they also feel like cramps? Sometimes I feel that at random times.

I've gained around 15 so far, I hope I don't gain much more than that. But like someone said, I just want a healthy baby, there will be plenty of time to hit the gym and lose it once baby comes. :)

Ali--At what age will you put your baby in daycare? Yeah the thought of daycare scares me too.

Newbie--LOL! Now that's some advice I would love to follow! I've been craving chocolate too! :D
Skye - I honestly hope I don't have to use childcare or at least minimal child care. I want to at least wait until baby is 3 months. If I could only be in a country that supported maternity leave for longer periods. I hate not being there for my baby during some of the most important development stages.

Ally - Glad you're out of the hospital!! I'm glad you didn't have a LO at home. I definitely would hate to be in a hospital mainly because I need to be here with DS. I just want to have my baby and go home in the same day with baby! I know "technically" I could. I actually got away with a shorter stay with DS1 because they counted it from beginning of labor which they don't always do for the 2 days. Otherwise I would have had to stay one more night.

Lite - It is and there is no one to really give me good recommendations as well. The people with children that are around me in the same town are people I don't trust advice from at all! DH actually knows more people than I do and he's from a totally different state. I grew up in a town just 25 minutes away! There is someone he works with that says she would watch our son any time and made him a blanket that I used all the time. I need to meet her, see her home, and see how she is with him. If anything she can be backup. I don't expect her to be able to be our childcare provider since she does work part time. She's knitting a blanket or two for this one as well. I'm super excited! Yes, she made a blanket for my son and I never even really got to know her. She does know I appreciate it, though.

Looking at shoes for DS. He's growing out of his size 8s so I'm going for a 9. He has such big feet! Not only that, but he's also a hard fit. His current shoes are extra wides. Know how many extra wide toddler shoes there are? Very little. I haven't found an extra wide boots so I'm going to go with wides and hope for the best. Stride rite and New Balance are the only places I've found extra wide shoes. I'll have to measure him again, though. Last time he was barely a extra wide. It makes buying shoes expensive.

There is starting to be July due dates now! It's insane.. I remember being the newbies!
Ally glad you're out of hospital!

Ali it is crazy with the mat leave in the US! Hopefully it'll change one day soon. I can't fathom having to go back to work so soon.

I had my OB appointment this week, I'm still measuring two weeks ahead. HB was 155 and everything is good! I'm getting lots of heartburn these days though and a bit of reflux.

I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed with moving and trying to get our place rented out!
I had my 28 week appointment on Thursday. Did the 1 hour GD test, and also got my tetanus booster. Hopefully I'll get the results soon. Dr said I'm measuring on schedule (just my belly measurement, don't get actual US or anything), and we talked about the braxton hicks I'm feeling, which are normal. What blows me away is she said that I have 12 weeks until due date BUT that I'm only 9 weeks until "full term". Basically she said at 37 weeks it's considered full term and labor/birth anytime after that is "ok". Since babies in my family often come 1-2 weeks early that made me feel better but also made me realize just HOW CLOSE this is! :wacko:

Otherwise I'm exhausted. It's conference week this week so on Thursday the kids got out of school at 10:30, I had conferences until 11:30, then went to my doctor for 2 hours, came back and did conferences until 4pm, then had a break for food and had to do evening conferences from 5 - 7:30pm. And today was day 2 of conferences, where students were out at 10:30 and I had conferences back ot back until 12:30. Teachers got ot leave at 12:30 today because we aren't paid for evening conferences, so this was our compensation.

And, I am blown away at how rude some of these parents were. Every parent asked of course how far along I was, and when I was due, and then I got a follow up of how long I was going to be out and when I was returning. Which I passed off as general curiosity. Although the tone of voice was not always just curiosity but some condemnation..... But THEN I got questions asking what I (me personally) was doing to make sure that their child was still going to receive an education while I am out on leave, and what my plan was for providing their education, and one parent was so bold as to ask whether I was going to continue to communicate with parents during my leave (specific question was "You do plan on being on contact with us while you're out, right?"). Follow up questions also included whether I would still do the grading while I was out, and answer emails, because the parent(s) didn't "want the sub to handle those things". Ummm no. NO. NO. Oh and btw it's actually not my job to make sure their kids have an education while I'm on leave. I don't get paid for the leave, I don't get paid to do anything during that time, and I have the right to have my 12 weeks with my baby without work! It is the job of the district to provide a teacher for the kids who is qualified to teach and during that time is the teacher for everything including grading and communication and meetings.

Overall I was frustrated, and the teacher at the table next to me was absolutely livid as she kept having to listen to this. At one point when there were not parents at either of our tables she told me she was contemplating slapping the next parent who asked me what I was doing for their kid while I was on leave, because I'm not the first teacher in the district to go on maternity and it's a pretty universal process as to what districts do for teachers taking maternity leave.

