January Baby Bears 2017 ~ 48 Momma Bears: 21 Blue, 17 Pink

Sorry about failing the 1-hour test Angel. Been there, done that. Failed the 3-hour with my first too. I'm skipping the tests this time and just checking my blood sugar for a few weeks. It definitely puts a crimp on your third tri if you fail the tests. Good luck though!
Thank you ladies! Dh and I joke that we already have a sassy one, she's a stubborn little thing already!

Angel- I'm sorry about the 3-hour test! I heard lots of people end up having to take the 3 hour but pass, so I hope you are one of those!

It is ridiculous how tired I am all the time. It's getting harder to get comfortable at night so I don't sleep well and then all day I'm useless. I've also noticed the past couple weeks or so my stomach doesn't seem to let me eat as much. I'll be hungry, go to eat a meal and end up giving the rest to dh. I'm assuming my uterus is crowding out all my organs including stomach. I'm definitely already ready for January!
Angel - very sorry you failed the 1-hour! That one is bad enough but I can't imagine being stuck at the lab for 3 hours! Talk about a waste of a day. Our labs are open saturdays so (unfortunately) I wouldn't be able to legitimately book a day off to get that test done. Thankfully I don't have to do it anyway! That I know of, anyway. My dr never called about my results so I assume they are fine.

VRogers - a lot of people complain about not having any room to eat in the third trimester! I almost wish I had that problem! My stomach never seems to get crowded and unfortunately in the third trimester I can't seem to STOP eating! :haha:

AFM - I hit the third trimester finally! Woohoo! It's funny because almost like clockwork I've started having back and hip pain for a few days now which hasn't been a problem the whole pregnancy. I can definitely relate to everyone feeling sore and achy now! I'm still relatively comfy at night but it's getting a bit harder to flip over. I'll be reaching whale status soon!
Literati, I'm there with you on still being able to eat! I'm hungry all the time and can still pack in some food, lol!
Thanks everyone! I am hoping that I pass the 3-hour. I'm a little annoyed about taking it but honestly I'd rather be safe and take it just in case there really is a problem so I can keep an eye on it. I think my dr is also being extra careful because there is diabetes in the family (my dad and grandmother both), so there's a legitimate concern I think.

Vrgoers - I'm right there too! Getting comfortable at night is so difficult, and then all day I'm exhausted! I think you'er right about the stomach. I was watching an interactive video that someone sent me showing what happens to your organs during pregnancy and by this point uterus is really pushing stomach aside and squishing it so it's likely that's why you can't each much. I'm getting to that point too. I'm starving but after a few bites I'm full.
I can definitely relate to my stomach being squashed! But also to the continuous hunger... I've tried to overcome both by eating small snacks almost continuously throughout the day.

Had my 28 week appointment yesterday and everything was great. Cervical length hadn't shortened any more since the last appointment and doc gave me the all clear to fly next week! Happy about that. Baby is looking great and his head seems to have come back to a more normal size - haha - it has always measured big and dh's head was HUGE as a baby.

Hope your three hour test is all clear! I agree with the others - great idea to take the day off. Try to relax afterwards!
My stomach capacity has shrunk too! And I feel like I really need to pee but then hardly anything comes out :haha:

Angel sorry you failed the test, I had to do the two hour test after fasting with DD and it wasn't pleasant. Definitely take something to read/do, and a snack to have straight afterwards. My lab had a bed to lie down on which was so good!
vrogers- have your iron levels been checked? i feel tired too, but i am also anaemic. Find it hard to sleep at night too with my big belly and unlike you- i am always hungry. I feel huge.

Anyone else just feel horrible and huge? feel so unattractive and fat, and to top it off, itchy and still have rash marks all over my body. Feel sorry for my DH haha.
on the bright side though- i had bought a private 4D scan and had to cancel it as i was unwell with the rash. but now that i am feeling better, i re-booked it for tues. Can't wait to see my boy :) i'll be 30 weeks then too, so 3/4 of the way there! x
Literati- I was upset at first because I love food but maybe it will calm down the weight gain haha

Angel- glad it's not just me! It's amazing how our bodies change when growing another human!

Newbie- glad your appointment went well and baby looks good!