Ali - Glad to hear things are okay with your MIL. Keeping FX that is everything continues to go well.

froggy - wow! You might acually weigh less after birth, that would be pretty awesome. I've gained about 15lbs, but that was almost all fairly early on. In the last month or so I haven't gained more than a pound or two, and yet I'm getting huge, and all the weight gain has been belly so I'm hoping after baby I'll be able to drop it quickly.

Ally2015 - OMG! Wow! I really hope that clears up soon and does not continue to keep bothering you too bad, but at least you know what it is and can treat it!
Angel that is crazy they'd ask those questions! Maybe they just think you're awesome haha!
Angel - that is quite terrible of them to ask you those things! Absolutely unbelievable! You must be so glad that night is over now. What nerve they had!

Ali - My DD has big feet too! They are size 8s and also quite wide although doesn't sound like they're as wide as your DS's because depending on the brand she does not need to buy a special "wide" size all the time. It sure gets expensive replacing shoes and boots constantly!

That is really crazy there is a July thread already! It really wasn't too long ago that we were the newbies! Also, I have a friend who is TTC and I sure hope she ends up with a July due date! Our toddlers are only 2 months apart, but she wasn't ready as soon as me so now we are looking at a 6+ mo gap for our seconds...which is fine of course! But it's nice having them close.

VRogers - thanks! And don't worry about complaining. Your side is totally valid as well! I guess people need to find a happier medium when dealing with us preggos. ;)
Ali-- I know what you mean. I'm hoping to use short term disability or long term disability for at least 6 to 9 months. Then I was going to try with OH and I watching him in shifts. I work 4:30am to 1:00 pm and OH works from 3:00pm to 11:30pm. So OH can watch him in the morning and I'll watch him after I get home at 1:30pm. If we can work that out then we can avoid daycare. But in case his hours get changed or something then daycare would have to be the back up plan. But hopefully daycare can be avoided.

LOL Isn't it weird how there's a July due date? It still feels like I'm the newbie hahaha!

Van--I've been getting a LOT f heart burn and acid reflux too! The other day the reflux woke me up in the middle of the night. A big mouth full just came up. :shock: I had to get out of bed to spit it out. I've never had that happen before.
Sadly, heartburn is not new to me with this pregnancy! I swear it started before I got a positive test and has persisted ever since. It is only getting more intense during the third tri - ugh! Still, I'm happy to live with it for the next 12 weeks! I keep my supply of antacids close at all times - by my bed, in my handbag, on my desk, even in my pocket at work if I'm walking around a lot. Hope it doesn't get too bad for you!
Newbie & Van - My heartburn is ridiculous this time around. I got away with taking Tums with my first. This one if I miss my Zantac I'm regretting it. Tums only work for at most a half hour. This baby better have some pretty amazing hair! I've been getting reflux for quite awhile.

Skye - DH's hours and mine conflict a lot and he works overnight, which makes it even harder on my end. It's complicated, but we will figure something out that works for the both of us.

Lite - Glad you have a little better luck! I expect to go through the same with DS2. At least I'll have some shoes already. Thankfully DS1 isn't too hard on them, yet.

Angel - Ugh, I'd be going insane! I would NEVER expect a teacher to be available during maternity leave or any kind of leave or vacation. Parents always seem to be more of a problem than the children. That's part of my hesitation to work in pediatrics are the parents.

Van - I'm not going to get my hopes up, but we'll see with this dumb election of ours. A lot of people are pushing for it and usually changes like that are slow. I can hope that by my next child something better is in place. If not hopefully I can have the funds to take maternity leave then use FMLA to take another 24 weeks.

That would be a lot to deal with right now. Hopefully it all gets settled down soon so you don't have to stress so much about it. Are you going to be getting an ultrasound for measuring ahead?

Vrogers - Right?! I don't even want to think about that, yet! I'm still looking at my first thinking "Quit growing so fast!!"

Danser - How are things going for you?

I watched a video of a police officer saving a 3 yr old who wasn't breathing and was unresponsive. I cried! I'm really glad I know how to do CPR on infants up. I really recommend learning for anyone who doesn't know! Even if you don't pay for a course at least look up the proper way and memorize it. Stay up to date as well since standards sometimes change. The parents/adults around the boy didn't start CPR on the boy since I'm assuming they didn't know how. He was resuscitated 2 minutes into it. Heimlich maneuver is important to know as well. I just figured it would be important to bring up. I meet many parents that don't really know how or only have a little bit of an idea how. I've never had to use either (thankfully), but you never know. My siblings with children don't even really know. I gave them a quick run down, but I told them to look into it. No clue if they ever did or didn't.
Newbie--Thanks! Yup I agree, I am happy to put up with whatever until T.J. is born. :)

Ali--LOL I dreamed last night that T.J. was born and that he had a lot of hair. A head full of hair! :D
Yeah I'm gonna learn CPR too, that's good to know. :thumbup:

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