Ally- they have been fine so far, I really think it has to do with my lack of sleep at night. I keep waking up at 5:30am starving and having to pee for the 3rd time, so I just got done eating a bagel and will probably fall back asleep in a little while..I hope!
For me it's not about the feeling "fat" bit so much as the feeling uncomfortable and tired bit. Especially at night I can't get comfortable, and I really just want some sleep. I know that once baby comes I won't be sleeping either, but you know at least then I could let DH take a night and I could sleep more than a few hours. :(
I'm so used to crappy sleep, that it's no big change, though the being uncomfortable aspect is a bigger issue. I can handle waking a lot, but rolling over like a whale each time while trying to get comfortable is annoying!
Ally - I feel quite large and gross as well and am also always hungry. I actually like when my belly gets really nice and super big and round like this, but I am not enjoying feeling huge everywhere else as well...and I'm also at that point where I can't fit through small spaces because I take up so much room! Turning sideways makes me even bigger! :haha:

How exciting thAt you are getting a 30 week scan!!!

Slammer - I am also very used to a super interrupted sleep so it seems like less of a big deal this time. I am struggling with insomnia on and off though, and I find that very hard to deal with because I hate lying awake for hours, and then I end up so sleep deprived! I've always needed more total sleep than average, and especially while pregnant, so it really sucks when it gets majorly shortened!
Angel - I'm sorry about you failing the 1 hour. Like Vrogers said I've hear a lot of people pass that one. Hopefully you're one of the lucky ones and that'll be the end of it!

Vrogers - I'm super tired all the time, too. It's a little better since my coughing as calmed down, but I'm still pretty useless and I don't want to do anything. I really have to utilize the small moments of energy I have. I also can't eat much and I regret it big time if I go past my limit. I'm actually not that hungry, though.

Lite - Yay on 3rd tri!! I feel like I've been in it forever, but I forget some are still waiting!

Newbie - I'm glad everything is going well with you and you got the go to fly!

Van - I feel like I have to pee all the time and when I finally think that I could actually go a decent amount it's nothing. Was never like this with my first. I think this baby is really on my bladder! I can push on the top of my stomach and feel it in my bladder.

Slammer - I'm okay walking.. until I rest for awhile then try to move again. My legs and hips yell in protest. I'm use to crappy sleep as well, although DS is getting better, but hopefully sometime down the road we'll both start getting good sleep again. I'm not done having children after this one so I don't see that anywhere in the near future.

Ally - I mainly hate trying to bend over! I drop stuff at work ALL THE TIME. I need to get one of those claw grabbers! :haha: Enjoy your 4D! That's exciting!!

If I missed something, I'm sorry! I was all over the place trying to catch everyone's posts.

AFM, I'm finally 30 weeks as of yesterday!! I was really excited about that goal. Now I don't know what to focus on. I'll be term in 8 weeks according to my office. In 6 weeks I start the weekly appointments which is probably around the time when I'll get a growth scan. They don't always do them, but I think they find a reason to because they want a guess at what size of baby they may be dealing with.

Yesterday I felt pretty crappy at work. It would get really bad and I decided to check my blood pressure and it was kind of low. High 80s over high 50s. It would go back up and then get low again. I normally run in 110s/60s. I want to say I was a bit dehydrated because I didn't use the restroom much and when I did it was darker than it normally. I made sure to drink a lot of water and I read something saying to eat so I tried a few snacks. I finally started feeling better around noon. I think from being out two days in a row with DS I just didn't get as much fluids as I normally do. Lesson learned.
Be careful ali!! That sounds scary! You don't want to faint and hurt yourself.

I too am having a harder time finishing my food. Most of the time I just eat because I have to maintain my blood sugar, and I have to force it down because I'm still full from the last meal. I have the tiredness too. I feel like I could sleep all day.

I hope you are all having a good day!
Froggy - I will. I'm glad my body was giving me warning signals. Been staying hydrated today and feel as fine as a pregnant woman can! You're holding really well! Such a cute bump! I have stretch marks, but it's definitely genetic in my family. Thankfully they're not that bad in my opinion.
Ali - I agree - take care of yourself! I'd mention that low blood pressure to your dr next time. I am with everyone on having no energy. I actually never got it back for the second trimester. I mean, yes, I'm definitely less tired than I was in the first trimester but I still have no energy and definitely need more sleep than usual. I am totally with you on really regretting it if I do too much (which isn't very much tbh)! We have been very busy with house stuff and errands lately, and it has resulted in my being very burnt out both physically and emotionally! I wish there were more opportunities to rest while being a working mom of a toddler and wife of a workaholic! :(

Froggy - beautiful bump! :)
Froggy- what a cute bump! I still feel like I haven't quite popped yet, it's definitely there but not too hard to disguise.

I'm sorry so many others are dealing with tiredness and just feeling all around uncomfortable! It's crazy that it's almost November and then we'll have 2 months left

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